I recently got hired into a Tech position and inherited the current iMac machine running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (now updated to .4 build). I was in the process of De-Personalizing the machine from the previous person who worked in this office, but when I proceeded to try and install some important updates for Final Cut X and entered my Apple ID and Password, I was given an Unknown Error dialog box. Hitting OK I then noticed the 'Unknown Error (4), please try again later' dialog box. This is rather frustrating.Â
I was wondering if the reason it is not working is because the versions of the programs where purchased under a different Apple ID (the previous employee who worked here). Â
Trying to re-install Twitter from the Mac App Store. When I click "install" I get a prompt to type in my Apple ID (pre-filled with jonas.clement@hotmail.com; NOT ME). When I type my correct Apple ID and password in I get an "Error -4" message followed by "Unknown Error" message. Â
I have NO clue who jonas.clement@hotmail.com is. My account has not been hacked (at least no unauthorized purchases have been made). Â When I view my previously purchased apps, I see the whole list, Twitter, included...but I can't seem to download it. Â
Here's what I'm running:Â
Mac OS X 10.6.8 App Store 1.0.2 (63.1)Â Â
Here's what I've tried. Signing out of the App Store and signing back in.Signing out of the App Store and not signing back in until I try to download the App. Signing out of iTunes (trying everything). Restarting. What else is causing these errors?Â
I've getting the error, "We could not complete your purchase" followed by "unknown error". When I click "Store", "Sign Out", nothing happens. When I click "Store", "View My Account", nothing happens. I opened iTunes, logged out of my account and then closed it. I then open the Mac App Store and I'm still logged in, get the error, and am unable to log out.
After migrating my old iMac to my new one, every time I start iTunes, I get the following message: "We could not complete your iTunes store request. An unknown error occurred (4002).
The Mac App store is giving me an "unknown error" when I try to install a purchased app or but another app. I think this is a result of me running a chmod or chown recursively on the wrong directory. I've run the "Restore Disk Permissions" on my main partition and although that said it fixed some things, it didn't solve my App store problem.Â
What user, group, and permissions do I need to set and on what files and directories do I need to set them in order for this to work? As a side-note, I'm logged into the app store with my only account. Choosing "Sign Out" from the "Store" menu does nothing. I upgraded to OS X 10.7.4 and rebooted today. I've deleted the App Store cache files and rebooted.Â
Two days ago my MacBook (OSX10.4) crashed; VLC player froze when I was watching a tv show. I though 'no biggie, happens now and then' and hard-resetted my 'book. Tried opening the file again with Quicktime, again, computer froze up. Waited a couple of minutes, hard-resetted my laptop again. Only this time, the screen got stuck on grey/lightblue-ish screen during boot-up.
Tried a lot but couldn't get my MacBook up and running again. Started up with the OSX cd popped in and went to Disc Utility. Mac then told me there was a 'Invalid Node Structure' and that 'The volume could not be repaired'. During a third or fourth start-up this changed to Mac saying there was a'sibling error'.
I checked some sources online, figured out this should be something fixable. One possible option was Disk Warrior. Supposed to be *the* tool with problems like these. I replaced my malfunctioning HD, put an old HD in my MacBook, reinstalled OSX and put the malfunctioning HD in a stand-alone case and connected it too my MacBook. As we speak DW is busy rebuilding the directory but it has been doing so for over a day now. I've read online that it can take a couple of days though. My HD is 250Gb with 30Gb empty space when it went kaput.
Now, there seem to be a couple of other alternative options. These lads talk about Tech Tool Pro - apparantly some other program that could help: [URL]
Then there's a couple suggestions/methods mentioned online that either involve booting up in single-user mode and type some code [URL]
Has anyone ever had their HD act up like this? Any experience/recommendations regarding the programs/methods mentioned above? I'm pretty new with Mac (used PCs for ages, switched to Mac quite recently) and I'm kinda at wit's end here :/. I was in the process of backing up my stuff, but there's a boatload of data on that HD that I hadn't archive yet.
I went to run some updates and found a copy of Angry Birds, bought with an ID attached to a Russian email address. I didn't recognise it, so it looks pretty dodgy.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
This morning I start up the Mac App Store and see there are 2 updates available. One for an application I know I have, the other for an application I do not have installed on my system. Clicking "Update All" spins and does nothing.It looks to be attempting to download the update for the application I do have. When I manually click on the application I do not, to see what is going on a App Store login comes up with the "Enter the Apple ID you've used to purchase this app." I have seen another post saying this is due to installing non authorized Mac App Store applications then how can i know which app is connected with this update? It has this update for this application, not installed, never was and will not either go away or process the real update. I have restarted, cleared out the cache. OS X 10.7.2
I have the app store icon in my dock indicating that an app has an update. I click the app in the the update section and another window appears telling me I have updates for other accounts and that I need to sign into that accound to update applications for that account. The email address for that account is unknown to me. I am not aware of anyone having hacked my account, but it is in the back of my mind naturally that this has occurred. I have changed password on my account so far. I cannot delete the update from the app store even though I have deleted the iphone app from my itunes list.
