OS X V10.7 Lion :: Share A External Hard Drive Between 2 Computers?
Apr 19, 2012
I have been trying to access my external hard drives that are hooked up to my mac mini from my imac and cant seem to do it. They are listed in the shared folder on the mac mini already.
I want to connect 1 External Hard Drive to 2 Computers. How do I do this????I have tryed to use both wirewire ports but when i plugged in the second computer it wnated to dasiychain it to the other one both computers freezed as a result DONT TRY THIS!!Do I have to get a splitter (Plug spliter into External hard drive then two firewire cords come out of one) is this possible???kinda like a headphone splitter but with firewire ports
I have an iMac and a Macbook Pro.The MB Pro is connected to an OWC hard drive via eSATA.I would like to connect the iMac to it as well via FW 400 since the hard drive has a FW 400 connection.Will the iMac recognize it and can it write to it as well, regardless whether the Macbook Pro is on or not?
I have two desktop macs, a macbook air, two iPads, and two iPhones. I have one Apple account that I use for all music - including music my college aged kids download. My problem is that I would like to get all the music into one library, delete the duplicates, then have the external drive store all the music. Is there a practical way to do this? This way I can set up my devices so that they all have the same music and playlists.Â
I have a G5 Imac and a G4 ibook. i want to use time machine, and have one external hard drive connect to both. I could get an external with more than one input (ie, usb and firewire)--does that work? Could i use a usb hub to connect the 2 computers to the HD, and set up different partitions?
And what of NAS? i do not want to set up a whole network (we already have one at my office, and i want this to be independent).
I am trying to share two computers together in a private network.Â
I have an iMac running OS X Lion & a Macbook Pro running Snow Leopard. The iMac's name on the network is: Studio The Macbook Pro's name on the network is: djlaptop I turn on file sharing, assign a name and they connect through wi-fi. In the Macbook Pro's Finder (djlaptop) the devices list shows this: Â
And on the Imac (Studio) it shows this:Â
I can't seem to get the 'Macintosh HD' of the Macbook Pro to show up on the Imac's finder (running lion). The 'DJ' is the home folder.Â
Does anyone have any more knowledge on how to get it to show up? I have checked my Finder Sidebar items and all of them are ticked. I want to mount the whole Macintosh HD and not just the home folder.Â
I have two macs on the same network. I have an external HDD attached to Mac "a" being used as TM. I want to be able share that TM so Mac "b" can back up to it as well over a wireless network. Both Macs running the same Lion. Â
I have had a good look around but haven't found anything of any real use. To recap. Two Macs, one Time Machine, how the Duce?Â
I would like to use FileVault to encrypt both my hard drive and time machine back up external drive. Does encryption noticeable slow down the computer.
Info: MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
On my external drive I installed 10.5.8 on it and I've only used it with my macbook pro for booting up. Is it possible to plug it into, for example, a mac pro and run the partition or does it only work with one machine?
I have 2 MacBooks (with 3 user accounts total) that I would like to back up using Time Machine to a 1 TB hard drive. I'd like to dedicate 700 GB or so of the hard drive to the backups and have the other 300 GB to use for other things. Do I need to create one partition for each computer, or one partition for each user account, or Can I back up all the computers to one 700 GB "Time Machine" partition?
I had a black screen of death moment and since then, I've had a few weird anomalies with my iMac. I ran disk repair while logged in, and it told me there was a problem. I restarted in restore mode, and when I repaired the drive, it found no problems. I don't believe it.Â
1. My external hard drives do not appear on the desktop. They are mounted, and I can see them when I open the finder and the disk utility, but they won't show up on the desktop like they used to. I have played with finder preferences shutting the option to see them off and on, but this doesn't change anything. Very strnage.Â
2. iTunes completely whacked out. It "restored" itself by magic. Now all the Date Added dates are March 23rd. All of my podcasts disappeared, and all my settings were reset. I have no idea what else I lost. I want to restore from a back up, but I don't know how to do just my iTunes.
I have recently upgraded my computer. My external hard drive, a LaCie 320GB, is full of stuff that I want to get rid of. Can't delete it. Looked into the permissions and it turns out they belong to an unknown user. I tried clicking the little lock and trying to change permissions, but it will not let me interact with the drop down menu. Â
I believe there is a terminal command to reset permissions locally, however, I cannot figure out how to do so on an external drive.Â
I have a 2010 Mac Book Pro that I just downloaded the new OS X Lion for the upgrades ext... I haven't had any other problems except that before I downloaded the Lion my Mac would recognize my external hard drive (WD passport). And now it doesn't, I even go to the finder and it doesn't even show up under "computer" to make sure there isn't anything wrong with my external hard drive I plugged it into another mac that doesn't have Lion and it would work. My external drive has everything 1TG of everything.
