Applications :: Need Options For Unauthorizing All Itunes Computers Within The Same Year?
May 9, 2010
I inadvertently reached my limit of authorized computers in iTunes, and now I cannot sync my iPhone. I tried to deauthorize all, but itunes claims I used the option last July. I don't remember, honestly, but I might have.
Unfortunately I forgot to properly deauthorize my old computers (I wiped them clean) and now I'm stuck.
Is there any option for this? Would Apple support be able to help me? A genius bar appointment? Is there a department I could call? I really need to restore my iPhone from a back up I have on my computer.
Every time I change the artist, iTunes changes the way my albums are sorted. It always reverts to sorting by album, alphabetically. How can I have it sort by year as to give the albums chronologically? I use grid view.
For some reason iTunes messes up my complaitions if I sort the albums by anything else than "album", such as year. It "breaks" the compilations up (you know what I mean) even if the year is the same. The weird thing is that some (up to 3 I've seen) tracks keep in bundles (even despite having different artists). Also, if the album stays "intact" by some wonder when I sort by year, the track order usually becomes totally random... (14, 4, 2, 13, 3, etc).
Yes, they are marked as compilations. Yes, album artist is the same (blank field). No, there are no typos.
As a disclaimer, I'm on a Windows machine. Can anyone tell me how to set the "sort by year" a default? It's pain to re-set it every time I launch iTunes.
I've only recently added release years to all my albums and now I sort by album by year, which is great. However, I'd like to make some smart playlists based on decades, and this is a problem for anything on some sort of anthology or greatest hits collection. For example, the Barenaked Ladies greatest hits CD was released in 2001.
If I tag the whole album as 2001, it sorts correctly, but the individual tracks from the 90's won't show up in the 90's smart playlist. The other option I can think of is to tag each individual track with the correct year, but then the album stops appearing in the right place chronologically within the BNL albums, since iTunes no longer knows it was released in 2001.
So my question is this: is there some way to do a sort of "Sort Year" or "Album Year" similar to "Sort Artist" or "Album Year"?
And while I'm at it, I'm sure there's no way, but it seems like it'd be cool to somehow tie a track to two different albums. Previously, if I had a greatest hits and some original albums, I would erase any duplicates from the greatest hits and only keep them on the original album. However, since the release of iTunes 8 I use a more album-based approach to my music. I use grid view with shuffle off by default, and often just click "Play Album". But if I do that for a greatest hits comp, it of course won't play the tracks that I've deleted from it. So I have to keep two copies of the same recording for two different albums. It'd be cool if there was some way to tie one track to both albums to avoid dupes. But again, I'm pretty sure this'll never happen.
I have searched, googled, etc., and not found a satisfactory answer. Briefly, I have used my ITunes on our MBP and on an old Dell PC. At various times I have downloaded music, TV shows, movies etc to either system. Our AppleTV syncs with the Dell and purchased stuff is on there. I just bought a new 27" IMac and a qnap NAS. I want all the media to be on the NAS. How do I go about "merging" the ITunes data from the two computers into a single file on the NAS drive? Is there a way to do so - without losing stuff or without having to individually go through every single song, show, movie, etc.?
So I downloaded a music album from itunes and it was added to my library. This was done on a PC running win 7. How do I keep that library in sync with my MBA running OS X? Thought I could actually just download the album again on the MBA for free when logged into the same itunes account, but it appears that I can't.
I have 4 computers linked to my Apple ID and numerous IPhones and IPods. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when I purchase a song, and successfully download it, using my computer. The only way to get it to the other computers is by transferring it via my IPhone or IPods. It seems as if I've downloaded something once from Apple, then they don't let me download it again onto a registered machine using the same Apple ID. Therefore, I transfer music/app content using my devices. Isn't this what everyone does?
Now, Mac app store is coming! How the heck am I going to download content onto one computer and then transfer it to another computer (Apple says the 1 time purchase will be good for all your computers). Do you think Apple will allow multiple downloads of the same software to any computer associated with you Apple ID? If this is the case: Why not allow us to do the same thing with our ITunes purchases? Anyone care to chime in and letting me know if I'm off base, or have any suggestions, etc.?
