Applications :: Spinning Beachball Keeps Popping Up Using Safari

Apr 27, 2009

I have both Safari and Firefox browsers. I prefer Firefox, but for downloading stuff I use Safari, but my question is, Why does the spinning beach ball of death keeps on popping up throughout the whole time I use Safari? Does this happen to all of you?

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Applications :: Random Slowdowns In Safari - Spinning Beachball

Mar 17, 2009

Quite a while back, I switched from Firefox back to Safari, because Firefox was driving me crazy with it's intermittent freezes and whatnot. Safari was so much faster and allowed tabbing to menu form fields (which I think Firefox still does not do). But lately, it seems like Safari just slogs through everything it tries to do. Google maps is painful. Loading up the CBS website earlier took over a minute, and not because of a slow connection.

The spinning beachball now appears on every click it seems. This is was Safari 3, so I updated to Safari 4 beta, and it doesn't seem much better. It's odd because it didn't used to be like this...It just sort of started out of nowhere. One thing I do notice is that my hard drive is just churning away with activity at these times. Any ideas what could cause such random slowdowns? Restarting does not help. It's just as slow afterward.

MacBook Pro 17" 2.0 Ghz, 2GB Ram, 160GB HD

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Applications :: Firefox With Spinning Beachball - Safari Working Fine

Nov 29, 2009

I don't know what my wife did to her 13" white MacBook, but Firefox is slow as molasses. Safari is working perfectly, but all of her bookmarks are in Firefox. I made sure she was on the correct network, than added opendns settings to DNS. I downloaded and installed the most recent Firefox and repaired permissions on the drive. I rebooted - same problem. Random beachballs causing the app to be useless. Safari works perfectly, so it's not an Internet issue. I haven't tried other apps to be sure but right now it seems confined to Firefox.

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Safari :: Spinning Beachball On Every Page?

Jun 16, 2012

Lately (last few weeks) Safari has been really sluggish loading pages. Any pages. I've used 5.1.7, downgraded to 5.1.5 which helped for a few days only. Pages do eventually load. Other apps seem fine. I've repaired permissions with Disk Utility, which didn't help. Chrome works fine, other apps work fine.

iMac 2 GB, 250 GB disk (150 GB free).  

I recently had to initialize the HD and restore from Time Machine, so  I'm thinking I screwed something up then. what piece of Safari-related software could be missing or misplaced that would make pages load VERY slowly in Safari, but eventually load?

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Safari :: Cursor Is A Constantly Spinning Beachball?

May 26, 2012

Since last night's Mac OS upgrade (I use Lion), the cursor in Safari is a constantly spinning beachball.  How can I turn it back into an arrow?  Safari is still working, by the way--but the beachball keeps spinning.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac :: Sometimes Unresponsive - Busy Beachball Popping Up

Sep 13, 2010

Our 1.5 year old iMac (20" iMac, 2.4GHz Core 2 duo, otherwise known as "iMac 8.1") has started to act really strange: the busy "beachball" popping up all the time, things lagging behind or being very unresponsive (e.g. I might access an application's menu or press a window button and won't get any response until a minute later). Booting is also an issue: often times the white screen which appears with the startup chime stays there forever with that spinning circle. Other times all seems well and the Finder desktop with the dock appears, but the Finder menu bar never shows up (or appears 20 minutes later!). I've also had instances when a large folder icon with a question mark on it appears right after the startup chime (I take it this means that a bootable drive isn't found or isn't working).

Strangely there are instances when everything works as it should. But something is obviously wrong with it. So what else have I tried in order to rectify or indicate where the problem lies:
- reinstalled MacOSX from the DVD while keeping the user data
- reinstalled MacOSX from the DVD, completely erasing the internal hard drive first (I've back up my user files on an external Time Machine hard drive)
- run "Apple hardware test" from the MacOSX installation DVD. No indications of damaged RAM.
- removed the 4GB memory upgrade (two 2GB DIMMs) and replaced it with the 1GB DIMM that came with the iMac when we bought it
- ran "Disk utility", checking the drive for errors, SMART status and permission issues
- booted into Safe mode (CMD-S while booting), then entering: applejack AUTO restart to do a deep fix/check of the drive
- done several PRAM resets (CMD-ALT-P-R while booting up, a couple of times after each other, repeating the startup chime)

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OS X :: Finding Spinning Beachball

Sep 24, 2009

2 yr old Macbook Pro boots up to the point where wallpaper appears - then its solid spinning. I've tied restarting a number of time same thing. I really don't have time for this.

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Software :: Spinning Beachball In XTorrent - How To Know About It

Jan 17, 2008

Is anyone else getting spinning beachball in xTorrent lately?

