ITunes :: Get Files To Appear In The TV Show Folder And Not The Movie One?
May 6, 2012
I have all my TV Shows on an external drive. Sometimes, when I disconnect and then reconnect the external hard drive to my computer I have to drag and drop the files for them to show in my iTunes library and then Apple TV. However, when I drag and drop the TV shows into iTunes, they somehow always seem to default to the Movies folder, I then have to edit them manually for them to only to show in the TV show folder. how I only get these files to appear in the TV show folder and not the movie one?
how to make finder NOT to show files from a specific folder in "All My Files"? See the attach - I recently installed Civilization 5 from Steam and now I have a lot of unneeded files (*.log and *.ini) shown in All My Files colder in Finder.Â
I accidentally trashed my private folder and then emptied my trash. I have looked into it and everyone has answers on how to reinstall it if I didn't empty the trash but the issue is I did empty the trash. My computer won't start up all the way as you would imagine. I have my disk and everything but I do not have all of my things backed up or archived.
My issue is I can easily reinstall Mac OS X 10.4 but I have some vital videos and footage for a video we are working on that I cannot deleted or take the chance of losing. Does anyone know a way I can back up the movie files or any way of doing anything of that sort? This is very important I do not have the tapes anymore with the raw footage on it so if I lose this footage pretty much our last year of work and filming is ruined and so is our release date in two weeks.
I have a 2012 Macbook Pro running Lion (as you can probably guess!), with a 512Gb SSD and 8Gb Ram. Its a pretty fast machine and i'm really happy with the way it runs, however when I open a folder to view files, it opens and shows a blank folder and then I get the black pinwheel in the bottom left/right hand side and I have to wait for sometimes over 30 seconds before the files in that folder are shown!?Â
One thing to point out is that it doesn't always happen and its not restricted to particular folders. I can open a folder and it will show the files straight away, however I can re-open that folder and it will take up to 30 seconds to show the files...Â
I've tried rebooting and running nothing, but it still happens. And I have also tried the normal disk utilities to check permissions, etc and I think these are fine too..Â
The old computer was a Windows Vista with 10.6.040 itunes. I copied the entire itunes folder to an external hard drive. Interestingly, the media file in that folder was titled itunes music, not itunes media.Â
the new computer is OX10.7 Lion. No playlists, no purchased tab, but all the music is there. Â
From what I read, the playlists should have come along.Â
I had downloaded some music from the net and placed it under my home folder, music, iTunes, iTunes Music, Music. Under iTunes Music is all of my music, including the new music I filed there. But when I open the iTunes Program, the new music is not in my iTunes Library there. how I can get my new purchase visible in my iTunes Library in my iTunes Program? All of the other music in the file is visible.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.93 Core2Duo, 8GB RAM, 320GB 7200
When I import an mp4 or similar file format into iTunes, it gets automatically sorted into either Movies, TV Shows or Podcasts folder in my library.What's the criteria for this? and how can I change it from one to the other folder?Most of the times even search won't find the title I'm looking for. Drives me bonkers ...
When importing songs into iTunes, the software by default is set to copy the music files to the iTunes media folder and convert them to .m4a format. This, of course, results in having two copies of each song after the import is done. Before I disable this option I'd like to know what you think are the pros and cons of having this option enabled/disabled.
I'm using a 15" Macbook/retina, OS X 10.9.4, ITunes 11.3.1 (2). ITunes shows the album art. But if I go to the files themselves, finder shows some with art some without. Why? I currently have one file that shows no art in icon or list view. In column and cover flow, it shows art in the info pane but not the highlighted file. I can move the file out of ITunes and the art shows up everywhere but icon view. Other files, show the art in all the right places.Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I am running OSX 10.9.3 on a 3GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac with 12GB RAM, and itunes 11.2.2 (3) 64 Bit. My itunes library is large (approx 1 TB) and contains mostly ripped CDs, vinyl and ripped DVDs and BluRays. I usually add media using the File/Add to Library command. This set up has been reliable for a couple of years at least.Â
At time of writing itunes will still happily add music files, but is no longer happy to add movie files. I get a message telling me that the disk which contains my itunes library (I use a 2TB external HD) cannot be written to or read from. Clearly this isn't true as I can write music files to it. Â
I tried disk repair in the disk utility and it tells me the drive is healthy. I thought maybe there is a maximum itunes library size. As a check I tried starting a completely new itunes library on a different external drive and the problem persists.Â
I have >500GB spare space on the drive containing my itunes library. All my drives are formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled) so should not suffer any file size limitation.Â
can anyone tell me what i may be doing wrong? i am trying to create a movie using video clips from my camera. when i download my movies to iphoto, they work great. when i drag them to imovie, they play but i do not get any sound. the 3 little check marks are there but still no sound!
