Applications :: Itunes 8 Missing Converted Tracks To Mp3 Option

Sep 13, 2008

In preferences you could choose which format itunes converted your library too. This option appears to have disappeared.

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Applications :: Convert ITunes Songs To AIFF - Option Missing

Jun 4, 2010

I regularly receive songs in WAV format. In the past, I have always converted them to AIFF to overcome tagging limitations with WAV. Up until recently, I converted songs from WAV to AIFF by right-clicking them in iTunes, then choosing "make AIFF file" (that's not the exact wording, but similar). Just tried to do so today and found that this option is now missing! Was this removed in the latest version of iTunes [I'm running 9.1.1 (12)]? Could it perhaps be restored by some command-line entry in Terminal?

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ITunes :: One Of Album Tracks Missing

May 27, 2012

One of my tracks from a downloaded album is missing. Can't find the original file anywhere. Is it possible to redownload?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Software :: ITunes 9.0.3 - Artwork Tab Missing When Selecting Multiple Tracks

Mar 30, 2010

osx 10.5.8
itunes 9.0.3

i'm having trouble assigning MULTIPLE pieces of album art to MULTIPLE tracks SIMULTANEOUSLY. i see that i can add multiple arts to a single track by:

.. selecting a single track by highlighting -> get info -> artwork tab
.. selecting and playing a single track (so that the speaker icon appears to the left of the track in the playlist; paused or not) -> dragging artwork into the artwork pane in itunes; artwork gets added only to the track with the speaker icon regardless of which track(s) are highlighted. if there is existing artwork, new art gets added (does not replace old art).

also, adding a single piece of art to multiple tracks can be done by: selecting tracks by highlighting -> get info -> info tab -> artwork field (note: artwork FIELD within info TAB of 'get info' dialog, not artwork tab).....................

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ITunes For Mac :: How To Stop Access To Ghost NAS When Accessing Missing Tracks

Dec 11, 2014

The NAS containing my iTunes media crashed. I have been able to recover about two-thirds of the tracks directly from the original disks. Luckily the iTunes library file is still intact, so I know what is still missing. 

There were about 10000 more tracks to recover :-(  I am currently ripping them all back in. However, I have the problem that when I click on a track which is missing from the media, iTunes spends an interminable time (about a minute) trying something (the rotating beachball spins) before reporting that it cannot access the IP address of my dead NAS. I now have a new NAS with a different IP address. As far as I know, I have deleted all references to the old NAS (in Finder, using Remove from Connect to Server...). iTunes is using the new NAS for storing its media data. 

How is it that iTunes keeps referring to the old IP address? What must I do to make it stop doing this? 

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Hardware :: The Bamboo There Is Only An Option That Allows Hand Writing To Be Converted To Text?

Oct 16, 2009

I can't find a definitive answer to my question anywhere but i suspect the answer is no.With the Wacom Bambo (without the multitouch) can you annotate directly onto pdfs, keynote, pages, numbers / any similar program? My girlfriend bought one last year for her design work and would also like to do this without using the ink window - not really practical.

In the ink preference pane that appears when you plug in the Bamboo there is only an option that allows hand writing to be converted to text. This is not what she is trying to achieve. She wants it to be her handwriting and diagrams on documents without her having to use the ink window and paste her annotations work into the document and then have to position them - this isn't even possible with pdfs.

If this is not possible directly from within Snow Leopard, are there any programs that allow her to do this. She doesn't have Microsoft word and doesn't really want to have to start using that - cost implications.

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Applications :: Adding Converted Movies Into ITunes Copies?

Jan 6, 2010

I'm in the process of converting my DVDs to MPEG for my AppleTV, so I've ripped and converted with handbrake, now I have an MPEG file on my desktop, when I drag that into itunes, it says "copying file" when it is finished, is it safe to delete the MPEG file on my desktop? i. e. does itunes actually create a copy so I have two of the same file? So is it safe to erase the one on my desktop?

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Equalise Volume Of Tracks On Itunes As Some Tracks Quieter

May 17, 2012

How do I equalise the volume of tracks on iTunes as some quieter than others?


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Applications :: Name For Non ID3 Mp3 Tracks In Itunes

Apr 11, 2009

I recently had a HD disaster, all my music (aprox 50000 tracks) got lost. With FileSalvage I got them back, problem is they all lost their id�s, now they are displayed by number. Musicrenamer works on the ones with id3 tag, but I�m still up the creek without the proper instrument. Itunes wont let me get the tracknames as the music wasnt imported using itunes. Anyone know if there�s a way around this? Third party software to get tracknames? I need acces to gracenote or similar database..

