MacBook Air :: How To Zip Up Documents To Email
Sep 8, 2014How do I zip up 7 documents to email?
MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2014), iOS 7.1.2
How do I zip up 7 documents to email?
MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2014), iOS 7.1.2
I have updated from Tiger to 10.5.5. Everything works well EXCEPT: my ISP will not accept word document attachments or iPhoto. It will accept Text Edit document attachments. Using my ISP's web mail site to compose an email has the same problem. What can I do to fix this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I type a document with a table in it and send it via email to someone, it is jumbled up when they receive it.Â
When I scan a document with Preview, and I want to attach it to an email, it will not let the attachment show just as a PDF file. It always opens the document in the email. Can this be changed?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
it seems that I have lost all my documents in my documents folder on my MacBook Pro. They were there a couple of days ago, I did not delete them and no one uses the mac other than me. How can I get my documents back??? I am running Lion OS (i think)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How do I put just select documents onto iCloud rather than all my documents?
when composing an email and trying to import group from address book, I cannot get emails addresses to appear in "TO" line when typing in name of group
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Evening folks,
Here's the situation....
I've been sent a word document that i need to fill in and return via email (to a pc user) using my hotmail, is this going to be possible.?
I tried writing a few basic documents in pages and neo office and sending them to my pc but they would not open. Have i missed something out?
The only alternative i see is using my Apple Mail Application and converting the file. The downside being that whilst my hotmail works perfectly as a stand alone, when syncing it with my Apple Mail I loose all of my sent items and folders.
I found xml files in my documents. Did these come with my Mac? What are they? In their info it says they were created Dec. 31, 1979, which is way before I got my Mac.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
My documents e.g. word, powerpoint etc won't save to my macbook pro.Â
MacBook Pro
how to scan documents?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a Macbook running OS X 10.5.8
The print to pdf function is great, but I've noticed that for longer documents it divides the file into 3 separate sections/documents. This is annoying.
Is there anyway around this within the operating system, or is there other software like "cute pdf writer" for the mac . It seems that "cute" was only written for PCs since Macs tend to not need it.
Is there a program for mac that can do this? Because i'm taking an online course from BYU and when i need to print the cover sheet it downloads as a .cfm document
View 16 Replies View Relatedi have been Noticing about the Horinzontal linesASA i open my MacbookPro i see No color but when you move your mouse you can see the lines... which cut the mouse partially, Even when you visit forums the line could be see
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm not sure If i come to the right place, I met this problem somedays ago.When I copy some unicode or word from essay to the textedit and try to save it..However, A pop up Form tell me "the document could not be saved as "xxxx,RTF".I don't know which expansion name should i use and basically i use rich tsxt format.
I just upgraded my laptop to Lion. Now I can't access any of my Word Documents. I 'got' around that by opening them up in 'pages'. HOWEVER, I can't access my emergency records organizer (where I keep all my bank account info, IDs and passwords, etc.) Is there a new application in Lion that allows me to to store this data? I'm not real happy with Lion right now, because half of my life/documennts were Word documents that can no longer be opened-unless I want to open EVERY last one of no fewer than 1,000 Word docs in 'pages.' Not only did I pay to upgrade to Lion, but I'll have to pay for another version of Word. Macintosh is on my___list right now.
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Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I missed to backup my documents before upgrading my ipad 2 to ios 5.1, however I found them in icloud/#iwork but they can't be downloaded. there is no download icon but the word updating. also the download option is not active (when right click). On the other side, my Mac Pro (OS X 10.7.4) has no "mobile document" I turned on and off documents & data in system pref. with restarting my mac several times but no thing changed.
iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iOS 5.1, with mac pro running os x 10.7.4
When I open an app (such as Word or Preview) the last few documents I was working with open. Is there a way to turn this off? Leopard didn't do this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't know how to delete it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy won't my computer let me make changes to documents saved in pages and save them again? It keeps saying access denied when its my computer and I have Lion OS X
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I can't open all documents in safari. it was working fine a couple of days ago
View 1 Replies View Relatedi just got a new mac book pro 13 inch and when i went to download a paper from my school website (which on my previous mac would download stragith to word) it goes into text edit form. i know i have word on my comoputer. is there a setting i have to change? if so how do i do so?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can see my picture and itune songs. I cannot see any of my files I have in my documents folder.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I imported documents from an external hard drive, so they all went on my desk top. then I moved each document where I wanted it to go in application and created folders to each. to get rid of all the icons on the desktop, i put them in the trash. now when I try to open one of those documents in my folders in applications, it says its in the trash. what do I do so I can open a document but so that theyare still in folders and not all over my desktop?
I want to tidy up pages by creating folders to to put my docs in cannot see
MacBook Pro
how do i move documents I have made (pdfs, jpegs etc) into folders?
How do I move pages (invoices) into folders for specific clients names?
MacBook, 2009 mac
i can't print any documents from word , i have microsoft office 2011 and my mac pro has yosemite 10.10.1 software, what can i do ?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013)
How do I get them back on the dock please? And, what did I do to move them from there to wherever they went.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've noticed that some of the icons to my applications and documents have shrunk. The picture of the icon is a fraction of what it once was, but I can still click on the empty space around and open the program. The files themselves seem unaffected.
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