I'm trying to run iTunes Match and it simply stalls at stage 1. Yes, I believe I've tried the fixes listed in other places where this seems to have been an ongoing issue since launch - and not all of these work for the people there, either. These include removing stoping and starting Match, stopping and starting Genius, stopping and starting Genius and Match, moving the iTunes Library files and reimporting them as new libraries and so on. Nothing is working for me.Â
I run iTunes match and it matches "most" of my songs and then stalls. I've left it for days to see how long the stall is and it never clears.Over the last few days' stops and starts, it's matched as follows:
iTunes frequently also can't access the iTunes Store or comes up with unknown errors.this is an entirely new music library. I set up my Mac from scratch a few months ago with a new SSD. My music library had a lot of old files sampled at low bit rates - I was re-ripping to flac for my hifi, so I decided to re-rip to iTunes as well at the same time (my previous iTunes Match had lots of stuff it couldn't match, but was uploaded at a low bit rate since that was all that was available). My network connection is wired and I have very good broadband (cable) speed.
A movie I purchased stops downloading almost immediately and the error message above comes up. The rest of iTunes works properly and my internet connection is fine. I was downloading numerous TV episodes before and during while this movie was in the cue without any issues. I've restarted my network and that did not seem to fix it.Â
I've deleted the movie from the cue and re-downloaded it but still same issue.Â
I'm trying to download a movie and this message keeps showing up (unknow error occurred (-50)) check your internet connection and try downloading again. I have an internet connection but every time I try to download the same message keeps showing up.
I have spent all day with a colleague wrestling with a 4 and 1/2 year old G5 tower that has been throwing up all sorts of cranky errors. (i.e. firefox crashes, flash crashes, programs wont load, itunes stops working, firewire drives make it insane). As part of the diagnostic flow, I attempted to verify permissions on the core HD. Disk utility only took a couple seconds to determine that there is some unknown error with the HD, and it cant continue. This leads me to believe that we are dealing with a flailing drive, which very well MAY be the root of the problems! Time to make an external clone onto a fresh HD, and see if that helps.
Install CCC 3. Open CCC 3, it hiccups on the dock, and then nothing. *roll eyes*. Install super duper. Run super duper. Now super duper refuses to let me make a bootable clone of the core HD? Fine, if that is how you want to play this game. I get two SATA enclosures. Put the suspect drive in one, and then a fresh drive in the other. Plug both into my MBP where i run a CCC bootable clone. Couple hours later, it is complete. Plug the new clone into the G5 tower, and it does not see it as a bootable drive. Okay, lets try the CCC clone again. Same result. I am desperate for options.
Long time reader at MacRumors, first time posting.Here's the rundown of the issue I'm having:About a week ago, I switched from DSL to a Cable Modem (10x faster, 50% cheaper... hurray, right?) and two days later my computer stopped connecting to the internet, or so I thought. It seemed I was unable to connect to google, or anything google-related, i.e. picasa, youtube, google reader, gmail.My website uses google HTML snippets, which do not load (http://raisedby.tv)? Using a 2006 15" MBP with snow leopard 10.6
Recently I had my Macbook pro reformatted back to factory conditions. After downloading all the software updates I tried to log into the iTunes store, but everytime I get the message " We could not complete your iTunes Store request. An Unknown error occurred (-54)" Â
I am able to connect to the iTunes store itself and look around and preview songs. but I can't log in to my account. I have the latest version of iTunes, and I haven't altered any settings in iTunes, so I'm confused as to why I am receiving this error message. Â
The other discussions and trouble shooting pages referencing the error (-54) seem to all talk about ipod sync issues or not being able to access the store in general.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I've never had an issue with renting from iTunes before, but I'm getting the following message tonight: "An unknown error occurred (- 50)."  I'm not seeing any support links or "report problems" from within iTunes. (I know I'm connected because I just updated a ton of apps.)
I just recently had an iTunes Unknown Error -3237 on my Windows Vista Desktop. My iPhone and iTouch doesn't appear in iTunes but show up in My Computer. I plugged it into my sisters Toshiba laptop and it is detected just fine. I plugged it into my MBP and it is detected fine as well. I don't know what the issue is for iTunes. I am running iTunes 8.1. My iPhone is synced with that computer and now I can't sync music to it in fear of losing the current ones I have on my phone. Also I get a iTunes Store error as well.
It won't let me onto the iTunes Store. It just comes up with an error saying there is a network issue to to check it. My internet is working fine but I can't figure out why iTunes is freaking out on me ~_~. iTunes Store works fine on my MBP and sister's laptop. My iPhone backups are all on that computer and same for my applications that aren't on my phone. I have tried reinstalling iTunes and it doesn't remedy the issue. I tried turning off iPod Services and starting it back up to no avail.
I just plugged in my old iPod (a nano 1g) and iTunes said I need to authorize my computer or 15 songs would be taken off. So I chose authorized, typed in my password, and it gave me unknown error -42408. I tried again a few times with the same results. So I decided to look it up on Apple's support website, and it didn't have anything about it. I also couldn't find it on Google. What the heck does this mean and how do I fix it? Btw I just plugged it in a week ago and it worked.