After this 10.6 update I haven't been able to click in the scroll bars in iTunes to jump positions in the window. I have to use the arrows or trackpad/mouse scrolling. It's a small thing, but I have a lot of playlists and it's really annoying. I haven't had this problem with any other software. I'm running OS 10.6.8 on a Macbook Pro.
I've long used Max Rudberg's Aqua Extreme scrollbars and progress bars in Jaguar, Panther, Tiger and Leopard and now I have them working perfectly in Snow Leopard!
All you need is your custom Extras.rsrc and Extras2.rsrc files from your Leopard backup (you made a backup right?) and copy the files to:
Code: /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ At first I didn't think this worked because in Leopard, in order to see the new theme changes, you only had to re-launch an app, but it Snow Leopard you have to do a full log out and log back in
where suddenly all apps scrollbars turns black and the mouse/keyboard hangs for a few second then they reappears and mouse/keyboard are working again. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like when scrollbars are going black: URL....At first it was doing it about 1 time every 5 minutes but now it has become literally unworkable as it hangs every 20-30 seconds.
so my mouse pad clicker stopped working about a month ago. So I switched to tapping the pad. Now, I can move The cursor around but can't click. Now, my wife needs to print Work documents but I can't click.
bought an apple mouse and it won't connect, but reading on the forums the scroll click won't work anyways. and to be honest i wasn't happy about spending $75 on a mouse.
can i buy any windows mouse to run on it? i'd assume yes but want to verify. what i need is a mouse with the center scroll click to grab objects in pro/e to rotate them, which i can't do right now and its making things more difficult than it should. suggestions on mouses, or ones that you know do or don't work. does not matter if its wireless or wired. and if i can be picky preferably black.
I'm using a microsoft intellimouse (USB to keyboard) on an iMac (late 2006), OSX 10.5.8
I recently connected my mighty mouse to the keyboard and changed some settings on the middle mouse button. Later I reconnected my microsoft mouse, and tried to change the settings back. Now, everything works as per usual, but my middle mouse click-drag scroll doesn't work
I can scroll by using the wheel up and down just fine, but if I try to click-drag, nothing happens. Is there any way I can fix this?
I just spilled literally about four drops of water on my trackpad. However it was in the bottom left corner and some may have got through. When I rebooted (I know I panicked should not have turned it on 10 minutes later) It worked briefly and then I could not scroll or click. I have applecare, but I don't think it covers this.
I've just finished installing Windows 7 32-bit on my Macbook which has 4 GB of RAM. But Right Click doesn't seem to work (except by using shift + F10), and double finger scroll doesn't work either. No Driver CD came with Windows 7. So, do I need to download a special driver to get these to work?
I was wondering if there was a way to enable scroll button click scrolling in Safari 4 on Snow Leopard?
I'm sure there's a proper term for it, but what I mean is when you press down on the scroll wheel and a circle appears on screen with two arrows, when you move your mouse up or down it allows you to scroll through long documents quicker. I think Firefox and Internet Explorer have it.
I read that USB Overdrive might be of use, but it wont recognise my mouse (Logitech MX 620).
I had to dissassemble my wireless Mighty Mouse to clean it properly, as the trackball was unable to scroll up and down. As I had cleaned the trackball, I attached the two internal cables to their respective "slots" again and assembled the mouse.
Now my right button does the same as the left button (right click = left click). I tried dissassembling the mouse again, but I cannot see what I could have done wrong. After all, there are only two cables to attach and de-attach inside it.
I've just bought a Logitech VX revolution mouse and got it all set up fine, apart form the scrolling. If I have the ratchet mode enabled, it scrolls very slowly, even if I have the scroll speed set to the fastest setting . I can get faster scrolling by using the free wheel mode, but this doesn't seem to give much of an improvement in World of Warcraft . Has anyone else managed to solve this?
I just got a new 27" imac and it has been working great for the first month or so , and then when I installed USB overdrive the scrolling capabilities just totaly vanished. What sould I do?
This is the second Mighty Mouse that I have had this happen on, I've tried the usual use a piece of paper and run it around the edge, tip it upside down and scroll the ball about and I've even tried using a can of compressed air but both of my Mighty Mouses still wont scroll down. Obviously I don't want to have to shell out again for another of these far inferior mouses so I was wanting to know if anyone know how I could fix it or get Apple to send me a new one?
Does anyone know an easy way to pull apart the mighty mouse to repair the scroll ball? It won't scroll down (won't make the scratchy sound as if the sensor inside is clogged up or something). Has anyone had this problem? It still scrolls upward.
i think my mighty mouse (wireless) is starting to suffer the inevitable scroll ball problem, as i cant scroll down as well anymore..have any of you had any sucess getting a replacement or fixing it??
This is an issue most of you are probably familiar with. The 360 scroll ball on my mighty mouse has become so lodged with dirt (I'm assuming) making it impossible to scroll down. Scrolling left, right, and up works okay at best. When I scroll in the working directions, it makes a smooth tracking sound (tick-tick-tick-tick), when I scroll down, this sound is absent and is replaced by a "shhh" sound, which is the beginning of the word I'm thinking of when I hear it.
I've tried the "dry cloth" (when has that ever 100% worked) with no avail, then I resorted to using a sewing needle to get around the ball (which caught a very small amount of dirt). The down-scroll still doesn't work (I mean, it doesn't work AT ALL, it's not functional) and I don't know what to do. I'm sure the mouse can handle more than just regular-consumer workload.
Recently my Mighty Mouse has had a tendency to only scroll up, the ball will move down but the page or website, etc I'm in won't scroll down, I've tried restarting, unplugging and plugging in, nothing. Anybody have any idea what's wrong?
Can anyone help me with this mighty mouse problem I'm having? Everything on the mouse is working perfectly EXCEPT when I try to scroll upwards the darn thing just won't do it. It scrolls down, left and right with no problem at all but when I want to go back up a page it does nothing. It's very odd and I have no idea what is wrong.
Why am I recently unable to use my mouse to scroll email topics or content? I can only use the up and down arrows keys to scroll. I am able to use my mouse to scroll through internet searches. It only seems to have affected my email messages.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), This problem just started recently
guy's i need your opinion, for the longest time I was using a wireless might mouse and was using the rubbing alcohol to clean it. I add a small drop from the cotton ball, let it get in there and then use a lint free cloth to wipe and sure enough it worked. Well trick stopped working months ago and neither direction was going threw, so I went back to using my plug in. Long story short, last night I opened the wiresless one. Took the ball out, clean the track wheels, and got up, right and left to work but down is no go. The wheel is spinning, but it's not sending the signal. I'm guessing the wheel isn't making contact to the pin, or is it possible I shorted the pin out with the alcohol?
I recently developed a scrolling problem with my Mighty Mouse. It started to only vertical scroll in one direction. I reinstalled the software and it did not help. So, I called Apple tech support. While waiting on the line, I decided to press quite hard on the scroll button and try to scroll. That cured the problem, after that it only required the normal light touch to work properly. I do not know what was the cause of the problem, maybe dust(?), in any event it is working fine now.
When scrolling through a project, it is not very smooth. If I scroll to the right, it will go to the right, then kinda fling back a bit. So scrolling is very jerky if you understand what I mean?
The scroll on my Mighty Mouse will not scroll down, only up.This the second Mighty Mouse I've owned and the last one had this problem too.Is this a common fault? The settings in System Preferences are fine.