Applications :: Finding ITunes "import" Options?

Jan 29, 2009

What happened to iTunes? Recently it's just been getting on my nerves and I'm wanting to permanently uninstall it. I have found some wonderful free alternatives!

What happened to the Advanced Options that allowed me to change what I wanted all my music files to be stored as? It used to be I could convert all my library to mp3's (128 kbps). I want to do that know but there is no option.

I have a bunch of DRM'ed music I want to remove the DRM from and convert to mp3. I usually do this by burning it to a CD and ripping it. Now iTunes is giving me nonsense about "You don't have the right to burn due to copyright issues" or something like that. And, also, I have been trying to figure out how to get around iTunes nonsense, so I keep on making new library files and it tells me "You have authorized 4 out of 5 computers" when I only play my music on one computer.... (That is if iPods don't count)

So if anyone could help me with this DRM nonsense (please do not tell me to waste 70 bucks on music I already have) or converting all my music to mp3's that'd be great.

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Applications :: Import Playlist From Windows Itunes Into Mac Itunes?

Apr 17, 2009

Just went from Windows to mac and want to bring my windows itunes playlists. when I hit export and save it on a usb and hit import in mac itunes, then I get the playlist but its all empty. It kinda sucks if I have to sort out all the good stuff again, so I hope I can get my old playlist back. I have it on my ipod touch as well, so I dunno if you can transfer playlist from ipod to mac

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Applications :: ITunes 9.2 - Cannot Add PDF As Books Using Import

Jun 16, 2010

iTunes 9.2 just came out. I am trying to add all my PDF's as books but is becoming really daunting. For some reason it will not let me add whole folders of pfd's using import (apple+O). I can import if I select a bunch but its time consuming since I have levels and levels of PDF's. An easier way of importing them. Also was this intended or maybe a bug?

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Applications :: Import 2005 Mp3s On CD ROM Into ITunes 10.0

Sep 20, 2010

I have a bunch of mp3s on a CD-ROM I burned in 2005. I want to import them into iTunes 10.0. How do I do it?

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Applications :: ITunes Import Songs As Albums?

Nov 7, 2010

Any idea why iTunes is importing a few cd's I have where each song is its own album and not grouping the albums together?

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Applications :: How To Import ITunes Podcasts From C To D Drive

Feb 16, 2009

I am now dual booting with win7, and want to setup iTunes with win7. All my podcasts are on C drive and win7 is on D drive, just installed iTunes on D can I import my podcasts from the C drive some how?

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Applications :: ITunes 9 Won't Import More Than One Movie At A Time

Sep 16, 2009

I have all my movies on an external drive. I used to be able to select a large number of them, drag them into iTunes and it'd import them all. Now, regardless of how many I select, it'll only import one of them. What's wrong?

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Applications :: ITunes Not Allow To Play Or Import Inserted CD

Aug 5, 2010

I recently updated iTunes to 9.2.1(4). Today I tried inserting a CD to import. iTunes accessed the database to retrieve the relevant song information but, once it did, I was no longer given the option to play or import the CD. During the access period, iTunes would briefly change to the artist/album/track, etc. information page for the CD but, once the access was finished, I could not access the CD, which didn't even show up on the side bar as it used to.

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Applications :: Install My Dvd's Into Itunes Options

Apr 11, 2009

that will allow me to install my dvd's into itunes?

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Applications :: Burning Options In ITunes?

May 14, 2009

Last night I decided to try itunes to burn a cd and I noticed the options you have when starting the burning process, space between songs (1,2,3 �seconds) and some other options.

I left the 2 second spaces which was the default, but my songs are cutoff by 1 or 2 seconds before the end.

Does this have to do with the 2 second I used?

Would someone be so kind and explain these options? I tried to google it by no answer.

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Applications :: ITunes Doesn't Import All Songs - Screenshots

Dec 12, 2010

I have an extensive mp3 album collection, somewhere around 20,000 songs or so.I've noticed that sometimes when I search iTunes I don't always find all the songs that I know I have.

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Applications :: How To Import ITunes Library On External Drive ?

Nov 1, 2008

I just bought a MacBook Pro. I have my iTunes library on an external firewire HDD. I want to keep it there, but have iTunes on my new Mac access it. However, even though I have put the path to that drive in iTunes Preferences, the songs there don't show up in iTunes.

The new Mac is authorised, and I have bought a song on the iTunes store, which was saved to the external drive.

So what do I need to do? Do I get one of the library files copied over from the old machine (also a Mac)?

