OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Works But Storage Bar Is Not Moving?

Jun 3, 2014

Here is what my time machine preferences look like now:

And it has, as I said in the title, been staying like this for a long time.

MacBook Pro with Retina display

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OS X Mavericks :: Moving Time Machine From One Drive To Another

Jun 30, 2014

My existing Time Machine drive was running out of space so I decided to get a much (much) larger drive and move everything over from the one to the other.  In doing so, I followed the directions on this page 

Time Machine: How to transfer backups from the current backup drive to a new backup drive up to around step 9.  That's where I deviated a bit. Initially, I did just drag the folder "Backups.backupdb" from one to the other but after 5 hours of spinning it's wheels, it informed me that it had about a day to copy all the data from the old drive to the new.  I didn't have a day (again, stay with me).  So instead of copying, I figured I'd just start moving all the files.  That way, even if I had to shut down my laptop (which I did, to come in to work), I could just stop the process and pick up where I left off -- the system wouldn't have to re-look at files that it had already processed.  So I just opened terminal and ran 

cd /Volumes
sudo mv -fv <OLD DRIVE> <NEW DRIVE> 

and everything seemed to be chugging along just fine.  I let this process continue running over night and this morning, it was still working on the very first (ie oldest) backup directory.  I aborted the process (^C), ejected the drives (and they ejected just fine -- no errors, no warnings), shut everything down and came in to work.  Got in to work, plugged both drives back in (again, everything is fine) but when I went to kick the process this time (same commands as above), I keep getting the message "Operation not permitted" for every file and folder.  Huh?  It was fine with this last night. 

So then I open up a couple of finder windows (one for each drive) and this time, I drag over just one folder from 

<OLD DRIVE>/Backups.backupdb/MACHINE_NAME/ 
<NEW DRIVE>/Backups.backupdb/MACHINE_NAME/ 

and, after I authenticate, I'm given the error : "The operation can't be completed because backup items can't be modified" ...

In finder, when you start a copy process, OS X creates kind of a "ghost" folder/file in the new location and in finder, it appears to be kind of greyed out.  When I started the copy process (before it told me it was going to take about a day), it created the ghost "Backups.backupdb" folder as usual.  But after it told me that it was going to take a day and I cancelled the process, the ghost folder remained and still appeared greyed out in Finder.  In terminal, I was able to change to that directory as normal so I didn't think anything of it -- the directory just existed.  I cd'd, moved files and all was good, as I said above. 

After I ejected the drive, I expected that when I mounted the drive again, the folder would appear as normal in Finder.  But it's still showing greyed out.  And I can't double click on it to open it as I can the same folder on my <OLD DRIVE> time machine.  I have to right click and select "Open in new tab", which it will.  When I do, though, the directory appears empty despite the fact that if I change to that directory in terminal, it's populated with files and folders that were moved last night. 

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Mac Pro :: Time Machine Get Away From Internal Storage

Nov 14, 2010

I currently have a Time Capsule, but I want to get away from that internal storage. I have a Mac Pro that I am thinking of installing a WD Black 2TB into as a backup drive. Backing up my three internal drives and a MacBook Pro. I would like to purchase the AirPort Extreme Base Station (Not Time Capsule) and backup my MacBook Pro to my Mac Pro's WD 2TB Internal HD using Time Machine. Would I be able to do this? My Mac Pro is ALWAYS on. If I can do this, how easy/difficult would the setup be?

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OS X :: Running Time Machine On NAS Storage?

Apr 19, 2009

Has anyone tried using some of the NAS storage solutions out there as your Time Machine back up? If so, how well does it work? Reason I ask is because I'm thinking of getting one but I don't want to run into the same problem I had with mounting when I tried using an external HDD connected to my home server. I know it's not the same but I'm just asking to be safe.

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OS X :: Use Shared Mac Pro As Storage For Time Machine On MacBook Pro?

Feb 16, 2009

Is it possible to have my MacBook Pro use Time Machine to backup to shared storage on the Mac Pro? Right now my Mac Pro has close to 6TB of storage and it would be nice to be able to use part of the storage as a fake Time Capsule.

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MacBook Air :: Using An External HD For Both Storage AND Time Machine?

Mar 14, 2012

Bear with me guys, I'm not sure where to put this question. I figured that because my Macbook Air (and it's limited storage space) was the reason for my needing an external HD I thought this would be the best place. My MBA has run out of storage and I bought a Seagate External HD to move my stuff onto. I guess my question is: What's the best way to combine the external HD with the MBA? Here are a few of the things on my mind: 

-Most of the space is taken up by my user folder right now such as itunes, photos, etc. If I copy that folder to the external drive it would alleviate a large part of my issue, at least for the time being. Eventually I will hit the storage capacity as I add applications over time I guess, so this is a temporary solution (although I free up 27gb of space this way). Can I designate a folder on the external drive as the default for programs like imovie and iphoto like I can with itunes? 

