ITunes :: Moving It From One Machine To Another?

May 16, 2012

OLD:  Apple iMac G4 1.25 GHz  300 GB HDD 
NOT SO OLD: Apple MacBook Pro 2.33 GHz Intel Core2Duo   500 GB HDD  


IMAC: MacOS 10.4.11,  iTunes 9.02 
MACBOOK PRO:  MacOS 10.6,  iTunes 10.6.1  

I've used the iMac for a desktop workstation and family office file server since 2003. I've also used the iMac to run iTunes to feed an aging iPod. (ripping music from CDs, downloading video and audio podcast subscriptions and playing them on the iMac, etc.) 

My goal is to eventually replace the iMac, but I want to shift all the iTunes responsibilities to my MacBook Pro now. Is there a way to copy all the necessary files and folders over so that the MacBook Pro can pick up the music and podcast subscriptions without any hiccups or needs to re-establish links? to date, I have never bought any music or movies from the iTunes Store. ALSO OF NOTE: I have backup copies of the Users folders on both machines on an external hard drive, if that helps.

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Mac Pro :: Moving Time Machine To Internal?

Aug 18, 2009

I have an external USB drive containing my TM backups. I'd like to take the HD out of the enclosure and install it internally in my MacPro. Will TM just detect that the drive is now internal/SATA and continue to work, or will I need to clean it and start backing up from scratch?

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OS X :: Moving An Existing Leopard Installation To New Machine

Jul 13, 2009

I just ordered a new MBP 13.3' and I'm trying to figure out what is the best way to move my existing Leopard installation (White Core Duo Macbook), along with all my files.

Instead of migrating however, I want to swap my existing hard drive to the one of my new Macbook Pro since it's a 320Gb 7200rpm drive.

Is this going to work if I just drop in my old hard drive to my new MBP?

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MacBook Pro :: Moving Data From Time Machine?

Jul 6, 2010

So I'm planning on getting a new MacBook here shortly and was wondering how the Time Machine transfer works. A few questions:

1. Can I select which Data I upload to the new computer?
2. Is data from Address Book saved?
3. When I want to backup my new computer, can I keep the prior back up from my old computer and have a separate one for the new computer?

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OS X :: Moving From 32bit To 64bit Mac Using Time Machine

Aug 20, 2010

I've recently bought a new iMac and would like to migrate my stuff from my early 2006 iMac (first intel mac, 32 bit). There are several ways of doing this, but I'd like to achieve:
1) Identical copy
2) Defragmented drive (previously it was getting very slow)

As I know from using Windows, you cannot simply create an image from one PC and move to another, because of differences in the kernel. The new PC may never boot. I am moving from 32bit to 64bit, so that would be quite a change. Also, should I use the migration assistant, or boot from recovery disc and recover from my time machine backup? Will the latter not result in a more identical system? And, is that desirable? My old iMac has all updates installed, so it should be the same as the new system.

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MacBook Pro :: Moving All Files To New HDD Using Time Machine?

Jun 21, 2012

I have a mac book pro 13 inch with 300 or so gig of disk space. I would like to upgrade this to 1 tb. Can you use time machine to restore all your photos, videos, music and files to the new hdd after the os is installed on the new hdd?

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1

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OS X Mavericks :: Moving Time Machine From One Drive To Another

Jun 30, 2014

My existing Time Machine drive was running out of space so I decided to get a much (much) larger drive and move everything over from the one to the other.  In doing so, I followed the directions on this page 

Time Machine: How to transfer backups from the current backup drive to a new backup drive up to around step 9.  That's where I deviated a bit. Initially, I did just drag the folder "Backups.backupdb" from one to the other but after 5 hours of spinning it's wheels, it informed me that it had about a day to copy all the data from the old drive to the new.  I didn't have a day (again, stay with me).  So instead of copying, I figured I'd just start moving all the files.  That way, even if I had to shut down my laptop (which I did, to come in to work), I could just stop the process and pick up where I left off -- the system wouldn't have to re-look at files that it had already processed.  So I just opened terminal and ran 

cd /Volumes
sudo mv -fv <OLD DRIVE> <NEW DRIVE> 

and everything seemed to be chugging along just fine.  I let this process continue running over night and this morning, it was still working on the very first (ie oldest) backup directory.  I aborted the process (^C), ejected the drives (and they ejected just fine -- no errors, no warnings), shut everything down and came in to work.  Got in to work, plugged both drives back in (again, everything is fine) but when I went to kick the process this time (same commands as above), I keep getting the message "Operation not permitted" for every file and folder.  Huh?  It was fine with this last night. 

