ITunes :: Unable To Connect Iphone And IPod To The New?
Mar 12, 2012why am I unable to connect my iPhone and iPod to the new iTunes? Each attempt results in a crash
View 1 Replieswhy am I unable to connect my iPhone and iPod to the new iTunes? Each attempt results in a crash
View 1 RepliesToday my ipod started to act up. I cant seem to connect it to my computer anymore. When I plug it into my FireWire port, all it does is charge the battery. I am thinking there might be a problem with the FireWire cable itself (i hope, cause thats a cheap and easy fix). I know it isn't a problem with the FireWire port on my computer, because my CD Burner works fine.
View 15 Replies View Relatedi have a brand new iMac 27"/i5 which is all very nice - no screen issues or anything
only one problem, after each boot i find the iMac ignores all/any iDevices plugged into it. The only way to fix this, that i've found, is do follow this -
which i've optimised down to removing iTunes, deleting the AppleMobileDevice.kext file and reinstalling iTunes.
My iPod touch and iPhone cannot be synced with my iTunes. This is not an issue with my USB ports or cord as the computer recognizes the devices are plugged in and begins charging them. I've updated everything and restarted, nothing is working.
Info:iPhone 4S
I need help getting my music from my older ipod onto my new iphone. i have a mac which i thought would make it easier but i don't understand. when i go to sync it it says that its going to erase and replace the music in my library but i dont have music on my laptop yet.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just bought the new 27 inch iMac I have been using Time Machine on my macbook4 pro and used the backup with migration assistant to the new iMac. When I did the restore, everything went fine except iTunes does not recognize my iPhone or iPad. It does not show up at all when plugged into the iMac. The one thing I had to do when using the restore was change the name of my user account info as it would not transfer to the iMac with the same user info. Anyone got a clue on what I should do to get iTunes to recognize my iPhone and iPad?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an older Ipod Classic, and now a new iPhone 4s. How can I sync both with my Mac when the iTune library is different?
Logic express 9 upgrade, Mac OS X (10.7), Lion
I don't know what happened but all of a sudden itunes won't let me drag and drop a song onto my ipod or iphone, It won't even let me drag and drop a song in a playlists within itunes.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an older iPod that has some playlists on it that are not in my iTune library. I want this same playlist on my iPhone but when I do an 'export' then try to drag and drop into my phone I get a message saying it did not copy because 'it cannot be played on this phone'. I also cannot drag and drop it into iTunes anywhere either. All of these songs are in my library, I just don't want to have to go through and remake this playlist to add to my phone.
View 3 Replies View Relatedwith the news that Apple may allow for streaming iTunes to an iPhone anywhere from your home, i can anticipate more demand for the Mac Mini. I was looking into getting one as a music server to share my home library thru my MacBook remotely thru Hamachi. Now if I can do the same to a portable device, i am SOLD.
View 1 Replies View Relatedtranfer music from ipod touch to i phone 4s without a computer?
I've downloaded a few movies from iTunes, and one was able to be put on my iPhone, but the other two will not. I never looked too far into it- just figured it was a bug- but I recently have purchased a movie I want on my phone and found out I can use the "Create iPod or iPhone" capability in the advanced menu. The only problem is... I can't use it. It's un-clickable. My iTunes is up-to-date and I made sure i'm selecting the movie I want to convert, but it still won't make itself an option to click.
iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iTunes 10.6
What are storaged on the "Others" area? I have a 16Gb on my 3GS and 7,9 Gb is on Others
Mac Book Pro 15" 2.53, Mac OS X (10.6.1)
iTunes crashes on any type of sync with iPhone or iPod to my iMac. Have all current updates and running 10.7.3 on iMac and iTunes 10.6.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iTunes 10.6
When syncing iPod or iPhone there is a message that the computer is not authorized to play purchases even though I have authorized it many times. How do I fix this?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), iOS 8.1.1
How can I remove apps from my computer leaving them in the cloud and the devices?
iPad 2, iPad/iPod/iPhone
Here's the scenario: I Let a friend borrow this iPod from me for about a year. She used Windows and her own music, and I'm pretty sure used "Manually Manage Music" to get the songs on it.
The iPod appears on my desktop, but only has one folder in it, which has one song in it...none of the other music can be found. It says "600 MB" is available, but it's a 4 gig iPod.
I want to try to restore it, but the iPod Mini won't appear in iTunes. I don't care about losing the music on the iPod, because it isn't my music. Do newer versions of iTunes recognize iPod Minis?
I have an open wifi network setup that I can't connect to. There are several PC users in the house able to connect, but my iPhone and MBP are unable to establish a connection. Stranger, is that when I plugged into the ethernet, my laptop was also unable to connect using the "Automatic location." I setup a new location and was able to use ethernet, but wifi is still not working. I used to be able to connect to the network and as far as I know no settings have changed. I've tried resetting the cable box, wireless router and the computers, and I also tried dumping all network related preferences I could find.
