Applications :: Photoshop CS4 Visual Corruption When Resizing Windows
Nov 12, 2008
So I just installed PS CS4 as downloaded from Adobe's website. When I resize a window, the gray area in the background becomes totally corrupt. Doesn't affect the document itself but it's distracting. I tried turning off OpenGL drawing in the Preferences but that didn't help. I've not seen any visual corruption anywhere else in OS X but wonder if it's a problem with the ATI 3870 at all. Never saw anything like this with CS2 or CS3. It is OpenGL drawing. It wasn't obvious I had to restart Photoshop for it to take effect.
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May 23, 2006
Well I just switched over to Macs on sunday with a new MacBook. Coming from Windows XP theres two things I miss and I want to know if there are any applications to chnage this:
1) In OS X you can only resize windows from the bottom right corner which gets kind of annoying. In Windows XP you can resize from any corner including the sides with that little black adjuster arrow, is there any program or any way I can naturally do something similiar in OS X?
2) I want my Dock to be more like the Start Bar in Windows XP. Meaning that I want all my programs to stop at the Dock on the bottom. Some program automatically stop at the Dock and can't be pulled down behind the Dock, such as iPhoto. Other programs however, such as iTunes, can be pulled down behind the dock and I don't like that. Is there any way I can naturally change this or any application I can download?
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Jan 24, 2008
I have a macbook running leopard 10.5.1 i installed CrossOver to install a couple .exe programs i needed for school. I was wondering if installing MS Visual Basic 2005 would work using this method? my teacher is giving everyone MS VB 2005 Pro edition. Will that install just fine using CrossOver? or should i try the VB 2005 express edition you can d/l? i want some thoughts before i try anything, i don't want to mess up my new macbook.
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Nov 30, 2009
Are you using the Mac or Windows version, (via Bootcamp/Fusion)? Which version is better to buy, Mac or Windows? If you read in the adobe user forums it seems a lot of Mac users buy Adobe Suites in the Windows version and run it via Bootcamp? Or, am I mistaken? I'm about to order CS4 Design Premium and I want to make sure I order what's easiest to learn and best to use.
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Mar 4, 2009
I run a small Web Development business. I use Microsoft tools: Visual Studio and SQL Server (mostly), so the logical choice is to stay on Windows. But I'm not a logical guy. I actually was on the Mac bus not long ago... went through an iMac and then the 13" Macbook. I loved them to pieces, really.After a while, I grew a bit tired of the really small form factor and having to launch a noticeably slower virtual machine to use Windows (I used VMware at the time). I went back to Windows pretty much for business reasons. Now I'm getting the itch to go back to Apple. Why? Their design, look, and feel is a big reason. I also did more exploring when I was on Mac; researching stuff in my field away from the MS world that did open my eyes to new ways of handling development with my business. In a perfect world I would get the 24" iMac but since I run my own business I should stay mobile. Therefore I'm looking at the low-end Macbook Pro. Here are a couple of questions I have:1.) How is Windows in Bootcamp? If I were to go back, I think I would go that route to have as much speed as possible. Especially since the low-end starts with 2 gig ram (grrr)
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Feb 1, 2010
Basically, I created a BC partition for my W7, however, I only gave it 32gigs of space (I only wanted to use it for gaming).However, now I want to install Autodesk 3D Studio Max 2010 on W7, however I don't have enough space on my BC partition to do that...I've researched enough to know that I will need to use one of the following programs:I've read up on all the programs and done some research on them.
Ive noticed most people are having problems with all of these programs when trying to backup a W7 image whilst on Snow Leapord (Mac OS x 10.6, which I am running)I know that is the function of the 3 applications above... But to my knowledge... In theory - I should be able to just backup my W7 using a reliable backup program (Can someone recommend any?) and then delete the existing BootCamp partition, create a new one of 100gig and then just load up the backed up image for Windows 7...
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May 16, 2009
A few minutes ago I imported all my settings from my imac onto my macbook using the migration assistant, but now some of my windows in things like Safari and iTunes are too big for the screen, and the resize thing in the bottom right corner is too far down to reach it (not on the screen at all) ... And some of my iTunes Buttons are too far down to reach, anyone know of a way to fix this? its driving me insans!
