Applications :: OS X Software For Splitting & Joining Mpegs & Avis With Minimal User Interaction?
May 6, 2005
I'm looking for OS X software for splitting and joining mpegs and avis with minimal user interaction. ie. I don't want to have to use a movie editor and drag all the clips in, arange them and then export them, I'd like to just drag and drop them into a box and press 'join' In windows I was using PeckJoin for AVIs and Ordix Mpack for Mpegs, but I haven't found anything quite like them for OS X. I'm perfectly willing to use CLI tools or X11 tools if you know of any as well. Under linux (and OS X) I can join these files just by 'cat'ing them together on the command line, but that has problems if you are missing a file, or if one is named improperly, or is missing frames. Its nice to have a program that will give you warnings about these things
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Jun 23, 2009
so i've got a folder of 4.2 gbs of avi files. it's well over the 120 minutes that a dvd will hold. do i just burn it as a data? will data files play on most dvd players these days? and can i burn it with idvd and create menus etc.?should i convert avis to mpegs? would that be easier?
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Jul 1, 2012
I am trying to use the certificate assistant to request an certificate from CA. However I encounter this error. User interaction is not allowed. I tried to sent to email and failed too witht the same error. I have also try to repair via first aid and all are fine. Also tried to unlock my keychain but nope still can't.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Macbook Pro 15" Early 2011
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Dec 24, 2010
I wondering which one of the following configuration will be faster:
- 128 GB SSD for OS and Apps + 5400 rpm hdd for games and user data like source codes, etc.
- 128 GB SSD for all of them?
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Aug 1, 2004
say you got some mpegs you wanna edit in iMovie, you can't because imovie wont let you now with this program im about to tell you about (free) you can export those mpegs into dv! its great and works 100% it encodes the audio as well as the video too.
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Jun 8, 2010
I have several .AVIs on my mac. Some of them will play with quicktime, some of them won't, so I've downloaded VLC to play them all. The problem is that I need to embed these videos into powerpoint (2008 for mac). The videos that work with quicktime will work in powerpoint, but the others won't. I've heard that windows users can install a VideoLan-VLC plugin to play videos in powerpoint, but I can't figure out how to do this on a mac.
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Feb 19, 2009
I have 8 720p movies which really aren't that long, totaling around 350mb. I tried to import these into iMovie 08, however it never seems to work as the event I import them into always says there is nothing in the event.
The videos always copy across though, because after looking through the Movies folder I found them in the iMovie 08 events folder. I'm assuming this is a problem which occurs when iMovie attempts to generate thumbnails, but I'm not sure.
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Feb 7, 2009
Which Mac program will do this?
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Mar 11, 2009
I would like to put a whole season of a tv show on my ipod, i used handbrake to rip the 4 DVD's to my hard drive but is there a way to split them so that each episode is a file by it self?
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Oct 11, 2009
Currently, I have all of my media in one iTunes library. This includes 40+ movies, 3000 songs, music videos and podcasts. I also have lots of apps for my iPhone. I have an iPhone 3GS, iPod nano, and Apple TV connected to this library. The files and library are stored on an external hard drive as I don't have the space for this on my uMBP. I would like to split the library (saving all my metadata and album art so that I don't need to redo this) into two. One library will remain on the external hard drive and contain all the movies, whilst the other will have all my music on it. The first library will be used to stream movies to my Apple TV, whilst the other (in the MBP HD) will be used to sync music/apps/photos to my iPhone/iPod nano.
However, at the moment I also have all of my music synced onto my Apple TV, and if I split the library with one containing just movies, all the music will be removed from the Apple TV and I won't be able to keep it up to date with any new albums I put into the iPhone/iPod library. Basically I would like the convenience of having all my music (but not movies) on my MBP hard drive so that I can sync my iPhone without having to connect to the external drive. At the same time, I can't be bothered managing music on two libraries to keep my Apple TV library synchronised with my iPhone library.
