Applications :: ClamX Av For Scanning E-mails To Windows PCs
Sep 12, 2010
ClamX av for scanning e-mails to Windows PCs. I never forward I still need to have an email av scanner? Is ClamX something that needs constant tending (ie. updating, manual scans, etc); I'm trying to get away from these annoying aspects of running Windows on a PC.
I ask for forgiveness since now if I'm posting something that already exists and I couldn't find, but I wasn't able to find any helpful resource to fix my problem. I've always used Mail and I like it. I have three addresses, one of the provider, the other two belongs to my personal domain. They've always worked fine. Since two months they suddenly stopped to send e-mails. The error says there's a problem with smtp server. I tried to change smtp settings, I've edited mail settings, tried to set up another account and tried to download another app for mail: always the same problem. My mother, that has a mac too and an e-mail account with our provider, doesn't have any problem. So I tried to copy those settings on my MacBook Pro.. nothing.
Is there anyway to sync the Mac Mail app and Yahoo! SBC Global server with each other? Like on the iPad, you can move files and such, and it syncs with the server. Can I do the same with my imac?
i'm helping my mom to move all her mails that she saved on her ibm laptop to the old mbp that i passed on to her.... is there a way i can completely dub all the e-mails that are downloaded and the contact lists to mac's entourage? It would be good if someone can provide me instructions from 0 - 10 starting with the windows side
So i got this hair-brained idea the other day. I wanted to make a media server (mac mini + external drives shared out to my other machines. Mac mini hooked up to tv.) Then i thought...well i might as well use it as my data server as well. like to find a program (free is good, but cheap is ok =P ) that i can use a scanner, scan in receipts, documents, taxes, etc... and store them so i can go paperless. The app must have a folder structure so i can organize them by year/month/item. I could do this manually, but i figure an app would be more useful
Any mac apps available? I'm a recent switcher (3 months ago) so i havent been able to find anything yet with my searches.
Does anyone know any good app for scanning? For now I use Image Capture but is a bit limited! I usually scan music cd covers so I need something more detailed in order to scan the front and back covers accurately!
So I've got an HP Photosmart that can scan to OCR but I want to convert images to text locally, is there some way to get around printing the doc and then manually scanning it to access editable text?
Every time I open iPhoto 09 it starts doing a scan of all my pics for Faces and this is taking up to 300 minutes!! It has already completed this scan twice - why does it keep doing it?
I've been using mail for a while and have been having problems sending mail from it using my isp's settings. i just got a mobile me trial account to see if I could use that to send email from the app. That was another no no. So I tried to reset mail so I could start a fresh by deleting the mail folder in the library. Now when I open the app it auto add the mm account and only has an inbox, no other options down the left hand side etc and still tries to connect to my old isp's smpt settings. Im looking for a way to reset mail to fresh.
It is looking more and more like I will be relying on Mail for Exchange rather than Outlook. Is their a way I can separate emails by date like Outlook does? Have hundreds of emails not broken up is difficult to read/organize. Maybe a setting I am missing or another App I can download. For clarity, I am not talking of sorting by date rather having the emails in sections by their date received and broken up a bit more.
For example when I search by the sender's name in Finder, it will list emails that contain the sender's name. But when I want to look for those emails in User/Library/Caches/Metadata/Microsoft.... or wherever all I get is a bunch of numbered emails like "1.vRge08Message" and up to whatever number of emails I got in Entourage.
Why doesn't it display emails by the sender's name like it did when I searched for them in Finder?
I need some help with the mail program on my MBP. For some reason this morning it has decided to keep getting the same emails over and over again and adding them as new. So now I am up to 3000 new emails even though I have already read and deleted them before. Every time I click for it to check for new mail it just downloads the old ones three and four times. How can I get it to stop downloading them again?
I just set up my Mac Mail. But it is transferring over 3000 of my old messages, that I don't really want to have. How can I just begin getting new emails, without having to receive all of the old ones? Is that possible? Can someone tell me how to do this?
I think, not sure, I closed Mail to reduce the programs running for something. When I got it up again it has the correct number of messages in say my Inbox, Outbox etc, but the messages are not there.
when I check my I can see a summary of new mails I have received.However when I open (or preview) them the app displays a blank message, together with a forwarded message from 14 months ago.
Sending out the same e-mail message to 100 different people, but I want to customize the e-mail to their first name. Is there any program that you can upload a text list or Excel list to and it will do this automatically and create the e-mails in your drafts folder? Don't want to use a online sending service because they put crap at the bottom of the e-mail and recipients know it's automated.Want the people to think it's not something automated.Also, I know there's a way to schedule delivery of a message for a future date in Apple Mail via Apple Script, but you seem to have to schedule one by one. Any watch to do a batch scheduling?
I have recently given up on anything PC and moved to Mac. Mostly I am very happy with my decision but a couple of things niggle me and I don't seem to be able to change them.
In imail when delete an email from any of my mail accounts or the inbox, imail automatically selects the next newest email. I would like it to select the next oldest email. Is there anyway of changing this?
I know this is quite petty! but I'm just used to it working that way in outlook and keep deleting email I want to keep.
I have an account in that won't let me do anything to the e-mails coming into it. I can't delete e-mails, I can't mark them as read, and if I try to move an e-mail to another mailbox, it's copied, not moved.I've tried repairing disk permissions, and I've tried to remove the account and then adding it again ? but the problem persists. "Rebuild" in the Mailbox menu is inactive when this mailbox is selected, but works on my other accounts.The same account works fine on my iPhone; mails are getting marked as read and I can delete and move e-mails around. Same thing with webmail
I was surprised not to find more info on this issue with googling. My PSC 1510 will not scan in Snow Leopard. I know this was a popular printer, so I thought if everyone had this trouble, it would show up in search.Since hp support is built-in to SL, I stopped using the HP scanning software. This printer is listed as being supported by HP in SL. I've tried using Preview, Image Capture, and Print & Fax to scan. The iMac says scanner cannot be found, and my MBP says scanner is warming, and it never does anything. Correct drivers are installed.
These question my sound kind of silly, because I have not used a digital scanner in 20 years. Can I scan and edit a typed piece of paper onto a word processor?
I usually do all of my scanning within Photoshop, and yes I do know there are other ways, that's just the way I roll. I have just upgraded to CS3 and cannot scan. The twain driver does not even appear in the 'Import' menu within Photoshop CS3. CS2 still works. I have downloaded the most recent driver for my scanner (EPSON RX510 multifunction), but to no avail. Is anyone else experiencing this? Does anyone know of a remedy?
I had not scanned with my HP Photosmart since I bought a new iMac. The printer prints just fine. HP is no help saying that a software update comes with Lion. Obviously it does not work since my HP utility just puts up a complex error message consisting of a lot of computer code.
I keep noticing that my MacBook keeps scanning for the network I'm currently signed on to. Is this behavior normal or should I take it in to the Mac store.
Picked up a 2.8 IMac a couple days ago and for some reason when I am online it keeps auto scanning for a signal when its already connected to my wireless signal. The internet doesn't work when it does this but if I click on the spot that says auto scanning it switches to on and the internet starts working.