Everytime I have fired it up over the last few days I get the spinning beachball after a few minutes.

And it'll just sit there spinning for hours until I Force Kill the application.

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Software :: Beachball Spinning - Unable To Off It

Nov 13, 2008

i have just installed a new hard drive and since i have done this, i keep getting a spinning beachball, which sometimes doesn't go off and i have to manually switch off the computer, and i know this cant be good for the hard drive. i am running tiger 10.4 on a powermac g4.

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ITunes :: 10.6.1 (7) Won't Respond - Beachball Just Keeps Spinning

May 4, 2012

I have a 27 " IMac, version 10.7.3 and downloaded iTunes 10.6.1 (7) loads but does not respond. The deadly beachball just keeps spinning. I have restarted computer, reloaded profram, tried several times. Any ideas?

Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Familiar with ITunes

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Intel Mac :: Beachball Won't Stop Spinning?

Jun 17, 2012

What to do when wheel won't stop spinning


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OS X Mavericks :: Spinning Beachball Keeps Coming Up?

Sep 5, 2014

I've got 500mb of RAM available for OSX to use the spinning beachball comes up every now and again and when it appears I’m unable to do anything other than move my mouse. I’m running latest version of OSX Mavericks.

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Software :: Spinning Beachball & Slow Start Up

Aug 27, 2008

Running 10.3.9 on a G4 iBook, suddenly started getting a verrrrry slow start up. Everyting fine up to the log in screen, choose user, enter passw, go through bits of blue screen right up until the wallpaper loads then, bam, on with the brakes. Spinning beachball, plus date, time, battery, language, volume, intnet connect, applescript and network icons all appearing one by one, very lazily, with no menu bar behind them. Takes a good couple of minues, thereafter everything ok. This doesn't happen when I reboot in safe mode. I've got about 30pc hard drive available, run a few bits of basic maintenance, but so far nothing.

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Software :: Intermittent Spinning Beachball - Using Network Home Directory

Sep 30, 2009

What's happening is a class can be running and without warning all of them (or seemingly all of them) will get the spinning beach ball and won't be able to do any work for the 2 or so minutes before things return.

Here's what I currently know
- OS X version is 10.5 and is on the april (? around there) bug fixes
- Users are authenticating with Active Directory
- Users are using Network Home Directories with the files stored on a Server 2003 share
- I'm assured the network connection is fine but this hasn't been ruled out

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OS X :: Mouse Not Working After Wake / Mouse Cursor Is Beachball And Not Spinning

Jun 6, 2008

When I wake from sleep, my mouse cursor is a beachball that is NOT spinning. I can use my mouse like normal, move it, and click on things, but its still a beachball. I beleive it stays like this until the mouse is actually supposed to be a beachball (when I open a few programs at the same time and the computer starts "thinking"), then it starts spinning and after that it goes back to the normal black arror cursor.

Might be a problem from the 10.5.3 update? anyone else experience this?

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Windows On Mac :: Spinning Beachball In Parallels 5 After You Log Into Windows

Dec 13, 2009

spinning beachball in Parallels 5 after you log into Windows? Doesn't matter which Windows version - XP SP3, Vista SP2 and W7 are all affected.

If it makes any difference, I have multiple monitors and have Parallels set to use all of them in full-screen mode (which is how I run my VMs).

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OS X :: Safari / Firefox Beachball With Flash In SL

Aug 31, 2009

Like the title says since Snow Leopard when I go to websites with a flash video player built in it beachballs my internet browser endlessly until I force quit. It is very frustrating. I have reinstalled flash player many times. Youtube works fine, but Hulu is impossible to watch. This makes a good portion of websites I visit not even functional.

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Software :: Safari Rolls A Beachball?

May 6, 2009

The last several times I tried to quit everything, preparing for a shutdown or reboot, Safari has gone into a tailspin and I had to force-quit it. Any ideas?

Safari 3.2.1 on MacOS 10.5.6.

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MacBook Pro :: Beachball Back After Safari 4.0.3 Update

Aug 12, 2009

After I installed 10.5.8. Ithought the beachball issues were gone. Yesterday I update Safari and it's a mess! Every few minutes Beachball and Beachball again. BTW I have the standard 250GB HDD.

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IMac :: Getting Beachball When Loading Page In Safari

Nov 5, 2009

My parents iMac is getting the beachball after about 5 minutes online on any browser (AOL, Safari, and Firefox) but every other Mac in the house is loading fine. The iMac is on Snow Leopard and was bought in July of 2008.

