Applications :: Excel Page Layout For Printing
Mar 19, 2009
I created an excel document but I don't want the first line of information for the next bank of data showing when I print it. I basically want to be able to choose what prints on what page and how much of something prints on what page, by dragging the print line or whatever it is you do.
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Dec 10, 2014
The printing area is smaller than the page I want to print, 3 or 4 columns are on an other page to the right of the print area that I can print, I am not great on excel but would like to move the printing area so it can take all of it.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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Apr 20, 2009
A friend of mine did a publication using pages in which the final result was a pdf document which had 2 different page layouts. The first page was w26cm by h29.7cm and the rest of the pages were w52cm by h29.7cm.
I'm unable to contact him but he told me that he did this in pages. Im trying to do the same page format and cannot get 2 different sizes.
Is there a way in pages that you can do this and export it as a pdf? What I currently have is 2 documents with different size pages, so is there another way, such as another program that merges the two documents together?
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Nov 5, 2010
I've been working on creating some books in iPhoto, and I'm running into all sorts of issues with Apple's "smart" page formatting. When I choose a page layout, iPhoto automatically changes the layout based on what type of photos you put where. For example: Say I choose a 2-photo layout for one page with 2 horizontal photo placeholders side by side (and large blank spaces above/below). If I drag a portrait photo to one of the placeholders, the arrangement automatically changes to 1 squarish portrait size, and one long landscape photo. If I drag another portrait photo onto the other landscape placeholder, the page automatically becomes a full bleed, 2-portrait page. This is 100% consistent and predictable - however this info appears nowhere in iPhoto or in Apple's support pages. Or anywhere that I can find.
Problem: It gets really complex with multi-photo pages. I'm using a few 6-photo pages, which the default template is: 1 big portrait, 1 regular landscape and 4 quarter size landscapes. I can't sort out the logic for the auto-formatting of this page. If I drag a portrait photo to one of the small photos, sometimes it changes the page into two normal size landscape photos and four half-frame portrait photos. This looks great when arranged on a diagonal, but there's no way to do that on purpose - and the iPhoto "magic" arranging is seemingly inconsistent here. (Often it stacks the landscape photos on one side of the page with 4 small portrait photos on the other - which looks chunky.)
<brief rant> Further infuriating is that the various full-bleed books have totally different formatting options. And "undo" does NOT undo magic iPhoto's magic format changes. </brief rant>
Help: I've googled the bejeezus out of this, and searched here for hours. Is there a helpful website out there, anywhere, that have these logic strings revealed? So that users can arrange photo books to look good on purpose? I can't understand why apple doesn't allow an "advanced" mode where the format box shows all the options, and have a toggle for "no magic auto formatting."
Note: I'm currently running iLife 11 on a up-to-date new MacBook Pro. However, I had the exact same issues with the previous version of iPhoto, so I believe the magic code to be universal.
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Oct 21, 2009
I've made a poster on pages. How do i resize the end product so it stays within proportion but will allow me to make 2 or 3 copies of the finished article on on piece of A4?
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Jan 12, 2010
I have iPhoto '08 or '09. On my PC I had Elements and using that I could print 4 pictures on one 8 1/2 X 11 sheet. I would start by choosing the pixs, editing them and sizing them to fit 1/4 of the sheet. Then I would create a blank white sheet, drag the 4 pixs over and position them on the blank sheet. I would then print that sheet. Can I do that using iPhoto?
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Apr 7, 2009
So my friend has iWork 09 as well as I and im trying to help her and I cant figure this out. She has a presentation with 9 slides or so and she would like to print 6 slides per page.
Keynote does it, except it makes them all super small. Powerpoint handles this with no problem. So im totally stomped on this. It seems like the old Keynote did this no problem.
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Sep 29, 2009
I was thinking about how nice it would be to see an Excel-style layout of my tasks in iCal with rows and columns for the quick editing of properties.
Individually editing each task with + I is frustrating.
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Jan 13, 2009
I can't figure out how to print multiple slides on a page. On Windows I would just select print preview and then select handouts... done. Now I have no idea how to do such a simple task. I figured it out, but I have another question. Say I wanted to print 4 slides to a page. How do I make these slides larger?
