ITunes For Mac :: Transfer Music From Finder - Album And Artist Don't Show Up
Jun 17, 2014
When I transfer music from finder to itunes I click and drag the folder (artist) from finder onto the itunes window, but the album and artist don't show up in itunes. If I search itunes for individual songs I find them in "unknown album". Why doesn't the album and artist transfer and go into itunes?
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Sep 4, 2014
At the top of itunes there is an artists tab that apparently only shows album artists. Is there any way to get it to show the artist, not the album artist?
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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May 15, 2012
I'm sure like others I hate iTunes organizer. how to organize by album artist/ album
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Mar 21, 2012
I recently updated iTunes to v10.6 from 10.0. Since then, any album art that I have manually added in the past no longer shows up on my iPhone or iPod Classic. However, album art that was retrieved via iTunes (purchases, etc) does appear. I first noticed this on my iPhone, which was running iOS 5.0.1 at the time. I updated to iOS 5.1 afterwards, thinking that it might solve the problem but nothing changed. Â
Some things I should mention; my entire library is ALAC (lossless), and I do not use the sync feature with music. I manually drag albums over that I want and use the "convert to AAC feature", and have always done so. The main reason I upgraded to iTunes 10.6 was to take advantage of converting to AAC 256kbps instead of the previously fixed bit rate of 128kbps. Anyway, I dragged over a lossless album without the option of converting to AAC, but it still didn't transfer the artwork. Â
In case anyone is wondering, the method I used to download my art was by finding the cover using Google Images, hilighting every track in the album, and pasting it in. Again, I never had this problem until upgrading iTunes to v10.6. Â
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Oct 30, 2010
Every once in a while (I think it's when I play the song or something) iTunes will change the Ablum Artists of some songs to artists I know aren't right. For instance, it keeps placing Photograph by Weezer in my Nickelback folder, and even thought the song's Artist is still under Weezer, the album artists keeps automatically changing to Nickelback, and apparently thats what iTunes organizes folders by.
It also has keeps changing some song by From Autumn To Ashes to some band named Bagman.
Yes, I do have "Keep iTunes Media Folder Organized" checked because I want it to keep it organized, I just don't want it to change my file information.
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May 6, 2012
I've been having problems sorting _some_ albums. I'll give you a specific example: I rip Simon and Garfunkel's 'The Concert in Central Park' which has 19 tracks. I want them to play in continuous mode, and in order. I show track number in the columns, make sure all the tracks are of the same album and artist and I don't specify and sort options. Now I click on the column header 'Album by Artist/Year' and I see that track 16 is first followed by 18, 19 then 1,2,3, etc.
I'm not sure why 16,18 and 19 are out of order, but they are and I don't know what other field it is using to apply this sort order since I've turned off the sort fields. I should say that I think the sort fields are turned off since I selected all tracks, hit command-I and made sure that the artist and album are the same, then went over to the sorting tab and selected each checkbox and made sure that the field was blank. Clicked on OK, then went into each track one at a time and verified that the general info and sort info were as I specified.
If I change the sort column to be just 'Album' then it sorts correctly - I think that the year is messed up, so I add the year column to the display and see that it is 1982. I click on the year and the sort is just fine. I set it back to 'Album by Artist/Year' and the same bizzare sort shows up. The same mis-sort shows with 'Album by Artist' so I do a check on the artist name (even looking for leading or trailing spaces - nothing). I could probably delete the album and re-rip it, but I would rather find out why the sort is messed up so I can correct this problem.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 3, 2010
I just downloaded the new itunes 10, and the first thing I noticed was the "album by artist" column under the music library. I don't like it at all. I want to remove it, but I can't! I'm not talking about the "album artist" column. This is totally new with the iTunes 10. When I try to remove it by, it only gives me the option of sort and artwork.
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Feb 12, 2012
Some imported mp3 files went to the Unknown Artist/Unknown Album folder with itunes 9/10. They don't show up in itunes.
