Applications :: Preferences On My IMac - Disc Verification?
Sep 11, 2010
My preferences on occasion will not open. this happens frequently and some times I reboot ore hn once. Using snow leopard 10.6.4. How do clear this up?? I have used disk verify and still no luck. Is there a way to install snow leopard without disturbing rest of system.
I setet up an iTunes account with a $25 card I bought from the Apple Store on 5th Avenue in NYC. Since then, I send money to a friend who lives in the US and he emails me back the code from a gift voucher. My account is registered at his address but doesn't have any billing information in. I was just reading that when you go in for the first time, it asks you to verify your credit card information. As I don't live in the US and don't have a US credit card, and set the account up with store credit, how would I go through and confirm my billing information without card info? Also if I can get around the problem above, and I have credit on my iTunes Store account, can this be used to pay for apps?
I partitioned my 320GB hard drive into 2 sections, 212GB and 108GB, I removed my 108GB partition with Disk Utility, and tried to only have one partition for my entire hard drive, but the "disk verification" fails! 108GB of my hard drive is inaccessible (it works to make a second partition over the 108GB, but I want a single partition over everything for installing windows with BootCamp) what can I do? would backing up everything and wiping my hard drive and reinstalling everything work?
Can someone please help me figure out why it is that iTunes is now requiring that I enter my iTunes password seemingly every day for any new purchases I make, even though I've checked the checkbox to "remember password". I can't be sure but this behavior either started happening when I upgraded to Snow Leopard, or when I upgraded iTunes to version 9. I know this must have been addressed on these forums somewhere, but I wasn't able to come up with any thing meaningful when I did some searching for the answer.
I seem to have misplaced the recovery discs for my brand new macbook. I'm thinking about upgrading the hard drive to a 500 gb store bought one but I have a question about the lack of a recovery disc.
I have a family pack of leopard licenses for other machines and one to spare which I have no problem using, but I was wondering if that leopard installation would install the trackpad features for my macbook. Will I see trackpad in system preferences? Will it work just like it did?
If so, I don't really care about the recovery disc. Otherwise, I might have to invest in another one.
I'm not talking about the System Preferences app itself, I'm talking about the settings within the app. So for instance, the security settings, and the mouse settings, energy saver, etc.
Where can I find the settings files on my Mac so I can back them up?
I'm using a 20" white intel iMac and cannot manage to remove a linux boot disc from the optical drive.At first, the only way that i managed to boot to the linux disc in the first place was from the Startup Disk menu in OSX. I could not even get to the Startup Manager ('opt' at boot) or boot straight to the disc ('C').Now i'm in a position where no matter what i do, the system boots to the linux disc. I cannot even force the startup into OSX to try to eject the disc from there. I've tried holding all of these keys/combinations at startup
When I try inserting blank (brand-new) CD+ or CD- and DVD+ or DVD- discs, the slot-drive seems to accept the disc just fine. But then. I hear 2 short "whirrs", nothing for about 10 seconds, 2 short "whirrs", nothing for about 10 seconds, 2 short "whirrs", then the disc is ejected.I have experimented w/different discs & get the same results each time: drive accepts the disc for about 30 seconds, never mounts it on desktop, then ejects it.
I just got my MBP yesterday, and so far it's been incredibly frustrating. Trying to download Firefox, 3 separate times, I get "image corrupted" errors when I try to open the .dmg. This is probably the 10th+ time it's happened today errors ranging from "invalid checksum" (from Facetime, downloaded from Apple), to "error -199". Any ideas what's going on? The same things appear to be just find on my Mac Pro, and they're running the same software. Already ran verify/repair disk multiple times.
recently a friend of mine advised me to check the disk permissions via the disk utility and i did. i have attached the result but how can i fix those errors and is it even important or i can just leave them as it is?
I have a Macbook running Mac OS X 10.5.7 and I'm trying to use BootCamp to partition it into part Windows XP and part Mac. When I clicked 'Partition', it loaded for quite a while and then a message popped up saying 'Verification failed, this disk could not be partitioned. Use disk utility to repair this disk.' so I used Disk Utility to repair my Macintosh HD. I put in the original Leopard disk, restarted my laptop while holding shift and used Boot Camp to try to partition it again, 47GB with 17GB of free space for my Mac and 8GB space for the Windows XP but it still came up with the same message saying I needed to verify it. I tried everything but it still doesn't work. I even tried backing up my data and erasing my current data but the erase, security options, erase free space and repair disk button is grayed out.