I've been searching the forums and web looking for info on how to / best way to sync iTunes libraries (including playlists, ratings, and play counts). I've found several programs including TuneRanger, SuperSync, Syncopation and some others (links below). The general consensus seems to be that they all suck. (TuneRanger seems to do exactly what I want, but doesn't appear to have a free trial period.) [URL]
I have an iMac and MacBook pro. I have my library on both machines. Keeping it current is a topic for another thread. But what I was wondering is... Is there a way to have both playing the same song simultaneously? I want to have both machines playing so I can keep my iMac in the basement, then bring my MBP upstairs with me. What if I access my iMac's library from my MBP via iTunes shared library? Or something like that?? Thoughts??
[By the way, I searched for hours and didnt see anything quite like this. I noticed other posts about keeping libraries synced but nothing about playing in both.]
I have a very particular issue that I am trying to find the best way to manage through. I have two computers. An iMac connected wirelessly and a Hackintosh connected wired. The Hackintosh is my hometheater PC connected to my TV. My iMac is in the bedroom and is home to all my pictures and music and other stuff we share as a family. After getting my AppleTV2, I converted all my movies and tvshows to Mv4, which are all stored on a separate media server in the closet. The iTunes on the hackintosh "houses" all the video media where I have imported all the video media on the media server but the links are all pointing to the media server - iTunes is not set to copy the media when imported. It allows me to access all of the video media on the appleTV2.
In the ATV2, to access the music and photos, the family has to switch from using the Hackintosh and choose the iMac computer. This is not ideal. The preferable option would be to have one iTunes library to manage all the media so you do not have to back out of one computer into the other. However, I have not found a good way to share just the music portion of my iTunes library from the iMac to the Hackintosh. I do not want the bedroom imac to manage all the media since its not always on and its wireless which creates hiccups on the high def video files. I first tried mounting the iMac iTunes music folder on the network, importing the music into the Hackintosh (creating links back to imac iTunes music folder).
This works but the problem is keeping it up to date after the initial import. I use Hazel and creating a script to basically watch the music folder for newly added or modified files and import those into iTunes. The problem is if I imoprt an updated file that already exists in the Library it creates a duplicate. Same problem if the music is stored on a NAS. I have tried the trick of moving everything to the server and sharing the iTunes ITL files but this does not allow you to have both iTunes libraries open at the same time. I haven't seen anyone who has this particular issue where they want to keep a "portion" of their iTunes libraries in sync.
I currently have a external hard drive on my wireless network and when I point two computers to the itunes library on that hard drive at the same time the second computer says the library is locked or I don't have permission to access the file. If I close the library on the first computer I can access the library just fine on the second.
I've been having problems sorting _some_ albums. I'll give you a specific example: I rip Simon and Garfunkel's 'The Concert in Central Park' which has 19 tracks. I want them to play in continuous mode, and in order. I show track number in the columns, make sure all the tracks are of the same album and artist and I don't specify and sort options. Now I click on the column header 'Album by Artist/Year' and I see that track 16 is first followed by 18, 19 then 1,2,3, etc.
I'm not sure why 16,18 and 19 are out of order, but they are and I don't know what other field it is using to apply this sort order since I've turned off the sort fields. I should say that I think the sort fields are turned off since I selected all tracks, hit command-I and made sure that the artist and album are the same, then went over to the sorting tab and selected each checkbox and made sure that the field was blank. Clicked on OK, then went into each track one at a time and verified that the general info and sort info were as I specified.
If I change the sort column to be just 'Album' then it sorts correctly - I think that the year is messed up, so I add the year column to the display and see that it is 1982. I click on the year and the sort is just fine. I set it back to 'Album by Artist/Year' and the same bizzare sort shows up. The same mis-sort shows with 'Album by Artist' so I do a check on the artist name (even looking for leading or trailing spaces - nothing). I could probably delete the album and re-rip it, but I would rather find out why the sort is messed up so I can correct this problem.
