Applications :: WMV Video File Conversion Option In A System
May 9, 2010
I've got the flip4Mac that allows WMV files to play in Quicktime, but it doesn't work too well, so I was wondering if there's something free that I can use to convert a WMV file to AVI, or MPEG, or anything that works normally with Quicktime.
I am trying to convert an .mkv file using handbrake, I am trying to convert it to a mp4, but it will only convert the first four seconds of video, than output it, saying that "your handbrake que is done" Problem is, its no where near done. The video is over an hour and a half long.
I'm an old-school Visual Hub user when it comes to converting video formats. Unfortunately, that app is no longer being made and it doesn't solve my current problem so looking for some advice. My nephew won an MP3/video player as part of a contest at school. Its not an iDevice but its a prize and he's enamored with it. The problem is, although it supports video, it only seems to support files formatted in the "MTV" format which I understand to be really limited technology.
Can anyone recommend a decent media conversion program that will let me convert MP4's, AVI's and such to the MTV format? Its likely time I upgrade from Visual Hub anyways so I don't mind spending some money on a useful app. The problem is most of those I see mentioned in the forums here don't specifically mention the MTV format.
I have a bunch of mkv video files with ass subtitles, and I've tried Handbrake, which is fine and dandy except it doesn't support .ass subtitles or the Xvid format. Anyone know a good video conversion software that supports encoding to Xvid/Divx, .ass subtitle, and mp3 audio?
My new (2010) 17 inch MBP (i5, 4GB RAM) is converting video from avi to MP4 much more slowly than my older Windows XP machine (Centrino Duo 2Ghz, 2GB RAM). I am using Red Kawa PSP 9. On my MBP it takes about 14 minutes to convert from AVI to MP4. Identical video on my old XP laptop takes about 8 minutes. Any reason why this should be happening? I just don't get it. My MBP should be lightyears ahead in speed than my old HP laptop.
So I love keeping all my music in Itunes, well organized and on my local machine, so I have this checked in preferences. I however never want iTunes to save videos in the libary.
I have a large external hardrive that I am using to backup my entire DVD collection in friendly .m4v format. Playing them on my Mac however opens iTunes and copies a file that is nearly 1GB to my local hard drive.
I have a wmv file of my nephew's college senior recital. Took it with a Flip video when I was using a Windows computer. Now, I'm using exclusively Macs with Yosemite and can't view the video. Is there a way to convert a wmv file to a Mac format?
I just purchased a new MacBook Pro with Mavericks and transferred my files from an earlier laptop with an earlier OP. I had two files of MS Word documents, each file a title ending in "Book". Mavericks apparently automatically converted both file folders to iBooks, and now when I double-click on them the Terminal launches.
How can I get my folders back with their MS Word content?
I sold my MacBook Air to a co-worker some months back. Turns out he wanted it so he could do some hardcore media conversion - I'm talking Handbrake and DVD ripping and the whole nine. Upon finding this out, I cautioned him that there was a chance he could kill the lil bastid, he didn't listen, now he says it won't turn on. I advised him to bring it to me so I could take a look at it. Symptom is that the power button does nothing, apparently. Before I get into it, what do others think it might be? Inverter?
I'm looking for a professional grade video conversion software that can convert Quicktime (.mov) files to HTML5 video formats such as Ogg Theora and WebM. There are tons of free ones but I haven't found one that does a very good job. I've tried Bigasoft's converters but I'm a bit disappointed with their very basic quality settings. I'd like to have more control over parameters such as bitrates, variable passes, etc.
I'm using QuarkXpress 8.3 to try to convert a print file for a magazine into an HTML version of the file. (We've been converting to PDF's but my boss wants to try HTML now.) When I try to convert the file to HTML, Quark crashes.
The file is 21 2-page-spreads. I've tried duplicating the layout and converting it to a web page in the process and I've tried just converting it to a web file. It crashes either way.
The work-around that I've come up with is to make 21 copies of the file and then delete all but one layer in each file so that each layer is held in a separate file. That keeps it from crashing but now nothing is connected. They aren't even in the same project now.