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Applications :: Which Of ITunes Tracks DRM On Them?

May 16, 2009

All of my music has come from the iTunes store, and I have updated the ones available to non-DRM status for the $0.30 that Apple charges. Now my question is, is there a quick way of seeing which songs I have that still have DRM on them? I think it's only a few, but I'm trying to figure out without clicking CMD+I on over 1,000 songs.

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Applications :: Repurchasing Tracks From ITunes

Sep 9, 2010

There are a couple of my puchases from iTunes that didn't make it over to my new laptop when I transferred everything from my old laptop. The old laptop has now died, so they are probably lost forever. I really don't mind re-purchasing these tracks (it's only a handful), but when I look for them in the iTunes store, there isn't the option to 'Buy', it only says 'Purchased'. How can I get iTunes to let me buy these tracks again?!

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Applications :: Tracks Not Upgradeable To ITunes Plus?

Apr 9, 2009

everything's in iTunes Plus now and of the 400+ DRM'd songs I had before, I still have 10 left. After the initial wave of iTunes plus upgrades, I was down to 40 or so. More and more came in until now I'm down to ten. Am I going to be able to upgrade these soon? I see the songs are available for purchase in iTunes Plus...

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Applications :: Itunes Not Putting Tracks In Order

Mar 10, 2005

Ive got a compilation album in iTunes, with it sorting by artist. I got round that problem by putting an abbreviation of the album name at the beginning of the artist title, but now the track numbers are not in order like all my other albums.

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Applications :: Burning Tracks In A Certain Order With ITunes?

Jan 26, 2009

In order to burn an album you can't simply click on the album cover and tell it to burn what's stored in the library... you have to make a playlist from it and burn that.

But it has a mind of it's own. You can't sort the list and burn it the way you want it to.

I even had it sort by track number and it burned it out of order.

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Applications :: ITunes Authorization - DRM Free Tracks

Apr 10, 2009

So now that all iTunes tracks are supposed to be DRM free. Does iTunes machine authorization still matter? I can't even see where I can authorize/unauthorize the machines anymore when I log into my account-though iTunes does report 3 machines authorized.

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Applications :: ITunes - Saving Tracks To External HD

May 2, 2009

I have all my music on my external Hard Drive and I direct iTunes to that.Consequently I can only listen to music when the external HD is on, which is fine. So here's my Question. If/When I drop new music into iTunes while the external HD on, how can I be sure it's copying to the external HD? I just dropped some new music into iTunes, and then when into the iTunes folder in the external HD, and it doesn't seem to be there. Do I have to set something up in iTunes Preferences? (cause I can't seem to find it!)

iTunes 8.1.1
OS 10.5.6

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Applications :: ITunes Lists Tracks Out Of Order

Mar 15, 2010

Why do the tracks in this album appear out of order? I have tried everything to get them to be in order. What do I do?

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ICloud On Mac :: Saved Garageband File And Now Most Of Tracks Missing

Jul 1, 2014

I saved a Garageband file to iCloud and now most of the tracks are missing. Where did they go?

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Applications :: How To Select Multiple Tracks In ITunes Library

Jan 23, 2006

I recently decided to delete all the iTrip stations from my library but I couldn't left click/drag to select them all because you can't.

Command 'a' doesn't help either because it selects all the songs in the library, where as I only wanted to select certain ones.

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Applications :: Move Some Tracks / Artists To Another Folder Using Itunes?

Jan 26, 2009

How can I Move some tracks/artists to another Folder using Itunes? I have read all about moving my entire itunes library to an external HD using the "consolidate library" function and I have read all about importing NEW tracks into a new folder by unchecking the "Copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library" box BUT I have not yet heard of a way to split an itunes library between an internal and external HD by moving certain artists/tracks from the default Itunes library folder to a new folder on my HD. If possible I would like to do this without losing my playlists/playcount/etc for the tracks that I would be moving. Does anyone have any suggestions? * The reason why I would like to do this is that my laptop's C drive is almost full. Therefore I need to free up some space by removing some music from it. BUT I would like to still have access to SOME of my music library when I am using the laptop away from the external HD (not connected to an external HD)

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Applications :: ITunes Grid View Are Not Displaying Tracks

May 10, 2009

I keep iTunes open and running at all times and haven't noticed any issues all day today. I just went into it to play a track and when I opened the album from grid view, the tracks seem to be invisible. I can click on them and play them,If I view in List or Cover Flow views, tracks show up fine. It's only Grid view that has problems. While it does show the grid of album art correctly, it's just when opening an album that a problem occurs. And I've confirmed that it's only in music albums, both in the main library and playlists, but not so in the Grid view of TV Shows; that functions properly and shows episodes when opened.