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Sep 24, 2010
I have a .txt file that is quite long and I need to get some data off of it. The file is made up of a few thousand lines each with a format similar to: 1 2.4 5.4 abcde abc.def, The 1, the 2.4, the 5.4, etc each signify a different value and I need to somehow get them into separate columns into excel. The number of digits in everything except the first value (which is always one digit) varies, and all the values are separated by spaces. What is going to be the easiest way for me to get these values into numbers in separate columns? Realistically, doing this manually isn't an option.
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Nov 30, 2009
When I import an album some albums split into several albums. How do I stop this from happening? I have tried dragging and dropping them into one location.
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May 13, 2010
I've got a 500gb internal drive for my iMac (250gb to XP and OSX), but my iTunes library takes up 300gb. 50gb of that is music. What I'd like to do is have my music on my internal drive and keep my videos on the external, which would be powered off (it's rather noisy and doesn't have an auto-power down like my other, smaller HDD's).
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Nov 5, 2010
I've recently got Apple's HD5770 Graphics Upgrade Kit for my Mac Pro (2008 / 3,1) - I previously used a 8800GT which died. As I also use it for some gaming, I have a HD5970 in there to run DX11 games smoothly on my 30" Cinema Display. However, since I installed the graphics update from software update to give drivers to my HD5770, the machine kernel panics when starting up with the HD5970 installed.
This wasn't an issue previously: the two cards coexisted peacefully (the geforce and the HD5770 without drivers). My guess is that OS X tries to load drivers for the HD5970 and kernel panics on this phase. The HD5970 is installed in slot 1, the HD5770 is installed in slot 2. Any workarounds? Could I perhaps edit the device ID of the HD5970 into a kext to get it ignored by the system? Does the slot layout matter at all?
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Feb 6, 2008
I just made the switch... PC to Mac and lovin' it. My PC data has been transferred to my Mac and the Windows .wmv files tuned into .mpeg files and the Mac OS won't open them. Ugh. Now what? Remember, I'm a newbie and not all that computer savvie. I'm looking for the next step - something easy.
I was at an Apple Store last night having a One to One class and played with a MacBook Air for a little while. Biggest take-away is this: it's even thinner and lighter than I had imagined.
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May 16, 2010
I have the screen as dim as it can get. All I'm on is Airport with nothing else really going on and my battery life is only about 3 hours.
It used to be somewhere like 7 hours when I did this.... any idea if something could be wrong?
Coconut says I have 96% capacity left...
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Jun 1, 2010
I'm installing Tiger on a partition, what is the minimal space I allocate for it? My files will be run with an external HD. Would Tiger run well with 20GB after installation?
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Apr 11, 2012
What is the minimal configuration (operating system and memory) for installing iTunes 10.x on a G4 eMac?It already runs on Tiger 10.4.11 with 718MB of RAM.
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Jun 6, 2009
I've tried iDVD for the first time today and have had mixed results.I tried putting some Bugs Bunny cartoons I have as avi files into a Magic iDVD project to make a DVD.
The titles are great, the video quality is super, but there's no sound.Not a peep.They play fine in VLC, but without sound in Quick Time.I know nothing about video editing, so am hoping this is a just a codec issue that is easily rectified given a nudge in the right direction.
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Sep 3, 2009
I have tried very hard to find the answer to my transferring question, but nowhere do I find my answer nor does Apple offer free help or even help by email.
So here is my issue. I want to transfer all my personal data from my HOME user account on my MacBook to a NEW user account on the SAME MacBook. The reason is that my Microsoft Office has a certain issue that is only solvable by starting up in a new user. So now I want to transfer all the personality, data, files, and all that from my home user to the new user on the same computer. After that, I want to delete the old Home user and make the new user the default home user account.
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Jul 11, 2010
How do i join partitioned external hard drive ?
