OS X :: Combine Many Drives / Backup?

Mar 5, 2010

I have various drives from over the years, some from work and some from home - probably about 8 total ranging from 20 gigs to 250 gig in size.

There are duplicate copies of many folders all over the place - but some of the folders do not contain all the same amount of files as I added photos or doc's to one but not another.

Is there some master program that can look at literally every file in all the folders on all the drives and copy them to 1 new giant drive. I think CarbonCopy does this at the folder level - but if I have 3 drives that each have a folder called harry's pics and there are a vastly different number of sub folders, and even different number of pics in folders of the same name... so I don't think it will work.

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OS X :: Way To Combine Internal And External Drives

Feb 19, 2009

I'm currently using the 2TB drive as my time machine backup and the other drives for mostly media files (lots of movies, tv shows, etc.). What I would like to do is combine the non-backup drives to show up as a single drive in leopard. Is this possible? RAID 0 is out of the question since they're different sizes. Is there a way in Disk Utility to do this?

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Applications :: How Do I Combine Two Smaller Drives Into A Single Larger Virtual Time Machine Drive?

Jul 20, 2010

My MBP has a 320GB harddrive with like 240GB used on it but I only have two 250 GB harddrives so you can see the problem I'm in. I would like to combine into a single virtual drive so that it can accommodate my Time Machine backups.

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OS X :: Time Machine - Two Source Drives To Two Backup Drives

Sep 27, 2010

I have a question regarding Time Machine functionality. Here's my situation. I have two hard drives in my Pro: one that operates as a Boot drive, and one for storage. Right now I have Time Machine set up to backup my storage drive, but I was wondering if it was possible to have plug in a second external drive and use it to back up the Boot drive. I searched for a similar thread, but couldn't really find anything. Has anybody successfully done this?

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Applications :: Can Timemachine Backup Multiple Drives To Multiple Drives?

May 21, 2009

I have searched but I can't seem to find an answer to this question...

I have 4 x 500MB drives in my Mac Pro and 4 x 500MB external firewire drives.

Currently I use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone each internal drive to it's respective backup. ie Drive 1 > Backup 1, Drive 2 > Backup 2 etc

Is it possible to use Timemachine in a similar way? so that each internal drive has it's own corresponding Timemachine backup?

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OS X :: How To Backup Two Drives Onto External One

Mar 1, 2009

What backup solutions are available for backing up two drives on to one backup drive without causing any confusion?

My setup consists of:
- Powerbook (80 GB)
- external Firewire drive (160 GB)
- external Firewire drive (500 GB) for backup

I'm running MacOS 10.4.11, so please don't suggest Time Machine.

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OS X :: App To Backup Fat32 Drives?

Jul 31, 2009

I am looking for an OSX app which will backup an external Fat32 drive to another external Fat32 using Leopard machine.

My machine is bootcamp-ed to switch between OSX and XP for work. I keep the working files on an external Fat32 drive for maximum compatibility.

I have searched for a Mac app which will support Fat32 backup, but have not had any luck. IE -- Time Machine / Superduper do seem to properly read / write to Fat32.

Also, is there an app which can backup files from an external Mac Journalled drive to Fat32? This backup is just to make copies of files (like .mp3 and .doc) -- not a bootable backup of the applications folder. I have bootable backups of my primary OSX drive using Time Machine and Superduper on Mac drives.

I would prefer a OSX app for this. I tried mounting the backup drive to XP, but it does not see the drive. Therefore, I would prefer to not rely on a Windows app solution.

If it helps -- the backup drive (a 1TB WD MyBook) has four partitions: three Fat32 drives and one Mac Journalled (for a bootable Superduper backup). The working drive I want to back up is a 320G WD Passport. The 1TB runs through a Firewire 800 port and the 320G runs through a USB 2.0 port. Hope these items do not matter.

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Hardware :: Backup Of TC Or AEBS Drives?

Jul 2, 2009

I'm getting either Time Capsule 500gb + 1tb usb drive or AEBS with two 1tb usb drives.

With TC my plan was to use the internal drive as my iTunes and iPhoto share and the 1tb usb drive as Time Machine backup for my macs. Same would be with AEBS that other drive is for TM and other for shares.

The problem comes with how to backup the drive with the shares? All my music and photos would be there so it would be essential to have that drive backed up. Do either of the devices come with some kind of backup utility to backup the drive? Kind of reverse TM.

I want my photos and music to be accessible from two laptops and one mini. The Mini could be used as a backup machine for the share drive when it's on. Mini is not on 24/7.

Is there better alternative for this setup than TC and AEBS.

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IMac :: Backup With Huge 2T Drives?

Jan 11, 2010

I'd be interested in hearing what people are doing about backup with their huge iMac drives. Time Machine needs a drive somewhat bigger than their iMac HD, but not many of us want to shell out $500+ for 4T backup drive. I've been thinking of partitioning the iMac and backing up only one, smaller volume via Time Machine. Anyone else doing that?

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Intel Mac :: Set Up A Backup Between Two External Drives?

