ITunes :: Rip DVDs And Keep Menus And Extras?
Jun 24, 2012
I'd like to rip my DVDs each to a single file I can import into iTunes so I can play them on my various Apple devices and not lose quality, extras, menus or surround sound (5.1 or 7.1) done with an Apple program. I see many ripping applications online that are Windows based. I need Mac. I want to have the same features and quality available on the one file as I would if I were playing the DVD on my DVD player.I have an AppleTV2 (plugged into a 55" LED TV), iPad1 and iPhone4.I'm also on Lion 10.7.4 now.Is there such a Mac application that can do all this?
Mac Pro 3.0 GHz Quad-Core, iPad WiFi/3G, iPhone4, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 30" HP Display, 22" Cinema Display
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Sep 2, 2008
I've rented 3 dvds from Netflix and tried to watch them in my MBP, thinking there was a problem with the dvd, but they all have the same issues. The video will suddenly freeze but the audio keeps going. The only way I can get out of this frozen screen is to use the remote that came w/ my MBP to eject the dvd. Also, the dvd menus are no longer functional. I can only press play but I can not navigate the menus with my remote, or with the mouse (the mouse cursor disappears now when I put a dvd in the drive). When I press play, it will play for about 10 minutes and then freeze. It seems like each time it's freezing about halfway into a track/chapter. I can eject the dvd, go back to the beginning, skip forward to the next track, and rewind to just after the point where it freezes, but I have to do this with EVERY track/chapter.
And I have to eject it every time or it won't play at all. This is a dvd-burning Superdrive. I have no idea how I would go about replacing the drive if it's broken, as it's built into the laptop with no way that I can see to access it. The laptop is just barely out of warranty. Here's another Mac oddity: when I log into Apple's own forums, the option to post a new thread in any of their forums is gone. It's not at the top of the page where it used to be, nor is it anywhere on any of the pages that I've visited. I'm talking about when I go to the main discussions page, and then click on the link for Macbook Pro or iPod, there's nothing there for posting.
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Dec 10, 2009
Okay, I know that when iTunes LPs and iTunes Extras first came out, iTunes could not play them full screen.
I don't know when it happened, but I just noticed that I *CAN* play them full screen now. (Either by selecting "View" -> "Full Screen"; hitting Command-F, or clicking a new "Full screen" widget at the upper-right on the "title bar" for the LP/Extra within the content pane of iTunes.)
But, strangely, this only appears on one of my computers, even though both are running the same version of OS X (10.6.2,) and the same version of iTunes (9.0.2.)
Does anyone know the secret to enabling this? I have checked every single setting in iTunes, both menus and preferences, and they are all perfectly matched between the two computers.
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Feb 4, 2012
I have purchased a number of HD and SD movies that include iTunes Extras. All but one of the these movies show as Unknown Album in Cover Flow (under the artwork). The detailed listing in iTunes reflects the correct names. The correct names show up on my iPad and Apple TV. I have worked with Apple Support, to include a senior advisor. We have tried the following at least once and they now tell me they have exhausted all the possible solutions. Confirmed information in Get Info was correct.Changed the information in Get Info.Re-downloaded the movies after deleting the problem movies. This was done multiple times.Reinstalled Mac OS.Deleted and reinstalled iTunes.
A few observations. When I delete the Extras from iTunes the title under the artwork for the movie in Cover Flow shows the correct title.The one movie that is correct has one artwork poster for the movie and one artwork poster for Extras. All others have only one artwork poster and appears to share the same artwork poster.The file size represented in iTunes detail listing for the Extras is significantly lower than the file size on my hard drive. The same can be said for the movies (all movies, not just those with Extras), but not to the same degree. For example, one Extras in iTunes is 13mb in the detail listing and on the hard drive it is 772mb. This example and all Extras work correctly.
iMac (20-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 30, 2012
All my film, bought in iTunes, are in the library. How can i ripp my DVDs to get them in iTunes, too?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), newest version of iTunes is install
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Apr 18, 2012
I have at home a lot of original DVDs!Can I use this as a music CD into iTunes import?
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Aug 22, 2014
I've a 27 inch, mid-2010 iMac w/ 2.85 GHz i5 processor, 12 GB of RAM and running OSX 10.9.4 (Mavericks). iTunes is 11.3.1 (2) has stopped ripping cds to iTunes. Just ejects them. I have used this option quite a bit.I had my hard drive replaced by Apple free of charge about 2 years ago.
iPhoto '11, iOS 6, Photos may have different titles
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Jun 12, 2012
what application is available for macbook air so that i can place my dvds from a dvd drive to itunes?