-I KNOW there is a way to set the external drive as some kind of default drive but is this feasible? It would be a hinderance if I needed to have it connected at all times to access even applications (which I assume to be the case? 

-I also wondered about partitioning the external HD and using one partition for additional storage and the other for time machine? It's a 1TB hard drive, and I figure I could make a 100GB partition to use with time machine (my MBA only has a 64gb capacity) and use the other 900GB for files. Is this even possible or does time machine need it's very own separate drive? Anyway, this doesn't necessarily ask many specific questions and I apologize if it appears a little disjointed. I'm looking for help and opinions on the best way to use this new piece of equipment to compliment my MBA.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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MacBook Air :: Finding Wireless Storage For Time Machine

Sep 8, 2008

While I would LOVE to get a 1TB Time Capsule and use it with Time Machine on my MBA, that is a whole lot of money when I already have a wireless router that works just fine and I can find 1TB of storage for much cheaper than that... My question is, what are my other options? I have a Mac mini so my first thought was to plug a big ol' USB HD into that and have the MBA backup to that... Well I could access files on the HD from the MBA just fine but Time Machine refused to use it for backups...

I have seen little wireless adapter boxes with USB ports for adding printers and HD's to your home network, would something like this work or would I run into the same issue with Time Machine not wanting to use it as a backup device?

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OS X :: How Much Hard Drive Storage Is Needed For Time Machine?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a 500 gb ext HD, that i will be partitioning to 2 sections, one will be mac os extended for time machine, the other will be fat32 for storage and so that i can use the hd with windows and mac.

so my questions are:

1. how many GB should i leave for back up so that time machine works effectively?

2. any suggestions on how i should divide the 500 gb between mac os extended and fat32? such as 250/250 or 400/100?

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Intel Mac :: Storage For Time Machine Backup Cannot Be Found

Mar 22, 2012

Late last night I accidentally ejected Time Machine from the Devices section of the Finder window. I've now spent half a day trying to get the computer to recognise my external hard drive again as attempting to use Time Machine results in the message "Storage Machine for Time Machine backup can't be found." I can find my WD desktop 1TB drive with Disk Utility but not in Finder. If I click on the WD Ext HDD 1021 Media in Disk Utility there is the option to Verify in the top menu, but nothing happens when I click on it. All the options verify, and repair are greyed out. I've checked the computer hard drive and done the verify and repair disk and permissions process.

I've turned off the computer, disconnected the external hard drive, turned off time machine, then turned everything back on but still can't get the external hard drive to be recognized. This is extremely frustrating and I have run out of ideas. I know it all started when I clicked on the eject button for the external hard drive in the devices section of the finder. Such a simple mistake, but I have searched everywhere online and can't find a resolution that I can actually try. I can't verify and repair the WD hard drive if these options aren't available in Disk Utility.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Online Storage Service For Time Machine?

Mar 27, 2012

what is the best online storage service for time machine?

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OS X Yosemite :: How To Set Up External Storage And A Time Machine Backup

Dec 6, 2014

I am trying to organize my external storage for a new iMac with an 500G SSD drive.  I have a new thunderbolt G-Raid drive and an aging Airport Time Capsule.  I was thinking of storing music and pictures, as well as a Time Machine backup of the SSD, and storing  a Time Machine backup of my music and pictures on the Time Capsule. Will I need to partition the G-Raid? 

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), SSD drive

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Hardware :: Using Extra Time Machine HD Space As Additional Storage?

Dec 29, 2008

I've been using my external hard drive for Time Machine for a while now (a Western Digital My Book) and have only used up about 100 of its 500 GB capacity. However, I'd like to temporarily use the remaining space on the drive as extra storage, since my other hard drive just died. Is there any way to do this without erasing everything that I've backed up with Time Machine already?

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Applications :: Using External Hard Drive As Time Machine And Storage?

Feb 4, 2009

I just purchased a 500gb External Hard Drive. I was wondering what is the best way to format and partition it so that I can use 300gb dedicated to Time Machine and then use the ~180gb for external storage. The key part of my situation is that I want to be able to access the ~180 gb from both my Mac and my windows based machines. I know I could go into disk utility and partition it, but what format should I use if I want to do both.

The other part is the hard drive is already setup to use time machine since yesterday, however I am willing to format it completely to partition it to use on windows machines (XP and Vista.)

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MacBook :: Partition External HD For Time Machine And Data Storage?

Jun 15, 2010

I have a 500GB external HD but a 250HD on my macbook. is it possible to partition the HD 300GB for time machine and 200 for storage of data and files? If so, how would I go about doing that? I just don't want to waste a 500 GB external if my HD is only 250GB.