So then I open up a couple of finder windows (one for each drive) and this time, I drag over just one folder from 

<OLD DRIVE>/Backups.backupdb/MACHINE_NAME/ 
<NEW DRIVE>/Backups.backupdb/MACHINE_NAME/ 

and, after I authenticate, I'm given the error : "The operation can't be completed because backup items can't be modified" ...

In finder, when you start a copy process, OS X creates kind of a "ghost" folder/file in the new location and in finder, it appears to be kind of greyed out.  When I started the copy process (before it told me it was going to take about a day), it created the ghost "Backups.backupdb" folder as usual.  But after it told me that it was going to take a day and I cancelled the process, the ghost folder remained and still appeared greyed out in Finder.  In terminal, I was able to change to that directory as normal so I didn't think anything of it -- the directory just existed.  I cd'd, moved files and all was good, as I said above. 

After I ejected the drive, I expected that when I mounted the drive again, the folder would appear as normal in Finder.  But it's still showing greyed out.  And I can't double click on it to open it as I can the same folder on my <OLD DRIVE> time machine.  I have to right click and select "Open in new tab", which it will.  When I do, though, the directory appears empty despite the fact that if I change to that directory in terminal, it's populated with files and folders that were moved last night. 

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Software :: Moving Apple Mail Files To Another Machine

Aug 17, 2009

How do I "move" Apple Mail files from one machine to another? I have Machine A. It went ill & I merged its Mail files into Machine B. Now Machine A is healthy again & I want to move/merge Mail files on Machine B back to A. I'm concerned that if I "merge" B back to A, I'll get a lot of duplicate folders/emails.

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup Moving Slow (Using Flow)

Dec 2, 2008

I'm trying to backup my computer using flock but its moving very slow. I want to reformat my external before I start backing up again also. Can someone let me know what would be the proper way to format my drive and how to fix the slowness problem?

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Works But Storage Bar Is Not Moving?

Jun 3, 2014

Here is what my time machine preferences look like now:

And it has, as I said in the title, been staying like this for a long time.

MacBook Pro with Retina display

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ITunes Mac :: Moving ITunes Library / Using External Hard Disk As Source Of Music?

Feb 15, 2011

move iTunes folders/library and all my music from the internal hard drive to an external one? I want to start using an external hard disk as my source of music for iTunes. I'm running tiger 10.4.11 still.

mac pro 2.16 ghz 1gb memory
Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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ITunes :: Moving Part Of Itunes Library To External Drive

Jun 2, 2010

I'm running out of space on my harddrive and am wondering. Is there a way to move some of my library to an external harddrive? Like TV shows and movies that I don't need to access all the time. I don't want to delete anything. I don't want to carry around a harddrive all the time.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Moving Time Machine Backup Folders Between Hard Drives?

Mar 15, 2012

I'm trying to do a favour for a friend. She has a 320Gb external WD hard drive which she used on her Macbook to backup with Time Machine. It is not partitioned and she keeps the "Backups.backupdb" folder with other personal folders she throws in there. Recently she sold her Macbook and all that was left was this hd. She now only has access to her work pc but it won't recognize her hd as she's apparently formatted it with option "Mac OSX Journaled". So she gave me her hd to backup and then format to FAT32. 

