Applications :: Mail Not Receiving Emails From Gmail?
Sep 8, 2010
For the past four days I haven't been receiving any emails from my Gmail account in Mail on my MBP. I am however receiving them on my iPhone 4 and I am getting emails from another account in Mail on my MBP.
On the left-hand side, where the mailboxes are listed, it's permanently displaying the spinning wheel next to Gmail. I am running the latest version of Mail, 4.3, which came with the latest OSX update. I haven't activated the Priority Inbox Google introduced to Gmail.
This is a problem I am having with Thunderbird and Mail. For some reason I just do not get mails ontime
For example, if I get an email from say Youtube, it won't appear in my inbox AT ALL. But if I go to Gmail I will see it in there. This happens for about 3/10 emails, so at the moment it's not the majority, but it is certainly annoying
Secondly Thunderbird just doesn't want to connect to my Gmail at all, not too sure why, and I have done step by step instructions, but Thunderbird refuses to get any mail at all. but really and truely I'd rather have the working properly
I am trying to use Mac for my Gmail account, a paid account holding about 10GB of mail. I have no trouble setting up the account in, but I gather IMAP set ups store all the Inbox locally? Certainly set up of the gmail account in mail consumes over 10G of my precious MBP HD space.
So, is it possible to set up Mac mail with webmail so it that it more or less acts as a UI for the webmail account? I know I could easily use an app like Mailplane (nice but constantly crashes for me) or just a browser, but I am frustrated by the fact that OSX defaults to mail when an email link is clicked (maybe there is a fix for this) and I do like drag and drop file attaching, as well as the integration with iPhone, mobileme etc.
I have 2 (Apple Mail and Entourage) clients storing 3 months of emails each and I want to merge them into Gmail. The messages no longer exist on the web-based servers and I heard IMAP might be in handy for transfering the messages to an online acct then transfering to gmail.
Any idea of how to do this with Entourage or Apple Mail?
BTW, they're both from the same email address, I just changed providors (hosting/email) during the 6 month period.
When I send 1 email to 1 recipient from my gmail account on mac mail, the mail activity monitor on the bottom left indicates that I am sending 2, 3 or as many as 5 emails. It takes a long time to send when this happens. It only happens when I send from the gmail account and never from my other accounts. I have no "extra" mail in my sent folder. Is someone else sending email from my computer?
I am able to send messages however am not able to receive any messages. the circles is constant "checking". i have also tried taking all accounts offline and back online.
I have a problem recieving gmail into my mac mail, it is constantly asking me to verify password which I know is correct. I have tried differnt IMAP settings withing my gmail, but nothing seems to change which my constant trouble to send and receive mail.
I've got limited hard drive space. In gmail, I keep my inbox pared down to just a few emails I'm actively working on (ie 3-10 emails at a time). Everything else gets archived. However, when I try to set up Mac Mail for gmail (as described on 50 different websites), my computer starts downloading thousands of emails - my sent mail, anything I've tagged, etc. I don't want all this. I just want the few active emails (my inbox) at any one time.
I've tried mapping folders in Mail (ie Use this folder for....), but can't seem to pare it down to just the inbox.
Mail is not receiving new emails from either of my 2 email accounts (Media Temple and Gmail). The program sits idle while the messages come in on my phone and iPad. Restarting the program seems to wake it up, but I'm not content to do that each time I need to check my email. I have Mail on my MacBook Pro and have never had this particular problem, it's just on my brand new iMac.
I have massive problems with Mail. I use mail at work and have 3 accounts running: 1. Mac. mail account 2. Gmail mail account 3. Exchange Server
I have quite a few folders in my accounts where I have to archive my emails to. Often very often or lets say annoyingly too often mail stops working. - Stops receiving emails - Emails I have put away in folders disappear in my inbox again - If I try to quite Mail it won't I have to force it and then when I open it again all my emails I was working on open again even so I have sent them already. Also all the emails I have folded away are back in my inbox.
My Mail application stopped receiving new emails at 5:48 PM yesterday for some reason. I have several Gmail accounts, one iCloud account and one Yahoo account.Â
I can send emails without a problem, but I'm not receiving any. I checked Activity, and it shows that the program is "fetching new mail" from every single account (it even says how many messages), but for some reason they are not getting through.Â
I had mistakenly moved my gmail to - mistake was that I completely cleaned-out my entire Gmail account! I fixed Gmail so that it copies the emails as they go to, leaving it also in Gmail.
Now I want to restore the 3,000 emails I had cleared out of Gmail BACK into Gmail...can I do this?
Can I move them somehow from back into Gmail with one sweep, just as I had moved them all into from Gmail? Or am I skrw'd and have to move them individually by forwarding?
I'm a new convert to Mac, and I'm having a problem receiving all of my e-mail. I still have my PC desktop hooked up, and I am receiving messages there that I'm not receiving on my Mac. I am using Mail, version 3.3 on a MacBook Pro. My ISP is Comcast. I was using Outlook Express on my PC but converted to Outlook in order to export/import all of my messages, etc onto my Mac. That process seemed to work reasonably well.
Last week, when I set up my new computer, I got some messages but not others. By the time I left town for a conference, I stopped getting messages on my Mac altogether. When I got home, I saw that the messages were on my PC.
I spoke with Comcast and Mac yesterday about this problem. Comcast basically told me that they couldn't help me. With the Mac support person, I deleted my account and set it up again. That seemed to fix the problem, until later in the day when some messages were not delivered. There seems to be no pattern.
1. Yesterday, I received (on my Mac) two of the three daily messages I get from a list serv. This morning, I didn't receive the first message from the list serv. (But I did get it on my PC.)