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Applications :: Itunes Import Same Album - Does It Check Its Already Present

Feb 28, 2009

I have a situation where I've imported a large number of albums but not all from an external NAS (via SMB). My question is, if I import again will it check that my previous imports are present and just skip to the next album or will it re-import the album? I only want to import the albums not present as it will take hours to import whole folder. Can anyone confirm what itunes will do?

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Applications :: ITunes Home Sharing And Using Import Feature?

Dec 4, 2009

I've finally got hold of a 27" iMac that works, so now comes the process of transferring over all my media. I want to use my iMac as a media hub of sorts, and so have been transferring all of my music from my MacBook using the import feature on iTunes 9's Home Sharing. I just want to know if Apple places any restrictions on the files so, for instance, if I de-authorise my Macbook and/or delete the media files from it, will the music still be accessible as normal from the iMac (since it's been coped over and is stored locally), or will it create some kind of link to the original files and shout at me if they disappear? Or would I be safer using a traditional method of transferring the data?

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Applications :: ITunes Home Sharing - Can't Import Library

Dec 26, 2009

I added a laptop to our home network that'll primarily be used by my wife. Most of our iTunes content is on my system. I wanted to share the library across the network and give her the option of importing tracks off mine. This will let the whole family use either computer to sync their iPods.

I set up the Home Sharing option using verion 9.0.2 on both machines. I didn't use a password. I can see the other computer's libraries under 'Shared' on each system and access their files to play. But when I select the library, I don't get the 'Import' option that is listed in the Help menu instructions. Without being able to import the tracks, we have to go back to the main machine to sync.

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Applications :: ITunes Dupes And Adds 1 To MP3 Filenames On Import

Jan 9, 2010

I use torrents to download most of my music. I download the torrents to my downloads folder. For example if the torrent is called Greatest Hits it ends up in a subfolder of downloads ... downloads Greatest Hits. To add the music to my library I open downloads in Finder and drag the Greatest Hits folder from the finder window to the itunes icon in the dock. My itunes preferences are set to copy music to my itunes library folder (which is totally separate from downloads, I think it's something like documentsitunesmusic). And I also have preferences set to keep the library organized.

This process often works perfectly. Everything is added nicely to itunes and I go ahead and drag the Greatest Hits folder from the downloads folder to the trash, and then empty the trash. But sometimes, itunes will dupe the mp3's I've just added in my library. It will, for example, add to my library a tracklist like this:

song 1
other song
other song 1
next song
next song 1

Where the songs with 1 at the end are dupes of their twin without the 1. I haven't figured out the rhyme or reason to what files itunes will dupe in this manner. I think it has something to do with having track numbers in the original filenames (rather than in the id3's?). But I haven't noticed a definitive pattern.

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Applications :: How To Import Burned Cd's With Track Information In Itunes

Mar 7, 2010

I have imported many cd's into itunes and I know how to do it with info as long as it is a store bought cd or a copy of a store bought cd. I have been looking forever and cant find a way to import a mixed cd into itunes and have it recognize the info for each individual track. Is there a plugin or a separate program that could assist in this. I know you can do it one track at a time but modern

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Applications :: (iTunes) Convert Tracks To 128Kbps On Import?

Aug 23, 2010

Is there a way to convert all my tracks in iTunes to 128Kbps without having the original tracks imported into iTunes aswell.

I'm picking up a 128GB SSD (going from 640GB HDD) and wanted to put a majority of the compressed/converted tracks onto the library on the drive itself. (similar to how I do it with my iPad).

Is there a way to drag and drop the tracks into iTunes and auto-convert them on the fly without having a huge lossless file and the 128kbps file?

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ITunes :: MP3 Won't Import To Library, But Will Import Into IPhone

Apr 15, 2012

I recently purchased an MP3 album from Amazon, which downloaded fine. Unlike previous times, however, the Amazon Downloader app didn't load the music into my iTunes library. I tried to manually add the album to my iTunes Library, with no luck. I was able to load the album into my iPhone Music app by dragging and dropping on my iPhone device in iTunes (after turning off iTunes Match).. If I double-click on the songs on my hard drive, they will play in iTunes, but do not import. 

I am running Mac OS 10.7.3, iTunes 10.6.1 (7) and have iTunes Match active on my computer.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: ITunes Options With PayPal Account?

Dec 30, 2010

All a sudden tonight I tried purchasing an iPad app on iTunes when it instructed me to fix a billing issue with my PayPal account. I checked it and nothing was wrong, but iTunes still won't allow the payment. What the heck is going on?

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Applications :: ITunes View Options - Different Layout

May 10, 2009

I saw someone elses itunes and they had a different layout than mine, but did not remember where he changed it at. His had three columns that filled the top half with like artist, genre, album. And then the bottom half had the selection of whatever was highlighted on the top half.

