ITunes :: Copy / Transfer Library From Old Laptop To New MacBook Pro?
Jun 3, 2012
Recently purchased a MacBook Pro. Want to know how I can copy/transfer my iTunes library from my "old" laptop (not apple product) to my new MacBook Pro?
The problem is that when I transferred files over from my laptop and my desktop, the itunes library the new computer picked up was my old one on the desktop. So I need to change it. I was able to sync my iphone with the correct itunes, but would like to get it onto my new laptop. Any suggestions. I heard that I need to get rid of the library that is incorrect on the new computer. What is the best way to do that and then transfer the better one? Or is there another way!
I have a 1TB Time capsule, I would like to attach a USB drive to the Time Capsule and transfer my iTunes Library to it so I can run itunes from wifi. I am new to network stuff. My current iTunes library is on a USB drive velcro'd to the back of my Macbook - rather inconvenient, the USB port is loose. The music files are external but the library files with ratings/play counts are in the iTunes folder.
Info:MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7), 1TB Time Capsule (3rd Gen)
I've just upgraded from a Power Mac (V10.5.8) to a Mac Book Pro. I'd like to transfer all the music I have in iTunes (V10.6.1) and don't want to have to buy Leopard just for this one-off. I've used the thunderbolt to copy everything else ok.
I'll probably push all my content to iCloud to share on my great new iPhone as well, but 1 brideg at at a time!!
am new to this and have a new iPhone I was wonder if I can get a simple question answer i tried Google and there seems to be a bunch of ways to do what I?m looking for.So I want to take my friends iTunes library (5300+ songs) and transfer them to my library ( 2000+ songs ) and then once that is done I want to be able to put them on my iPhone / ipod 32g ( 32g 3gs black can anyone tell me how and keep in mind I want to kiss (keep it simple st#$id )
I am a long time PC user, and my girlfriend has just recently bought me a Macbook Pro. . So being a Pc user my entire life, i, of course have iTunes on my PC. My question is there any way to transfer my itunes library to my new Macbook Pro? Or is my only choice to do it with a Flash Drive?
I don't have an external hard drive in my possession, nor can I borrow one, but I need to move my iTunes library from my PC to my MacBook and really don't know how to go about that.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How do I transfer my I Tunes Music Library from my Old I Mac to my new Mac Book Pro? I also have an Ipod and I pod Touch that are connected to my Library on the old I Mac.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2), The I Mac is snow leopard osx 10.6.
also, their all .avi video's. and i'm really confused! also, quicktime isn't letting me play .avi videos for some reason! and vlc won't download for me. and i'll put them on a USB but they wont download on my computer!
I'm a first time user for Mac and I've never ever had a laptop with a 256GB storage. So here are some of my concerns:
Musics Do I have to sacrifice my music library? What if I transfer my musics to the external storage and download it into Itunes? Does it mean I have to connect the external storage everytime I connect my Ipod? Or I can only choose a certain amount of songs to put in?.
I was previously using windows vista and my iphone is synced on the vista. Now that ive got a new macbook, i want to transfer preferences, messages, settings, songs, pictures, contacts and jailbroken applications etc on my iphone 3G to the new macboook. i dont need to have play counts or ratings transferred. just hoping to be able to sync my iphone to the new macbook like it was able to with the vista with nothing lost. my contacts are not saved with outlook.
I currently have my Itunes library on an external hard drive. This hard drive (Maxtor) has been giving me problems. I bought another external hard drive and I want to copy my library onto that. My operating system is Vista. When I hook up the new hard drive can I just do the normal procedure that I used to put the library on the first external hard drive? Is it a totally different procedure?
My iTunes Library is too large and taking up too much of my iMac's 1Tb HD. The iTunes Library is currently at 381 GB. Along with a healthy music collections, I have a ton of video files. I recently tried to import more video files and I got a message that there was not enough room on the hard drive.
I have read up on how to copy the itunes library to an external hard drive, and although time consuming sounds pretty easy. However I have a few concerns about 'MOVING' the itunes library. Essentially copying it to the new external hard drive and then deleting the old library on my iMac's HD. If I do that will I have issues with:
1. Using iTunes playing songs, video etc. Will it have difficulty locating it's new location because it is no longer on the 'local' HD? Or if it works ok, will it be really slow?
2. Will my 2 Apple TV's not be able to stream the content?
3. Will my Time Machine backups automatically include contents of the new external HD? I am assuming not.
OR is it just plain easier to leave the iTunes library on the local iMac HD and delete music and video not currently being used? ie; add it into iTunes when I want it, and delete it when I don't?
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 8gb ram
I want to sync my entire iTunes library to a laptop. However, I don't need the laptop library to hold high quality versions due to space limitation. And I want to be able to make changes to the main library, and have the laptop's library sync to that too. Is there an app that does this? I have searched all over and it seems like there is nothing that does this.
my ehd crashed (the one that I was using for my Itunes library) fortunately, I did a CCC to a separate EHD last summer so I have most of the music. I know how to do CCC and I know how to MOVE my itunes folder and consolidate. But now, what I want to do is COPY my itunes library from my current bootable EHD (from the CCC) and move it back to my main HD. But I do not want to "move the library" and consolidate. I want to keep a back up on the EHD in case this happens again...
having spend days reading various iTunes HowTo's and guides, I still do not know how to accomplish this: My family's CD collection comprises about 700 discs. All of them are in my Mac's 240GB iTunes library as Apple Lossless files. My dad uses a PC (urgh) and wants to have all of the songs on his hard drive, too, to be able to sync them with his iPod. His iPod, however, only has a capacity of 120GB and he has got a 160GB external hard drive for the music files, which is why I cannot simply copy my Lossless library to his PC.
So the callenge is not move the entire library, there are tons of guides to do this. Instead, I want to convert the music to AAC on my Mac first and then only move these files to his PC's external drive via network. As I have put a lot of effort into my Lossless library, I do not want to take any risks (however, I do have a time machine backup).
I have my iTunes library stored on an external hard drive when using with my MacBook. I've just bought a Mac Mini and want to copy the entire collection over to my Mini's hard drive, but using File > Library > Organise Library and Consolidate files doesn't appear to work. Most files are copied, but some, randomly, aren't. Most of my purchased songs don't get copied either. What's the best way to ensure all of my music files are copied over to my HD so I can copy to my Mini?