Has anyone been experiencing this? I have a 2Ghz macbook pro and I get verification fails after every burn I do. I tried using Toast, some other free burning utility and disk utility. Fails on each program. I even tried other brands of dvd's. They only thing that worked was to slow down the burn speed to 1x. This takes about an hour to burn a disc! I was wondering if I need to clean my optical drive? I used to clean my cd burner back in the day if it started failing burns, but my computer is only 1 yr old this month and it is usually usually on my desk. Anyone else having these problems?
For some reason iCloud has decided that my account is no longer verified. None of my Mac computers or iOS devices are able to log on the the iCloud account. When trying to access the iCloud settings on my Mac I get the message that the account is not verified and that I should follow the instructions in the email sent to me. I have not received any email. No matter how many times I click the "resend confirmation" button I still am not getting the email containing instructions on how to reconfirm my account.
I have an iMac G4 with Leopard, and there seems to be a glitch with my System Preferences. I can lock and password protect all of the panes available as I would normally. I have however discovered an issue. These locks seem to unlock themselves after powering back on. I'm not sure if the same happens upon logging back in, as I never log out to start with. Any solutions for this? Better yet, am I the only one who experiences this?
I have a 2009 13" Aluminum MBP. Recently I installed a Seagate Momentus 7200RPM 500GB drive in it and used CarbonCopyCloner to move the data from my previous drive to this one. I then made an 85 GB BootCamp Partition, but removed it. According to disk utility I now have a whole partition dedicated to OS X that has 312GB of free space remaining, but according to Finder, i only have 230GB remaining. To try and rectify this and because I could not get BootCamp Assistant to format my drive, i tried repairing disk permissions, which worked, but then I tried Verifying Disk and I got this error message- Uploaded with The thing is, i would love to do this, but I lost my install disks. My question is, instead of calling Apple for new restore disks, Can I just go pick up a fresh copy of 10.6? Or is there an alternative to use? Or should I just screw BootCamp and go with VMWare Fusion. I just need Windows to play COD4 and BF:BC2.
My Mac won't boot. It goes to the screen with the apple and loading circle, but doesn't go past that. I've got WIN7 installed on bootcamp, so I can access that, but when I hold down option, Macintosh HD appears as EFI BOOT. I've used disc utility from my installation disc. When I've checked the permissions, it has failed. It also fails normal verification, saying "incorrect block count for file temp555244.".
I was able to select repair disk once, but that failed as well. That would say "missing thread record (id=554666), keys out of order, rebuilding catalog b-tree, stopped repairing because filesystem verify or repair failed."
Someone suggested I open terminal and enter "fscl_hfs -fy/dev/disk1s0" While it ran the common and gave me a bunch of what seemed like options (r to repair btree, etc) i couldn't do anything from there. I tried entering "fsck and then /sbin/fsck -fy" as apple suggests on their site, but that did nothing.
Here are my specs: 15" Macbook Pro, Mid 2009, 500GB HD, 4GB RAM, 2.8GHZ Processor Mac OS X (10.5.8) I was having similar problems a few days ago, when windows crashed as I was transferring files across partitions using macdrives. I had snow leopard when that happened, and reinstalled leopard. It worked fine after the reinstall, but the next day I started having these problems, which are similar in nature to the inital ones.
I am trying to install windows on my mac. I tried partitioning using bootcamp and told me that the verification failed the , thee disk could not be partitioned, use disk utility to repair this disk. My final place I want to be in is to have windows as my main operating system on my mac. Can somebody help?
Is there a way to clear the hard drive completely also?
I continue to get verification failed every time I try to download anything when it is nearing its end. It is very frustrating. What the hell is happening. Tried fixing permissions didn't do anything. Don't know what to do?
I am trying to verify my new apple id. I have ensured that my email address is correct, and have gotten the notification, both from the Ipad and from a desktop that a verification email has been sent. But I have never received one. I would really like to be able to utilize this for work.
I have just updated my mac to lion, but unable to verify my apple ID, so that i can get onto iCloud. but i used apple id to pay for lion so i know that the email and password are correct
About a month ago, I made a typo when i changed the password to my administrator account. I logged in to a secondary account, succesfully chancing the password of the administrator account. When I logged in to the admin, I was asked for the password to my keychain. This I made a long time ago, and had no clue of what could be. After an hour of constant requests for passwords for different apps and the keychain, I gave up. I deleted the original keychain(or deactivated), made a new one, and made that one the default. But now I am asked the password for that keychain every other minute, and I know that one, but it's just annoying to have to type it so often, especially when it pops up during a movie.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Retina, 13-inch, late 2012, 128GB
Just logged into my iMac and got the following error. Bit worried, what happens now? Have I lost all my TM history form the start of TM backing up? Is my TC on the way out?