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Applications :: ITunes Spaces And ReLaunch Options?

Oct 11, 2009

For the past few months, I've been having a few problems with iTunes. This was happening way back in Ver. 8, and since upgrading to iTunes 9, the issue remains. I've also tried re-installing iTunes 9, but no luck.First off, iTunes invokes spaces randomly. Say I'm searching in Safari - Spaces will automatically switch to iTunes, and after switching back - it does it again and again, and then it stops, for about 20 minutes.

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Applications :: Stop Itunes Auto Playing Music After Import?

Sep 3, 2010

Is this possible, could not see it in preferences.

So when import music or movies to itunes on OSX is plays the media after import.

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Applications :: ITunes Options When 2 Libraries Share Files?

May 4, 2009

I have a centralized network location where I store my "iTunes Music" directory. This location contains all the media (music and video), but no library information. We have 2 computers with separate libraries that use the files on this network drive. Each computer has its own set of playlists, podcast subscriptions, and devices (ipods and iphones) that attach to it. I set it up this way so we would not duplicate files, but so that each computer could be customized to each user.

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Applications :: Need Options For Unauthorizing All Itunes Computers Within The Same Year?

May 9, 2010

I inadvertently reached my limit of authorized computers in iTunes, and now I cannot sync my iPhone. I tried to deauthorize all, but itunes claims I used the option last July. I don't remember, honestly, but I might have.

Unfortunately I forgot to properly deauthorize my old computers (I wiped them clean) and now I'm stuck.

Is there any option for this? Would Apple support be able to help me? A genius bar appointment? Is there a department I could call? I really need to restore my iPhone from a back up I have on my computer.

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OS X :: Finding More Printing Options

Apr 14, 2010

I find the printing options are a little dry. Whenever I attempt to print something online or from Preview the only options that are available to me is selecting the number of copies, the page ranges, etc. (after clicking the blue arrow).

how to easily select specific pages to print or even just selecting options like "Even pages only" or "Odd pages only"?

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Hardware :: Finding 2TB External Hdd Options - Which Is Best

Jul 14, 2009

As I only have a MacBook I am looking at Firewire 400 solutions, at least for the main drive, and have narrowed it down to these options:

1) MyBook Home II 2TB - This is the 2TB version of what I have now, so it would become my main drive. My Current one will then become the backup drive, along with the pair of 500GB drives onto which it is currently backed up. [Cost: �196.59]

2) MyBook Studio II 2TB - The same as the above option, except it contains 2x 1TB drives in a RAID 0 configuration. Although stripping offers no resiliency, it is no worse than the single drive solution. [Cost: �195.09]

3) A pair of MyBook Home II 1TB - One would just simply be the backup for the other. [Cost: �185.28]

4) MyBook Home II 1TB plus WD Elements 1TB - As a backup drive the Elements would only be connected when syncing, so I can accept it being USB only. It would be faster to sync than connecting it over the same firewire connection anyway. [Cost: �161.60]

The last option is simply being considered because it is the cheapest. It, along with option 3, is also a 'collect in store' option so I could get it today without waiting on shipping

Otherwise though there is not much price difference between the first three options, I am just not sure which is best way of going: single drive, stripped drives, or physically separate drives?

Option 3 should be more resilient as one drive failure will not affect the other half. But it means another device to plug in, both to the mains and my single firewire connection, and will take up more space.

Incidentally, although I could set the Studio to work in RAID 1 and essentially act as its own backup, I want to be able to keep the backups in a different location to the main drive so this is not an option.

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MacBook Pro :: Finding Options For 500 GB - 7200 Rpm Hdd?

Aug 20, 2009

Is the Seagate (with built-in drop protection) the only option for a 500 Gb, 7200 rpm drive? I bought a 15" MBP a few weeks ago and opted for the 5400 rpm drive since I heard there were lots of problems with the 7200 rpm drive. I see Apple released a patch recently for the 7200 rpm drive, but it sounds as if it's not a 100% solution (Apple says it "reduces" the problem). Are there any 500 Gb, 7200 rpm drives that are recommended (and don't have redundant built-in drop protection)? I can tell my drive is a bottleneck.

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Mac Pro :: Wifi Card - Finding Best Options

Dec 16, 2009

I am getting a 2008 Mac Pro and i need a wifi card for it. Should i just get one from OWC or does anyone know of one better or a better option?

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Mac Pro :: Finding 2009 Graphic Card Options?

Oct 21, 2009

What are all the options for the 2009 Mac Pro's? Prices? Plug and play only. I'm looking to upgrade from the 120.

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