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Mar 8, 2009
I have some gigantic Mp3 files that
i would like to downsize for my iPhone.
Would Visual Hub do the job, even though it is for Video ?
All i want is a mP3 file DownSizer.
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Sep 6, 2010
I am trying to get rid of a dock annoyance:
1. Put your dock on the bottom of the desktop, in auto-hide mode.
2. Open an app, say Safari.
3. Resize the window in order to get to the bottom of the screen.
4. Hide it (cmd H).
5. Restore it (alt tab).
6. Now the window has been resized on its bottom border by a few pixels (because of the dock position).
How do I avoid that ? I'd like to use all my pixels.
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Feb 22, 2009
Is there a way to do this without having to reformat it? i have xp and leopard, but i only put like 12gb onto the windows side, and now only have like 2gb free. can i do this?
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Nov 28, 2009
I have to drag and resize windows of different programs each time i quit and open them. It is quite annoying.
How i can them load them in full screen? How do i tell mac to use my settings?
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Dec 13, 2009
It happens randomly after some time, sites will get corrupted text showing up as...
Basically all characters turn to square boxes. Doesn't happen on Safari, seems to be Mac only too.
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Feb 3, 2007
I would like to resize my Windows partition to make more room on my Mac OS X partition. What is the best way to go about this without going through bootcamp? How well well does iPartition work?
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Sep 7, 2008
IMNSHO resizing windows only from the bottom right corner sucks big time. I'd like to be able to resize windows from any corner or side.
I'm wondering if there is a 3rd party solution to resizing windows in OS X? Any software that can do this?
I know this has been discussed many times here, but I couldn't find any solution. Let's not argue this time, if this is really needed. This is just something that I want. I'd be happy to pay few $, if that's the only way to get it, but free/open solutions are what I'd prefer.
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Mar 10, 2012
When I bring still photos in to make an animation movie, the quicktime screen and photos are huge, impossible to view this way
I have tried resizing option but it just drops out after a while.
Quicktime Pro for Windows, Windows XP
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Dec 3, 2009
Is there a shortcut in Mac OS X that resizes two or more open windows automatically so that each window is shown on the screen simultaneously? For example, I want to have a safari window open and a word document open so that one half of the screen is showing safari and the other half is word. I know I can resize them manually but I was wondering if there is a shortcut or a third party utility that resizes any open windows to fit the entire screen? This would be useful, for example, with the new 27 inch iMacs where the wide screen can easily display three (or more) windows side by side utilizing the entire screen area; having them resized automatically would be more productive than having to resize them manually.
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Aug 1, 2010
Someone used my computer here in the ofc during the weekend and resized the left panel really wide (i don't know why he did that). I tried to resize it back. It's the panel where you see the devices, shared, places, search for etc. When I reopen the window in finder the wide panel remains the same. I've been experimenting on how to put it back the way it used to but I couldn't get it back. Is there a way to disable window and panel resizing in mac osx so that this won't happen again?
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Oct 14, 2010
When I first used the Mail application, it didn't show any kind of visual cue of accessing the server when trying to get my email. Then I started getting a spiraling circular ring, but now all of a sudden it's gone again. Is there a bug in Mail with Mac OS X 10.6.4?
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Jan 18, 2010
I downloaded my first TV show from iTunes for the first time the other day. But, sadly, when I go to play it, all I can get is the audio and absolutely no visual. Nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong? I have iTunes version 9 and use Mac OSX, version 10.5.8. I've already tried downloading the latest version of Quicktime to see if that would help but to no avail.
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Aug 5, 2010
I am trying to resize the bootcamp partition on my iMac. I opted for the 32gb option when I first ran bootcamp but I wanted to add more. I read online I could do this my shrinking the Mac HDD and then creating a new partition FAT32. Then open up windows and open up disk management. Then right click my bootcamp hdd and click "extend volume." however, that option is greyed out. Am I missing something or is there some other technique?
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Jul 11, 2010
A feature I loved on Win7 was the ability to drag a window to the side and have it resized to fit half the screen. I found for Snow Leopard a software called Cinch that does that but I wanted to know if there was any free or built in alternative to it, I googled and searched the forum
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Dec 1, 2010
Two strange issues that I can't fix on my new MB Air 13 with MS Office for MAC 2011 and Excel.
