Applications :: No Preferred Networks Available On MacBook?

Mar 18, 2009

I've been having lots of problems with my network lately I had to reset it. But since then my Macbook will not remember it as a preferred network. (At least I think thats what the problem is.) When I open the lid my computer wakes up and then I get the popup message (look at picture 1) then I have to click on my network which is called linda. Then my the space to write my password is already filled (see picture 2), I have to click JOIN and only then I can go online. But I've had to do these steps at least 10 times a day for the past month and now im sick of it!

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MacBook Air :: How Do I Delete My Preferred Networks On My Air

Mar 31, 2012

how do i delete my list of prefered wireless networks

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Stuck On (None Of Your Preferred Networks Are Available)

Aug 26, 2014

When I turn on my MacBook Pro computer (both regularly and in safe mode) searches for the Wifi and then the screen, "None of your preferred networks are available" comes-up and gets stuck. I am unable to use my track pad to get out of it, the esc key does not work, nor the control/command Q... 

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MacBook Pro :: Remembering Different Wifi Setting For Preferred Networks?

May 3, 2012

Am using macbookpro Mac OS x v10.7.3. I connect to wifi at home and at work and they have different proxy settings. do i have to manually change the settings in wifi advanced preferences every time i log on to a wifi network>

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Preferred Networks Empty After Migration?

Jun 14, 2012

After using Migration Assistant, Network>WiFi>Preferred networks is empty on the destination Mac, but has many entries in the source.  How can I migrate this list (and the associated passwords)?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Applications :: What's The Preferred Media Players

Dec 2, 2009

Trying to hear song samples from a CD listed on Amazon, but my iMac tells me I do not have a media player yet. Should I download Windows Media Player for 9 OS-X ?? What is the preferred player? I don't want to litter-up my new machine with the wrong stuff.

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Applications :: Password Manager - Preferred Program?

Jan 9, 2011

I figured out two different programs to manage my different Accounts:

- 1Password [URL]
- Wallet [URL]

Both are in contrast to KeepassX closed source. So what do you think of these two programs?

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Applications :: Preferred Audio Players 2010

Aug 3, 2010

This is going to be a series of threads/polls with the main objective of finding out what applications the members of MacRumors use. These threads/polls are not meant for discussion on whether or not one application is better than another or to ask any questions about these particular applications. It's only purpose is to discuss what application you use (or don't use) as it pertains to the topic. The goal is to collect these series of threads in the end and compile a list of all the polls so that members can view what the members of MacRumors use most often. The applications listed in the poll are by no means definitive and/or complete. If you use another application, vote Other and post the name so others can look into it. Even if you don't use any of the applications listed, you can simply click None. I've tried to list as many applications as I could find for the particular topic. Some are paid, some are free. Some cover all versions of OS X, others only a few versions.

This particular thread focuses on Audio Players for OS X. While iTunes is probably used by many due to the iPod and iPhone, it certainly isn't the only application out there to listen to music. So what audio player do you use for your music?


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Applications :: Sorting Address Book In Preferred Order

Mar 4, 2009

I have noticed for some reason in my contact it lists my work information before my home stuff. Normally I would not care but the autocomplete Safari uses always pull the first information. I deleted the person in the address book and readed in the order I want but it still fails.

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Applications :: How To Have Firefox Be The Preferred Browser On Certian Sites

Mar 26, 2009

i love safari, i think it's the best overall of the big three web browsers, but it isn't perfect (i'm running v. 2.0.4) and it tends to crash on certain sites.

what i want to know if it's possible to set firefox to be the primary browser if i click on links from the sites that would take down safari, and go to safari for the rest of the websites.

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Applications :: Preferred Backup And Imaging Software 2010?