Last night I decided to try itunes to burn a cd and I noticed the options you have when starting the burning process, space between songs (1,2,3 �seconds) and some other options.
I left the 2 second spaces which was the default, but my songs are cutoff by 1 or 2 seconds before the end.
Does this have to do with the 2 second I used?
Would someone be so kind and explain these options? I tried to google it by no answer.
I remember coming across a new year's resolution app.. I have no idea what the name of it was tho.. does anyone know which app it is? It was to pretty much keep track of the persons resolution list.. I can use a todo list but I am curious what an app dedicated to New Year's Resolutions has in it
All a sudden tonight I tried purchasing an iPad app on iTunes when it instructed me to fix a billing issue with my PayPal account. I checked it and nothing was wrong, but iTunes still won't allow the payment. What the heck is going on?
I saw someone elses itunes and they had a different layout than mine, but did not remember where he changed it at. His had three columns that filled the top half with like artist, genre, album. And then the bottom half had the selection of whatever was highlighted on the top half.
For the past few months, I've been having a few problems with iTunes. This was happening way back in Ver. 8, and since upgrading to iTunes 9, the issue remains. I've also tried re-installing iTunes 9, but no luck.First off, iTunes invokes spaces randomly. Say I'm searching in Safari - Spaces will automatically switch to iTunes, and after switching back - it does it again and again, and then it stops, for about 20 minutes.
I have a centralized network location where I store my "iTunes Music" directory. This location contains all the media (music and video), but no library information. We have 2 computers with separate libraries that use the files on this network drive. Each computer has its own set of playlists, podcast subscriptions, and devices (ipods and iphones) that attach to it. I set it up this way so we would not duplicate files, but so that each computer could be customized to each user.
My camcorder is fairly old, it uses a tape, however it still downloads directly to iMovie digitally: don't ask.When I download it, I press import from camera. Then a window pops up and I press record, then it records the tape. However, once it makes a new event for it, and sometimes it imports under 2003! And I can't put it under the correct year!
What happened to iTunes? Recently it's just been getting on my nerves and I'm wanting to permanently uninstall it. I have found some wonderful free alternatives!
What happened to the Advanced Options that allowed me to change what I wanted all my music files to be stored as? It used to be I could convert all my library to mp3's (128 kbps). I want to do that know but there is no option.
I have a bunch of DRM'ed music I want to remove the DRM from and convert to mp3. I usually do this by burning it to a CD and ripping it. Now iTunes is giving me nonsense about "You don't have the right to burn due to copyright issues" or something like that. And, also, I have been trying to figure out how to get around iTunes nonsense, so I keep on making new library files and it tells me "You have authorized 4 out of 5 computers" when I only play my music on one computer.... (That is if iPods don't count)
So if anyone could help me with this DRM nonsense (please do not tell me to waste 70 bucks on music I already have) or converting all my music to mp3's that'd be great.
I set up the icloud on to my computers, now I cannot connect my iphone to my computers, I get a err message saying it is drawing to much power from my computers, whats up?I didn't have this problem before and it is on both my imac and my macbook.
so i have all my music on one computer and on my iphone, but i want to know how to go to another computer and get songs off that one without losing my original library,
I've reached my 5 computer limit of authorization. Problem is, I've only used two computers as I have been reinstalled Windows a few times this past year. Is there any way to get around this, or will it mean I won't be able to sync my phone correctly anymore?
I am trying to enable home sharing and I get an error message you already have 5 computers you need to de-authorize 1. How cna I tell what 5 are authorize. I suspect that some computers I know longer have are on the authorize list.
I have the weirdest problems. Every once and a while when I receive a new email, the text of the email is from a year prior. It is the weirdest thing. Anyone know what the deal is and how to fix this?
I recently had 2 computers that were destroyed by a flood and now I cannot de-authorize them (I have used the de-authorize all computers in Sept. of last year)