I've been a Mac for a long time but have never used Time Machine, I simply copy my important files into an external hd as I feel it's cleaner and I've never really had HD problems with any Macs I owned. So basically I have no idea how this works. I managed to copy all of her personal folders into my hd as well as the one labeled "Latest" on the Backups.backupdb folder ("Latest" is actually an alias). But I can't seem to be able to copy the rest of the backup folders. I can copy them into my computer hard drive, but each folder (I'm talking about the ones labeled with dates, there are 35 of them) is around 70Gb. Now, of course that doesn't make any sense, as it would be impossible to have 35 folders of 70Gb each in a 320Gb hd. I can only assume they use aliases as well, but when I try to copy them individually or as a whole (enclosing folder) Finder says I have no space available for that (even though I have more than 320Gb available). 

Now, in my mind it's completely idiotic to keep any folders other than the Latest one. She doesn't even own a Mac anymore. But she's freaking out that I'm going to lose her entire life (she's that kind of person). I don't want to open the Time Machine app because like I said I don't use it on my computer and these are not my files, so I do not in any way want to sync with this hard drive or backup to it. I'm on a 21" 500Gb iMac running 10.7.3. 

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ITunes :: Moving Music From WMP To ITunes Sorted By Album?

Aug 18, 2010

I'm new here and about to dip my toe into the Apple pond for the first time. Just placed an order for an i Phone and am preparing my music collection to move at least some of it over to i Tunes for use with the new phone. I currently have it on an external HD in one main folder (CD Collection) and have been using WMP up to now. Stored under that main folder are sub-folders with album titles containing the individual song files in .wav format. I tried to import the files into the i Tunes library by going to FILE and clicking on ADD FOLDER TO LIBRARY. I then selected all the album folders and hit enter. It imported them all into one folder. I have around 450 albums. This is not what I had in mind. I had hoped the folder and file organization would have been maintained. Instead I have thousands of music files in one "album."

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OS X :: Moving ITunes From Mac To PC

Aug 31, 2010

I just bought a new gaming rig to replace my Macbook as my primary computer. It will be running Windows 7 and I was wondering if anybody has any experience or even a tutorial for moving my iTunes library on my Mac over to the PC. All the tutorials I found only work for moving from PC to Mac or for much older versions of iTunes (9 being the current one)

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OS X :: Syncing / Moving Itunes From PC To Mac

Aug 27, 2009

Only problem is i feel like im going to have trouble syncing my iphone with itunes as my iphone is synced with my PC version of itunes. Is there any way to move my data from PC to Mac without looseing anything? All my apps an music are on a external HDD anyway, but i have nearly 1000 albums all with album art and perfectly named etc... many sleepless nights doing that!

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Applications :: Moving ITunes From PC To Mac

Jun 29, 2010

Recently bought the 27" i5 and am in the process of moving all my stuff over. I currently have about 5500 songs in iTunes. Of that, about 3800 songs are in my iTunes folder and the rest are in a folder called MP3. The problem is my MP3 folder has a total of 4300 songs - the ones that are in iTunes as well as a bunch more. I don't have all the MP3 songs in iTunes as I don't listen to them often so I didn't want to bog down iTunes with extra music that I don't always listen to. The more music I added to iTunes on my PC the slower it ran.

Having said all this, everything I read about moving the library says to consolidate it before you move it. If I do that then I'm going to have about 1700 duplicate songs on my Mac. Is there a way to move the files as is and change a global path setting from /My documents/My Music/MP3/... to mac/music/mp3 so that all my music that was in the MP3 folder will point to the new location on the Mac? Or does anyone have any other ideas?

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ITunes :: Moving Songs Between Playlists

Aug 6, 2010

I buy a lot of old cd's bc they are cheaper than buying them on itunes store, and i have a hard copy just in case. when i add the cd's to my itunes, they automatically go into Recently Added. I have a folder titled "Non Language" that I would like to move them to, but I can't highlight and copy them.

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Applications :: Moving ITunes Library From PC -> Mac?

Nov 9, 2010

How do I go about moving my iTunes Library from my PC to my new MacBook Pro?

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Applications :: Moving ITunes From Leopard To SL Mac

Sep 16, 2009

I'm picking up Snow Leopard and a new iPod classic on the 19th. I have currently got Leopard 10.5.8 and a precious song collection, which i backed up onto my external hd along with my photos. I want to move it back into SL with no issues - is a simple copy-back good enough?