Aug 3, 2010

This is going to be a series of threads/polls with the main objective of finding out what applications the members of MacRumors use. These threads/polls are not meant for discussion on whether or not one application is better than another or to ask any questions about these particular applications. It's only purpose is to discuss what application you use (or don't use) as it pertains to the topic. The goal is to collect these series of threads in the end and compile a list of all the polls so that members can view what the members of MacRumors use most often. The applications listed in the poll are by no means definitive and/or complete. If you use another application, vote Other and post the name so others can look into it. Even if you don't use any of the applications listed, you can simply click None. I've tried to list as many applications as I could find for the particular topic. Some are paid, some are free. Some cover all versions of OS X, others only a few versions.

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Applications :: Move Networks Player Plugin For Firefox

May 24, 2008

I am trying to install the Move Networks player into Firefox to watch a few things online at Fox, Abc, ect. When I try to install it I do not get the Trust box to appear to complete the install. I have been able to get it to work after I create a new account and install, but no matter how I move the plugins to the main account I use it will not work. Anyone else run into this problem?

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MacBook Pro :: Is There A 'preferred' Virus Protection

Apr 6, 2012

Is there a 'preferred' virus protection for Macs?

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MacBook Air :: AirPort Not Always Connecting To Preferred Network

Apr 10, 2008

I have a macbook air, but this seems to apply to any mac's with airport. I connect once to our corporate wireless network, I type in the password and it connects. On occasions, when I start up the computer, it doesn't connect and a window pops up with my network listed but it says "none of your preferred networks are available". When I first connect I do check off remember this network. So why isn't it remembering it?

When I go into system preference and click on network, select airport and click on advanced, that network does appear under the preferred networks. Does anyone know why its not letting me automatically connect the next time? Sometimes its ok, sometimes it doesn't even know I connected to this network before.

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MacBook Pro :: Change The Preferred WiFi Network?

Apr 13, 2012

How can I change the preferred order of networks on my MacBook Pro? There used to be one network at my office. Now there is a second higher speed wifi network also present which I would prefer to connect to, but the Macbook connects to the older one unless manually changed.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Recognize Preferred Wifi Network

Jul 4, 2012

It will connect to it fine manually, but when it open it up it tells me that none of my preferred networks are available. I've modified my list of preferred networks, still doesn't work.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Preferred Network Not Found Automatically

Jun 30, 2014

Even other networks can not be shown after I restart my mac ?

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MacBook Pro :: Sleep Mode Or Shutdown - Preferred Option?

Aug 28, 2009

I was reading a thread about Snow Leopard bootup times, and one of the posters said that what with the fast wake up of Macs, shutting down is useless unless an update requires it or you use bootcamp. {URL]. So, my question to you is, do you sleep your computer or shut it down when you finish using it? I've only had mine for a week and personally I shut mine down, but maybe thats a hangover from the Windows part of my life.

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MacBook Pro :: Forgotten The Date As Well As Preferred Network Passwords?

Mar 23, 2012

Several times when I turn on my laptop the date regresses to 2003 or around there.  When this happens the preferred network is no longer saved and I must re-enter the information.  The printer that I got specifically to work with my laptop can no longer scan documents to my Mac and the settings were never changed, I'm really at a loss.  My Mac is also running really slow. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: Rev B More Networks

Nov 22, 2008

I had the new Alum Macbook and rev A MBA was surprise just now how many other Networks the WI FI picked up, more the both the MB and Rev A, has anyone else noticed this?

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MacBook :: Won't Find Any Wireless Networks

Jul 14, 2009

I'm having a bit of a nightmare with connecting to any wireless networks on my MacBook. If I click on airport in the menu bar there are no wireless networks listed - it's not finding any. Even in locations where I know there to be a wireless network that I've joined before (work, home, at a friends house) Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this or is it a straight visit to the apple store?

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OS X :: Iphone And Macbook Won't Let Me Join Wi-fi Networks?

Jan 31, 2010

I'm simultaneously having this problem with both my iphone and macbook. There are several wi-fi networks here to choose from but whenever i select on, type in the passoword, the "join" button is un-clickable! How can i 'join' a network when the 'join' button is not clickable? how the heck do i fix this?!

