Applications :: Is Smc Fan Control Safe To Use?

May 17, 2009

I find that, more often than not, my MBP (late 08) gets incredibly hot and overheated). So I heard about this program smcFanControl and have been using it since, and it really does a good job keeping my computer cool.I have the left/right fans running at 6000 RPM (the max), is is SAFE for my fans to be running that fast? Will it significantly lower the longevity of the fans/computer at all?

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Mac Pro :: SMC Control - Setting Safe Fans Speed

Jul 29, 2008

During the summer, I don't have A/C in my house. My temps were getting pretty high, around 55C/130F for processors and up to 78c/172f for ram. That is pretty high, and I suspect it is because the ambient temp in my room is somewhere in the 90s. I am just very acclimated to the heat, and it doesn't bother me.

I downloaded SMC Fan control and bumped the min fan speeds up to:
1250rpm for Exhaust
1150rpm for CPU
800rpm for Power Supply
1350rpm for HD

This has made a tremendous difference. CPU is down over 20C and ram is down about 30-35C. Are these fan speeds safe? What are the Mac Pro fans rated at, and will the increased speed shorten their lifespan? I'd like to keep these current fan speeds if it is safe.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: What Is Safe Boot, Safe Mode

Apr 13, 2012

Been having probs w Mac Pro w Lion seeming to hang on shutdown/restart. Have 'reopen windows' unchecked in prefs.  Was able to run through safe mode boot once but now seems to hang about 20% in everytime.  Have had to do shutdowns w power button (I hate that) or /by ctrl-option-command-esc Boot single user run rack -fy says 'apparently ok'Mount -uw / reports removed 10 orphaned or unlinked files and 10 directories?

Mac Pro, 2xDual2.66, 4GB, GeForce 7300 GT, 23" Apple LCD, Mac OS X (10.5), G4 Cube, Rev A/C iMac, NeXTCube,PwrMac8500,Quadras,SE30s,MacPlus

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Applications :: LimeWire Safe For A MBP?

Dec 27, 2009

Is limewire safe for a mbp?

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Applications :: SMC Fan Control

Nov 11, 2008

I got a notice of an update for SMCFanControl to version I installed it, and when it ran my fans went faster and louder than ever before! Normally surfing the web they were around 2000rpm. After the update SMC reported 7300rpm! I didn't even think they could go that fast.

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Applications :: Safe Eyes Disable

Feb 10, 2010

does anyone know how to disable safe eyes i dont have the admin password either?

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OS X :: Applications Only Launch In Safe Mode

Feb 28, 2010

I've been running OSX 10.6.2 without any problem for the last six months until today....Now when I try to run applications (other than Safari which is working slow, but otherwise ok) the application icon will appear in the dock for 2-3 seconds and then disappears without opening the program. I'm not aware that I've added or changed anything that might have triggered this problem. I can however open the applications without any problem if I boot into safe mode. I've tried more than one user profile, disk utilities, resetting PRAM, running Onyx maintenance utilities etc.

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Applications :: Is Electric Sheep Safe?

Mar 3, 2010

The screen saver that this produces are beautiful but is it safe? It works via your computer communicating with hundreds of computers around the world?

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Applications :: Is Changing DNS Address Safe

Aug 3, 2010

I dont know much about DNS and etc. What is it? And is it safe if i change it bc my internet is so slow on safari! I found a site that is telling me to change my DNS but before i do that... I want to make sure it's not some kind of virus thing. Can a virus enter my computer via that DNS?

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Applications :: Vuze Safe To Download On Mac?

Aug 5, 2010

So, I don't like torrents, I generally associate viruses, malware, and spyware with torrent programs, is Vuze safe to download? I want to download Jolicloud and it's only available by torrent. Am I at risk in anyway by installing Vuze?

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Applications :: SMC Fan Control Not Working?

Nov 3, 2008

I have a MacBook pro (pre-2008 update), and recently had to reinstall smc fan control after trying out another fan control app i thought might be better. After finding out that smc was the way to go, i reinstalled it. After reinstalling smc, it was never working properly like it was before i uninstalled it. When I make a favorite and then set that favorite on the menubar, the fans kick up to the speed i set it to for about 3 seconds then they return to the normal 2000 rpms. nothing I do can fix this. i have tried reinstalling, reinstalling different versions etc.