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Applications :: Moving Library In ITunes 9?

Sep 18, 2009

There's not a 'consolidate library' option anymore. Should I just copy it over myself?

what do you guys think?

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Software :: Moving ITunes Playlists To New Mac

Oct 9, 2010

on my iMac I have a full set of iTunes playlists and songs. I bought a new MacBook Pro today and transferred my entire Music ---> iTunes folder to the Music folder on the new Macbook Pro. My question is, how can I have it so that I have all my playlists from the old computer (I don't want to have to sort through all my songs). Is there a preference file I have to import or is the iTunes folder enough? How should I import it?

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ITunes :: Moving Content From One Account To Another

Mar 3, 2012

My son has used my iTunes a/c for his purchases and he's now going to get his own iTunes a/c.Is there any way I can transfer what he's bought to his new ID?I don't want or need to keep the music etc on my a/c.I'm guessing that this can't be done but any advice is welcome

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ITunes :: Moving Apps From Mac To IPad?

Mar 6, 2012

How can I move apps from my mac to my ipad? Both have icloud...itunes... & I manually connected them .. how to put my previously purchased app over to my ipad?

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ITunes :: Moving The Music Files?

Mar 11, 2012

For some reason seem to have a duplicate of some music in my ITunes folder.I was hoping to clean it up my merging and deleting.In the iTunes folder songs are in folders named for the artist, except for this folder which is labelled "Music" and below it are also folders labelled for each of the artist.  Some of these are duplicate artist, with some duplicate songs, but have 1 or more more songs in them.  Some are not in the main Music listing at all.  I was thinking to just move them up one level, merge the songs that are duplicates, add the FOLDERS (Artist) that are not in the main. Will iTunes still see them? Looks like this (as an example) 

USER/ME/MUSIC (and then)
Folder - 8 Mile
Folder - Adele
Song 1
Song 2


In this example "Adele" Sub Folder has duplicates of Song 1 and Song 2 of the Main MUSIC folder but doe snto have Song 3.

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ITunes :: Moving Apps Between Accounts?

Mar 14, 2012

My son had a number of games on my device. Now he's got one of his own and wants to move his stuff to that. Is that possible?

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ITunes :: Moving Playlist To IPhone?

Mar 31, 2012

how do I copy a playlist from iTunes to my iPhone? iTunes Match somehow seems to to be getting in the way but I'm not sure how or why. 

I'm using a new iMac and iPhone 4S. (Will leave out the details of the other devices I'll try to sync once this is done...) Previously, I had iTunes on an old PC and an iPhone 3, and everything worked beautifully: I created playlists, manually selected which I wanted on my phone, and sync'd perfectly. Now I have iTunes Match, with some 12,000 songs sync'd, and I thought this would make my life easier. Instead, I'm totally unable to create playlists for my phone. 

iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Moving It From External To Internal?

May 9, 2012

I have an old library from an old computer using Tiger which is backed up in an external drive. I now have a new computer using Lion and I would like to move the contents from the external to the internal. Only thing is I have a few music in the new computer and want to make sure that the contentst does not get erase but rather merge with it.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Moving ITunes Media Folder

May 17, 2012

My computer was full so I moved my iTunes media folder to a 3T time capsule following the 15 steps from the article ïTunes for Mac: Moving your iTunes Media Folder", everything went smoothly, no problems when I reopened iTunes, tested on  a song, a tv episode and a movie to make sure I could watch them and no ! symbol or warning appeard. Afterwards, I downloaded an episode from the iTunes store and when I tried to watch it appears a warning "THIS MOVIE REQUIRES QUICKTIME WICH IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THIS VERSION OF ITUNES", I checked iTunes version (10.6.1) and Quicktime (no updates available).

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ITunes :: Moving The Song Ratings?

May 23, 2012

I am in process of moving iTunes from a Windows XP computer to an iMac that is networked with a Time Machine. I allowed Home Sharing on both computers, which allowed me to copy all songs from the Windows to iMac. I then send myself an e-mail of my Library.xls file, which moved all my playlists. So I have all my songs, album art, and playlists. All I need to do now is to move my song ratings.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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