ITunes :: Its Pause Button Becomes Stop When Importing Music
Mar 14, 2012
If I have some MP3 files on my computer that have not been imported into iTunes and I import them by selecting them and opening them (thereby opening iTunes, copying the files to the Music folder, and adding it to the library), I noticed that the pause button becomes a stop button when it automatically starts playing a track. If I click the stop button, it stops playing the track, and when I click play again, it is not a pause button.
I love using the play/pause button on my macbook when used with itunes, it's handy as ****. But the problem is, that it affects VLC as well, and it plays a video and the audio interrupts whatever music I'm listening to (even when no video is opened but vlc is running, it'll open my last played video and play that alongside the music). I never had this problem with the old version of vlc, but ever since updating, vlc has now been wired to work with the friggen play/pause button.
I tried looking in VLC preferences to see if it could be disabled but couldn't find anything regarding the mac play/pause keyboard button. Any ideas on how I can stop vlc from being affected by this key? And I'm not keen on the idea of going back to the older version unless it's my only option.
I'm sure this has already been posted, and I apologize if it has, but a couple of searches turned up empty.Anyway, I just discovered this today and I'm praying this is a bug and not a "feature". When you click the pause/play button on the Apple Remote, iTunes opens and begins playing. The same thing happens when you hit the pause/play button on the media bar. I thought I was becoming dyslexic because iTunes kept playing randomly. It was only until today when I discovered this bug while playing a file in VLC. Apparently it happens with pretty much any app.
I got my new 13" MBP two weeks ago and I've been using the F8 button solely for playing and pausing songs in iTunes. I think it's great to have this because I can easily stop my music when I want to watch a youtube video and the audio is coming from somewhere else and not iTunes for example The problem is, whenever I press the F8 button now, it stops the song in iTunes but it starts playing a video in VLC...I checked both system preferences and VLC preferences but couldn't find anywhere to control what the F8 button controls.
I upgraded to iTunes 8.1 when it showed up on Software Update. Since then, I've noticed that when I hit the Play button to play anything in my Library, there is a long pause (about 6-7 seconds) before the audio file starts playing. Have any of you had this happen to you?
This is on 10.4.11 on my iMac G5. My drive is getting short on space (and I'm aware of issues do to short drive space ), but it didn't do this before the upgrade to 8.1. Let me know your thoughts...
i don't think is possible as i've searched around the net for this, but most of things i've found are pretty old so maybe theres a fix now?
basically, it really annoys me when i use spotify the play/pause controls on my keyboard will work to pause spotify, but will straight away start to play itunes, and vice versa. is there a way to disable this.
I've got a late 2009 Core i5 iMac that I got on release. I'm not sure if somethings up with the HDD, but for the past couple of months iTunes has to pause music to rebuffer it so to say when playing it from the local disc.
I've seen it many times around on internet, but it is driving me ABSOLUTELY MAD. After importing audio/video on iTunes (plus copy into iTunesLibrary), the file automatically starts playing. It is annoying me more and more, I can not seem to turn the function off. iTunes seems to be defaulted nowadays to start autoplay after importing music or video into iTunes~?
I'm trying to download the new ios update for my iphone, but it's 750MB and takes a long time to download. But that was ok, because apple at least added a resume button. But now I can't get to the download screen to resume. Where is the download screen? I tried going through the store, but its not listed in the history of purchases since it wasn't actually retrieved from the store. How do I get to this screen to resume my download?
the new alu wireless keyboards feature a rwd, play/pause and fwd button on the keys F7, F8 and F9.
Since I have the previous version, the white fullsize bt-keyboard, I was wondering if it is possible to somehow map these features so that they work with my keyboard?
I am going to be reformatting my hard drive soon and I remember last time that I reformatted iTunes didn't export my ratings with my music. I have read other places about creating playlists with the song ratings so all songs of a specific rating are in that playlist and then export the playlist. I would like to know if this would be a good way to do this. Also I was wondering if there is any way to retain the dates the songs were added to the library, but I am mostly concerned with the ratings.
Had some library troubles with iTunes 9, and decided to do a clean install of not only the program, but of Snow Leopard itself. I was waiting on an iTunes update to come out before I decided to re-load my library in, since I didn't want to risk repeat problems (I've always been one of those bleeding edge-ers, and this is the 1st time I've ever had a problem/held back...guess I learned my lesson). 9.0.1 is out and seems to address the problems I'd been having, but I caught the "start fresh" bug and I want to start over with iTunes. No playlists, play counts, etc need to be saved.
