IMac :: Not Taking In Discs
May 20, 2010
I just bought a 21.5 iMac and am having a great time. However, the iMac will not take in any discs. When I try to put it in, the iMac doesn't automatically pull it in. I tried putting it as far as I can and waiting a long time. I've even had to use a credit card to get a stuck disc out after pushing it in too far.
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Mar 10, 2009
I came home for vacation and decided to reformat my imac g5 to get a fresh start. I backed up all my files, took out my leopard retail box, and was ready to go when I opened up the box, and noticed no disc. I have no idea where it went.I have the install discs from the computer when i got it, but it only has 10.4, so id rather not use them. I have the install discs from my macbook pro with 10.5, but I am pretty sure it will not work.So does anyone have any suggestions? Should I just go ahead and install 10.4 until and then just install 10.5 when i find it? (i really hate doing this, I hate having more than one version of an os installed)
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Sep 26, 2010
I just got off the phone with Apple support and I was told I should bring in my iMac to an apple store to get it checked out. However, I am EXTREMELY busy. So in the meantime I was wondering if anyone could help fix this issue: I have a brand new iMac literally purchased a month ago, 21.5", when I insert a disc it keeps it for about three seconds and pops it right out, the disc does not even register with my computer. Is there anyway to fix this without having to go all the way to the Apple store (I don't own a car).
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Oct 30, 2007
does a doublelayer disc work in an iMac G4/800 17" with the original built in superdrive? I want to burn a dl-disc with 7GB on my macbook and give it to a friend who owns that machine.
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Apr 5, 2009
I've got an iMac 233 and I'd like to reinstall OS 9. My only problem is that I don't have an install disc. Can I make one i.e. with the system folder or something? Also, the optical drive is a bit flaky so could I install from a flash drive or external HDD?
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Aug 12, 2009
I was burning a few discs the other day and noticed that my iMac is leaving ~1cm curved scratch marks around the middle of the disc (ie, about equal distance between the hole in the middle and the edge). It won't do it every time, but I'd say about 50%. Anybody have any clue what's causing the scratches?
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Nov 23, 2009
I've noticed that every time I eject a disc, I see some scratches. I put in the Star Trek Digital Copy disc into my iMac disc drive and when it ejected, I found a lot of scratches on it. My Sims 3 and Spore discs also have similar type of scratches. Is anyone having this problem or am I taking out the disc wrong causing the scratches? This is my first iMac and I'm a bit sad about this as I do not want to lug this computer back to the store to get a replacement... And if I return it, do I have to bring it back to the same store or can I go to one that is closer to me?
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Mar 21, 2010
I sold my iMac aluminum and bought a used macbook pro that didn't come with the OSX recovery discs. Can I use the OSX discs that came with my iMac as backups for the macbook? I have heard that the software is tied to a particular machine but I just wanted to verify before I buy a new copy of Snow Leopard.
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Apr 6, 2012
I have an iMac g3 without an operating system, and I just got an os 9.2 disc to do an intstall. A message came up saying I needed to update firmware. How can I update without the original discs?
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Aug 14, 2009
Last week I got my RAM upgraded from 512MB to 2GB on my Mac mini Intel Core Solo 1.5GHz 2006 model, and I wanted to reinstall Mac OS X Tiger (using the original discs that came with my machine). Just wondering if the RAM has changed (i.e. since mine is now 2GB) the original discs won't work? Cause right now I try slotting in DVD 1 of the installation discs and it just stays on the Apple splash screen with the continually spinning icon underneath the Apple logo - won't go any further. At first I thought it might be either the DVD drive or something else but a friend suggested it may be the RAM that's not making the discs work as according to him the discs will only work with the original hardware and specs (i.e. 512MB RAM) of the machine (unless its a retailer version).
Found out it was partition related that's causing the disc not to boot past the Apple splash screen. I accidentally deleted the hidden OEM partition when messing with partitions (and this is what makes the grey discs ability to boot into the installer). I went to an Apple authorised service provider near my area and they tested a retail copy of the Mac Box Set of Snow Leopard and it booted into it fine - purchased Snow Leopard Mac Box Set yesterday, installed perfectly . If you have Tiger or don't have leopard currently installed, you need to purchase the Mac Box Set of Snow Leopard at approximately $129/$169.