Everytime I try to convert old Quicken data files so I can use the new Quickens Essentials I get the message: "There was an error installing and launching the Quicken File Exchange Utility." So I can't launch Quicken Essentials until I can convert the old data.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook13-inch, Aluminum, Late 2008
I'm trying to watch a video for my online class and I'm about to snap. It's wmv format, the audio loads fine but the vid won't. I'm using Flip4Mac. I also tried using WindowsMediaPlayer 9 and Quicktime directly but I get an error. With Quicktime I get "The movie contains an invalid data reference"With WMP I get "This file may not play correctly because it was compressed using a codec that is not supported
I've many songs in wma format that need to be converted before i can listen from itune. I did a search in this forum and found this recommendation.[URL]I called up Apple this morning and they recommended me a 3rd party which is Kigo Converter. I did a Goole search and turns out quite a few. Here is just one:[URL]I did further search and in fact there are plenty 3rd software for conversion.I'm quite confused. Can someone advise which is a proven one?
I have a 2GB m4v file that I wanted to use iDVD to create a movie for. But even taking it off of Best Performance and instead using High Quality, the movie is too large to be burned. It's showing it as a 4.81 GB project.
I'll admit my ignorance here...what gives? How does a 2GB file grow that large when being encoded as a DVD?
I finally got a .AVI file of a video I have been looking made back in the late 90s. However, the video quality is choppy, but the audio is great. Is there a way to improve the quality of the video so that the pixels are not looking blocky and moves according to the audio?
I tried a quick MRoogle on this one, no luck for what I was looking for. I'm trying to figure out why iTunes video sizes are so ginormous...
I recently got addicted to the show Chuck, so I bought the 2nd season on iTunes...
Now, I've downloaded tv shows from other... ummm.. sources before, and it typically is about 375MB for an hour long show (45 mins really..)
But iTunes, I'm running into standard def video in the 600mb for the same length of time.
Is this due to iTunes encoding or something? I mean, granted the store seems to pipe out the downloads pretty quickly, but its still a pain to wait for a longer download than if I'd obtained these through questionable methods.
I have a Macbook and a library mostly in M4A format. I have a 8GB mircoSDHC card for my Virgin Mobile LG Rumor Touch. iTunes 9.0.3.I am trying to convert M4A to MP3 so it will work properly on my phone. When I convert from M4A to MP3 using iTunes, the music losses the artist & album info so it appears with only the track name on my phone. MP3s that have never been converted from M4A (from Amazon for example) play and appear with all info on my phone. How is iTunes stripping info during the conversion? I only have 1 or 2 songs bought from iTunes store, so they are not protected.
I need a free converter that will convert a WMV file into a file that iMovie will recognize. Also, an application that won't leave a watermark on the video.
I've quickly searched around, and found too many options and no idea about the quality of each. One site has one list of ten "best" free video file converters, while another site has a completey different list of ten "best"!
So, I can't figure out what a good well-known, easy to use one is. I want to be able to convert random different types of video files into DVD-quality files to watch on my DVD player, and I want the quality to be good.
When recording video in PhotoBooth mst of it is not captured. For example, say I record a video for 3 minutes, the clock will say 3 minutes, and once I hit stop the resulting video file will be around a minute long. This is happening with all recordings, however I do not have such problems when using video capture in iMovie.
I'm a Mac switcher from late 2008. I've also added an iPod Touch and Apple TV to our growing stable of Apple devices.
While I've managed to install the necessary applications/hacks to my MB and AppleTV to play AVI's directly without conversion, the iPod Touch is another matter. It of course requires mp4 or h.264 format. I have been using iSquint to do the conversion and then move the mp4's into iTunes which synch fine after that.
However I am looking for a solution where I could drop the AVI files into a folder and the conversion program would automatically watch that folder and run the AVI->MP4 conversion automatically. I can't seem to find a solution to this through my Google searches and forum searches here. Perhaps it's a simple Applescript (or whatever it's called) which I haven't used to date?