I quit iTunes and my rental movie disappeared after watching half of the movie. The rental sidebar disappeared as well. What do I do to retrieve my movie?
In my iTunes folder User/Music/Itunes (I'm running Windows if that matters..*ducks*) I have tons of It .tmp files. Each one has a number next to the It - ex. It 5.tmp....I have 570 of these to be exact. it's safe to delete them?
I use Mavericks 10.9.3. see enclosed picture. Why does QuickTime Player Movie (that has been converted to show a Flip4Mac icon on the top right hand side of movie? How do I remove that Flip4Mac icon?
i have a lovely imac g5 but when i switched on 90% of my files in itunes were 'unable to find...' when i looked for them in finder i couldnt find them either. i do not use 'itunes copy to library' but i have my files located internally and havent moved anything, ive tried repair disk and still no avail. is it itunes or something worse that has done this? im pretty miffed as you could imagine any solutions/ explanations?
I'm trying to bring all my music files from my Windows computer so I copied all my music files from my Windows computer to my external hard drive, and then copied from the external hard drive to my iTunes music folder in my new iMac. When I compared the info between my iTunes music folder, and the music files on my external hard drive, the iTunes music folder had more files. By looking through the files it looks like two extra files were added to each album folder....a "folder.jpg" file and a "AlbumArtSmall.jpg" file was created. I know that these are only pic files, but I didn't have those files when all my music files were on my Windows machine, how come they show up now? Are those two files necessary? Can I just delete those?
I've downloaded mp3 files from various websites that give away free music. They download as zip files and once I unzip them, I move the folder to the "Music" folder. Then I import them into iTunes (File ---> Add to Library). Â I'd like to make the "Music" folder more organized. Right now I have the "iTunes" folder within the "Music" folder, in addition to SEVERAL folders I've added from the free music I've downloaded. Â Even though I've already added this music to iTunes, if I delete the folders within the "Music" folder, iTunes will no longer be able to play it because it will say it cannot find the source. I get this, but was hoping there was a way to get it into the iTunes folder (the way it gets loaded when you import a CD or buy a song online- it automatically goes there). Â
How to make sense out of the clutter that has become of my iTunes Music Folder? Please see the screenshot below. I am quite certain that there is abunch of archival /legacy files within this folder, as well as a bunch of stuff that doesn't really need to be in this folder any longer, and I would like to know what is what so that I can begin cleaning things up a bit. Also when I make backups of my iTunes Library (minus the audio/video files) which files are the ones that need to be backed up? and the expanded view:
Since I subscribed the iTunes Match service I have a very annoying issue: a lot of temp files on my iTunes folder. My library is pretty big (24989 songs) and my temp file iTunes Music Library.xml is 42mb. Well, I never counted how many but I think that in one week I have to delete more than 100 temp files, all located in the iTunes folder and with the same size of the iTunes Music Library.xml (42mb). That's really annoying and give me also another problem with Native Instrument Traktor, sometimes the program can't recognize the ITunes Library file. That's really bad for a professional DJ. Another problem, the HD was corrupted, two times in 2 weeks, never happened before. It seems that iTunes Match service still have some problems or maybe is just my setup?
I recently had an external 500 gig Western Digital that stopped working. I took to store and had them transfer the data onto a new external portable hard drive (1.5 gig). At store they hooked up to Mac Book and showed me the files in the itunes folder, however when I connect the drive at home to my imac running tiger 10.4.6 none of the files are visible in the itunes folder.
All the other backup files are fine. And when I right click on iTunes folder >Get Info. It says zero kb in the folder. However I know the files are there because itunes is working and playing them fine. And when I search for a band and open the folder of say "pearl jam" folder it then magically shows just those sub folder for that group in the itunes folder. It seems that the files are definitely there I just can't view them.
When you consolidate your itunes library does it actually move all your files to one folder or does it just make a copy or reference them? Because my itunes media is scattered throughout my computer and an external hard drive and I'd like to move it all to one spot.
I've downloaded shows from itunes, they are on a hard drive. Before, when I chose to play the file on itunes, it used to simply link (or source) the file from the hard drive, but recently it started copying the file to the iTunes folder (on my computer). This is very frustrating because I simply don't have enough space in my computer to have contain all these HD videos. Is there any way to have it linking to my files rather than having it copy over?
I have music files in both media folder and on another drive, not copied to media folder. I know I can highlight and delete individual and multiple files in iTunes. Time consuming.What i'd really like to do is tell iTunes I want it to only see the files in my media folder.I want undo what I did when I told it to bring these other files into the library.