MacBook Air
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Nov 16, 2009
Been searching online for an easy way to copy DVDs to the hard drive so they can be watched without the external DVD player needed for the MacBook Air.I've converted the DVD to a .DMG file using the disk utility tool and then mounted it...but cant figure out how to make it actually execute inside of QuickTime...
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Mar 9, 2008
how, no idea how it happened, but I got a weird voice that came on and drives me nuts by telling me each menu item the cursor passes over. I have searched thru the manual and help and can only find information about voice recognition. How do I turn off the voice?
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Sep 21, 2009
When 10.5 was released they were quite transparent and the look matched the transparent menubar. It was a nice visual flow. Then 10.5.1 came out and they went to almost opaque (apparently they are still SLIGHTLY transparent but at something like 95% its more or less impossible to tell).
Some apps, (compressor comes to mind) still have these transparent menu drop-downs and I think its a very good look, especially with the transparent menubar (again, visual flow is nice).
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Mar 21, 2010
Every time a menu pops up asking me to choose yes or no, the mouse automatically moves to the yes like it's ready for me to click. I'm pretty sure I set it to do this a while ago, but I forgot how to change it back. It's late, I'm frustrated, and this is bothering me. A few searches didn't get me anywhere. Anyone know what I'm talking about and/or how to change it back?
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Apr 19, 2010
Normally hitting the 'Tab' key does the job but here, say I wanted to go to restart or cancel by using the kb. Does anyone know that?;
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Dec 4, 2014
I am on OS Version 10.10.1 (14B25). Whenever I click on the green dot in the upper left corner of an open window, the window expands to take up the entire Desktop. Even more bothersome, the window expands to the top of the frame, covering up the Finder menus.
I need those menus. I have found by experimentation that waving the cursor around in the upper-left corner of the display can bring the Finder menus back into view. But that is only temporary. As soon as I move the cursor back to the content of the window, I lose the Finder menus again. The only way I can get the Finder menus to remain visible is to close the window that I am working in. Doing so defeats the whole purpose in clicking the green dot.
Is there some preference somewhere that I can use to turn off this annoying new feature of Yosemite?
Mac mini (Mid 2010), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 29, 2010
I have a 2006 Mac Pro 1,1 with dual Xeon 2.66GHz. One of my favorite apps on my Macs is iStat Menus for which I purchased a family pack. I am running latest version 3. However, when I added it to my Mac Pro I am getting goofy CPU temp readings. At idle I am reading about 60C on one CPU and 55C on the other. But then if I fire up all the cores (Handbrake for example) then the reported CPU temps DROP to about 48C and 43C (notice same differential of 5C between CPUs). All the fan speeds stay the same so it is not extra cooling kicking in. Seems to be reading the wrong thing.
I know with Intel that the CPU just reports the distance to Tjmax and then the software reading that number takes the TjMax reading for that particular CPU model and figures out the corresponding Tj. It almost seems to be what is happening is that iStat is reading the "distance to TjMax" and reporting that without doing the math. That would account for the reading working backwards I suppose.
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Aug 18, 2009
I have a .mov I want to burn to a dvd with no region code that will play in any player (im in the EU and want to send it to the US).
I can't work out a way to do this in iDVD without having to use one of their crappy "themes" which i really don't want to do.
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Sep 3, 2009
iStat Menus for Snow Leopard?
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Oct 25, 2009
Just a strange occurrence this evening: I just watched a DVD on superdrive: when it finished, I ejected it and glanced at my Finder menu bar. IStat Menus gave me a temp of 135 and rising (went as high as 140 degrees a few minutes after ejecting and shutting down DVD Player). But the fans aren't on at all--never came on, as far as I can tell--and the MBA feels cool to the touch. Now it's maybe 20 minutes later and iStat reads temps as still at 115 degrees. But my laptop feels totally cool to the touch. I restarted, hoping to reset iStat, but no change. Any idea as to what's going on?
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Apr 28, 2010
was surprised to see iStat menus is now a paid app. So if I update, I'll have to buy it.
Its a nice app, but I'm not sure if its needed, even if its only 10 bucks.
Anyone else care to chime in on this?
Don't get me wrong, if I like an application, I'll buy it. I've purchased delta walker (compare utility) and will be upgrading my transmit to version 4.
Its just this type of eye candy - is it worth 10 bucks (that's the discounted price, it will go up)
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Jul 15, 2010
I think I must be tho only person that liked the transparent menus we had in 10.5.1...
I cannot find anything to re enable them now, and it is a shame, because I thought they were pretty ^_^
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Sep 14, 2009
But only some of them! File/Edit/View
Go/Tools/Bookmarks are still white.
