ITunes :: Transfer Library From Iphone 4s To New Macbook Pro?
Mar 15, 2012how do I find my old purchased music? when I go to "purchased" at App Store, I only have my old app's and book, but I can't find my purchased music?
how do I find my old purchased music? when I go to "purchased" at App Store, I only have my old app's and book, but I can't find my purchased music?
how to transfer library from iphone4s to new macbook pro?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was previously using windows vista and my iphone is synced on the vista. Now that ive got a new macbook, i want to transfer preferences, messages, settings, songs, pictures, contacts and jailbroken applications etc on my iphone 3G to the new macboook. i dont need to have play counts or ratings transferred. just hoping to be able to sync my iphone to the new macbook like it was able to with the vista with nothing lost. my contacts are not saved with outlook.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble trying to figure out how to import everything that is on my iphone 4 onto my new macbook pro itunes library.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I will buy a new Mac (iMac or MBP) soon to replace my current iMac G5. What is the quickest and easiest way to transfer files including my iTunes library & iPhone apps & safari bookmarks to the new Mac?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased a Macbook Pro, and now want to put all of my music from my iphone4 to my itunes library on the computer, I cannot do this, so I have made my iphone a device so that I used to be able to "grab and drop" downloaded music into my device of the iphone, however recently upgrading my itunes I cannot do this anymore!
MacBook Pro
When I transfer. I get told that 75 songs can't be do to an unauthirized computer. When I authorize the computer I get told it's already authorized. I repeated that sequence 3 times. no change.
iPhone 3G, Windows XP
Im trying to transfer the music from my iphone to a new imac, the help centre notes say to go to the store, click authorize computer and go from there, i know its a dumb question, but i can't find the authorise computer bit
Info:iMac, Mac OSX (10.5.7)
I have some large video files on an external drive, and I'd like to put them on my iPhone. I have very limited hard drive space on my computer, so I'd rather not copy all of the files onto my iTunes library. Is there any way to transfer the files directly onto my iPhone from the external drive?
Macbook, Mac OS X (10.4.10)
am new to this and have a new iPhone I was wonder if I can get a simple question answer i tried Google and there seems to be a bunch of ways to do what I?m looking for.So I want to take my friends iTunes library (5300+ songs) and transfer them to my library ( 2000+ songs ) and then once that is done I want to be able to put them on my iPhone / ipod 32g ( 32g 3gs black can anyone tell me how and keep in mind I want to kiss (keep it simple st#$id )
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am a long time PC user, and my girlfriend has just recently bought me a Macbook Pro. . So being a Pc user my entire life, i, of course have iTunes on my PC. My question is there any way to transfer my itunes library to my new Macbook Pro? Or is my only choice to do it with a Flash Drive?
View 5 Replies View Relatedhow to transfer my iTunes library from my MacBook Pro to my MacBook Air? Â
MacBook Air
I have an old Mac Book with all my music on it, but will not sync with my iPhone 3GS or let any of my music transfer over. It only allows my music on my phone to transfer to the Library. How can I transfer the music on my MacBook to my iPhone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have music on my iphone that was not purchased on itunes (or it was but not on my account), I would like to transfer my music from my iphone on to my laptop itunes without syncing (otherwise i loose all my other music)is there a way i can do this.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I bought a new macbook pro last week, but, I need to transfer my iTunes library (music, apps, podcast, photos, other) from my old macbook pro to my new macbook pro and the iPhone backup, off course
Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
i accidentally removed the original copy of all my songs from my mac and now i am not able to play any song on my itunes and it will be really hard to download all my songs all over again. Is there anyway that i can get my songs back or is there anyway from where i can transfer my songs form my iphone to itunes because im still having all my songs in the iphone.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2011), iOS 6.1.1, nothing
I just bought a MacBook Air and I would like to to transfer my music from my iPhone 5C to the MacBook. I tried backing up my iPhone but only about 4 of the songs transferred.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I transfer my iTunes library from my old computer to my MacBook Pro?
MacBook Pro
I don't have an external hard drive in my possession, nor can I borrow one, but I need to move my iTunes library from my PC to my MacBook and really don't know how to go about that.
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
The problem is that when I transferred files over from my laptop and my desktop, the itunes library the new computer picked up was my old one on the desktop. So I need to change it. I was able to sync my iphone with the correct itunes, but would like to get it onto my new laptop. Any suggestions. I heard that I need to get rid of the library that is incorrect on the new computer. What is the best way to do that and then transfer the better one? Or is there another way!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Ok so i am trying to figure out the best way to do this over 3g. I want to purchase a WD My book live to store my photos, videos, and all of my music. I know that I can remap my itunes to find the files while i am on the same wifi network.
What i am trying to figure out is can i remotely access and play my music from the WD My book live? Basically by passing my laptop. Is the best why to do this is with a VPN? If so what will let you access an external NAS drive, and run a itunes app?
Is this possible to do or is more pain then its worth?
I can't sync my iphone to my macbook air library without sacrificing all of my tracks from my last computer. How do I just add to my current list?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I just got a new Macbook and i'm trying to transfer music I already have on my iPhone 4 from the phone to the laptop... Shouldn't it already be in my purchased folder?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow can i transfer music and podcasts from iphone 4S
iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1
How do I transfer my I Tunes Music Library from my Old I Mac to my new Mac Book Pro? I also have an Ipod and I pod Touch that are connected to my Library on the old I Mac.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2), The I Mac is snow leopard osx 10.6.
Recently purchased a MacBook Pro. Want to know how I can copy/transfer my iTunes library from my "old" laptop (not apple product) to my new MacBook Pro?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 5.1
The computer originally synced to my iphone was stolen, so I do not have that as a source to transfer from.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
Old version of iTunes on laptop won't transfer music to my new iPhone.
MacBook (13-inch Late 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.5)
I'm a first time user for Mac and I've never ever had a laptop with a 256GB storage. So here are some of my concerns:
Do I have to sacrifice my music library?
What if I transfer my musics to the external storage and download it into Itunes?
Does it mean I have to connect the external storage everytime I connect my Ipod?
Or I can only choose a certain amount of songs to put in?.
I have thousands of pictures in my photo library on my iphone 4s. How do I transfer them back to my laptop more quickly than emailing individually?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)