Applications :: How Do You Get Data From Excel To Address Book?
Sep 1, 2010
I am trying to move contact info for a list of clients from an excel spreadsheet to address book. I am using office mad 2008 and regular address book (not Bento or anything) I can't figure out how to do it.
i am a new mac user and am slowly starting to get to grips with everything mymcbook can do. I used to have a hotmail account but now i want to use MAC's MAIL. I already managed to get my mails delivered but now i'm struggling with the email addresses. I have managed to export these from my hotmail account to Excel for Mac but would like to get them, nicely ordened in Apple's address book so that i can directly use then in MAIL.
I recently upgraded my MacBook Pro to Snow Leopard, but the computer has some hardware problems and I need to send it in for repair (it won't wake up or boot). It is entirely backed up with Time Machine, and I would like to transfer the calendar and contact data from it to my PowerBook that is running OS X 10.4.
I managed to export an icbu file (iCal) and abbu (Address Book) file from the MBP, but when I try to add them to the PB's iCal and Address Book, I get an error message. The raw data in the Library folder seem to be in a different format as well. Is there any other way to transfer the data?
I've searched the forums but still can't find the answer I'm looking for. This morning, I tried something on my iPhone called MyPhone+ which syncs my contacts on my phone with my Facebook account. This was all well and good, until I realized that it overwrote all the address information. which then went to mobileme, and then overwrote everything on my mac. SO, I looked in Time Machine, and my address book is perfect as of 6:00 am this morning. I selected that point in time, and clicked the RESTORE button, but nothing changes. Is it not possible to restore the data in address book to a point in time from the Time Machine backups?
I have one of my co-workers that is leaving is there a way that I can take their address book expport in abbu and import it in to my address book under its own group with out losing any of my data?
Well I just purchased a brand new 13" Unibody MacBook Pro and want to transfer iCal, Address Book etc. from my old 15" MacBook Pro to my new 13" Unibody MacBook Pro, how do I do it?. I also have Quicken '07 on my old 15" MacBook Pro and would like to transfer the data so I can continue using it on the new 13" MacBook Pro. There are other things I would like to transfer over to the new 13" MacBook Pro, just certain things that I want, how do I do it? What is the easiest way and fastest way of doing this?
I just upgraded my macbook pro 17 inch to snow leopard 10.6.2 from tiger and all seems fine except that it has dropped some of the calendars from iCal (e.g. Personal, and Free), and also my address book is short 2000 addresses! Most annoying and rather odd. Anyone seen this, and have a solution? I went to the backup and tried to double click iCal events documents that are in the missing calendars but they still do not appear in iCal 10.6.
I am unable to transfer my address book data (version 4.1.2) from my old Mac onto my new iMac IntelCor i5. I just get a message saying it is unsupported by mac OSX.
Used Migration Assistant to move everything from iMac 24" running OS 10.6 to new iMac 27" running OS 10.7. Multiple data files didn't get transferred. One was part of entrys in address book. Is there anyway to manually transfer the data over? Where are the data files located?
Address-book doesnt work after update from Snow Lepard to Lion 10.7.3 PB says your address-book is 5.0.3. PB says You have adressbook 10.5.3, yes, but now?
Some content in Name.xls may not be saved because it is not compatible with the Excel 97-2004 Workbook (.xls) file format. Do you still want to save the workbook in this format? To save the workbook in a new format and preserve all content, click No, and then on the Format pop-up menu, click Excel Workbook (.xlsx). To save the workbook in the current format and remove all incompatible content, click Yes." Somehow I managed to not read the popup properly and just went ahead and saved (clicked "yes"). I then closed the spreadsheet and now all the work from the past 4 hours is gone.
I am trying to make an excel sheet on all of my photos. I have found a program to exports exif information in html or txt files and it is the only program I have found that displays the fields I need (Windows XP title, comments, keywords, etc). Anyway, the program will only export all of the data (I can't just select the fields I want) and it also makes a new files for each photos (and names them whatever the photo is named so yes sequential). I have been playing with importing html and txt files into Excel 2008 and need help. I am looking for a way to only import the rows I need and to automate it so I don't have to do 10,000 photos by hand.
On another forum, it was suggested to use VBA (visual basics) in excel on windows which looks promising but I know little about it and will have to borrow my sister's dell to do. Another suggestion was to combine the text files and use a Macro in excel in which I also have little idea on how to use. Can Apple Script or Automator or any thing else help me here? I know Excel 2008 for Mac doesn't have VB but what about macro on it?
In my old old old excel 2003 when I was searching for some words in excel sheet (e.g. in the column) I could choose "to find all" option. So I saw all the results in the "find" window. In excel 2008 for Mac I can see search results only one by one not altogether. On microsoft site I couldn't find tha answer also. Does anyone know how to make it in excel 2008 for mac so i could see all search results in the "find" window?
I am running Address Book 5.0 on Snow Leopard on one machine, and want to share my contacts on another machine running OSX10.4.11, Address Book v4.0.....can this be done?
I just erased my HD and Im reinstalled all my programs. Im now trying to import my contacts to my address book. Before I erased my HD, I made a back up of my contacts by going to file>>>Export>>>Address Book Archive. and it saved it as a .abbu file. Now that its time to restore my contacts, It wont let me. My whole system was saved with time machine, so how do I restore my contacts threw time machine, without restoring everything else?
When I added contacts in my address book on my computer I ticked the "company" button... now I want to change ALL my contacts in the address book at once to not be known as "company".... I have 1600 contacts and do not want to do them one at a time!
I installed Entourage and updated it to the latest version, my iPhone synced all my contacts to Address Book but now I can't get my Address Book to sync with Entourage. I used Sync Services and that synced Entourage with iCal but it didn't sync with Address Book. I'm using Leopard and I don't use .mac.
I am am relatively new returnee to Mac--I quit back in the early '90s and am now back. But it is clear that if Mac is to win over corporate users (and that surely is the way to wider use and ultimate victory over the PC) these two basic programs need work.
Some initial thoughts if what I want:
The display should be able to show part of one month and part of another --i.e. at the moment the last 2 weeks of December and the first 2 of January. Why can't the scroll wheel 'roll' the months up and down?
Address Book
I have something like 900 contacts in my address book, many of them remembered because of where they work, not because of there last name opr specific title or job. Yes, I do know you can check the book to have the company name displayed in the sort list but that's a slow and painful way of doing it--especially if you have 10 or more contacts working for the same firm and you then have to look at each in turn to discov er who you want.
I would like to be alter the display to show 2-lines of choice: say company above and last/first name below or maybe title below. I could then tell who is who without having to search each entry.
Ideally the sort function would be expanded to allow one to sort by, first, company and then, last name.
I'm running Leopard with all the latest updates. I did some googling to see if I could sync my gmail contacts with the OS X address book. I found this link:
Magic, I thought. However the prefs pane in address book on my system does not have Google listed, only Exchange, Yahoo and MobileMe. How do I get it to add Google to the list? Failing that, are there other methods for syncing gmail contacts with address book?