Applications :: DOC Keeps Disappearing Automatically / Reappears After Few Minutes
Mar 21, 2003
My doc disappears every few minutes than reappears suddenly. I have no idea why this is happening. When the doc disappears from the bottom of my desktop I cannot downsize anything until it reappears. Very frustrating! I tried to find something in system preferences but couldn�t. Has anyone else out there had this happen? I�m running 10.2.4.
When I wake my computer half the time I do not have a cursor. Is anyone else having this issue?
Sometimes when I open apps and shake my mouse it comes back. I also usually use expose to start my screen saver and then shake the mouse to turn it off.
My doc disappears every few minutes than reappears suddenly. I have no idea why this is happening. When the doc disappears from the bottom of my desktop I cannot downsize anything until it reappears. Very frustrating! I tried to find something in system preferences but couldn�t. Has anyone else out there had this happen? I�m running 10.2.4.
I upgraded to the MobileMe BETA. Not sure if this is a "beta" problem or something that would have happened even I were not on the BETA when I went to delete subscribe calendars. I have been subscribed to calendars for some time. Then I went to delete some calendars I've subscribed to (my wife's). For some reason I am unable to delete the calendars I'm subscribed to. They do temporarily act as if they are deleted, but when I start up ical again, they reappear.
It seems that it's not truly removing them from the CALDAV server (or wherever they may be saved on MobileMe). I've attempted to delete them, then delete Plist files, etc. etc. I have deleted all of my calendars and reset them up, hoping this would trigger hope. Any ideas? Any way to access the server that seems to be bringing these back each time I restart? The only reason I think they are on a "server" is because I deleted all of my calendars and they did delete, then added my MobileMe account back into iCal and they reappeared again.
On safe mode I can boot but the computer shut down automatically after 3 minute. On the normal boot - I see the wheel running, running and running and the computer shut down without booting. On the console mode I can check (fsck -fy) the disk (no error) but after I cannot boot!
Info: macbook Pro 17" Build9l31a, Mac OS X (10.6.2), ibook G3, ibook G4 14
I have a vertical line that appears on my screen and it's happened before. I took a screenshot but it doesn't appear? The last time this happened, it was fixed for free but I'm wondering if this is a common issue or is something wrong with my model? Version 10.6.4
I had Parallels installed, but I ended up back with Bootcamp. After I uninstalled it I noticed under iStat Pro Widget there were two parallels network connections. I went to the System Prefs - Networks and deleted them, but every single time I restart my computer they pop back up! I tried locking the settings after I deleted and applied them but I can't figure it out! Please someone help me! I do NOT want to have to format my whole HDD!
I have replied to another thread, with this same question, but I wasn't getting a response. So I will ask in a new thread On the iTunes Plus Upgrade page in iTunes, where it shows your total cost, and total songs. Mine was showing $45, and around 145 total songs. Now for last few days it has been less than before. It has been showing $43, and 139 total songs for last few days. Why would songs be disappearing from the Upgrade Page? Has this happened to anyone else?
I use Apple's Mail program and also my school's webmail (outlook) in conjunction to check my school email. However, for some strange reason, my inbox on outlook site will only hold up to 2 weeks of mail. My inbox in Mail will still be intact, yet for the life of me, I can't figure out why my webmail inbox is disappearing. I've checked every possible setting on outlook website to no avail. I've also checked Mail's settings, but haven't seen anything as far as deleting older mail. We're allowed 25 gigs on outlook site so they shouldn't be deleting them automatically.
I lost a folder of images that I had to rescue via Time Machine. I thought I got the clumsies, and deleted them by mistake. But checking this morning, My "Bob apps" where I keep apps not in the application folder, apps where missing peacemeal in each folder.Â
I check images again, and files were randomly missing here and there, same with mp3s. I'm suffering from blurry icons, and the random, auto shutdown that various users are experimenting with their Macs. why the random self deletion?
Info: 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 24-inch iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1), Phone: iPhone 4 Camera: Canon SD990
like i had a folder full of images and then later on i only have a few left? and my textedit and vlc player disappeared from my applications folder all of a i did not delete anything myself. i mean even if i did i dont think i would delete textedit.lus i only have one account on this computer and no one else logs on.does anyone know what could be wrong? i used disk utility and repaired the permissions
I am getting close to desperate after trying "everything" to make the navigation menu active on the first page of a site I'm developing for my brother's band. No matter what I do, the navigation on [URL] doesn't work and I'm flabbergasted as to why this is happening. Or not happening, so to speak. The other pages [URL] work like a charm, at least when it comes to links.
About 3 weeks ago, I went out of town for a week then came back. When I started up my PPC G5 iMac, I went to open Safari....but it disappeared. The icon was still in the dock, but when I clicked on it, a translucent "?" showed up over it. I tried a Spotlight search for it, and nothing came up. Same thing happened with Preview. I thought my Aunt who was staying over didn't know how to use the Mac and might have accidentally deleted them, so I used Pacifist to reinstall Safari and Preview from the Leopard disc. No big deal.
Then today, I fire up Word, but same thing! Word disappeared! Same with Excel. No matter, reinstalled from the disc. After a couple of hours, I'm back again and this time I want to use Roxio Toast....gone. And this time, I don't have any install disc (lost it during moving). And I know my Aunt can't be responsible for Toast or Word disappearing, since she left yesterday afternoon; mom was using Word on my computer and I used Toast no more than 5 days ago.
So anyone have any clue what the heck is going on with my applications literally deleting themselves?
About 3 weeks ago, I went out of town for a week then came back. When I started up my PPC G5 iMac, I went to open Safari....but it disappeared. The icon was still in the dock, but when I clicked on it, a translucent "?" showed up over it. I tried a Spotlight search for it, and nothing came up. Same thing happened with Preview. I thought my Aunt who was staying over didn't know how to use the Mac and might have accidentally deleted them, so I used Pacifist to reinstall Safari and Preview from the Leopard disc. No big deal.