How can I make them show?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 12, 2012
When inserting an audio cd to import into my itunes library the audio cd is labeled only as track 1, track 2, etc. there is no album info, artist name, artwork.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 6, 2014
I have my first mac. I want to transfer my iTunes library from my pc but the music folder does not appear in favourites when I select finder.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 1, 2009
I have over 20,000 songs in iTunes, and for some reason, all of them are organized in Finder [Finder>Music>iTunes>iTunes Music] by Artist. And its really annoying when trying to move a folder from one album rather than one artist!! I need to know how to change it so that iTunes organizes all those folders in Finder by Album.
for a lot of songs for eg. one song by Artist A, one song by Artist B, and a third song duet by by both A and B, it makes 3 different folders for all 3 songs, so its uber hard to find what I want.
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May 23, 2012
I have lots of lossless music, always had it nicely organized. But after looking at my classical music, I dont find my albums always after the composer as I name as the artist as well, so its kind of same organized as pop/rock.. I want the composer to be in focus. If I want to listen to 39 symphony, mozart, I wont search for the conductor, but Mozart.. With classical music, theres lots of artists, conductor, orchestra and I put it under "album artist", but now I found out that my itunes folders are saved under "albumartist" and not "artist". But shouldnt albumartist be the artists playing on the records, and artist be for lets say the band name?? Have I done it all wrong? Shouldnt I save The Cure as artist, and maybe under "albumartist" I can write Robert Smith, Tolhurst and rest of the bandmembers.. But as I found out now, then the folder will be named "Robert Smith, Tolhurst...."
Should I start name all my albums the opposite way, or is there a way to make folders save from artist and not albumartist?
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Mar 20, 2012
how do i transfer a cd with my music to a usb stick
IMAC, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Feb 2, 2012
When I manually add songs to my iphone 4 from my iTunes library they are not showing up on my phone under when I go to the artist. Oddly, when I search for the song title the song will come up and it plays, and it shows the artist name correctly when it is playing. I updated both iTunes and the phone. I've done a reset. I've deleted the songs in question from the phone and then re-added them, only to have the same problem.
This problem doesn't happen with every song I add, but it always happens to the same songs. When I sync the phone, I can find them in the phone window of iTunes and they're there correctly sorted by artist (and play fine)! These songs are CD imports (not iTunes purchases). I have "manually manage music" on, and iCoud is off.
Info:iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 25, 2009
I have a set of lectures that span 3 years. For certain years there is album artwork that came with each lecture, e.g., the lecturer's picture or the location of the event. However, for other years in which that lecturer presented there is no album artwork so I would like to grab the album artwork I already have for a given lecturer and use it for the missing album artwork.
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Aug 6, 2010 I don't have the same functionality with iTunes. Basically, I can't use iTunes at all anymore as the interface for my music and videos. Once the external drive is mounted, I can navigate through it and play individual songs, but I can't use iTunes to do that. All my previous Playlists show up down the left side of iTunes, but there isn't any music in them.
I downloaded 2 songs yesterday, made a Playlist out of them, and because the path in the Advanced tab of the iTunes Preferences is correct, it automatically added the songs to the external hard drive. I synced my iPod and it was completely erased except for the 2 new songs. Is there a way to use iTunes to navigate my music like I used to when I stored the information on the internal hard drive but keep the information on the external drive? I have a Mac running Snow Leopard and the latest version of iTunes.
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Aug 25, 2010
I'm not sure why I'm having such a hard time finding an app to do this, because it seems like a common task. I have a bunch of MP3 recordings that are untitled. They will all have the same artist and album name. Rather than import them into iTunes individually and entering the same information over and over again, I'd like to find a program that will allow me to assign an artist and album name (and maybe other info, like genre, etc.) in a batch prior to importing the files into iTunes.
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Jun 26, 2014
Since a year now the information in the finder that showed the bits rate of a music format (mp3, aac, or else) is empty. How to activate it ? Actually in Maverick, however it was the same on Mountain Lion..