Mar 24, 2012

Is it possible to set up a backup between two external drives?

i use time machine to back up my imac onto an external 2T.

i also have two external 3T drives.  i am looking for redundancy of data, tried software RAID and it failed.  i also see some limitations with RAID that a backup would avoid.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), using time machine to back up iMac

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Mac Pro :: Does Time Machine Backup All Internal Drives

Mar 10, 2008

I'm sure this is answered somewhere, but does Time Machine backup any mounted drive when it does a backup, or only the internal drives, or only the boot?

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OS X :: Best Way To Maintain 2 Backup Drives With Time Machine?

Jan 11, 2009

I would like to maintain an off-site backup, and plan to rotate a hard drive on a monthly basis. I'm running 10.5.5 with Time Machine. I understand that I may need to initialize a new backup drive every time I switch drives? Any thoughts? Is Time Machine really the best way to go here?

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OS X :: Can Time Machine Backup My External Drives

Mar 10, 2009

So right now I have 2 external hard drives, a 2TB MyBook Mirror edition, set at RAID 0 so its a full 2TB, and a 1TB MyBook Home Edition. I also have three LaCie 1TB drives to back up the MyBook drives.

How I back up is basically copy the contents over to the backups once a month. The problem is, using USB (my only option) takes about 24 hours per TB. Backing up 3 days a month? Not fun.

Can Time Machine do this better? I still have Tiger, so can't test it yet but it seems tedious to do things my way. I would rather be able to plug them in and sync every few weeks and not have to replace every file, just the ones that changed or were added. Can this be done?

I don't keep the drives connected 24/7 so it would have to be manual, and also can Time Machine back up a 2TB drive to 2 1TB drives? The are stuck in enclosures so i have to connect the 2 separately through USB, can't use RAID.

If Time Machine is not the answer, is there some third party program the would not require me to re-copy every file? It would be great if I could save some time doing this.

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MacBook Pro :: Will Time Machine Backup Both Of My Drives?

Jul 18, 2009

Just a quick question, if I add a second drive in an Optibay, will TM back up both of my drives?

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OS X :: Time Machine And External Drives Backup

Aug 4, 2009

How can TM take backups of external drives that are connected?

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup Multiple Drives?

Nov 2, 2009

have all of my music/videos on an external Maxtor 750 GB USB drive. I have all of my photos on the 750 GB internal drive of my iMac.

I want to get a 2 TB external for BU purposes.

Can I set time machine to BU both 750 GB drives on the 2 TB drive?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Backup With Time Machine To Two Different Drives

Mar 26, 2012

I have two Western Digital drives for backup, one with pictures and one with other files. When I select the disc for backup on Time Machine how do I select both?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup Two Drives To Multiple Sources

Nov 19, 2009

Here is what I want to achieve: I have my MBP with a 500GB hard drive that I want backed up to an external 750GB drive (A). Then I have an external 1TB drive (B) that I also wanted backed up to an external 1TB drive (C).
Internal -> drive A
Drive B -> drive C

Can Time Machine do this all for me or am I going to need a 3rd-party app to help. I know I can easily use TM for doing one of the backups, but will it handle both? If not, what's a good 3rd-party app that will help me accomplish this?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Backup To Two Separate Drives?

Jun 27, 2012

I have three Macs backing up via Time Machine. They are using an external hard drive connected to one of the machines. These back-ups take place on site every day, but I also want to use the same back-up system to back-up to a second hard drive which can then be stored off-site.I have initiated first back-ups OK using this system, but now when I look to change the back-up drive once a week the machines don’t seem to recognise the earlier back-up files on the external drive and start to make a new back-up each time. The back-ups are all large and I can’t afford the time this is taking. How can I make my drives recognize the earlier back-up files and just perform an incremental back-up rather than a complete new back-up each time. 

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OS X :: Backup With Time Machine On Two Separate External Hard Drives?

Dec 27, 2008

I have an external hard drive that I use with my MBP at work. I'd like to buy another external hard drive to keep at home an also use with Time Machine to backup when at home. Will this work with 10.5.6? What I mean is, will Time Machine work if I plug in another hard drive at home, and still work when I plug in my other drive at work?

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OS X :: Usb As Network Attached Drives / Backup Data Via Time Machine?

Apr 12, 2009

I have a linksys wrt610n wireless router that isn't set up yet. You can attach USB drives to the router to use as a nas. I can't find if time machine will use it or let me use a drive attached to the router for my backups.

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IMac :: SCSI Tape Drives And Retrospect / Other Backup Solutions

May 26, 2010

So my sister's girlfriend is a professional photographer. Her former consultant get her an SCSI 68-pin connected Sony StorMaster tape drive that backs up her 3 big NAS drives with all her work via EMC Retrospect. This was on a PowerMac G5 tower with an SCSI 68-pin card installed. She's moving and has tasked me with getting it all up and running again at her new place since she's fallen out with the old consultant (who did some weird, weird stuff with their network - why are there 3 switches for the NAS? Why does the Airport run through two of them? WTF?) and got an iMac 27" i7.