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Mac Pro :: Moving Time Machine To Internal?

Aug 18, 2009

I have an external USB drive containing my TM backups. I'd like to take the HD out of the enclosure and install it internally in my MacPro. Will TM just detect that the drive is now internal/SATA and continue to work, or will I need to clean it and start backing up from scratch?

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MacBook Pro :: Moving Data From Time Machine?

Jul 6, 2010

So I'm planning on getting a new MacBook here shortly and was wondering how the Time Machine transfer works. A few questions:

1. Can I select which Data I upload to the new computer?
2. Is data from Address Book saved?
3. When I want to backup my new computer, can I keep the prior back up from my old computer and have a separate one for the new computer?

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OS X :: Moving From 32bit To 64bit Mac Using Time Machine

Aug 20, 2010

I've recently bought a new iMac and would like to migrate my stuff from my early 2006 iMac (first intel mac, 32 bit). There are several ways of doing this, but I'd like to achieve:
1) Identical copy
2) Defragmented drive (previously it was getting very slow)

As I know from using Windows, you cannot simply create an image from one PC and move to another, because of differences in the kernel. The new PC may never boot. I am moving from 32bit to 64bit, so that would be quite a change. Also, should I use the migration assistant, or boot from recovery disc and recover from my time machine backup? Will the latter not result in a more identical system? And, is that desirable? My old iMac has all updates installed, so it should be the same as the new system.

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MacBook Pro :: Moving All Files To New HDD Using Time Machine?

Jun 21, 2012

I have a mac book pro 13 inch with 300 or so gig of disk space. I would like to upgrade this to 1 tb. Can you use time machine to restore all your photos, videos, music and files to the new hdd after the os is installed on the new hdd?

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: External USB Time Machine Works Only On One USB Port

Dec 11, 2014

I know it sounds strange, but my Time Machine HDD works only on one USB Port. 

The facts:

I Have an encrypted Time Machine Backup on an External USB 2.0 HDD.

My MBP 13 inch 8,1 (Early 2011) runs the latest OS X Yosemite Version (10.10.1).

Any other external Drive (Flash drives or HDDs) do work on both USB Ports perfectly.

If i plug in my Time Machine HDD in the left port everything works fine.

If i plug in my Time Machine HDD in the right port it isn't even listed as an unmounted device in Disc Utility.

I connect the USB port directly from the HDD to my MBP (without USB hubs or anything else in between).

I am not sure but i believe that both USB Ports are internally connected to one USB Port, so i know its a strange issue i am having here. 

MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup Moving Slow (Using Flow)

Dec 2, 2008

I'm trying to backup my computer using flock but its moving very slow. I want to reformat my external before I start backing up again also. Can someone let me know what would be the proper way to format my drive and how to fix the slowness problem?

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Hardware :: Time Machine No Longer Works After Upgrading AEBS?

Nov 21, 2010

I just upgraded my two year old AEBS to the latest version of the AEBS (simultaneous dual band). I configured the new AEBS with the same configuration as the old one. But now Time Machine will not back up to the external USB HD that I have plugged into the AEBS. I get the following error:Time Machine could not complete the backup.The backup disk is not available.The disk is visible in AirPort Utility and is connected in the Shared section of Finder. The disk is also visible in Time Machine but it just flops out with the above error when trying to run a backup. Everything worked perfectly in the old AEBS.

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MacBook :: Restore To Larger Drive - How Time Machine Works

Apr 23, 2009

My new Macbook is only 1 week old, so there is not much (or any) useless crap that I don't want or need. The Macbook came with a 160Gb hard drive. Prior to switching to Mac I was a 4-year Linux user. I purchased a new 320Gb drive for my Linux-PC laptop just 2 months ago. I took that drive out and would like to put it in my new Macbook. I would prefer to transfer data from old to new drive rather than starting fresh all over again. So I assume Time Machine is the way to go, and/or use Migration Assistant. My question is how Time Machine works, exactly.

In Linux when you do a backup using Partimage, it backs up byte-for-byte, meaning that if you back up a 100Gb drive, it will restore that same volume size regardless of how much bigger the restore drive is. Put another way, if you buy a 150Gb drive and restore, you will end up with a 100Gb drive with no space left over. I want to avoid this! So how will I backup and restore, and at the end have a 320Gb drive, rather than another 160Gb drive? Will I have to install the OS on the new drive before I restore? And yes, I do have an external hard drive I can back up to, though I haven't used it yet.

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Hardware :: Time Machine No Longer Works - Cannot Attach To External Drive?

