ITunes :: How To Combine Old Apple ID With New One
Feb 28, 2012
I have an old aplle ID that I down loaded some apps and music on. Some time later I got a new ipad and set up a new apple ID. I hadn't used the old ID in a while so I had forgotten the password. Now I want to update and redownload some of the apps that were bought under the "old" apple ID.
How to combine two apple id's on new shuffle? On my old computer, I used one e-mail address. I used my other e-mail address when I set up my new Nano on my new computer.
I am just starting out with applescript and could do with a pointer please. I have written a script which saves two pdf files from an active Illustrator document in the source folder of that document. The issue I am have now is that I cannot get the two files to combine into a single PDF file. The whole script is quite long and is works apart from the combine PDF part?
tell application "Finder" try open (every document file of container of file_path whose name contains ".pdf") on error display dialog "no PDF file located"
Both PDF documents open and are set as the variables docRefA and docRefb, but the acrobat command 'bring to front' and 'insert page' do not seem to be working. I get an error come up in an illustrator dialog box saying "Adobe Acrobat Pro got an error: document "84056_R1.pdf" doesn't understand the bring to front message".
we have just purchased a new IMac and this is our first mac, so we don't know much about them, my hubby and I have 2 pcs each with a separate itunes account, and we want to transfer both of our libraries onto the new mac and merge them together. We also want our individual playlists to transfer across to.
I have brought a new drive to put all the music on and I know I need to export the library, I'm just not sure if I can import two libraries and make them into one on the mac and if it will keep both our playlists.
When you buy a Movie or TV Show on iTunes you receive two versions of it, but it appears as just one file on iTunes. I was just wondering if its possible to do that manually to your own videos that you import into iTunes.
I have two logons on our Imac. One that we previously uesd for our daughter and one that my wife an I use. There is an Itunes libary under each logon on the same computer. My daughter no longer uses the logon, she now has her own computer. We would like to combine the two libraries already on the same computer into one itunes library. Is there an easy way to combine them into one?
How do you combine 2 or more tracks into one track, and how do you divide one track into multiple tracks? I've heard that you can do this via garage band. It would be nice if I could just do it on i-tunes, but if I can't, what is the garage band method?
I recently upgraded from iMac OS 10.4.11 to OS 10.6 and transferred my iTune songs to my new computer--Intel Core 2 Duo. Now, I have 8,870 songs in one big list. I can play them, but I also want to make them into albums. Is there some way to do that instead of adding a new album title in the playlist and then copying songs from the music list those songs that belong in that particular album title?
When I open itunes Podcast section I find that it shows multiple folders or podcasts with the same name. I want these to show up as just one podcast. How can I do this?For example:When I look at my HD>itunes>Podcast folder; I see one folder called "Ask Dave", but in my itunes podcast column it show three separate "Ask Dave" podcasts. I want it to show only one.
Similar but different example:A podcast that I have subscribed to for several years has changed its name slightly; Podcast_Photoshop User TV, Photoshop User TV, Photoshop TV, NAPP TV.
I have 4 folders as I listed in my itunes>Podcast folder. But in the itunes window it lists 9 folders: 1 - Podcast_Photoshop User TV, 5 - Photoshop User TV, 2 - Photoshop TV, 1 - NAPP TV. These are all the same podcast, and I'd to have just one folder / entry in my itunes window called Photoshop TV and have everything show up in one place.I'm running Leopard and iTunes10?
I have a friend who plans to put an HP Mediasmart server in his house to automatically backup his MacBook and PowerBook as well as centralize his pictures and songs. He currently has the two notebooks mentioned above, 2 iPhones, and 4 or 5 iPods.
Once all of the local libraries are emptied out onto the server I'm a little stuck for what to do. I know iTunes 9.0 will stream music to all of the devices in the house. But when he leaves the house with one of his devices he's got to take the music or pictures with him.
This presents me with a few concerns:
1. Is there a way to reset the license on each song downloaded from iTunes - kinda starting fresh - so that he can sync his music with any one of his devices without getting an error about the file not being licensed to use on a particular device?
2. Building off the question above - is there a way to legitimately remove the license restriction so he (and his family) can all have the same copy of a song on their personal device without having to fuss with the license restriction?
3. When they are going on vacation (for example) and they want to take music and pictures with them on one of the notebooks how do they do it?
4. On that same vacation when they take a bunch of pictures and download music while they're out how do they get the music or pictures off the notebook and onto the server where the master library is going to be?
5. Should iTunes and iPhoto be "pointed" to a "Photos" or "Music" folder on the server, is that the best way to centralize all of the music and photos?
