Applications :: ITunes 9 Won't Import More Than One Movie At A Time
Sep 16, 2009
I have all my movies on an external drive. I used to be able to select a large number of them, drag them into iTunes and it'd import them all. Now, regardless of how many I select, it'll only import one of them. What's wrong?
Hope you can shed some light on an issue I'm currently having. I'm new on Mac - just bought the new Air about a month ago What I want to do is to have iTunes manage all my media, since well...since it's supposed to do this. I have my media storred on a NAS, both music and ripped movies.
Music was imported into iTunes without any problems at all, but for the life of me I can't get the movies to import. They are ripped in an .mp4 format, so iTunes should be able to play them, but for some reason I can't import them at all. I've tried by simply dragging them into iTunes, and via the "Open.." function in iTunes as well. Same result - no imported file, and no error messages.
Am I missing something here? Shouldn't I be able to simply import and play them via iTunes?
Doesn't seem to matter if they are placed on the desktop either.
I was wondering if anyone knew why ITunes takes forever to make an "ipod/iphone" version of a movie from the advanced menu? It seems like when i use mpeg stream clip or another video converter it is much quicker.
Whenever I import clips into iMovie HD I get a black rectangle on the left side of the clip that only shows up when I import it, the actual file does not have this (as shown in the attachments).
I tried doing several things such as flattening the images, changing the resolution, using different file formats. I tried making the images exactly 1920 by 1080 which someone mentioned was the px dimensions that imovie uses and that didn't work.
The only time the image seems clearer is when I go to show photo settings, which is weird.
These images were originally raws so I can make them whatever size is needed for imovie. I just need to know what it likes best!
I was thinking I might not be rendering them properly. I imported it into idvd and it rendered it that way. Is there another way I can do it maybe?
I have generated some AIFF files and would like to import them into iTunes as AAC files. If I try to import them into iTunes it will just import the AIFF files, not convert, I then would have to create AAC Version. Is there anyway to combine these two steps? I can eliminate creating an 'extra' file by changing pref when importing the AIFF file into my iTunes folder so it doesn't create a copy, then changing it back when creating the AAC file, but that seems like a lot of work, maybe even make it a script.
I've got mac 10.6.8 and iTunes 10. I used to be able (on previous computer) to playback music as I imported from the same cd but I have never been able to do so since I upgraded. I have tried all the settings in itunes preferences for when you import a cd but whatever option I choose I cannot play and import at the same time and I know you are meant to be able to. If I start off by playing the cd and then hitting the import cd button it immediatley stops playing. If I start by hitting the import cd button (or change the preference to import when cd is inserted) then the play button is greyed out.
I have a hard drive that has backed up my desktop computer using time machine. My desktop computer is now on it's way to my new location, and in the meantime I'd like to put all the backed up stuff onto my laptop. How do I load all the time machine stuff onto the laptop? Is there a way of like, important it all, or do I have to go in and just manually copy over whatever I want?
Just went from Windows to mac and want to bring my windows itunes playlists. when I hit export and save it on a usb and hit import in mac itunes, then I get the playlist but its all empty. It kinda sucks if I have to sort out all the good stuff again, so I hope I can get my old playlist back. I have it on my ipod touch as well, so I dunno if you can transfer playlist from ipod to mac
I sent my files from my PC to a MAC in mp4 format. However, I cannot open the files with quicktime (only with VLC) and I cannot figure out how to edit the videos using iMovie because iMovie will not let my import them.
iTunes 9.2 just came out. I am trying to add all my PDF's as books but is becoming really daunting. For some reason it will not let me add whole folders of pfd's using import (apple+O). I can import if I select a bunch but its time consuming since I have levels and levels of PDF's. An easier way of importing them. Also was this intended or maybe a bug?
I am now dual booting with win7, and want to setup iTunes with win7. All my podcasts are on C drive and win7 is on D drive, just installed iTunes on D can I import my podcasts from the C drive some how?
I recently updated iTunes to 9.2.1(4). Today I tried inserting a CD to import. iTunes accessed the database to retrieve the relevant song information but, once it did, I was no longer given the option to play or import the CD. During the access period, iTunes would briefly change to the artist/album/track, etc. information page for the CD but, once the access was finished, I could not access the CD, which didn't even show up on the side bar as it used to.
can anyone tell me what i may be doing wrong? i am trying to create a movie using video clips from my camera. when i download my movies to iphoto, they work great. when i drag them to imovie, they play but i do not get any sound. the 3 little check marks are there but still no sound!
Just found this while browsing the iTunes movie store, you can now buy HD movies!! There is only a very small number of HD films available at the moment and they all seem to be reasonably priced. Can't wait for the HD library to be expanded.
I used to import movie clips from my sony handy camHDR-XR550V, but recently imovies doesnt detect it , but my mac detect the camera with no name, but in imovie it doesnot detect my camera and I am unable to import movies ..
Failures to import movie clips from Sony AX100 4K camcorder into FCP10.1.1 or iMovie 10.0.3. Clips are not recognized or rejected by either program.
Same problem with several downloaded "XAVCHD to ProRes 4.2.2"Â conversion programs and Sony's "playmemories home" Seems to me that the file names are suspect to internal Mac firewalls?
My computer: iMac 27 late 2012, OS X 10.9.3,  3.4 GHz Intel Core 17,  FCP10.1 and iMovie 10.0.3
How to get xavchd files straight or converted to ProRes 4.2.2 into FCP or converted to AICinto iMovie?
I quit iTunes and my rental movie disappeared after watching half of the movie. The rental sidebar disappeared as well. What do I do to retrieve my movie?
I have an extensive mp3 album collection, somewhere around 20,000 songs or so.I've noticed that sometimes when I search iTunes I don't always find all the songs that I know I have.