Jun 20, 2010

Hi all. Here's the deal. I have an Airport Extreme and and external 1 TB hard drive. When I first set up Time Machine on this set up a few years ago (partitioning the hard drive first) it worked great! After a few firmware "improvements" from Apple it no longer works. The computers cannot attach to the external drive via the Airport and when I force them to the Time Machine backups fail after about 15 minutes of backing up.

I'm considering buying a 1TB Time Capsule for our main router and my wife's MacBook backup (I'll just hard wire the old drive to my iMac) and using the older Airport as a WiFi repeater.

Problem is that I've read about all sorts of problems with the Time Capsules failing after about 18 months. So should I try the set up I'm considering or is there a fix for my current setup that I should try instead?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Moving Time Machine Backup Folders Between Hard Drives?

Mar 15, 2012

I'm trying to do a favour for a friend. She has a 320Gb external WD hard drive which she used on her Macbook to backup with Time Machine. It is not partitioned and she keeps the "Backups.backupdb" folder with other personal folders she throws in there. Recently she sold her Macbook and all that was left was this hd. She now only has access to her work pc but it won't recognize her hd as she's apparently formatted it with option "Mac OSX Journaled". So she gave me her hd to backup and then format to FAT32. 

I've been a Mac for a long time but have never used Time Machine, I simply copy my important files into an external hd as I feel it's cleaner and I've never really had HD problems with any Macs I owned. So basically I have no idea how this works. I managed to copy all of her personal folders into my hd as well as the one labeled "Latest" on the Backups.backupdb folder ("Latest" is actually an alias). But I can't seem to be able to copy the rest of the backup folders. I can copy them into my computer hard drive, but each folder (I'm talking about the ones labeled with dates, there are 35 of them) is around 70Gb. Now, of course that doesn't make any sense, as it would be impossible to have 35 folders of 70Gb each in a 320Gb hd. I can only assume they use aliases as well, but when I try to copy them individually or as a whole (enclosing folder) Finder says I have no space available for that (even though I have more than 320Gb available). 

Now, in my mind it's completely idiotic to keep any folders other than the Latest one. She doesn't even own a Mac anymore. But she's freaking out that I'm going to lose her entire life (she's that kind of person). I don't want to open the Time Machine app because like I said I don't use it on my computer and these are not my files, so I do not in any way want to sync with this hard drive or backup to it. I'm on a 21" 500Gb iMac running 10.7.3. 

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Says Time Capsule Is Busy

Aug 22, 2014

After months of continual Time Machine backups to my Time Capsule, an error message comes up saying that Time Capsule is busy. I've tried to delete the file and start over from scratch, but it won't let me.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 24-inch, Early 2008

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine With Different Machine Name?

Sep 2, 2014

I Just reinstall the MacBookPro from zero, without Time Machine, because some App was making a mess. In this new installing, my mac have another "machine name" and "HDD name" because I can't remember the old ones, so the Time Machine don't recognise the bucks-up, When I enter from Finder in the disk of TM, I see all the backups and files, but when I enter from the App TM, It's Clean. 

So how I can "Rename" the TM Bucks-up so I can restore only the file that I want not all ?  

OSX 10.9.4

MacBookPro 17" i7 2.2Ghz. - SSD 512 - 16GB

OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Not Configured

Jun 28, 2014

i want to back up the computer  with time machine .I do not know how to do it.When i click on icon of time machine it says that " time machine not configured'.

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Out Of Space?

Jun 2, 2014

I have a external hard drive that I have partitioned with 350 gig allocated for my Time Machine back up. Its telling me "back up faile" and that I need to delet files to free up space. It clearly says in the preference panel that "oldest backup are deleted when disc becomes full. I'm pretty tech savvy and it looks like the Time Machine optiond are pretty simple. Why wont this just continue to save the latest backup over that last one? I dont need a history of backups. I just want to have one back up that I do maybe monthly. 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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OS X Mavericks :: Why Can't Backup Using Time Machine

Jun 17, 2014

I'm running OS 10.8.5 Maverick. (On a used Mac)Processor 13 GHz Intel core 2 duomemory is 2 GB  800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM this is a 2009 machine I purchased a week agoPrevious to this machine, my experience has been, Powerbook G4-OS 10.5.8

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.4 - Time Machine HD Partitions

Aug 22, 2014

I just upgraded my OS from 10.6.8 Snow Leopard to 10.9.4 Mavericks.  My iMac has a 500 GB HD & I was using LaCie 500 GB XHD as TM backup successfully for many years using FW800. I removed the LaCie XHD & will save it in case I ever need those Snow Leopard backups.   I bought a new, 2 TB G-Drive to use for my Mavericks TM backup.  I am planning to partition the G-drive into a 1.5 TB TM backup volume & a 500 GB volume to use with Carbon Copy Cloner.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 4 GB RAM, Win XP Pro-Boot Camp

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