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Applications :: Alternative Control Of OSX

May 4, 2009

ways to use osx and its applications, besides keyboard and mouse.

I know about speech recognition. Recently I found about opera browser gesture-based internet surfing.

Maybe there are other programs that use isight in order to take commands from our face expressions. Of course, from hardware side, there is also trackball, tablet surfaces etc

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OS X V10.4 :: What Is Safe Boot, Safe Mode

Apr 6, 2012

I have been unable to restart me computer after a software update (White screen/apple logo/spinning wheel continuously). I have tried to start up in safe mode (holding down shift key) but it hasn't worked.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.6)

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Applications :: Looking For Free / Safe Password Manager?

Nov 4, 2010

My question is simple: I'm looking for a free, safe, good password application to keep all my passwords and other account info organized. I've been using just a word doc, but I'm just starting to get a little scared with that since it holds really important stuff. Plus, it's not well organized.

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Applications :: Safe To Delete Acrobat Distiller?

Nov 30, 2010

So in my 'Adobe Acrobat X Pro' folder I have this app called 'Acrobat Distiller'. Google says that its used when you work with postscripts files and want to convert them to pdf. Does anyone know if Distiller is used for something else? I only work with pdf files, so I was wondering if it was safe to delete Distiller. And if I delete it, does anyone know if I will have problems when there is an update for Acrobat, maybe it will complain about missing files?

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Applications :: Is It Safe To Setup LAMP Server On Mac?

Dec 4, 2010

I'll be learning LAMP (mainly PHP), so I need to setup a LAMP server for testing purpose, I have a Thinkpad T60 and a Macbook Pro, I mainly use the Mac for my daily uses, so it is more convenient to setup a LAMP server on Mac. But I read some articles about how to do it, I have to turn on Web Sharing, so basically is it safe to do this?

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OS X :: Safe To Delete Duplicated Applications Folder

May 5, 2009

When I first got my Mac I wanted to put the applications folder in the dock. But I copied it to the desktop first. And then I realized I didn't need to do that. So I put the folder back into the App folder. Now I want to delete them and I need to know if it's okay. Because they seem to be duplicates...but I'm not sure.

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Applications :: How To Control The Margins In TextEdit

Dec 13, 2004

How do you control the margins in TextEdit?

I am trying to create a manual which includes some screen snaps which fit on A4 paper, but TextEdit persistently has fat margins and won't print the images that are wider than width allowed by the margins.

The screen grabs appear on screen but when I print the document the wider images do not print although they leave a gap in the text equal to their height.

I have:

Adjusted the preferences:

� for window width which is in No of Characters (how wide is a character when you are using rtf?)

� checked Wrap to window which shows a page view but the margins don't change

� I have created an entire new page in Page Setup with fixed margins and selected it but nothing changes

Mac Help says the margins can be altered by dragging the page margin markers in the ruler, but they will not drag outside what seems to be the default margins, This wouldn't help with top and bottom margins anyway.

I have tried using Acrobat PDF as the printer but again I get no further options and nothing changes.

I am at my wits end. TextEdit is almost temptingly useful except for the weird UI.

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Applications :: Fan Control - Best Configuration Settings?

May 10, 2008

A while back I installed Fan Control on my MacBook Pro 2,4 GHz. Since then I have processed to at least two clean install of Leopard. From what I have read, the application is located in the MBP firmware. So I have a couple of questions for you:
- How do I uninstall Fan control?
- Well should I be stuck with it then, I am not sure I really understand how to use it:

I am reading:
Fan control:
Base speed: 1500RPM
Lower Threshold: 50C
Upper Threshold: 80C

Current values:
Left fan: 1593 RPM
Right fan: 1600 RPM
Temperature: 47,5C

Are these settings OK? What types of configurations would be dangerous for my machine?

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Applications :: Remote Control ITunes On PC?

Dec 26, 2008

I have plugged a Windows XP notebook into my home stereo, installed iTunes on it and have it streaming music from my other Windows XP box upstairs. Everything works perfectly. What I'd like is a suggestion on a make/model remote control (you know, like the tv remote you use every day) that will allow me to do simple operations in iTunes like Next Song, Back, etc.

