Applications :: Library Conversion From ALAC To ITunes Plus?
Mar 18, 2009
I have an ALAC music library that I would like to convert to iTunes Plus. The "Advanced" tab does not offer that option. The iPod/iPhone option is grayed out and will not allow selection. The only option available is Apple Lossless.
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Feb 25, 2010
I currently purchase TV shows for the kids and rent movies (Apple TV) but until the Apple iTunes store offers the choice of lossless files (like other online music stores).. I'll continue to purchase CDs.
Chris Jacob is correct the "LP" series should be ALAC - Apple Lossless.
Its an interesting article, published last year;[URL]
If Apple really wants to recreate that "feel" of buying a record, I have to feel like I'm buying something that isn't just higher quality, but also permanent. If I buy a lossy AAC file from the iTunes store today, not only do I know that it's inferior to the same $15 CD, but also that I'll have to chuck it once AAC is put out to pasture.
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Feb 26, 2010
I figured it was relevant and hopefully useful.
Feel free to move this if it is a better fit somewhere else.
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Jul 9, 2010
I have a Macbook and a library mostly in M4A format. I have a 8GB mircoSDHC card for my Virgin Mobile LG Rumor Touch. iTunes 9.0.3.I am trying to convert M4A to MP3 so it will work properly on my phone. When I convert from M4A to MP3 using iTunes, the music losses the artist & album info so it appears with only the track name on my phone. MP3s that have never been converted from M4A (from Amazon for example) play and appear with all info on my phone. How is iTunes stripping info during the conversion? I only have 1 or 2 songs bought from iTunes store, so they are not protected.
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Apr 8, 2009
I'm a Mac switcher from late 2008. I've also added an iPod Touch and Apple TV to our growing stable of Apple devices.
While I've managed to install the necessary applications/hacks to my MB and AppleTV to play AVI's directly without conversion, the iPod Touch is another matter. It of course requires mp4 or h.264 format. I have been using iSquint to do the conversion and then move the mp4's into iTunes which synch fine after that.
However I am looking for a solution where I could drop the AVI files into a folder and the conversion program would automatically watch that folder and run the AVI->MP4 conversion automatically. I can't seem to find a solution to this through my Google searches and forum searches here. Perhaps it's a simple Applescript (or whatever it's called) which I haven't used to date?
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May 5, 2012
i converted my flac songs to alac and they all went down to around 900kbs-1100kbs. even songs from band camp that i download in the alac format sometimes aren't 1411kbs.
macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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May 31, 2009
Just wondering id anyone knows how to create a single itunes entry for multiple conversions of the same film. When you buy a movie from itunes store you get the ipod and appletv versions.
I've got a couple of family dvd's I want to convert to appletv and iphone - but i don't want multiple line items in my itunes..
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Dec 28, 2009
I still have a great number of AIFF files in my music library.
I'd like to convert them to Apple Lossless, as it's the same sound quality at half the space.
I know you can create a copy of any file in another format, but it sounds quite complicated. First you have to create a copy, and then you need to delete the "original" AIFF file.
Can't I just convert an existing file without a copy, keeping also the play counts?
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Mar 1, 2010
It used to work: You highlighted the songs you wanted to create an Apple Lossless version of, and they would show up underneath the AIFF version.
No longer.
iTunes 9 still could do this.
iTunes 9.0.3 loses them. It processes them, puts them into the right folder, but you can't see them in iTunes.
1. Can I downgrade to iTunes 9.0 where this bug wasn't present?
2. Or do I have to manually import into iTunes? (This would erase the playcount, I suppose)
Or is there any other way around this bug? (or isn't it a bug, but a feature that has been disabled by Apple for whatever reason?)
PS: I found a place where I can download iTunes 9.0.1 for OS X. Are there any possible problem when installing an older version over a newer version, e.g. in regards to the library?
