Using my iMac today working away and all of a sudden the screen went black, there was no power to the computer at all. I have checked the fuse and that is ok. I am getting power to everything else. I reset the SMC as per Apple instructions on their website. Again nothing.Â
I then left it turned off for a good 5 mins and then turned on the power. The fans turned on and the mac then chimed, the creen came on and I thought everything was ok. Then the computer turned off, fans and hard drive sped It didnt even start booting to the Apple logo or the log on screen.Â
I am thinking this is a power issue within the computer and this will need to be replaced. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. My iMac is a 2008 21inch iMac. It is connected to a APC UPS which again all power ports are working, as I have tested that with a desk lamp. What I do normally is turn the UPS when I have shutdown my Mac in the evening and then power it up next day. While the UPS is doing is power self test I then boot the Mac, I am wondering if I should just leave the UPS turned on all the time and just unplug my iMac when I am not using it. Sometimes I do pop it to sleep last thing at night, but recently I just turn it off. Â
It has had heavy use so I am wondering if it is indeed curtains and I need to buy a new iMac. Maybe it is an excuse to buy a 27inch one! (Would be nice)Â
my macbook is extremely warm and the fan is very loud. this is happening more frequently in the last month. my computer is only a year old as of june 29, 2012
My Air has been running slower than it used to and the fan comes on more often. I've been using Activity Monitor to see what's going on and it looks as though Safari is the most likely culprit as resource hog. Now I'm running Firefox and I'm not having the same problem (so far). Does anyone have any experience with this? I've only been noticing the problem for the past few months and I've always used Safari.
My macbook pro seems to be over heating really quickly.After about 5 minutes of being turned on the fan goes into over drive and the bottom gets extremely hot. normally i have the laptop either on a flat surface or on my legs and letting the laptop breath from underneath.
Fan gets to 6,500 RPMs within 10 to 15 minutes of use. It mosty happen when I am connected to internet. I used to think, the Youtube / Flash does it. But even after disabling Flash, it spins to 6,500 with usual ferver. I have tried You tube HTML 5 version , no effect.Â
Apart from disabling Flash, I do not wjat else to do. All normal humans have to go to net!Â
i just got the new macbook pro and have been using it quite often for the last couple of weeks. I can't help but notice how hot it gets and wonder if its normal.
As I play some games, the CPU's temperature gets around 70 Celsius (160 or 170 in Fahrenheit). Fans are around 6k RPM (playing The Sims 3 on Windows 7 Professional, using Everest Ultimate Edition for monitoring). I just wonder if it's ok or not to be like that. BTW, should I put on the hard case while playing? And can someone give some advice for playing games on the MBP?
I'm using Safari 5.0.2. Lately every time I use Safari at some point during usage when I try to open a new tab or window I cannot do so. What happens is the new tab appears but the website I want opens in one of my other tabs already open. or it will fail to load in the new tab/window. At the same time as this happening Safari is crashing more and more and my Macbook fan is whirring like mad.
Any ideas what's going on? It's so frustrating having to get chucked out or log out to make my tabs work for a short while before they stop functioning properly again.
I am not overly tecchy minded so may need hand holding to help me through this!
I have a rev B MBA, which is gorgeous but I have found myself using it less than any other Laptop I've ever had and it is simply due to two reasons:
- Heat, pretty much anything except simple browsing raise the heat - Battery time, simply lousy (including charge time)
Have had it for a while, 14 months, but at this point I have started looking at the 13 and 15 inch versions as replacements down the road. I thought it would make a great compliment to the imac but due to the limitations above I use it less and less. If only they had added a fraction of an inch of thickness to allow better heat handling and more battery.
Grid is a race game that you can buy off of the app store and i bought it thinking my macbook would not act the way it did. The game downloads and i start to play it. After about 2 minuets, the fans kick on and get incredibly loud as the macbook starts to heat up. Whenever i play it, i make sure that all the other applications are closed and that the quality is at the very lowest that it can be at. Still does the same thing. Why is this happening and is there a way i can get it to stop the computer from overheating to the point that the fans get so loud?Â
I bought a new Macbook Pro 15-in. late 2008 model battery on March 26th, 2012, but a month later I was never able to turn on my Mac again while using that battery.
-The battery is unable to charge and my Mac is unable to run without a battery pack inserted.
-The LED light on the charger keeps a constant green light, but the Mac will not turn on. Also, checking the battery, by pressing the silver button, it states that the battery pack only has a few "juice" in it left.
I'm now currently using my old Battery, and everything seems to be working just fine.Throughout the time of having the new battery, I always avoided overcharging it. Only 2 times where I fell asleep and it overcharged. I never continuously charged it, I only charged it when it was less than 10% of battery left. Although I wait to charge it only when it reaches below 10%, my mac becomes inactive for a few days.That's about all the information I can give from what I know. I'm unable to check the specs of the battery because the mac will not start. I'm really worried about what went wrong because it hasn't even been a month yet, and the battery died on me.
I'm working on an inherited MacBook Pro, and Installing the MS Office 2008 program from my employer, an online educator. The program installs, but I can't open any of the applications except for Entourage.
I'm going on holiday in Mid-October, and I have a computer there waiting for me, but I don't have a monitor available so would like to hook it up to my macbook pro's screen for obvious reasons.
Anyone ever done this? The computer just has a standard VGA output.
I am considering a purchase of a 17" unit. I will probably buy a base unit and then upgrade the memory and possibly the HDD myself (this is largely driven by procurement transaction limits). Is there experience here in adding a SSD to the 17in? I could manage with 256Gb, but have 500Gb drives reached the market yet?
I have a 17" 2.93 UMBP w/ 8GB RAM. I have two X25-Es as boot drives and use an external 1TB Caviar Black as my home folder. I rum virtual machine from the external.
My question is this: is it abnormal for a machine with 8GB of OWC RAM to page out (right now at 2:02 after boot page outs are at 421.5 MB). Usage is moderate (Safari, iTunes and a Parallels VM with 512 MB virtual RAM assigned). I'm thinking my RAM is either crap or defective any constructive.
I recently purchased a unibody macbook pro 2.8Ghz (awesome machine by the way) and was wondering whether would the LED screen get dimmer over time like the previous non unibody models?
When I had my powerbook and non unibody macbook pro, I had a habit of keeping the brightness at full and realize after a while it starts to get dimmer and dimmer. A good fren alerted me to try and keep the brightness at 50% to conserve battery life was wondering do u any of u notice the same dimming occuring on ur UMBP?
It'll be interesting to see if the screen in the 13" MBP announced yesterday is the same one that Apple quietly started putting in the MB a couple of months ago. Someone recently posted that Apple changed the display in their UMB after they complained about the washed-out look of the screen. I wonder how difficult it would be to get Apple to agree to a replacement based on the differences between the old and new displays.
I was just looking for a definitive answer on whether or not it is possible to remove individual keys on a uMBP without opening it up and dissecting the innards. I have one key (delete) that I'd like to pop off to clean.