Then today, I fire up Word, but same thing! Word disappeared! Same with Excel. No matter, reinstalled from the disc. After a couple of hours, I'm back again and this time I want to use Roxio Toast....gone. And this time, I don't have any install disc (lost it during moving). And I know my Aunt can't be responsible for Toast or Word disappearing, since she left yesterday afternoon; mom was using Word on my computer and I used Toast no more than 5 days ago.
So anyone have any clue what the heck is going on with my applications literally deleting themselves?
I use Adium for two reasons: 1. My work clients are scattered across AIM, Yahoo, and MSN, so it's nice to have one application that can communicate with all of them. 2. I like being able to customize the look and feel of the interface
That being said, lately I've become very frustrated because I can't seem to get Adium to play nicely with Leopard's Spaces. I have Adium set (both in Spaces and in Adium) to be visible on all spaces. Yet if a chat is opened, for instance, in Space 3 and mid-chat I decide to switch to Space 4, the chat window doesn't come along for the ride. Likewise, if during a lull in the chat, I switch between several different spaces and lose track of where the chat window was last seen, I can't locate it by hitting F8 and showing all spaces. The chat window doesn't appear on any of them. The only way I can find the chat window is by methodically going to each space until I discover the truant.
As you can see, there are a bunch of Apps that I have completely lost. I did nothing - at one moment they were there, and then a little later I open up the Apps folder to see this. When I try to click on them, they all say that I can't open the file because it may be damaged or incomplete. I haven't installed anything recently, or messed with any settings. The programs are just gone. Can anyone clue me in on to what I need to do to fix this? I just got this computer last Tuesday, so I doubt I should be having any problems.
i have already had to quit it 3 times today because it just wouldn't load web pages. i'm typing this in Opera now...
i can open web pages fine when i freshly open Safari, but then if i leave it for about 10 minutes, then come back and want to use it again, it's useless, and so far i haven't been able to access anything if i leave Safari open for more than 10 minutes.
i've just got the Security Update 2003-12-05 which is supposed to fix some Safari stuff... but this problem hasn't really started until yesterday.
I'm looking for an image viewer that moves to the next or maybe a random image ina folder after x amount of seconds or minutes.. I found Sequential, which seems to do exactly what I want and it even has a timer but it only goes up to 90 seconds.. I would need to be able to put in the number of minutes/seconds myself instead of being limited to a value the app would give me.
I've searched everywhere and have one nagging issue. After I uninstalled Parallels I keep getting two Parallels Virtual Network Connections under Network in System Preferences. It happens every time I restart, I have to redeleate them. Has anyone had this problem after uninstalling Parallels?
I keep my time machine HD unplugged from my laptop to reduce the clutter, when i plug it in, time machine starts automatically backing up. It says "Preparing Backup..." and it stays like that for a while. I've had it like that for about 15 minutes.
Is this normal? I've tried changing the number of cores to use at startup as 2 and its a second faster....a second! Anyway, is it normal for it to take 1 minute 45 to start up? I didn't seem to take that long before but its suddenly started doing it.
EDIT: Just to point out, its the 2.53ghz, 4gb macbook pro with 250gb HDD
I use Apple's Mail program and also my school's webmail ( in conjuction to check my school email. However, for some strange reason, my inbox on will only hold up to 2 weeks of mail. My inbox in Mail will still be intact, yet for the life of me, I can't figure out why my webmail inbox is disappearing. I've checked every possible setting on to no avail. I've also checked Mail's settings, but haven't seen anything as far as deleting older mail. BTW, we're allowed 25 gigs on so they shouldn't be deleting them automatically.
Anyone come across this? I 've been having it a lot recently on my imac, not my pbook though, and I can't seem to find how to fix it... very strange behaviour, as soon as you start writing the cursor vanishes...make for some very hard writing I tell you...
Well, that's ms, they might even have it as an option somewhere that I cannot find...
Earlier tonight I opened iCal, only to find that none of my calendars were there. it was completely empty. However, when I changed the view from "Week" to "Month" all of my events were listed (in the proper color) on the appropriate day, but I still had no list of calendars on the left. Subsequent changes between "Day" "Week" and "Month" view continued to display the events properly, but nothing showed up in the calendar menu on the left.
I repaired permissions same thing happened.I trashed pref (forgot the exact filename)�same behavior. I use .mac to sync between computers, and I use Missing Sync to sync to a Palm T|X.
Several applications on my mac keep uninstalling themselves, even whilst In use. For example: I was using firefox, then navigation bar seemed to lock up, so I quit Firefox, then it removed itself from the dock bar - I looked in my applications folder and it was no longer there? Had to download and reinstall to get it working again. Was using photoshop CS4, click 'save for web' and a popup told me it was unable to export as file didn't exist? So I saved my file i was working on, quit photoshop, looked in my applications folder and the entire CS4 package was missing?
To restore this, I opened Time Machine, and found that it had been missing for 3 hours, so restored the Adobe suite (7gb) and it now works again. This has happened to about 8 applications now, cyberduck, carbon copy cloner, adium, appzapper, automater, firefox, adobe? I've ran a disk check on my hard drive and all seems fine, no errors found. I'm also experiencing complete freezes every so often where I'm forced to hold the power button down to turn my mac off and then reboot it - all since this error started happening. I have a Macbook Pro, 17" 2.4ghz, 4gm ram running OS X 10.5.7
When I upload videos to YouTube from iMovie, there's HD option, normal option, mobile option, but there was no choice in iPhone for what kind of video quality - does it automatically upload it in HD?