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Jun 28, 2012
In Safari, I am no longer able to print web .pdf documents. The print screen pops up, however the preview document shows a blank page. I am able to print in Firefox, so this has to be a Safari problem. I have checked my Internet Plug In files and there is no Adobe plug in as suggested by others in similar questions. Turning on/off the computer has not helped either. Nor has Open PDF in Preview. I'm using an iMac with Lion and an HP Photosmart C4700 printer.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 24, 2014
What to do fcp x dosent open. It sticks on restoring window layout page...
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Sep 1, 2009
I'm trying to print an Excel 2004 .xls spreadsheet file where I'm using to record attendance for the class I teach. I have my main Column A with Rows A-X and it shows up fine, I imagine because there is content in the boxes.
But I also have Columns B-L and rows A-X with nothing in their cells, but when I print it, they won't print. I need these blank because I'll check them off if the child in the first column attended the lesson. How do I make it so my many blank cells will print as well?
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Jan 8, 2011
All of a sudden out of nowhere, one, and only one PDF, will only print on 1/4 of a page. Everything else prints fine, other PDFs print to full pages, anything outside of Safari prints as it should--it's just this one PDF in Safari, it's driving me crazy. I've logged out, logged back in, restarted my MBP, even reset safari--and nothing at all. All printer settings/scaling are as they should be, and the preview shows a full page document, but what comes out of the printer is 1/4 page. Here's the PDF: It prints fine in FF, but for some reason it's coming out super light/blurry/grayscale/crappy, so it's no good.
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Jan 31, 2009
We recently updated our iBook running 10.3.9 to a MacBook running 10.5.5.
The problem we have is with Microsoft Word 2004. In a multi-page document, Word only prints the last page, unless we specifically print out each individual page.
I found a thread that identified a problem printing to HP all-in-one printers. I followed the instructions in the thread and removed everything about HP printers from our Mac. I then re-installed the HP drivers from the MacOS 10.5 install disk.
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Apr 29, 2010
I am trying to print a duplex copy on a HP CLJ 5550dn with Adobe InDesign CS4, I have recently upgraded from CS2 and had no problems with that in the past.
The problem I am having is that the duplex print only prints 3 quarters of the whole page either site. This is also happening on the one sided printouts too
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Jun 13, 2012
When I try to print any document from a web page, i get an empty page, only the header line at the top of the page. Y work with Safari (last version) but the same I have with Chrome. From other sources there is no problem. I have two HP printers, one laser BW and a color HP Deskjet D1663.
My computer is a MacBook Pro 7.1 with Lion 10.7.4
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8 Gb RAM
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Jul 5, 2012
When I save a Word 2004 file as a PDF, only the first page is saved/printed.
This is a 2 page document. adjusting the settings?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Mar 26, 2012
Since upgrading to Lion I have an extra page printing with every print job on my Optra E310 laser printer with cropped off USERID = "xxx", HOST ID = "xxx" and @PJL JOB NAME = "xxx". It seems to happen mainly in Apple applications, i.e. Mail, but has also happened in Acrobat Pro X. Admittedly, it's an old printer but according to Apple and Lexmark it is supported in Lion. I've tried every setting available but can't seem to eradicate the problem. Lexmark support, who were extremely unhelpful, kicked it straight back to Apple.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 15, 2012
Mac Pro with 10.7.3 and Minolta 1250e PagePro printer, which is listed under the Driver tab as a Generic Postscript Printer. Apple did not have anything for this model listed under the popup menu selection "Select Printer Software". The driver for printer was written for classic so I can't install it from the CD.
Everything prints, but an extra page is also printed with the following message:
ERROR: timeout
Printer is connected to a usb port which connected directly into the back of the Mac.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 22, 2012
I have a problem using my Lexmarkt T620 printer with OS Lion.It prints everything as I want. But it adds at every printed job an additional page with only a few words on it and including information about the printed file. Something like ERID.I've never seen anything like this and I don't want to waste more paper when printing with my Lexmark.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 24, 2014
After adjusting the paper size or fit to page in word or excel, the printing document often became blank even if it shows normally in preview.