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Applications :: Safari Dead - Beach Ball Keep Spinning

Mar 2, 2010

I was updating my bookmarks in Safari and decided to get rid of the included News RSS-feeds that originally came with the browser because i use my own RSS-feeds. Shortly after our so beloved spinning beach ball of death appeared. I let it spin a bit but then decided to force-quit Safari. I restarted with knowing i could use my most favorite browser on the mac again but not so. Right after starting it the damn beach ball appeared again and didn't stop spinning. I force-quit again, restarted the app, force-quit again, same ****. I then let it do for like 10min's in hope it's doing some unknown calculations for whatever reasons after i deleted those RSS-feeds, it didn't stop. SO I restarted and thought ok this must be it, this must finally work! NO IT DIDN'T. I then did an Onyx maintenance cleaning to get rid of the web cache, etc, didn't work either. I went to download Webkit in hope that would work but no, it doesn't I can't believe this, WTF?!? All I did was getting rid of those RSS-bookmarks. What am I supposed to do now? Will a re-install of Safari work? I'm not even sure if the latest version for Snow Leopard is available for download?

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OS X Yosemite :: Launchpad Won't Accept Keyboard Input - Safari Freezes With Beachball

Dec 8, 2014

MacBook Pro (Mid 2014)

OS X 10.10.1 

I changed my Mac to log in with my iCloud password, which I also recently changed. This is when things went... crazy. 

• Upon reboot, my Keychain password will not work. No password I give Keychain will work. 

• Safari just sits there with the beachball. Force-quit shows Safari as "Not Responding." 

• Launchpad will not accept keyboard input 

I've repaired the drive and preferences. No change.

For what it's worth, another account on the same machine does NOT exhibit these issues. 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X Mavericks :: Ads Popping Up On Safari Page

Jun 25, 2014

I am getting these underlined ads popping on every website I use. The safari gets blocked and lot of windows opening  i have used the adblock with no permanent solution.

I'm attaching a screen shot ...

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MacBook Pro :: Adds Popping Up In Safari?

Sep 11, 2014

Adds popping up when i click links and some words underlined and link to random add sites in safari?

What can i do to get rid of this?

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Mac Mini :: Popping Sounds At Startup Also With Safari

Nov 28, 2010

i have been getting popping sounds when my mac mini starts up and when Safari starts up? Any ideas on how to stop this?

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Intel Mac :: How To Remove Genio - Keeps Popping Up With Safari

Jun 28, 2012

This application has appeared from nowhere and keeps popping up whenever I launch Safari. How do I uninstall. I can't find an uninstall application.

iMac, iOS 5.1.1

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IMac (Intel) :: How To Keep MacBooster From Popping Up On Safari

Dec 8, 2014

How do keep MacBooster from popping up on safari

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X :: Popping Sound In Safari 5 When Using Youtube, Hulu And Rhapsody

Jul 13, 2010

I have a Quad Core Mac Pro which is running Snow Leopard 10.6.4. I have 8 gigs of memory. I am using Safari 5 and the latest version of Flash Player.

This issue doesn't happen all the time but once it occurs it will keep happening until I quit Safari and then reopen it. After that it will begin happening again after a certain period of time.

It seems to occur when I have Safari open for extended periods of time and the memory pageouts increase. When I play music through the Rhapsody player, youtube or hulu and visit various sites at the same time, there's a popping or stuttering in the audio for a second or two.

The popping noise will occur when browsing a site while playing audio in Safari either through Youtube, Hulu or Rhapsody. The noise will occur when I click on a link to go to a website.

the Popping will occur when I quit Safari as well, it's sort of like a sound that shouldn't be there. It sounds almost like static electricity when you touch it.

The only thing that stops the popping is by Quitting Safari and reopening it. After that I won't hear the noise while browsing sites for a period of time. It will come back eventually though.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Flash player, repaired permissions in disk utility, rebuilt my drive with Disk Warrior, reinstalled Safari, and installed the 10.6.4 Combo update but the issue remains.

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Safari :: How To Stop The Facebook Login Page From Popping Up

Mar 29, 2012

Every time I go online to check lottery numbers the facebook login page takes over.  I have never used facebook but my daughter has used this computer to do her facebook stuff. 

Even when I close Safari and run ccleaner to get rid of everypart of facebook that I can.  The sme thing will happen right after I go back to that web site. 

I haven't noticed facebook jumping in front of any other site, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't. Can my daughter change anything at facebook to stop this? Can I tell my mac to block facebook?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Running Sophos & ccleaner for mac

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Safari :: Webpages Keep Popping Back To Prior Pages?

May 28, 2012

I keep having trouble with Safari, the web pages randomly and spontaneously pop back to prior or previously viewed pages.  This gets pretty frustrating, especially if doing online shopping or banking. 

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