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Applications :: (iTunes) Convert Tracks To 128Kbps On Import?

Aug 23, 2010

Is there a way to convert all my tracks in iTunes to 128Kbps without having the original tracks imported into iTunes aswell.

I'm picking up a 128GB SSD (going from 640GB HDD) and wanted to put a majority of the compressed/converted tracks onto the library on the drive itself. (similar to how I do it with my iPad).

Is there a way to drag and drop the tracks into iTunes and auto-convert them on the fly without having a huge lossless file and the 128kbps file?

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Applications :: Purchasing Tracks / Videos From Canadian Itunes Store

Dec 28, 2008

*First time user on this forum, so sorry if I have posted this in the wrong place or this thread has already been asked*

I was wondering if anybody could advise me on how to go about purchasing tracks/videos from the Canadian Itunes store.I have an American account, but there are a few items in the Canadian sotre I would like to purchase. I've tried changing 'stores' but I get the usually message "Your Account is only valid to purchase items from the US store".I have read you can make a Canadian account, but was wondering if the Giftcards purchased in the American stores, can be used to top up Canadian Itunes Account.

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Applications :: Encrypt ITunes Tracks To Require Authorization To Play

Jun 30, 2010

I have imported a large number of CDs into my iMac, and I realized recently if someone managed to copy the MP3s off of my computer with a simple USB drive, they could steal my entire library! Is there a way to encode my ripped tracks with DRM to force iTunes to check if the computer is authorized to play them? I think I remember there was an early version of iTunes that allowed you to encrypt your own tracks with FairPlay DRM.

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Applications :: How To Delete Itunes Tracks Directly From Playlists And The Library

Jul 22, 2010

If I'm playing some music from a playlist, and I decide I want to delete it from my entire collection, I can't don't it easily. Deleting it right from the playlist doesn't remove it from my library. I have to go hunt it down in the main "Music" folder which is a pain in the ass, especially with multiple tracks. Is there some way, when looking at a track in a playlist, that I can delete it from my entire library and put it in the Trash?

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ITunes :: Newly Converted Mp3's Won't Play?

Apr 30, 2012

All the iTunes songs that I have purchased in the past 6 months and converted to mp3 will not play in my Harley Davidson radio. I have several mp3 CDs that I have created over the last 2 years that work just fine. The latest discs that I have tried to make (at least 6 times) will not play any new songs. The older songs on the disc play but the radio skips through the recently purchased songs that were converted to mp3 in iTunes. Odd as it only affects the recent purchases. Is there something new happening with the latest update of iTunes or the iTunes Store? BTW I have checked the MP3 button when burning, I have tried three different kinds of CD-Rs and all the usual possible troubles.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ITunes For Mac :: Burning Playlist Converted To MP3?

Dec 9, 2014

tried burning a playlist, received error that the songs had to be originally MP3 to burn to a CD disk.  Followed instructions on how to convert those songs to MP3, which I did, and when I tried to burn the converted playlist, received that same message.

iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10), two - 2TB external hard drives

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ITunes :: Converted Video In It But Won't Sync To IPad

Mar 7, 2012

Usually, I convert videos for my iPad or iPhone using Toast and it works fine. Today, I had an mp4 video and I just dropped it into iTunes where it will play there just fine. However, it will not sync to my iPad. So, I went into the iTunes Advanced menu and had iTunes convert it for the iPad. Even that video will not sync to my iPad. I don't get it. I just converted it with Toast and now it will go on my iPad thru iTunes. I don't get why it doesn't work when iTunes converts it.

Info:Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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ITunes :: Can't Add Album Artwork To Converted Files

May 18, 2012

I know that WAV is a no-no with iTunes for artwork, so I converted the playlist tunes to Apple Lossless and still cannot add album artwork.

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Applications :: No Back Up Option In ITunes?

Mar 13, 2010

how can i get the backup option in itunes? I have it for my iphone 3g but not for my 5th gen ipod nano. I fixed it for my iphone by tying a terminal command but no i can only backup my iphone and not my nano

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