Intel Mac :: Unable To Transfer Address Book Data (version 4.1.2) From Old Onto New?
Feb 4, 2012
I am unable to transfer my address book data (version 4.1.2) from my old Mac onto my new iMac IntelCor i5. I just get a message saying it is unsupported by mac OSX.
Just bought a new MacBook Pro. I set up my old Mac as a drive, hooked it to the new laptop and dragged most stuff over. However, it claims my old version of Address Book (4.1.2) isn't compatible. How can I transfer my contacts over? I tried syncing my iPhone and the contacts didn't migrate. I tried the same thing unsuccessfully with my iCal (3.0.8).
Well I just purchased a brand new 13" Unibody MacBook Pro and want to transfer iCal, Address Book etc. from my old 15" MacBook Pro to my new 13" Unibody MacBook Pro, how do I do it?. I also have Quicken '07 on my old 15" MacBook Pro and would like to transfer the data so I can continue using it on the new 13" MacBook Pro. There are other things I would like to transfer over to the new 13" MacBook Pro, just certain things that I want, how do I do it? What is the easiest way and fastest way of doing this?
I just upgraded my macbook pro 17 inch to snow leopard 10.6.2 from tiger and all seems fine except that it has dropped some of the calendars from iCal (e.g. Personal, and Free), and also my address book is short 2000 addresses! Most annoying and rather odd. Anyone seen this, and have a solution? I went to the backup and tried to double click iCal events documents that are in the missing calendars but they still do not appear in iCal 10.6.
I have one of my co-workers that is leaving is there a way that I can take their address book expport in abbu and import it in to my address book under its own group with out losing any of my data?
My Ti Power Book finally died after 13 yrs service. I bought a new MacBook Pro 15" last month, running 10.5.8. I have a full backup of the old computer on an external drive and I connected it to recover some of my data. When I tried to open the old Address Book (V 4.0) it told me this version will not work on the new PB. Is there any way to open this or print it out??
I've searched the forums but still can't find the answer I'm looking for. This morning, I tried something on my iPhone called MyPhone+ which syncs my contacts on my phone with my Facebook account. This was all well and good, until I realized that it overwrote all the address information. which then went to mobileme, and then overwrote everything on my mac. SO, I looked in Time Machine, and my address book is perfect as of 6:00 am this morning. I selected that point in time, and clicked the RESTORE button, but nothing changes. Is it not possible to restore the data in address book to a point in time from the Time Machine backups?
I am running Address Book 5.0 on Snow Leopard on one machine, and want to share my contacts on another machine running OSX10.4.11, Address Book v4.0.....can this be done?
I am trying to move contact info for a list of clients from an excel spreadsheet to address book. I am using office mad 2008 and regular address book (not Bento or anything) I can't figure out how to do it.
My mom just got a new mac and wants to transfer address book from Her old Windows computer to her new Mac any suggestionsShe uses Microsoft outlook and mail on her mac
I have two sets of contacts in my address book, one on local drive and one from iCloud. How do I delete all the contacts from my local drive as they are all out of date?
I have tried deleting the contacts but they keep reappearing. I have tried to create a new group and they keep disappearing! I have read forums and some talk about removing the two addressbook.plist files but I don't even have those in my preference folder...
If I do not have those files, where is my address book storing these contact information and how do I get rid of them? It is driving me nuts having to deal with two lots of each contact and not being able to create groups or delete contacts.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I would like to figure out how to tranfer my address from my address book from snow leopard to Lion.Tried the inport and export from both sides, tried to copy addresses to an external thumb drive, unlike what apple says...
I recently upgraded my MacBook Pro to Snow Leopard, but the computer has some hardware problems and I need to send it in for repair (it won't wake up or boot). It is entirely backed up with Time Machine, and I would like to transfer the calendar and contact data from it to my PowerBook that is running OS X 10.4.
I managed to export an icbu file (iCal) and abbu (Address Book) file from the MBP, but when I try to add them to the PB's iCal and Address Book, I get an error message. The raw data in the Library folder seem to be in a different format as well. Is there any other way to transfer the data?
A friend of mine got his first mac, an iMac and wants to EASILY transfer his hotmail email addresses into the OSX "Address Book" app. There's got to be an easy way to do this so he can avoid transferring them in one by manually.
Used Migration Assistant to move everything from iMac 24" running OS 10.6 to new iMac 27" running OS 10.7. Multiple data files didn't get transferred. One was part of entrys in address book. Is there anyway to manually transfer the data over? Where are the data files located?
I've just been inputing email addresses into my Mac Address Book. One email at a time. All of a sudden it wipe every email address in then (over 4000) and left 2.
It wiped out all the Group Folders I had in there as well. Basically all I can view now is the 2 emails, nothing else. I've found some of the emails (only 50 or so) in a Recovered Files folder in the Trash.
Address-book doesnt work after update from Snow Lepard to Lion 10.7.3 PB says your address-book is 5.0.3. PB says You have adressbook 10.5.3, yes, but now?
I am experiencing a funny behaviour with Address Book. In First and Last name field if for eg: I have Robert Brown, the system adds either again a Brown or part of his email address. I don't know how to resolve this issue.
I am not able to import contacts from a .csv file to address book. The import stalls when I press ok and next at about no 4 of 300. For some reason, the import notes I have over 400 contacts when I have about 300.
So I currently have a late 2008 MacBook Pro. I may be getting a new iMac for Christmas. My question is, is there a way to basically transfer all of my files/programs/etc. to the new Mac without having to reinstall everything? The iMac will become my primary computer, and the MBP will become kind of a sitting on the couch/travel computer. This is the first time I will be upgrading Macs, as the MBP was my first non-PC computer.