I have the Apple Mac Mini remote control but it, by default, will not talk to my Windows hardware because there is no Infrared Port (as far as I know). It's not the easiest thing to google. I would assume I could find a Remote Control package that includes the Remote, an Infrared Receiver (that plugs in via USB), and some baseline software for under $30 somewhere.

It needs to be a USB port because I do not have an RS232 jack on my laptop (Dell Mini9). On a side note, I have to say, this setup I created is THE BEST way to stream iTunes music down to my stereo. I have tried numerous products for the past 10 years ranging from Tivo to Logitech's Squeezebox2 and nothing compares to simply 2 computers sharing iTunes. I got the Dell Mini9 for $302 to my door!

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Applications :: Remote Control With Web Interface?

Oct 26, 2009

Does anyone know of a way to remote control a mac from a web page (with a Java applet or something) that is actually on your computer. I know LogMeIn can be used, but then all of the data goes through the LogMeIn server, and I would like a server that I can run on my mac, independently from any other server.

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Applications :: Won't Control Pdf Presentation With Remote

Nov 3, 2009

I have a macbook and an apple remote and an iPod touch. Is there any way that I can control pdf slideshow (through preview) from an iPod touch app / mac apps that controls the remote? My iRed Lite does not work with snow leopard anymore =(

I tried googling and couldn't find anything useful...

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OS X :: How To Control The Volume Of Applications Independently Of Each Other

Nov 4, 2009

Vista and 7 have built in functionality to allow the user to control the application volumes independently of each other. For example, if I'm watching a video, and also am browsing websites that randomly emit noise, it allows you to mute your web browser while still having sound from your video. Can this be done in Mac OS X? Or are there free programs?

I work online through a website that has annoying and non-essential sound, so I want to mute this in order to listen to music through iTunes.

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Applications :: Remote Control ITunes From Other Mac?

Jan 20, 2010

I really like the Remote app on my iPhone, but I want to be able to do the same thing but instead of my iPhone, use my MacBook to control iTunes on a Powermac G4 hooked to my stereo system Music is stored on the G4 and I do NOT want to use Airfoil... Is there some other Solution?

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Applications :: Unable To Hide Control Bar

Jan 30, 2010

What is that bar? I couldn't control it, as it hides instantaneously after I release F7 or I click on it.

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Applications ::Looking For Fan Control Application - Easy To Use?

Apr 11, 2010

Does anyone use a fan control for their laptops? What is a good fan control app thats easy to use?

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Applications :: Smc FAN Control Settings In A System

Aug 19, 2010

you are running SMC fan control at a low or medium fan setting, that the smc overrides those settings if the Mac starts to overheat and requiring fans to be above those settings?So far I'm using SMC at Medium fan settings, my CPU fan is constantly at 2150 RPM range. Having your Mac cooler than normal for the price of some lower fans is quite worth it, but I'm worried that if I am using a lot of high CPU apps that the fans won't automatically go up, because right now i'm compressing some 7zip archives of old data and the CPU is around 104 F, 2150 RPM fan still, it didn't change one bit from CPU at 90 F idle and 2150 RPM idle

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Control The Startup Applications?

May 18, 2012

how to control the startup applications? 

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Applications :: Safe To Delete Final Cut Pro Cache Folders?

Dec 1, 2008

So I have created a video presentation for a project I am working on using Final Cut Pro. I noticed Final Cut Pro creates a default folder in Documents called "Final Cut Pro Documents." This folder contains six additional folders:

1. Audio Render Files
2. Autosave Vault
3. Capture Scratch
4. Render Files
5. Thumbnail Cache Files
6. Waveform Cache Files

Is it safe to delete these six folders? I wouldn't otherwise care, but collectively they are taking up 25 GB on my HD. I'm not planning to delete the actual FCP project files and their attached media, but rather the above six folders which appear to be cache? Do I run any risk of losing my entire presentation if I delete these six folders, or is it simply a matter of just re rendering my project if I delete them?

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Applications :: Windows Media Player Version 9 Safe?

Feb 24, 2010

I tried to download it but a window popped up asking for my password so that it can make changes to my computer. What's that about?

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