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Sep 20, 2010
Recently my Macbook Pro has seemed to develop a problem joining WPA2 networks that I have credentials saved for automatically, both at home and at school. At school it selects the network, but doesn't automatically authenticate, I need to go into the wireless settings and set it to 'connect' with the proper credentials selected in the 802.1x box. At home, it doesn't even select my home network automatically, I need to go and select it myself, but then it authenticates properly. Is there something I can do that will just delete All of my wireless configurations and associated content? I'm tempted to just wipe it and format if nothing else.
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Mar 14, 2010
I'm new to Mac and not sure how to do this. I have a several large (1.5GB each) iso files that are named like this: "filename.iso.0aa", "filename.iso.0ab", "filename.iso.0ac", etc. Is there any way to join these and burn them to DVDs? I've tried S&C but it doesn't work.
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Apr 20, 2010
I was wondering if I can join videos on a Mac? I know Quicktime can, but the resulting video isn't really smooth. I tried doing this on iMovie, but I don't like the black outline (is there a way to get rid of it then?) and it doesn't preserve its original quality (not even that close x_X). My second question is, is there a program that allows me to create screencaps. Preferably free programs please.
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Aug 10, 2009
In all my mac user life I have seen Macs freezing as Windows freeze. I use my macbook Pro at work and at home. It is when I join either of the two wireless signals, when I get a freeze (about 5 minutes after joining.) I looked at the system profiler >logs>system for anything significant. I can't find anything. I remember messing with network configurations to change a DNS setting. About that time things started happening. So this morning I deleted my Airport configuration and rebuild a new one at the network preferences.
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Mar 9, 2012
My company has one mac user with a Macbook Air, we have a Windows 2008 r2 domain.I'm wondering if it is worth joining him to the domain, what benefits are there for a mac user? We use Exchange 2007 and change our passwords every 90 days.One concern is when the user is out of the office the cached password can become out of sync with the domain password.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 16, 2012
I regualrly have to join several PDF files into one document. They way I am doing this at the moment is through preview i.e. simply dragging and dopping the files over one another in the thumbnail side bar. However, at some point the computer invariably freezes showing me the spinning wheel of death for perhaps 15mins. Some times I cannot revover and have to force a hard reboot. Other times, I can get it to soft reboot after waiting for ages. The funny thing is the resulting file is fine since I can access after it after performing the reboot.Â
why this is and how I can avoid it since it wasts alot of time.Â
Specs of my MacBook are:Processor 2.8 Ghz Intel Core i7
Memory 4GB 1333 Mhz DDR3 I have 600 GB of hard disc space freeÂ
I am running OSX 10.7.3Â
The total size of the documents I want to join amounted to less than 4 Mb so I don't think I should be running out of memory.Â
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 10, 2014
this evening, a neighbor's xfinity wireless network kept flashing what appeared to be web pages on my MBPro screen. They weren't attached to any browser I was running.Â
I'd close these pages (ads to join xfinity) but they'd keep coming back. Then I noticed that I'd been booted from my own wireless network, and xfinity was the active network!Â
It feels predatory, this behavior. How can I set up our Macs to prevent this ever happening again? When I join our wifi in our home, I don't want any other signal to elbow in, so to speak.Â
Or, if there's some kind of interruption in our wifi signal, I don't want some other network elbowing in.Â
However it happened, how can I set it up such that, if I didn't authorize a wifi network, it will be prevented from joining me to it?
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10), 13", 8GB RAM
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Mar 11, 2008
I have a 3 gig file that I want to send to someone by burning it on a few cds (no dvd burner T.T). What is the best way to compress the 3 gig file and burn it over a few cds so my recipient can take the files off the cd's and recombine them? I've seen rar files like this, and I guess that would be good but I don't know how I would do it.
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Jul 16, 2009
im looking into buying airport express but i was wondering if i could split the usb connection so that i could plug in a printer for wireless printer and a hard drive to use as time capsule would a usb hub or usb splitter work?
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