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Apr 21, 2012
I recently decided to sync my entire iTunes Library to my iPod instead of managing it all manually. I use the option "Convert higher bit rate songs to 256 kbps AAC", since most of my library consists of CD rips. At the end of each sync, I receive the following message:
"iTunes could not copy "Stage Start" to the iPod because the file could not be converted"
I took a look at the tracks in question, and couldn't find any good reason that they would not convert. They are ALAC files that I ripped from CD, and there are other tracks on the same album that converted with no problems. As a test, I changed the Import Settings to AAC@256kbps, right-clicked on the file and chose "Create AAC version", but received this message.
I'm not sure why it would say the file format is not valid, when it is lossless like all the rest and plays fine. I checked the file(s) in Finder and it has the .m4a extension like all the rest. The only thing different I noticed is that the album art thumbnail doesn't show up for these particular tracks.
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Sep 22, 2010
I have this Talking Heads Box Set that has all the albums redone in DVD 5.1 Audio that I would love to rip to ALAC. What is the best program to do this? I have heard of everyone saying DVD-Audio Extractor beta 3, but I am not having any luck tracking this down.
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Sep 22, 2009
am new to this and have a new iPhone I was wonder if I can get a simple question answer i tried Google and there seems to be a bunch of ways to do what I?m looking for.So I want to take my friends iTunes library (5300+ songs) and transfer them to my library ( 2000+ songs ) and then once that is done I want to be able to put them on my iPhone / ipod 32g ( 32g 3gs black can anyone tell me how and keep in mind I want to kiss (keep it simple st#$id )
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Oct 19, 2009
Hopefully someone will have the answer as I have searched high and low on this one. I have moved ALL my iTunes content (music, videos etc) to the Shared Music folder on my new WD MyBook World Edition 2 (just in case that's relevant info) and everytime my Mac attempts to load iTunes I have to repeatedly direct it to the library.xml file in the Shared Music folder.Surely there's a proper solution for this? Anyone else out there had this experience and has figured it out.I've noticed that it does this only the first time I open iTunes up, any subsequent bootup within a session is fine, but any restart of my Macbook Pro and I have to repeat this.
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Oct 19, 2010
I loved the Genius Recommendation Panel on iTunes 9 and found lots of new songs and artists when using itI cannot believe Apple removed it from iTunes 10 and replaced it with a social networking site with the awful title "Ping"
So I replaced iTunes 9 last night, only to find that it wouldn't accept my iTunes library. I managed to reload the songs, but I have lost all my playlists, star ratings, play counts, etc. Its all gone.
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Apr 1, 2012
I've noticed this since iTunes 10.6 where the album art on my music, iTunes purchased or imported, doesn't get transferred over to my iPhone 4S (5.0.1) nor my iPhone 4 (5.1) with "Convert higher bitrate songs to XXX kbps AAC" checked in iTunes.Â
I've tried transferring with Lion and Windows 7 under Bootcamp (both OS are using the latest iTunes 10.6.1) and both are doing the same thing.Â
Is this a bug that Apple is missing (anywhere to send bug reports)?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 8, 2012
Do I need to convert to icloud simply to preserve itunes purchased with an Apple ID that has a .mac or .me extension?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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Oct 22, 2009
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
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Dec 11, 2010
I've many songs in wma format that need to be converted before i can listen from itune. I did a search in this forum and found this recommendation.[URL]I called up Apple this morning and they recommended me a 3rd party which is Kigo Converter. I did a Goole search and turns out quite a few. Here is just one:[URL]I did further search and in fact there are plenty 3rd software for conversion.I'm quite confused. Can someone advise which is a proven one?
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Sep 15, 2010
What is the best Mac ap for converting .mov files to .flv files? I need to convert to .flv files to upload video to my website.
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Sep 23, 2010
I am looking for a free app that will convert 3GPP video file to a mp4. I have found several demo's but they leave a watermark.
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Mar 16, 2010
I know this has probably been explained in many different ways already but i would like a nice explanation.
