Applications :: When I Use Chrome My Macbook Pro's Fans Shoot Up?
Oct 5, 2010
I want to like Google Chrome, but for some reason it seems like when i use Chrome my macbook pro's fans shoot up. Even just doing normal browsing.. although it does naturally happen to youtube based stuff
the other day i wake up and open my macbook pro and immediately heard the fan making noises ive never heard it make before. i checked istat pro. the fans were going at 2000rpm. this is when i started to get concerned since i would never hear the fans at that speed before. the difference was day and night. it sounds like the one or both of the fans are hitting something. i always hear the noise when i start up or wake up from sleep and after a while (30 minutes to an hour) it usually goes away but has come back once without me turning off or putting the computer to sleep. its a refurbished less than a little more than a month ago. im hoping its just some dirt that made it through keyboard and will eventually go away because i dont want to send my machine in to get manhandled by apple repair. has anyone had something like this happen before?
I have some live footage of musical performance. I have footage from two cameras and the sound off the desk that I need to sync up. I had hoped I could sync the sound to both cameras, then put in which shots I chose at any given point, but I don't know if the system will do that.
I've been experiencing an incredibly frustrating issue with my MacBook Pro. Essentially, until the fan kicks on, it is performing as a computer with its specs should run. At the moment the fan kicks on, it becomes virtually useless. Really, truly glacial.
I have a first-generation unibody model (you know, the ones with the detachable battery). It has repectable specs–2.53 GHz Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT 512 MB. I have also completely re-installed the newest version of Lion from scratch, as well as fresh installs of Adobe Creative Suite + Lightroom. Everything is totally fresh. No funky drivers from God-knows-when eating up my CPUs. So here is what happens: On a regular day (I'm a photographer), I'll open up Lightroom, Photoshop, and Spotify. The computer operates at a very decent clip, nice and snappy. Without modifying ANYTHING, my fans will kick on, and I'll have about 25% of the performance I had, literally, 10 seconds earlier. I have been exhaustive in diagnosis. I'll explain. Checked Activity Monitor, and everything looks completely normal. The programs and processes that I anticipated would be eating CPUs, indeed, are the only ones that are listed doing so. Nothing funky. I have installed Fan Control to monitor the speed of the fans as well as temp of the computer. Everything looks normal there, too. Along with reinstalling my operating systems, I decided to re-build my Lightroom albums. As of right now, there is only one shoot in the entire program. No gigantic libraries being indexed. I also make sure to build all of my thumbnails in advance so when I'm working in Photoshop, Lightroom isn't doing that in the background. About every hour or so, I'll close down Photoshop and Lightroom, and re-open them to clear caches. Only the fan affects the performance. And yes, I have broken open the back of the machine and gave the fans a cleaning. ****, they weren't even that dirty. It's also important to note that, yes, the fans kick on very quickly after opening up intensive programs. Even if I am just starting up a completely cool computer, and the programs have only been open and idle for a matter of minutes. Now should Lightroom with ONE WHOLE shoot cataloged be considered "intensive" for a computer with my specs? I don't even know anymore.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM
So we OS X users haven't been able to get our hands on Google Chrome, yet, but apparently there's this new browser set to fill that void called "Stainless."
I've tried it out and it seems pretty good, but I'm interested in seeing its benchmarks in comparison to Chrome. I'm lovin' the GUI of Stainless!
I was wondering if anyone has run into the problem I'm having with Google Chrome. One day last week it just wouldn't load anymore. i can click it and it will appear in my taskbar like its running, but no go on the UI. I've "googled it".... the problem that is... wow googling a problem with google. What are we coming to? Anyway, I've seen some stuff about it not running on Windows XP, but nothing about MAC.
Over the past day or two I've realized something new in my browser, ADS! Is AdBlock not working for others using Chrome too? I never realized how many darn Ads there are on webpages these days.
I've been using Google Chrome for ages and never really had a problem with it until lately, I prefer it to Safari or Firefox etc.
Lately I've found that it's crashing frequently, sometimes webpages just won't load (it will load the title bar and just leave an empty white space on the actual content), and more and more frequently I'm getting the flash plugin crash message come up on it.
I have the latest version of Chrome, and have re-downloaded it and installed it again, repaired permissions etc, but nothing seems to help.
Anyone else come across this or know of a possible resolution?
while browsing using firefox or chrome I get 20 to 30 tabs opening for no reason. Even when I mouse over a link on a webpage the link automatically opens in a tab.
Just got my first IMac. Beautiful machine to look at, but there are a few things that I have to get used to. One of them is Safari. Actually, I prefer Google. Any comments?
this issue is driving me crazy for the las few month i love using google chrome on my mac , but every time i need to download a file i click on it but the chrome wont open/download it , i have to switch every time to my safari and copy the link there in order to download the file .
I just started a video chat on Skype and my MacBook fans started going and are now really loud. Just checked my processes and it said this: Fans are currently at 4550rpm but are now much quieter than when I started writing this.
I have late 2008 MBP that run on leopard and I was using fan control (I forget the name) but now I cleaned install SL and I don't have that app. If I keep my MBP on for hours it become hot (around 60-73 c) and before it was cooler (around 40-55 c). Is there other app better then that?
Does anyone else notice fonts in Google Chrome don't look as good as they do in other browsers like FF and Safari? They look cramped and unkerned. Am I the only one? It's distracting after coming from FF and preventing me from using it. Though that's not the only reason. I do like the speed of Chrome though.
I love using Chrome. Here recently tho for Mac the first time I fire up the browser it takes forever to load up completely. Probably a full minute. After the first use it loads up in seconds. This has frustrated me to the point where I went back to Safari.
I have used Firefox for years but I just downloaded Chrome to give it a try because I hear good things about it here on MR. I have a bookmark toolbar and in Firefox, I have have just text only, but on Chrome, I can't find out how to disable these icons.
I recently switched from Safari 5.0.3 to Chrome on my Mac, and I noticed, that Street View scrooling doesn't work as smooth on Chrome as on a Safari.
That made me wonder, so I started running different Flash demos , and it looks that Flash running from Chrome is rather significantly slower than the one for Safari...
Could anyone confirm this? They appear to be the same versions.
Now I started using Chrome 8 beta , enabled hardware acceleration, and it's not as slow as Chrome 7, but still clearly slower than Safari.
I am using Google Chrome 8.0.552.215 on my Mac (running OSX 10.6.5). I can't get Chrome sync working properly. I had everything setup and working properly this morning between my iMac and my Mac Pro, but then I noticed that my bookmarks didn't import properly from Firefox (I'd imported my bookmarks from Firefox into Chrome on my Mac Pro just prior to initially setting up Chrome Sync).
I decided to delete all of the bookmarks from Chrome on my Mac Pro, then immediately reimport them a second time (making sure to fix the issue that caused my initial problem this second time around). For some strange reason, this has somehow completely screwed up Chrome sync, which doesn't sync anything anymore (bookmarks, extensions, etc...) I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome, but still no luck!
I've logged into my Google Dashboard and deleted all of the Chrome Sync Data, waited a good half hour, then tried setting up Chrome sync again... Google Dashboard does show that data is being synced from this first machine, but then when I set it up on the second computer (with a completely clean install of Chrome), the data never makes it there! I am at a complete loss here. I've even tried using an alternate Google Account, but that didn't work either!
For some unknown reason no YouTube videos will play in Chrome anymore. I have not installed any new extensions or anything since it was last working. YouTube is working fine in every other browser... Also tried uninstalling and reinstalling and restarting my iMac of course, a no go.