1) I can't get the Standard Toolbar to show up when I open a new worksheet. I go to view, toolbars and then see that the Standard Toolbar is checked, but it doesn't show up. The only way to get it to show up is to do a series of steps:
- uncheck Standard Toolbar menu and go back out;
- go back in and check the Standard Toolbar and back to the spreadsheet
- the Standard Toolbar still doesn't show up;
- so then I click on the Layout tab on the ribbon and then it shows up!
2) I can't see the bottom of the window/spreadsheet - which means I can't resize the window. To resolve this, I have to do these steps:
- open system preferences and change my MBA screen resolution from 1440 x 900 down to 1280 x 800
- then go back to the spreadsheet, and resize the window (make it smaller on the screen)
- go back and resize the window back to 1440 x 900
- and then close the system preferences at this point, the Excel spreadsheet window is smaller and I can see/use the bottom of the screen to resize, etc.
Can't figure out what setting I have wrong or why I can't get Excel for Mac 2011 to work correctly on the MB Air screen.
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May 2, 2009
Progressing quite well with my conversion over to Mac - few teething problems sorted.
However, got one, quite a basic one that is doing my head in.
Most applications I can resize the window, however, on itunes, when it opens, the corner that you would normally use to resize is obscured by the tool bar thing along the bottom (sorry, cant recall the name, is it the dashboard?) anyway - have tried moving this dashboard, but still cant get to the corner I need - when you minimize, it just goes to a very small box.
I know its something very simple, but cant find the right thing to do.
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Mar 5, 2009
i'm trying to use gimp on my new macbook and the toolbox window has moved into a position where the bottom corner is off the bottom of the screen. i therefore cannot resize it! i've been googleing everything i can think of but cannot find an answer on how to resize this (i have tried a few solutions which only seem to apply to regular osx apps). i am more than willing to set the window sizes in some sort of a config file, but i can't find one.
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Dec 2, 2009
I am quite an amateur when it comes to resizing digital photos, so I need some help please.I just hit my 500 post count and I am now able to add an avatar. I wanted to use a photo from my iPhoto library, but the photo seems to big for what is allowed by this site for an avatar.
I tried Exporting the photo and using various settings in iPhoto to make the photo smaller, but I keep getting "file upload failed", so I am guessing that it is not within the specified size for avatars.What is the easiest way to change the size of photos so that I can use them, not just on this website, but also the many other sites that require certain sizes for avatar uploading?
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Aug 2, 2005
I need a program other than photoshop to resize some digital pics. Anyone know a free prog for osx?
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Jan 15, 2008
"Resize at will.
Maybe the text field you're typing in is a bit too small to read. Or maybe you just have a lot to say. Either way, Safari lets you resize text fields on any website, just by grabbing the corner of the field. Resize a field and the web page reflows to make room."
From: [URL]
Can anyone actually get this to work? I've never seen a website, Apple's included, that let's you do this feature. Yet it's listed on Apple's webpage.
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Aug 12, 2010
Looking to resize approximately 1000 photos in various sizes.Original photos are all different sizes but around the same.
4530 by 2450
4530 by 2350
4525 by 2375
I want to keep each photos aspect ratio the same but lower the (4xxx) to 800 and where ever the 2xxx is thats fine
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Sep 2, 2010
Am I correct in noticing that when I watch some video content within iTunes now I can't resize it without first "Open Video in New Window" ?
The only view option I get when the video is constrained within iTunes is Full Screen, all other options are greyed out. I don't want all my video automatically resized to max my iTunes window.
If so, that's a bit of a pain.
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Mar 24, 2009
I'm trying to use my 500 GB external HD as solely a storage drive now whereas it used to be storage and backup, with separate partitions for each. I have deleted the backup partition (the first partition) successfully with Disk Utility, but how can I resize the remaining partition into the free space before it on the disk? I can't drag it or enter the desired size in the text box, it doesn't seem to want to get any larger. Is there any way to do this without purchasing ipartition? I have an old version from Tiger, but I'm not sure if that will work safely on leopard, and I do not want to lose my rather larger collection of ripped dvds on this external drive. Here's a screen shot of what i now see in disk utility.
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