Applications :: My Desktop Is Magnified?

Mar 20, 2009

My desktop is magnifies and when i move the mouse the desktop moves around. How do I get the desktop back to normal viewing?

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Mac Pro :: Screen Is Magnified By 50 %?

Apr 14, 2012

We moved and when I turned on the computer, the screen was Magified by at least 50 % and we tried everything to reset the screen nothing works

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Intel Mac :: How To Get Rid Of Magnified Curser

Apr 3, 2012

How do i get rid of the magnifier that is attache dto my cursor?


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MacBook Pro :: Screen Is All Enlarged Like It Is 200% Magnified?

Mar 5, 2012

my screen is maginifed 200% can not get it back to normal

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.0.1

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Applications :: Disc Image Appear On Desktop When Open Applications That Downloaded?

Nov 15, 2009

how to not have the disc image appear on my desktop when I open applications that I downloaded. For example I downloaded wondershare dvd ripper and everytime I open it the disc image shows up on my desktop and I cant eject it without quitting the application. This is now happening with every application I open and it never happened before.

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Applications :: Broadcasting Desktop For 10.4?

Nov 10, 2010

So I've tried many different programs in an attempt to find something that can broadcast my desktop, but to no avail.

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Applications :: Remote Desktop For OS X? PC To Mac

Feb 17, 2009

What do you guys use? I'd like a simple web-based solution, if possible.

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Applications :: Remote Desktop Over 802.11n Possible?

May 19, 2009

I'm thinking about getting an MBA and using it as a primary computer. My HTPC is pretty powerful and so I was hoping that I would be able to control is via Remote Desktop to do any heavy lifting I need to do. Is it a problem to run remote desktop wirelessly?

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Applications :: Task App On The Desktop?

Jun 9, 2009

Does anyone know of a task app that has the option to remain open and like pinned to the desktop? I've found some nice to-do apps that ive tried to use by my biggest problem is that if I dont see it all the time, I wont get it done- and I usually only open the app to add things to my "list" only to see things that I was supposed to have done!!

I realize that I could just leave the application open all the time, but that just doesn't seem to work for me, I like to see my background and I dont like having numerous windows open...

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Applications :: Using Remote Desktop 2.0 On Mac Pro To Get Into XP Box?

May 3, 2010

Using Remote Desktop 2.0 on a Mac Pro to get into an XP box on my network. About every twentieth attempt it will blue screen the XP box. In order to get around it I must reboot the XP machine, which, is pointless because I am trying to remote into it and I am not in front of it.

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Applications :: Video Capturing Desktop?

Sep 20, 2010

Maybe I'm imaging things. But isn't there a native way to video capture the desktop and or region like you can with a screen cap now?

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Applications :: Looking For Decent Desktop Sharing App

Oct 5, 2010

I have team viewer which is great, but on the desktop I can't figure out how to open it and have it just appear in the menu bar when I log on ... ??

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Applications :: How To Get Desktop Video Capture

Dec 3, 2010

I need to record an iPhone simulator on my desktop.

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Applications :: Remote Desktop Connection From One To Another Mac

Dec 14, 2010

Outside of VNC and LogMeIn, is there a way to remote into another Mac from a Mac? I've found a lot of results regarding remoting into a Mac from a Windows PC, but not from Mac to Mac.

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Applications :: Finding And Using BBC Iplayer Desktop?

Dec 20, 2010

Anyone know much about the BBC iplayer desktop.

I downloaded it along with adobe air and it works fine, but then if I download a programme,watch a bit and then close the app and go back to it a couple of hours later then the downloaded programmes don't work(it says there was a prolem with the download)

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Applications :: Finding Desktop To-do List?

Apr 13, 2007

I'm looking for any application that allows you to compile your To-do list, and have it on your desktop..

Google has suggested iCal, but I hardly use that...
And also I don't like the one where its housed on the toolbar (you have to click to view the list)
I like my list apparent so I know what to do (or else I'll pretend I didn't see it and not do..)

Something like Rainlender [URL] for XP...

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Applications :: Put HTML That Is Clickable On Your Desktop?

Mar 14, 2009

Is there a way to put HTML that is clickable on your desktop? I know about GeekTool but I cannot put links in that.

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Applications :: How To Get Desktop To-Do List With Geektool

Mar 23, 2009

I've been learning and customizing Geektool over the weekend and I'm stumped on how to get it to display a to-do list that refreshes for free.

I've read many different websites on how to do this and I'm stumped. I don't really understand code, don't use iCal, and have no idea how to read my terminal info.

I'd like to use Geektool b/c of the customization it offers, but I'd also like to be able to use something where I can simply view my to-do list and it refreshes automatically. The thing is I need something that's free.

These are the sites that I've visited, but I get confused when they start talking about ~users and where to place files and editing documents. I've looked here:


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Applications :: Remote Desktop - Reasonable Use Of ARD?

