I am unable to add content to my iTunes library. I'm running 10.6.1 and didn't start having issues until a day or two ago. I've tried dragging and dropping content (like I always do) and also using file add to library. Neither work!
I have a brand new MBP. I have a 1tb external drive with 250gb's of music. I have it attached to my mac via USB. I CANNOT GET ITUNES TO CREATE A NEW LIBRARY ON THE EXTERNAL DRIVE. I CANNOT DRAG AND DROP OR ADD FILE/FOLDER.
But get this, I hook it up to my old Dell and I can do whatever I want. I am friggin pissed that I spent all this money on Mac equip and can't get it going. You may have seen my other post where I posed my issue of: 1tb ethernet drive hooked to airport extreme. Above mentioned 1tb hooked up to back of it via usb. I am completely unable to copy, move, or add files using my mac. But guess what. my pc handles it easily and quickly.
So a few weeks ago I bought an external hard drive to put all my music (from multiple computers) on, with the plan of making it my itunes library that I would then only access from my macbook pro. Everything was working great. I got all the songs onto my macbook pro, and then began consolidating my library to the external hard drive. My plan was then to go into my macbook pro after everything had been transferred over to the external hard drive, and delete everything in my music folder to free up space.
Well, during the consolidation we must have had a power failure or something, because the computer shut down and thus stopped the transfer. Now, itunes is looking to my external drive for my music (some of which is there), but since the transfer stopped at some point before it was complete, there are a bunch of songs that didnt move, and therefore it can't "find". I havent deleted any of the stuff from my macbook pro music folder, so everything is still all there, but it is not looking there for my music.
I'm thinking of completely uninstalling itunes, reinstalling it, directing it to my macbook pro music folder (which in theory still has all my stuff) and then reconsolidating to the external hard drive.
for no reason at all, this morning when I went to lauch Itues it wont read my library. I reset in the "advanced" settings and it still wont read. What is going on?
1.) I was messing around and dragged the little hard drive icon onto the desk top as I wanted it to be displayed there. Far from it being displayed on the desk top it vanished in a wee puff of smoke .
2.) I have my old itunes library saved onto an external HD. Should I trnasfer all of this onto the new macbook prior to doing my first sync of my iphone?
When I first installed iTunes, I declined the option for iTunes to automatically change the mp3's file names to an organized format. For example, [windows], my 'My Music' folder is very disorganized with files that have the artist first, or just the song name, and even 01 'song name'.
Is there a way I can turn that setting back on so iTunes organizes everything for me? Or was I misinterpreting what it meant?
I just finished ripping my whole cd library to apple lossless, and I want to get it off my laptop onto my airdisk (a raid 1 500gbx2 drive upstairs, attached to my airport extreme base station.) I want to be able to see my locally stored (lower bit rate aac) stuff on my laptop and be able to connect to my "big" external lossless library when I want to, since I ideally don't want to keep this huge library on my hard drive in my macbook.
I've moved my iTunes Library to an external drive, but they are not categorized like before and I'm unable to play the entire library, just by artist only.
I read somewhere that deleting the content from those folders would speed up your Mac, which I believed until I did so...I emptied my trash, and everything was running smoothly for a few minutes...now my mac is EXTREMELY slow, it take FOREVER to open Applications and Documents, the volume keys are messed up and don't even work, I click it and 10 minutes later it responds...and everything is messed up! I thought if I gave it time, it will go back to normal, but no, it's been 4 days and nothing!
I don't have Time Machine set, nor do I have OS X Snow Leopard disk. Is there a way to solve this problem without buying a new disk? My parents lost the old disk, and we aren't financially comfortable right now..
The selection of music from iTunes Music Library, is not working in iPhoto Slideshow, in my Mac Book Air. However, it works nicely in my main IMac.
The Slideshow at the Mac Book Air works only with the pre existent sources "Sample Music" and "Theme Music". The remaining library is visible on the sourcing list, but when I select any musics, they do not pop up in the window below.
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
My Mac is missing codes or something, all the software was up to date but I'm unable to view a lot of web content. Google programs won't let me sign in and Safari keeps shutting down. I'm unable to save files to the time machine or airport or a flash drive that's formated for mac. I finally gave up on saving my things and using the recovery disks that came with my computer I reinstalled the system. It took an hour for the disk to run and then I used the second disk to install the apps. However, when the computer rebooted all of my things are still there. MSN messenger for mac, divx, aim, and some other programs that I had installed seprately after purchasing the computer. I wanted factory settings. I told it to formate the hard drive.They might be what's causing my problems? Also, why does the delete button keep taking me off this board and I can't see what I'm typing it keeps scrolling off page!
I don't usually check my itunes account, but today I actually decided I wanted to buy music. I put a $100 gift card I got from buying a Mac for college in a few months ago, and bought like $9 worth of stuff and just left it idle. It says that about 2 weeks ago there were purchases made to download an app and then some gem **** (in app content) that cost $80 ******* dollars that was bought. I'm not worried about my personal information because i don't use a legitimate adress and only buy gift cards, because I like to live off the apple grid i guess...w/e, WHO DO I EMAIL TO GET THAT MONEY BACK!!!