2. Yesterday, I sent a message to someone and received a response on my Mac. I responded, but her response did not reach my Mac.
3. When signing up for these forums this morning, I received both automatic messages on my Mac.
4. Yesterday, I did not receive a response from someone that I e-mailed.
5. Yesterday, I received some messages from a google group but not others. There was no rhyme or reason to this either. I would receive one message from one person and not receive another from that same person (using the same e-mail account).
I am having no difficulty sending messages. And I believe that all of my messages are coming to my PC account. There are no messages on the server (aside from junk that Comcast filters for me), and no messages are landing in my junk folder on my Mac.
If i send an email (Gmail account) to a group from my contacts on Mail it is rejected. If I copy the address' and do exactly the same thing but directly through Gmail web page, it goes through.Â
I have 128 GB HDD and many emails syncing by Gmail IMAP. Thousands of emails are stored on my HDD and most of them I will never use in the future. Despite this I'd like to keep them in gmail server, just for case...Â
I was trying to reduce size of my for very long time and nothing works correctly. Â
Ideal situation would be something like this:
E-mails older than 2 months will automatically delete from but not from server. Or it doesn't have to be automatic, but I have to keep them on I'm not sure if it is possible with IMAP.Â
I synched my work (.org) Gmail to Apple Mail with IMAP, and then took the account "Offline" in Apple Mail. I now want to delete messages in my work gmail, But want to make sure that the messages in my Apple Mail will save there forever, even after my work gmail account is archived or deleted?Is there another setting I can click to keep the gmail account on Apple Mail from updating, so myI can start deleting personal emails from my gmail ?  Â
Since yesterday the mail programme on my iMac does not download e-mails from the gmail server, but luckily I still can send e-mails. On the iPhone I still receive e-mails and I can send e-mails. The iPhone is connected to the internet either via 3G or the same router I am using for the iMac.
Via the Safari browser I do have access to all my e-mails on the gmail server. Mail: Version 4.5 (1084)
I have only been able to receive email from my gmail account on the computer that "Gets" it first. I searched on the web, tried to put the "recent:" prefix in front of my MBP gmail address.However, it is still not working, email only goes to whichever computer downloads it first. Is there any other way?
Only recently, has had delays in receiving mail. I have it set to check for new mail every minute, yet somehow my iPhone gets mail before my Macs do, including my brand new iMac.
My Mac mail program quit receiving messages. I can send, but can receive. Before it quit a dialog box came up with something about password or something. This happened once before, but I can't remember what the fix was. My Earthlink web mail works just fine.
I'm using Entourage 2008 with an exchange server account and this morning it stopped receiving email into the inbox on my account.
Where I've set rules to move incoming emails into other folders these are still being received and re-directed, but anything that should go straight into the Inbox is not showing up.
Other mailboxes that I have added as Delegates are also functioning as they should and mail is coming into them ok.
I have access to Outlook via a VMWare image running Windows XP and there I can see all the mail coming in ok, so I am definitely being sent stuff.
Any mail I send (either from Entourage or Outlook) shows up in my Sent Items and messages I deleted in the Outlook Inbox show up in Deleted Items in Entourage.
I thought maybe there was a filter set that was restriciting the view of my Inbox to everything received yesterday and earlier, but I can't see anything. I've tried searching (both in Entourage and Spotlight) for messages I can see in the Outlook Inbox to check if they've been moved or filtered somewhere else, but they don't show up in any searches.
I'm now completely stumped! Everything was fine yesterday, but this morning nothing.
I use gmail as my main email account. I have it synched to my iphone (IMAP) and (IMAP). This was all running smoothly until about a week ago when I turned on my mac and opened mail. It started downloading hundreds of emails.
I looked over them and it seems that all the mails that I have moved to sub folders have been copied to my inbox again and marked as unread.
I have not knowingly changed any settings on my iphone, mac or web based gmail.
I have decided to start using gmail and keeping my email online instead of stored locally in the Mail program.
I have all my old mail and sent mail downloaded locally in the Mail program.
Is there an easy way to export all of that into gmail? I see I can import mail into gmail from other mail accounts, but here I am talking about importing mail that is now stored locally.
I activated my gmail on my macbook pro (new mac user, older macbook). I can send messages no problem and I can see them in "sent" folder and receive them on other devices. But, I am not receiving messages to the inbox on the mac book mail. I was told to remove the account and then reinstall it, but I can't figure out how to remove it. Where I can enable mail so I can receive messages?
I am with Tiscali Broadband and although I can send emails from my computer, I cannot receive them, so have to use a separate webmail system instead. I have tried changing the codes as instructed by Tiscali but I have had no luck. can you help?
I am working on a MacBook Pro OS X and my server is Tiscali. I can send out emails but cannot receive them unless I go onto a webmail system which is annoying because I cannot retain addresses on the same system. I have asked Tiscali about this and I have changed codes and altered various settings but with no luck. They now tell me it is a Mac problem!! Can you help?
Yesterday, I tried to send a message with some photos attached.Turns out the message was too large to make it through the servers.Today, I am not receiving any emails on my IMac.I do get them on the IPad and to clear out the IMac Mail?
Info: IMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 24 Inch IMac and everything else
I have a Maverik OS X. The Mac Store replaced my hard drive for me. The day I got it back was the last day I received emails from my primary email account (POP). I can no longer receives emails. However I can send them. I've checked and rechecked settings. I've deleted and reloaded the account. All Unsuccessful.   The strange thing is that my iPad and iPhone have the same setting and I can send/receive from those devises.Â