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Nov 17, 2008
I saw some pictures of people's desktop showing the artowrk of what they are playing on itunes on their desktop. How do you go about doing this?
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Aug 18, 2010
I'm new here and about to dip my toe into the Apple pond for the first time. Just placed an order for an i Phone and am preparing my music collection to move at least some of it over to i Tunes for use with the new phone. I currently have it on an external HD in one main folder (CD Collection) and have been using WMP up to now. Stored under that main folder are sub-folders with album titles containing the individual song files in .wav format. I tried to import the files into the i Tunes library by going to FILE and clicking on ADD FOLDER TO LIBRARY. I then selected all the album folders and hit enter. It imported them all into one folder. I have around 450 albums. This is not what I had in mind. I had hoped the folder and file organization would have been maintained. Instead I have thousands of music files in one "album."
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Sep 13, 2014
Well I've been trying my best to remove the same artist name displaying more than ones. I clearly rewrite the name all together (even one by one ) no change, no way to solve until now.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Mar 29, 2012
when i click on an album in Grid view, the track names don't show up, and the "name" option doesn't appear in the column browser when you're choosing what to see.
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Apr 6, 2012
The issue I am having is with iTunes. It is fully updated to the latest version and so is my laptop software updates. All I do is rip the music off of my purchased CD from any retail store, but the problem I'm having is when it finishes, all the songs are single and only 1 of the songs will get the album information. How can I combine or sort them all together under one(the one with the album artwork)?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 2, 2012
I have somehow managed to end up with iTunes splitting music between folders ( was not me honest ! ).Â
I have two Music folders within the same path.....A lot of my CD's now mysteriously have music split between two folders e.g. a single CD has Tracks 1,2,3 in one Music folder and track 4,5,6,7 is split in the other Music folder.....the same Album name exists in both locations but tracks are split between.  iTunes / Preferences / Advanced - "Media Folder Location" = /Volumes/Safe/160GB iTunes Folder/iTunes/Music/One level below this iTunes Media Folder Location structure there is another Music folder = /Volumes/Safe/160GB iTunes Folder/iTunes/Music/Music          *** I can only play songs using iTunes that point to this Red music folder location ***Â
I have the following checked ( enabled ) :Â "Keep iTunes Media folder organised""Copy files to iTunes media folder when adding to Library"Â
I have ran from "File" / "Library" / "Organize Library" Menu the :Â "Consolidate files"Â "Reorganise files in the music folder" can't be run as it's greyed outÂ
how do I merge back CD Tracks that have been split across these folders ? Â
OSX 10.7.4 & iTunes version 10.6.3
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Sep 9, 2014
In iTunes I click on the Music icon under the Library section. The free U2 album isn't showing up.
iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion, 1TB Fusion Drive
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Sep 10, 2014
I'm using a 2008 iMac with OS 10.6.8, and iTunes 11.4. The U2 album "Songs Of Innocence" is supposedly to be found in the Purchased page on iTunes, but it's definitely not there. Is this something to do with the version of OS X that I'm running? How can I download the free album if I can't actually see it?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 23, 2009
At the moment most of my music is either stored on my Macbook or on an external hard drive. Is it possible to transfer all my music and videos to an external hard drive and then sync it with Itune so that every time I plug it in I can access them?
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Jan 28, 2010
on iTunes a LOT of my music doesn't have its album info. is there something i can do that will make all my songs sorted into the right albums? Also any help on a quick way to get Album art would be appreciated.
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Jun 1, 2012
I add an album to iTunes, all the songs are on recently added playlist but they don't appear on MUSIC, by artist or anything...It is really wierd and anoying, they do appear on my iPod Classic by artist or anything is just on iTunes they seem nowhere to be found!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 20, 2009
I'm looking for a program that will go through my entire itunes library and update album art and lyrics. Is there a program that can do this for mac?
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