View 4 Replies View RelatedCouple days ago I deleted a playlist on my Itunes accidentally. Luckily I have all my music backed up on an External HD. I remade the playlist on Itunes, transferred the music from my Ext. HD to the playlist, connected my ipod to have it synced, then disoconnected my HD and Ipod after sync and when I search the playlist on my Ipod I only get 29 of the 142 songs synced. Can someone please tell me what could be going wrong?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy iPod Classic isn't being recognized by iTunes (this has always worked fine until now). I have an iMac. The iPod connects fine and is shown on the desktop, but not recognized in iTunes. My other iPods are recognized in iTunes, just not the Classic. I have reset it, installed latest iTunes, nothing works. The iPod works fine.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have just picked up my new MacBook Pro and I am unable to connect my iPhone.
The version of my iPhone is 1.1.2 and it is jail broken.
Will I be able to connect a jail broken iPhone?
I tried to put new music on my iPod. This has consistently been a problem because Itunes says that the ID that i'm getting my applications from is not the same as the one issued to the iTunes application on the computer I get my music from ( because the iTunes on this computer has no purchased music, only free promotional mixtapes, so it isn't linked to any iTunes account). This forces me to have to restore my iPod to factory quality every time I want to apply new music to my iPod.
This time the problem is worse- I updated Itunes earlier to the newest version ( I hadn't updated my music or Ipod software in a very long time), and now Itunes is unable to recognize my Ipod. I get the error message, "iTunes was unable to load data class information from sync services" after iTunes tries to recognize the iPod for a sync for about 30 seconds.
I read this article; [URL] which suggests that I update to the newest version of iTunes, then reset my sync history. The problem now? I can't even get the preferences tab to load. Whenever I try to load the preferences tab, iTunes freezes up and becomes unresponsive. This is extremely frustrating. I have to go through all this troubleshooting, errors, and updating just because my iTunes isn't registered because it has no purchased music?
>iTunes won't respond to my 4th gen iPod
>I get apps from the app store off of my father's Apple ID that I'm posting from
>Causes me to have to restore my Ipod to factory settings everytime I want to get new music for my iPod because my iTunes application on my computer isn't registered to an Apple ID
Windows Vista, iPod touch 4th gen.
Since yesterday mourning my I-tunes keeps freezing...I tought it was my i-pod so i restore it n now i cant sync the song back to it...I try re downloding i-tunes, but was in now I dont know how ot reput my song back to my ipod, since itunes keeps freezing every time I try!
I just got an Iphone 4. When I connect it to my MacBook Pro I get the above message. I updated itunes and all other updates are done, phone is updated. I can make calls, navegate, etc.
But iTunes won't connect so I can put pictures or music on it.
I have Itunes on my Win7 computer and on my Macbook running snow leopard 10.6 and the latest Itunes and neither computer will connect to my iphone with the usb cable. It did with the previous version of Itunes.If I can't get an answer I will go back to the previous version of Itunes
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
I have seen people saying go into Library-Launch daemons etc. I find Library but no launch daemons or daemons or anything like that. I am using Lion. I have sorted the problem before by uninstalling iTunes then reinstalling but as soon as I restart I have the same problem again. Now Lion won't even let me uninstall it.
I do have the wifi sync symbol sitting in the taskbar but can't seem to do anything with that.
iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.2
just upgraded to iTunes 11.2.2 and the program freeze any time I try to connect the iPhone. I restarted several times but the behaviour does not change.
Running on iMAC OS X 10.9.3 / 4G RAM
Here the log:
03/06/14 22:42:29,560 SyncServer[3553]: [0x7fb48be064d0] |SQLite|Error| Detected out-of-space situation: 0 (Undefined error: 0). 570448572416 bytes free in as-imac.
03/06/14 22:42:29,562[160]: ([3553]) Exited with code: 1
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
Why I can not connect my iPhone with my iMac .It just said : iTunes could not connect to the iPhone “Nathan's iphone ” because the device timed out.
MacBook Pro
I last synced my Iphone on 3 May. I tried today and itunes just stops responding anytime I try to sync my iphone. I have an iphone 4s and both my itunes and iphone software are the latest versions.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
What i did was open the ipod through mycomputer (windows XP) and cut the folder that contains all my music and pasted it into mydocuments so i had full amount of memory on my ipod to use it as a memory device. I gave it to my friend to put some videos into my ipod again through mycomputer. He didnt allow the ipod to sync on his itunes. Now i have it back i plugged it into my pc and my itunes couldnt pick it up and neither can mycomputer. I left it plugged in and restarted my pc when it booted up i opened itunes and it was sort of froze, after leaving it for a minute or two my ipod cam e up on itunes but it said it was corrupt. I ran the restore over night as it was taking along time and when i cam back this morning it was still doing it! Whats wrong with my ipod?! is there any other way to system reset it? do you think my mate should have synced it with his pc?
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