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Get Internet Through Certain Wireless Networks

Mar 13, 2012

I'm using a Macbook Pro 17" 5,1 w/ Snow Leopard. For some reason I'm unable to get an internet connection from certain wireless networks. For instance I was away on vacation and when I returned I was no longer able to get internet access through my work's wireless network but I am able to connect and get internet access from my home network and others with no issues.  

I've tried removing the stored networks, renewing DHCP, reseting the router and everything else I can think of.  I am able to connect to the router, but the indicator light for internet shows red. My coworker on a similar Macbook is able to connect and get internet from the same network just fine. 

When looking at the control panel on the router its showing that his Macbook is being assigned a dynamic IP but mine is being assigned a static IP but there isn't any way to control this through the router and since nothing has been changed in terms of the router's configuration I have to assume its something to do with my Macbook as I'm having similar issues with other networks I used to be able to connect to as well. Since I'm able to get online using certain other wireless networks its bloody well confusing. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Macbook 17" 5,1 2.6 GHZ

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MacBook Air :: Can't Join WiFi Networks

Jun 26, 2014

My MacBook Air (2013 model, 1.3 Ghz Intel Core i5, 4GB 1600 MHz DDR3, OS X Version 10.9.2) which I received less than a week ago was working fine. Until last night. My latop will now not connect to ANY wifi networks. It's sees the networks but when I try to manually join one it says "The wifi network ... could not be joined" when I then run diagnostics it says "Wifi not associated" and "review wifi best practices".

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MacBook :: Airport Does Not See Wireless Networks / Bootcamp

Jan 13, 2010

One day I noticed that my Macbook was having trouble find ANY networks available (despite knowing that many were available) - it doesn't see any. Occasionally the Airport will pick up a network or two with extremely low signal strength (even if the wireless router is in the same room) but usually has issues connecting and eventually the network disappears from Airport. At first I thought my Airport had totally crapped out and so I had to go out and spend $100 on a third party USB wifi stick (there are very few companies who make these for Mac, but for PC they can run for $15 ).

Now the crappy design of this USB wifi stick I purchased has caused the USB head to become bent and is ultimately deteriorating. SO, recently I noticed that when I use Bootcamp to run Windows 7 on my Macbook, Win7 is able to fully use my built in Airport hardware and receives great signal - so now I'm thinking that it may not be a hardware problem at all.

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MacBook :: Airport No Longer Finds Any Networks

Feb 1, 2010

Last night my MacBook stopped finding any network to connect to. Usually there are about 10 networks that it picks up but now none show up not even my own network. My iPhone connects to my network fine as does my xbox and my PS3. Is there anything I can try to get airport to detect the networks around me?

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MacBook :: Connect 5 Networks To 1 External Drive?

Feb 7, 2012

I'm looking to have 5 mac pros networked somehow to all work off the same external drive. I haven't bought the drive or network device yet. The computers will simply need to playback, copy and delete videos from this external drive. 

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Login Because Cannot Access Networks For Wifi

Jun 15, 2012

cannot log in because i cannot access networks for wifi

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: It Is Not Recognizing Remembered Wireless Networks

Jun 25, 2012

When trying to connect to my home wireless network, my computer doesn't recognize my network, or any network as being accessed before.  It doesn't remember any networks. I even went into the advanced settings and made sure to check the box that makes it remember networks, and it still doesn't remember them.  I am able to connect to my home network manually, but it will not automatically connect when I open the lid after it being closed, or when I turn off the wifi and turn it back on.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Connect To Some Wireless Networks - OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

Sep 3, 2014

My MacBook Pro (17" from mid 2010 running OS X 10.9.4) won't connect to some "open" wireless networks. The ones it has problems with are typically in hotels and are the kind where a login screen is supposed to be presented after selecting the network. Instead of getting the login page I get the message that I can't join the network and am prompted to cancel or run all the diagnostics (which aren't useful). 

My laptop seems to be the only one in my family that has this problem. We've been places where out of 8 wireless devices (4 Mac laptops and 4 iPhones) my MacBook Pro is the ONLY one that won't connect. My wife's MacBook Air always connects like a champ. And my MacBook seems to work fine on most secured networks, such as here at home.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6)

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