I bought an SD version of a movie in iTunes. I own a Blu-Ray of the same movie. I then ripped the Blu-Ray to a 720p version. I used Subler to mark it as HD, and I made all the tags the same as the SD version. But, when I add it to itunes, the two don't combine into one listing in the movies section. Is there something special I need to do to make this happen?
My Apple ID is in good standing (or else I wouldn't be posting in this community).But when I try to make a purchase in iTunes, it stops me saying that my Apple ID has been disabled..This has been going on all day, so it's not a matter of waiting for the system to update with my new email address (I wouldn't think).I've tried authorizing this computer for iTunes, and it is already authorized.What else should I try?
In preview, I use to drag multiple pdf files into the sidebar to create one combined file to email to a customer. My entire office does this on a daily basis several times per hour. In Snow Leopard, I can't get this to work. Any one else have this same problem?
I have 9 external USB HDs plugged into my Mac and in Sidebar it shows them all seperate and it looks bad cause theres so many. Any program or anyway I can make it show like 1 Folder called "iTunes Server" or something and when u go into it then shows all the external drives? I just want something where it shows only 1 folder or something.
I can do this now by hooking my USB hub to my Airport Extreme and then it shows up under Shared as 1 drive but when you click on it it shows all the HDs hooked up to it.
Thing is I want to hook it up to my Mac not my router.
How do i combine pictures on iPhoto? I have four jpegs, which i want to be on one jpeg. I thought i could do that with Pages, but i don't think i can save the files as jpegs.
I bought this little icon creating program and have used it for years and really like it for it's simplicity of creating custom icons for my Mac.
I've tried using the information sent to me by the developer when I purchased the shareware but I keep getting a Could not connect to host [URL] message and am not able to validate my registration.
I have various drives from over the years, some from work and some from home - probably about 8 total ranging from 20 gigs to 250 gig in size.
There are duplicate copies of many folders all over the place - but some of the folders do not contain all the same amount of files as I added photos or doc's to one but not another.
Is there some master program that can look at literally every file in all the folders on all the drives and copy them to 1 new giant drive. I think CarbonCopy does this at the folder level - but if I have 3 drives that each have a folder called harry's pics and there are a vastly different number of sub folders, and even different number of pics in folders of the same name... so I don't think it will work.
I am working on some Macs and am going to be installing Microsoft Office 2008 on them, including 12.2.0 and 12.2.5 updates and Entourage Web Services Edition. I would like to somehow automate the install by combining the packages into one or something like that.
combine the various PST files that I have from 2 different computers now that I have moved them into Outlook for Mac. It seems that they should do such a thing but not sure where to start or if it is even possible.
I have this movie that came in a double-sided DVD. I ripped each side using Handbrake to a .m4v file. Each file plays just fine in QT, iPhone and ATV.
However, when I used QT Pro to combine them to an .mov file, I get the following results: - QT (and iTunes) plays entire video fine - no audio from the first half of the combined video when played on ATV - no audio from the second half when played with VLC
(The instructions I am following are from page 31 of this: [URL])
When I take that combined .mov file and converted to .m4v using Handbrake, I get the following results: - QT+VLC play no audio on second half - ATV isn't letting me ffwd and it thinks the entire video file is one big chapter, and I haven't gotten to the second half to know if there is audio (first half has audio)
Now... I know that the issues with the .m4v that I generated from Handbrake doesn't mean much, so let's just focus on my issues with the .mov file if you agree that the .m4v playback issues aren't relevant.
What am I doing wrong with QT Pro when trying to combine the two halves of my movie into one large video file? If it matters, the movie is only 2:27 total length. I've not had a problem ripping DVD movies with Handbrake. And, finally, I can join my two halves on my Windows box using AVS Video Convertor.
I'm currently using the 2TB drive as my time machine backup and the other drives for mostly media files (lots of movies, tv shows, etc.). What I would like to do is combine the non-backup drives to show up as a single drive in leopard. Is this possible? RAID 0 is out of the question since they're different sizes. Is there a way in Disk Utility to do this?
I have imported an album from CD but iTunes INSISTS that track one is one album, and tracks 2-4 are another - though it gives both albums the same name. So the "second" album has tracks 2-4 of 4 and the first, 1 of 4. I have done all the usual stuff, selected them all and bulk changed / retyped artist, album name , cover art etc. Anything I might be missing?
I've created a 15 page proposal in Apple Pages, each page as a independent Pages doc. Is it possible to combine all into one Apple Pages doc/file so I don't have 15 separate ones?