I do have a full backup of my previous system and I'm wondering what the best way to get all of my music back into iTunes is. - Do I use the Finder to simply drag the contents of my old "iTunes Music" folder into the new "iTunes Media" folder? - Do I drag the whole folder and drop it onto the iTunes window? (I'm worried this method won't put iPhone apps, ringtones, audiobooks and podcasts in the right place). - Do I use the import function? Prior to making the backup, I did upgrade to/select iTunes Media Organization
I do not want to create a pause in a text to speech document. I want to be able to stop the system from talking for a moment until I'm ready to resume listening. Does anyone know if there's a "pause" button?
Is there any way to pause or stop the spotlight that happens after rebooting? It annoying that it keeps me from using Spotlight until it was done, and recently I was trying to use EyeTV as a DRV, and the video kept freezing, I suspect due to spotlight in the background. It is very frustrating to not be able to fully use my computer for some time after rebooting.
I tried "sudo mdutil -i off" and it didn't seem to have any effect, although I didn't stop the mds process after trying it. I did try killing mds before entering that command, and it just came back after a few seconds.
When I do to full screen to watch a movie, the thing that you it to stop, play, pause, etc is there. Is there a way to make it disappear like other players?
I bought a new Mac pro tower. I transferred music from my old Mac pro to the new via an external hard drive. Now the songs stop playing before the end.
1. There are albums on my iPhone that don't appear in iTunes after sync. I want to delete them.Â
2. The album in question has a song that is alphabetically at the top of my All Songs list and plays automatically every time I plug my phone into the USB in my car.Â
3. I want to stop the auto play and delete albums I don't want on my iPhone before I go INSANE!!!!Â
Version 10.6.1 no longer allows use of the space bar to start and stop the currently playing music. Also, the return key can no longer be used to strart a song. I find it very convenient to use the space bar to stop and start the music.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am using a 13" MBP to import a TON of cds into iTunes. I've been going pretty much none stop. The drive does not feel hot to the touch, but I was just wondering if the drive will be okay if I continue to sue it for the next few days in the same way. Would it at least be covered by Apple if I burn it up?
I'm running iPhoto '06 right now and I don't want it to import videos, since it never can tell that they're duplicates and thus I end up with many copies of the same thing (which is difficult to clean up, since I have to go into Finder to do it). So I have two questions:
1) Can you stop iPhoto '06 from importing videos entirely?
2) If I upgraded to iPhoto '09, would that fix the problem? As in, will it either be able to recognize duplicate videos, or allow me to stop video importing?
i have a problem, iphoto won't stop importing photos in iphoto. It has been importing for 2 weeks now and i doesen't finish. That means i can't shut my macbook down, so is running out of electrsity constantly... ive tried to hit the "stop import" button, ive tried to shut the pogram from the procesline..
When pausing a song, either by pressing the Pause button manually, using the shortcut on my keyboard, or using the spacebar, when I play it again it will rewind partially. Â
The shorter the song, the shorter it will rewind; if the song is something like 3 minutes long, it will rewind a second or two. However, on large songs which are an hour or more long, such as continuous albums etc, it can rewind maybe 10-20 seconds. It's as though it is rewinding to a fixed spot as well. Â
After researching, I can find nothing except a similar query to mine but it was happening with podcasts. I don't listen to podcasts so I can't comment here, but I know that my songs are rewinding after pausing. Â
I have noticed it only tends to happen to songs a certain bitrate (VBR), songs with 320kbps for example don't rewind.Â
I can't find anything to turn it off or disable it, but it is extremely annoying when a song rewinds. (I have done the basics as in restarting the application and restarting my Macbook Pro, this did nothing).Â
Basically, when I manually (and using keyboard) press pause when playing back a track, each time I press play again the track starts from the beginning. It has never done this before, ever. I need to find a way to fix it in order to work.Â
My stupid iPod Nano 3G started this last night. I plugged up my nano, and it said I needed to restore my iPod, so I did it. After I restored it, I placed all my music back into it. When I unplugged it, it said No Music. I plugged it back in, wondering what the heck was going on, and it said Other: 3.63GB instead of Music: 3.63GB. So I restored about three times in a row, and I've even went to Disk Utility to erase it and restore, and it does the same thing. What can I do?