So i want to play HD movies from my hard drive and through my Xbox but .mkv files are a no go. I would like a free application to convert to .m4v
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Dec 4, 2010
I am trying to send a wide format poster file to Staples and the error keeps reading that the quality is too low. I have tried formatting it to .jpeg, .tiff, .png, .bmp, but nothing works. I have determined that it must be the original export to .pdf that is the trouble. I have tried to create a .pdf file through the print option on iPages as well as through the Export option to formulate a .pdf file. The end result seems to be the same. Does anyone know how I can increase the quality of the .pdf file.
If there is a program out there that I can download to create a higher resolution conversion? Is there someway I can make the conversion to one of the files listed above higher? or am I right in thinking that the problem lies with the original .pdf conversion? I need to get a banner poster done by next weekend so I was hoping to get this issue resolved over this weekend. Most of the information on the file is just pure text and gradient fills. I even tried removing the three head shots to see if the photos were the problem...but nope.
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Dec 21, 2010
I'm an old-school Visual Hub user when it comes to converting video formats. Unfortunately, that app is no longer being made and it doesn't solve my current problem so looking for some advice. My nephew won an MP3/video player as part of a contest at school. Its not an iDevice but its a prize and he's enamored with it. The problem is, although it supports video, it only seems to support files formatted in the "MTV" format which I understand to be really limited technology.
Can anyone recommend a decent media conversion program that will let me convert MP4's, AVI's and such to the MTV format? Its likely time I upgrade from Visual Hub anyways so I don't mind spending some money on a useful app. The problem is most of those I see mentioned in the forums here don't specifically mention the MTV format.
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Jan 13, 2008
I shot some videos on my phone and would like to convert them to another format for the computer. Does anyone know a program for mac to do that? I know there are LOTS on windows but I am too lazy to reboot out of the awesome Mac OS X.
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Jan 3, 2006
hey what gives...itunes won't let me add to library..I'm still new to this...
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Oct 30, 2006
basically all my iTunes music is stored on my Mac Mini, I want to be able to access it all on my iBook so that it is still playing through my Mac Mini but I control it with the iBook. I am using Chicken of the VNC so far and would prefer something that doesn't use a VNC (Such as ARD, etc) and also something that doesnt use a browser window. I have tried netTunes, but really thats all that does as well, gives you a VNC view of iTunes. Also I have tried TuneConnect (Which is really what I'm looking for, but that crashes when I try to access the Mac Mini Library) Does anyone know a better way or doing it, or basically something like TuneConnect that I can try?
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Feb 19, 2009
I don't know whether this can actually do any harm, but it's strange anyway. In my iTunes library, some music files are listed by iTunes as AAC files while others are listed as MPEG files. When I go to home/music/itunes/itunes music, and look at the files there, the same files that are AAC's in iTunes are listed listed as being m4a and the MPEG's are mp3's. Now, I guess that the difference is that iTunes just shows the container format, so that might be normal (?), but why do I have both mp3 and m4a in my library. Around half of my albums are one type, half the other, and all songs in one album are the same type.
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Jan 20, 2010
know how to automate the conversion of an mkv file after it completes finishing?
Basically, I want to start a (totally legal) mkv torrent in the morning using Transmission, and when it finishes whilst I'm out - have it automatically start converting via VisualHub, so that it's done when I get home in the evening.
Is this possible in any way? I've had a look on Automator, but I'm not really familiar with that.
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Feb 13, 2010
So I know that bundled with the newer Microsoft Office 2007/2008 is a set of actions that get added into Automator. Among these is a "convert DOCX to DOC" action. Does anyone know - is it at all possible to get just this automator action without installing the whole of MC Office 2008?
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Mar 9, 2010
I have a bunch of mkv video files with ass subtitles, and I've tried Handbrake, which is fine and dandy except it doesn't support .ass subtitles or the Xvid format. Anyone know a good video conversion software that supports encoding to Xvid/Divx, .ass subtitle, and mp3 audio?
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