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
am new to this and have a new iPhone I was wonder if I can get a simple question answer i tried Google and there seems to be a bunch of ways to do what I?m looking for.So I want to take my friends iTunes library (5300+ songs) and transfer them to my library ( 2000+ songs ) and then once that is done I want to be able to put them on my iPhone / ipod 32g ( 32g 3gs black can anyone tell me how and keep in mind I want to kiss (keep it simple st#$id )
When replying an Mail, I cant see the original email any more, just a white page as with a new mail.Instead, I have to forward the email and copy all the addresses if I want to have the originals and it's so uncomfortable.
Everything has been working brilliantly until last week.
Why am I recently unable to use my mouse to scroll email topics or content? I can only use the up and down arrows keys to scroll. I am able to use my mouse to scroll through internet searches. It only seems to have affected my email messages.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), This problem just started recently
I am not able to download from my bank website or other websites that my children send me with videos on them of the family. I get the same error on both these applications that I can not change the content of the folder and therefore unable to open the file or download the file. What do I need to do to change this?
I've recently seen Sky HD on my parents set up and was wondering what is the difference in quality between iTunes HD content and Sky HD. I know they're both 720p but is there any major difference watching it on a tv?
I am having a very bad moment right now.I have nearly 4TB of content,movies, music apps..etc.I have not made any changes to my MAC, I installed the latest version of iTunes when it came out.Everyhthing was working perfectly fine, until tonight, simply upon closing Itunes and reopening,my iTunes was like it was just installed, there is no content in my library, (Everything in my external HD's, just not on itunes) only the three tabs that show content that come enabled by default are on. It is as if I had just installed Itunes..
My nearly 10,000 ratings are gone, playlists, and playcounts from two years. anybody give me some insight into how to readd my content without losing my valubable information that I just listed.I repeat, I have not installed or made any changes in weeks, it just happened upon closing and reopening.
I have a MacBook Air (Mid 2011), and the latest version of iTunes installed (10.6).In the last version of iTunes I had been unable to play HD content, which was a problem experienced by many people. I got round it by opening iTunes in 32bit mode, starting to play the HD file, and then going back into 64bit mode, and the content would work. When 10.6 stated that you could know play 1080 content, this excited me because I thought that my problem would be over! However, iTunes still won't play any of my HD content purchased from the iTunes Store! It just comes up with an error message saying that Quicktime is required to play this file and iTunes doesn't support Quicktime.
I have a ton of material in the itunes store which I have not downloaded because I decided to save space on my drive, and use the streaming cloud option instead. I have the iTunes preferences setup as: Show iTunes in the cloud purchases
I have the iTunes View setup as: Show movies in the cloud However all my cloud content (links) has disappeared. I can only see what is physically downloaded. The artwork with the little cloud banner is not there anymore.
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.5), 3 TB, 16 GB RAM, Time Capsule
I was at work today and purchased an HD TV Show on my computer. The episode downloaded I watched it then I deleted it. The space is very limited on the work computers otherwise I would have kept it on there. I go home and tell iTunes to get my newest downloads, and it only downloads the Standard Definition version of the show I purchased.
My son has used my iTunes a/c for his purchases and he's now going to get his own iTunes a/c.Is there any way I can transfer what he's bought to his new ID?I don't want or need to keep the music etc on my a/c.I'm guessing that this can't be done but any advice is welcome
I was temporarily using my MAcBook Air as the family media server while our iMac was being repaired. To do so, I plugged in the external drive that is home to all our music, movies and tv shows. Now that the iMac is fixed, I set it back up as the server, plugging the iTunes drive into it and resetting AppleTV to work with it. Now to my question: All the content that had been on the iTunes external drive is now listed, but missing in iTunes. Obviously. Short of having to delete every file one at a time, is there any way to remove everything that is "missing" all at once? I'd like to only keep a few songs on my laptop, and keep the lists of what I have very tidy, hence the need to delete everything iTunes can't find.
I have a lot of 1080p videos on my Mac, and I can play them in every app but iTunes. iTunes says i cannot play the videos as I have a 1.86GHz CPU, which does not meet the requirements for playing 1080p HD videos in iTunes [URL]. The thing is is that I can play these videos in any other app (they are not protected files, as they are BluRay rips from my external BluRay drive).
My question is this: how can I get these videos to play on my Mac, and on my iPod touch as well?
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 13", 256GB SSD, Late 2010 Model
I have one apple id but have bought music/tv shows on my iMac and also on my MacBook. Can I merge the two libraries and access stuff from both. I've genuinely paid for the content and used just the one apple id.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
After the most recent iTunes update (v12.0.1), all of my playlists are empty. The songs still exist in the iTunes library, and the playlists themselves are still there. I'd hate to have to manually rebuild all of these.