Now, problem is, obviously that her i7 has no way of plugging into that SCSI tape drive. She's been using her G5 purely to run Retrospect which is a waste of space and energy. Plus she's moving to a much smaller space, so I really, really want to get it out of there. So here's the thing - I CANNOT find a 68-pin SCSI to USB adapter other than one by Ratoc, which apparently only lets the tape drive function in "mass storage mode" which doesn't really tell me if it will work with Retrospect or not. Is there another solution to keep the current tape drive and plug it into the iMac?

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IMac PPC :: Time Machine Backup Of Multiple Drives Of One Computer?

May 23, 2012

Can I use Time Machine to backup multiple drives of one computer?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Independently Backup Two Internal Drives On One External Drive

Jun 21, 2014

My Computer: Mid 2010 - 15" MacBook Pro - OSX 10.9.3 My Past Issue:

I have two internal drives, one SSD one HD. I have my OS and applications on the SSD and my home folder on the HD. I have an external drive that I was using as a time machine backup and had no issue backing up both drives. The problem arose when I needed to restore my computer. Time machine had backed up the data as basically one drive, so when trying to restore it wanted to load all the data onto either the HD or the SSD ONLY. I was unable to restore as the combined data was to large for either drive. I was able to get my computer back in working order, but would like to avoid such a catastrophe in the future. My Current Issue:

What I am hoping to accomplish would be to partition the external drive, and then have two independent time machine backups. One for the SSD and one for the HD. This way I would be able to restore the drives separately in the future if needed.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Moving Time Machine Backup Folders Between Hard Drives?

Mar 15, 2012

I'm trying to do a favour for a friend. She has a 320Gb external WD hard drive which she used on her Macbook to backup with Time Machine. It is not partitioned and she keeps the "Backups.backupdb" folder with other personal folders she throws in there. Recently she sold her Macbook and all that was left was this hd. She now only has access to her work pc but it won't recognize her hd as she's apparently formatted it with option "Mac OSX Journaled". So she gave me her hd to backup and then format to FAT32. 

I've been a Mac for a long time but have never used Time Machine, I simply copy my important files into an external hd as I feel it's cleaner and I've never really had HD problems with any Macs I owned. So basically I have no idea how this works. I managed to copy all of her personal folders into my hd as well as the one labeled "Latest" on the Backups.backupdb folder ("Latest" is actually an alias). But I can't seem to be able to copy the rest of the backup folders. I can copy them into my computer hard drive, but each folder (I'm talking about the ones labeled with dates, there are 35 of them) is around 70Gb. Now, of course that doesn't make any sense, as it would be impossible to have 35 folders of 70Gb each in a 320Gb hd. I can only assume they use aliases as well, but when I try to copy them individually or as a whole (enclosing folder) Finder says I have no space available for that (even though I have more than 320Gb available). 

Now, in my mind it's completely idiotic to keep any folders other than the Latest one. She doesn't even own a Mac anymore. But she's freaking out that I'm going to lose her entire life (she's that kind of person). I don't want to open the Time Machine app because like I said I don't use it on my computer and these are not my files, so I do not in any way want to sync with this hard drive or backup to it. I'm on a 21" 500Gb iMac running 10.7.3. 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Changed Time Machine Drives Now Stuck In "Preparing Backup..."

Mar 17, 2012

I was using a 1TB drive for Time Machine; I've now upped it to a 3TB drive. The new drive is an exact copy of the old one. But when I try to do a Time Machine backup, it's been stuck in "Preparing Backup..." for over 12 hours.

Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.5 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM

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OS X :: Are Solid-state Drives Faster Than Hard Disk Drives?

Sep 13, 2009

I'm looking at the specs page for the MacBook Pro and it reads this...

Your MacBook Pro comes standard with a 5400-rpm Serial ATA hard drive. Choose a hard drive with a faster speed for greater performance. Or you can choose a solid-state drive that offers enhanced durability.

Basically suggesting that the HDD option has a performance advantage over the SSD, but is this the case? I always thought SSDs could read & write quicker because they use solid-state flash memory as opposed to hard disks.

I want to go with the 256GB SSD but I want to know how it ranks in speed.

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Mac Pro :: Can I Install 4 Drives But JBOD 2 Drives As 1 Large Disk?

May 15, 2009

As the title says, can you combine 2 drives to one large without the expensive raid card?

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OS X :: I Can't Combine PDF Files In SL?

Aug 28, 2009

In preview, I use to drag multiple pdf files into the sidebar to create one combined file to email to a customer. My entire office does this on a daily basis several times per hour. In Snow Leopard, I can't get this to work. Any one else have this same problem?

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OS X :: Combine USB HDs In Finder?

Feb 5, 2010

I have 9 external USB HDs plugged into my Mac and in Sidebar it shows them all seperate and it looks bad cause theres so many. Any program or anyway I can make it show like 1 Folder called "iTunes Server" or something and when u go into it then shows all the external drives? I just want something where it shows only 1 folder or something.

I can do this now by hooking my USB hub to my Airport Extreme and then it shows up under Shared as 1 drive but when you click on it it shows all the HDs hooked up to it.

Thing is I want to hook it up to my Mac not my router.

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