I recently installed OSX Lion and everytime I plug in my WD external hard drive it disconnects it a few minutes after pluging it in. I did some troubleshooting by pluging the hard drive into another mac book that hasn't been upgraded to OSX Lion and it wasn't disconnected. I have my entire itunes library stored on this hard drive.
I have 2 pc's and a minimac. I want to share them on my home network. I have a new 3TB external hard drive that I want to store everything on. I want to write to it from all computers. I want some files to be shared such as photoshop illustrator and premiere pro from both pc's and mac. Lastly I want to use time machine. Am I asking too much? The wife refuses to learn mac at this time. Maybe in the future then I can turn the pc's into a boat anchor.
Ok, was excited to get a refurb Mini today to setup as a Media Center using Boxee. I've got a 1TB WD External Drive used to store all my media, and I figured sharing that drive between the Mini and my Blackbook would be a cinch. WAY not the case. Both computers are running 10.5, fully updated.
These are the steps that I thought it would involve: - Connecting the Drive to the Mini - Turning on File Sharing - Adding the specific folders on the Drive I want shared, and setting permissions accordingly (Don't know if its relevant (or a stupid idea regardless), but I have the same user name and password setup on both of these machines as the admin) - Connecting to the Mini in Finder on the Blackbook..............
We have a Mac Mini which is our media player. I have all the actual media on an external USB drive. The previous drive was failing, so I've now copied everything over to the new drive. The new drive has the same name as the old drive: Media Drive. As far as the Mac Mini itself goes, all is well.
However, we also access the media drive through filesharing from our other Macs. Now with the new drive, it doesn't appear in filesharing. So I went into filesharing. I removed the old Media Drive (it said it couldn't locate it, because of course it's gone). Then I added the new Media Drive. Still it doesn't appear in filesharing.
It seems I have accidentally deleted a 500gb external hard drive (formatted as OSX Journaled), but the trash has not been emptied so the drive is still very full. When the hard drive is mounted, OSX previews these deleted files in the systems main trash folder. How can I restore these files to the hard drive? I can just drag them out, becuase that is like copying.... and the drive is full.
I have had a Lacie 500gb external hardrive formatted and used with time machine on my macbook pro for about two years now. I haven't had any problems until recently. When I plugged it in, it wouldn't mount. I opened disk utility and it was visible but showed as unmounted and I wasn't able to mount them manually from there.
I have two mailboxes in Mail on my MacBook Air that I've been using to store old messages. There are 2 folders - In Archive and Out Archive - that I've been manually moving messages to for years. Combined there's more than 140,000 messages and it's taking up 17GB of my HD space. Can I simply move the mailboxes to an external drive and be able to access them when needed (which isn't often)?
I used my external hard drive to store important documents off of my previous Mac. None of these documents are on my new Mac. Will I lose these docs if Time Machine backs up to this external hard drive? Will Time Machine save over those docs?
I am trying to back-up my computer to my external hard drive and a box is popping up saying "You can't open the application WD Backup.app because PowerPC applications are no longer supported."Â What does this mean? I have updated my system to Lion since my last back-up. What do I need to do?
I want to preserve my family photos and videos on an external hard drive as I am filling up my MacBook Pro storage, meaning I need to remove some videos from my MacBook so I can add more. It sounds like Time Machine will write over old files to keep more recent updates. Is there a way to mark certain files on the external hard drive as ones that should NEVER be deleted by Time Machine?Â
I have a Samsung HX-M101UAB/g 1TB external hard drive that is running NTFS-3G drivers that don't work with OSX Lion. Is there anyway that i can get this external hard drive to work now that i have upgraded?Â
I have updated to OSX.7.4 but but now my external hard drive icons have disappeared from my desktop? The disks are recognized in disk utility and the "show external disks" is ticked in Finder Prefs. Disk Utility did show some errors in 2 or 3 of the disks which have been corrected. It is just since updating to the latest version of Lion this has happened. They are linked via eSATA cables and are in two Sonnet containers (4 hard drives in each). CF cards show up OK. My back up Chronosync, fails to run as it does not recognise the disks.
I am trying to get Time Machine to backup my external hard drive. I have the external drive formated as Mac OS Extended (journaled) and I have also removed the drive from the Excluded list.I put some 'test' files on the external drive and told TM to do a backup and when it is finished the only way I can see my external hard drive in TM is if it is connected to the computer. It doesn't seem to be backed up anywhere in TM that I can see.