All other apps are running normally.
This is on my MacMini still running 10.5.8
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Feb 6, 2012
Why do random menus keep popping up and what can I do to prevent them from doing it?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Apr 10, 2012
Ever since I upgraded, I've been having problems with menus freezing and becoming unclickable. For example, I have both Safari and Firefox open, and can't click on the menu bar for either of them.I have to close the program and restart.This happens with other apps, too.THe window itself works, just the menu bar. Also, my apps are suddenly opening the last used document whenever I open the, whether I want that one or not.Any way to turn that off?
Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6), iPhone 3GS; iPad
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Apr 27, 2012
My Mouse always provides drop down menus rather than just clicking on what I need to open
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Aug 19, 2014
if there is a problem with my MESSAGES APP on my Mac if its menus are almost all non accessible and grey?
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Nov 8, 2010
Apple has shown interest in a new graphical user interface element that would allow devices running either Mac OS X or iOS to consolidate toolbars and menus and cut down on screen clutter.The plans were revealed in a patent application filed last week in Europe, under the name "Scrollable Menus and Toolbars." The document describes a system that would allow users to select an area and then scroll through menu items, giving a greater selection than can be displayed on the screen at one timeThe application notes that toolbars and menus for typical commands, such as opening a file or saving a document, "can take up valuable real estate in the graphical user interface."
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Jun 30, 2007
Yesterday I was using the Vista side of my 2.4Ghz 15" MBP most of the day, and then I switched over to the Mac side last night. I don't know if being in Vista for that long is what caused this -- probably not -- but I do know that I usually don't use Vista that long at once. But anyways, here's my problem:
When I got into Mac OS X yesterday, it started getting all funky on me. First of all, my dock. When I roll my mouse over the dock, it doesn't magnify at all. I have dock magnification turned on about 1/2 of the way over, and yet it doesn't react to my mouse at all. Also, when I click on an icon to open it, it DOES magnify that icon (and the ones around it) temporarily as it "bounces" to indicate the program is opening. Then I move my mouse away, and the magnification stays there for a few seconds! So my mouse is back in the middle of the screen but the icon is still frozen as enlarged. It goes away after a few seconds, but not with the usual smooth shrinking animation (it just instantly is smaller). Lastly, the program I open from the dock does NOT come to the forefront. For example, I just opened TextEdit from the dock to remind myself of what happens, and it opened behind Firefox, not in front of it. So to actually go get TextEdit, I have to Command+Tab and get it. So those are my dock problems.
Also, my menus are acting funny. You know how, usually, when you open a menu from the bar at the top of your screen (sorry, not sure what it's called, I haven't been a Mac user for long), and you move your mouse over the options, each individual option highlights in blue? And when you move your mouse over an option that has an arrow to its right to indicate a sub-menu, the sub-menu pops out on its own? Well, neither of those are happening anymore. In fact, when I click the option that has an arrow, the whole menu just goes away as if I had clicked away from it or something.
Lastly, my hot corners aren't working. Simple as that. I have bottom left set for Dashboard, and bottom right for Expose, and neither respond at all.
To recap: a lot of the very basic functions I rely on in the Mac OS X side of my computer just stopped working for me and I have absolutely no idea why. And as a side note, I had not downloaded the MacBook Pro Software Update before this started happening. When it started, I immediately downloaded the update but it didn't fix it.
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Jan 27, 2008
ive been triying to store all my dvds into my external HD but im having trouble with file size... i have a 250GB External HD. it has bout 50 GB of music files, pages docs... just a backup of a few things... but all my dvds are using up more that 150GB. all the movies ive backed up using mactheripper. also ive used handbreak to move those movies onto iTunes > iPod. my question is if i can reduce file size without losing dvd extras, language menus, etc. handbreak doesn't do this so im looking to make the VIDEO_TS folder's files smaller.
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Sep 8, 2008
Does anyone know if it is possible for me to monitor my Time Capsule's hard drive and temperature with iStat menus version 1.3?
I used to monitor the disk space on an old external HD with iStat, but I can't even do that with my Time Capsule.
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Jan 29, 2009
Anyone else noticed on their air that menus are completely opaque. I know more recent OS revisions toned down the translucency slightly, but this is absolutely totally opaque. It is also not affected by whether or not the menu *bar* is translucent. Nor does it seem to be just a 10.5.6 thing - a Macbook sitting next to it with the same OS revision still has noticeably translucent menus. Is this just me or is it general? I could find elsewhere was people either complaining about *less* translucent menus in particular OS updates, which this isn't, or people misunderstanding and thinking the OP meant the menu *bar*, which I don't.
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