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Feb 6, 2009
I am searching for a plugin, software or a solution for a situation I have with an Excel/Word Mail Merge.
It's a law firm we specialize in DUI/DWI and Reckless Driving defense. We subscribe to a data collection service that pulls data from various court systems around the state. We are then given this data by jurisdiction. The Excel files we receive come with 2 workbooks in one file for Traffic and Criminal arrests data with name, address, reason for arrest, etc, etc.
What I have been doing is opening each Excel file and copying and pasting into a new worksheet only grabbing the DUI and Reckless driving arrests because tis is all I am needing from the various files. I then save the new workbook and do a mail merge with Word from this newly created workbook.
Now my question is there such a plugin or software that will combine all the Excel files I receive from the Data collection house and then be able to filter out only the DUI and Reckless Driving arrests to a single Excel Workbook?
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Apr 13, 2010
1. Turned the List Manager on by accident in Excel. Can't figure out how to turn it off now. I am using Excel 2004, and a MAC mouse - so no right-clicking for me...
2. How do I move columns in Excel? I select the column on top, but then try dragging it to a place I'd like it to move, but nothing happens. How do I do that?
3. General Mac Word/Excel question - how do I get to use "Home" and "End" buttons? When I hit them I simply jump somewhere, but not to the beginning or end of the paragraph. I have a MAC keyboard with the "Home" and "End" buttons along with the "Help", "Delete", "Pg Up" and "Pg Dwn" keys - basically it looks a lot like a PC keyboard...
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Oct 29, 2010
Upgraded to Office 2011 from 2008, when I open existing spreadsheet on MacBook the bottom of the page extends below the dock so I cannot access resize corner. I can maximize to get access to resize but am looking for fix so that when a sheet is opened the page does not fall below dock. Even happens on new default spreadsheet.
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Oct 21, 2010
I have been asked to do a project at work in Excel. I am keeping track of around 7,000 properties all over the United States. My boss wants to know a lot about each one. I am really struggling with the weather part!! I need to somehow pull the temp and if its snowing or raining from the internet into excel. I have all the addresses and zip codes for each property. I was thinking i could write a formula that looks at an RSS feed or website (like yahoo or Google weather) based on the zip code of the address. I could also write the formula that pulls the weather to excel then VLOOKUP the zip. Does anyone have any ideas about this?? I am not sure what to do!!
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Oct 21, 2010
I have been asked to do a project at work in Excel. I am keeping track of around 7,000 properties all over the United States. My boss wants to know a lot about each one. I am really struggling with the weather part!! I need to somehow pull the temp and if its snowing or raining from the internet into excel. I have all the addresses and zip codes for each property. I was thinking i could write a formula that looks at an RSS feed or website (like yahoo or Google weather) based on the zip code of the address. I could also write the formula that pulls the weather to excel then VLOOKUP the zip. Does anyone have any ideas about this?? I am not sure what to do
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May 1, 2012
Whenever I print a mailing envelope in Lion's Address Book, it prints fine but then prints a blank page following. How can I stop this?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Address Book
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May 22, 2010
I recently purchased my first MAC with Excel for Mac 2008. I am unable to open any files created in it on my PC which has Excel 2003. Apple is of no help. They had assured me of compatibility at purchase citing the new open format. The MAC Excel 08 file won't open on the MAC on which is was created with their Numbers program either.
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Mar 22, 2010
I have been working on a template where I have placed a two column table on the front page, left side being for a graphic for a letterhead, and right side column for text.
My problem is that on the second page, I would like the document to continue on without any table. I would like for the text to flow from the table into regular margin document on the second page. Is there a way to do this?
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Nov 10, 2009
When I send my .xls files from my Mac (Office 2008) to my boss's Windows machine (Office 2003), he gets an error message when he attempts to open the excel spreadsheet: Excel has encountered an error and must shut down. I've sent files to other computers and not had a problem, and my boss has received other excel files and been able to open them. So it must be something between these two machines/softwares that is affecting it. Any suggestions or ideas? I can add any additional info you need.
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