Apr 9, 2009

I may shortly need to spend some time working on a family member's mac several miles from my home. I was considering using ARD as a means of doing light maintenance and application work from afar. I know this may be vast overkill, but is this a reasonable use of the program?

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Applications :: Remote Desktop To Mac From PC - Better Alternative?

May 13, 2009

What kind of software is available for the mac that would let me remote desktop to a mac from a PC? I currently use VNC to connect to a Linux box from windows but I'm not a big fan and was hoping for a better alternative on the mac.

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OS X :: Transferring Applications From Laptop To Desktop?

Jul 2, 2009

I had a drive go bad on my G5 desktop. Luckily I am all backed up on my G4 LAPTOP. I put a new drive in the G5 & installed OS 10.5 (the G4 lap runs 10.4) and installed the apps from the original discs onto the new G5 drive. However, I am missing my Photoshop CS2 disc. My question is, how do I transfer Photoshop CS 2 from my laptop to the new G5 drive? I don't want to buy another $200 CS2 app.

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Applications :: Using Other App Than Apple's Remote Desktop?

Oct 16, 2009

I was looking for an app other that Apple's remote desktop. I want one to be able to control and connect to a windows machine too.

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Applications :: Desktop App To Read Forum?

Dec 26, 2009

Is there any application to read a forum in the desktop? I mean, outside a browser.

I think that a desktop app could offer some advantages that online read doesn't offer.
For example, you could skip ads or you could save useful threads regarding the forum type.

This kind of app would very useful if it syncs with a iphone one

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OS X :: How Do I Transfer Applications From Laptop To Desktop

Jan 22, 2010

I had a drive go bad on my G5 desktop. Luckily I am all backed up on my G4 LAPTOP. I put a new drive in the G5 & installed OS 10.5 (the G4 lap runs 10.4) and installed the apps from the original discs onto the new G5 drive. However, I am missing my Photoshop CS2 disc. My question is, how do I transfer Photoshop CS 2 from my laptop to the new G5 drive? I don't want to buy another $200 CS2 app.

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Applications :: Different Icon Sizes On Desktop?

Feb 24, 2010

Are there any applications around that can do this?

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Applications :: How To Get Geektool Desktop Advice

May 3, 2010

I have a question for anyone out there who is into customizing their desktop. This is my current desktop setup (for my second display) created with Geektool. I'm pretty happy with it but being as anal as I am I want the AM/PM lights to be lit properly.

I can create two desktop wallpapers but OSX wallpaper settings aren't detailed enough to change the image every 12 hours. The only other thing I could think of was to create a 24 hour video, 12 hours of AM followed by 12 of PM. Then use Mach Desktop to play the video.

Though this is crazy overkill and would unnecessarily use a ton of resources. Any ideas would be awesome!

Running OSX 10.6 on a MBP and using Geektool 3.0.

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Applications :: How To Remote Desktop Access

Jun 16, 2010

My boss is going on a two week long tour, starting tomorrow, with her MacBook Air and I wanted to be able to assist her should she need any technical help on the go.

The only options I know for Remote Desktop Access are ChickenVNC and Remote Desktop from Apple, but both are a bit complicated depending on the connection you are using. Also, she wouldn't understand how to find her specific IP address, when on a hotel Wifi connection.

I was wondering if any of you have a suggestion for software that is extremely simple to use and would allow me to assist her through screen control, by having her simply opening and/or logging into the program.

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Applications :: Using Apple Remote Desktop CD?

Jul 1, 2010

This is gonna sound crazy, but last weekend I found a Apple Remote Desktop 3 (still in shrink wrap) in a parking lot. I don't really know anything about it. I have not opened it. It is Apple Part #: MC172Z/A, Version 3.3. It has a "unlimited managed systems" sticker on the front. Is this the complete software, or is there more that goes with it? I have done some research and just got more confused about 'administrator and client' software. Just wondering what I have here without opening it.

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Applications :: Personal Desktop Database Software?

Sep 23, 2010

As the title says I am looking for database software for my desktop (latest gen 27 iMac core i7). I am a science major and a data monger, so I have tons of scientific papers, articles, blogs, my own documents etc. I have quite a collection, and find my self relying on it more than on google when I want an answer fast. However, I know there has to be a better solution. I have done some filemaker work, but it is too damn expensive so I don't know if I can justify the cost of me buying it my self.

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Applications :: Webcam Compatibility With Apple Desktop?

Dec 27, 2010

I am currently looking to purchase a webcam for my Apple Desktop. I am really interested in buying the logitech C910 Webcam. I know on their website it says that this webcam is not officially supported by the Mac OS. However I am wondering if there is anyway I could make it work. I would be using it for Facetime, Skype, and Photobooth. I read that you can run the Webcam in UVC mode, but I'm not sure if these applications will still work with it.

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