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May 27, 2010
I want to rip this movie to my iMac. But every time I put the DVD in, my iMac automatically spits it out. I looked it up, and there seems to be software that let you rip movies to HDD. But the iMac doesn't even recognize the DVD even being there.
Has anyone come up with a way to go around this?
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Feb 14, 2012
I would like to clean out my HD and reinstall OS X 10.5.8 Leopard, but I do not have the original install discs. My plan is to buy the Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard universal retail disc from an outside dealer (going for $200+) and also buy additional memory (2GB 533MHz DDR2 SDRAM (PC2-4200)) to help with space.
I am worried about not being able to run QuarkXPress 6.0, Extensis Suitcase X1, Microsoft Office 2008, and Adobe Creative Suite CS3 once I reformat. I do not want to upgrade to Lion because most of these programs do not work or in the case of CS3 very glitchy on Lion.
is this the best route to go? I do not want to buy leopard and the ram, until I know for sure this is the right way of proceeding.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 512 MB
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Nov 1, 2007
I just bought the new 24" iMac and I looked at the backup discs and they said it could install OSX Tiger. I also have an old iBook G4 I got my moms friend who moved. I know the iBook could handle 10.4 as it has 10.3.9 now but what I was wondering was. If I could install the OS on the iBook from the iMac backup discs. I but the disc in the iBook and it wanted me to restart to begin the installation of OSX but I quickly backed out. Do you guys think If I proceed with the installation it will install smoothly or, should I just forget about it.
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Jul 25, 2009
Anyone know where I can find the right part number for my iMacs restore discs so I can order new or get the right ones off eBay?
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Aug 27, 2009
I'm purchasing a new MacBook Pro in a couple of weeks and the install discs will be Snow Leopard.
At home I have a 2009 Intel iMac. Will I be able to use the MacBooks install discs to upgrade the iMac or do I need to buy iMac Snow Leopard separately?
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Oct 5, 2009
I am new to this forums and want to know if my dvd mini discs will fit into the dvr drive on an iMac. I also have an older Powerbook and would also like to know if the mini discs will fit also. I haven't tried this yet because I don't want to loose the discs or ruin my drives. I just bought a used iMac 20" widescreen and wanted to just put my mini discs from my camcorder into it without having to plug the unit in via hard wire.
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Oct 13, 2009
Just purchased a new Mac Mini and while trying to set it up I inserted a couple of discs and they do not seem to be "loading" I also noticed that the IDVD icon seems to be missing from my dock. How do I recover that and how do I download programs (or is the term upload?)
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Mar 13, 2010
Every disc is guaranteed to be scratched to hell, this is my third imac and i just can not be done with the hassle of sending it back again, totally pissed off is there any way to remedy the slot drive myself without voiding warranty? i tried sticky tape on the sides but it doesnt work
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Jun 13, 2009
I had put a cd into the slot on the side of my mac. By the time it had taken the disc, I had realized there was another disc already in there. However, Mac never showed there to be a present disc. You can hear the machine attempting to kick the disc's out however no luck. What can I do! How much to be repaired!
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May 15, 2012
How can I format my intell based imac without the original Tiger discs? I have a user account on it that I dont want. I have upgraded to Snow Leopard but I want to to start affresh. I have tried loading the Snow Leopard disc whilst holding down th C key but it goes straight into install mode.
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Jun 26, 2007
I sorta have a project in mind I'd like to attempt, but I'd actually like to know if you think it is possible. I have plenty of computer engineers and computer savy folk around here to help me with it, but i'd like to know if it seems possible before i decide to start. I have an old g3 imac... that worked until the harddrive was taken out that is... haha. I got it from some old school equipment the were getting rid of. The harddrive and ram were taken out before it came into my posession.
Anyway what I would love to do... is basically use the casing and the screen , but swap out the processor to ATLEAST a g4 as well as put in a superdrive, more ram and a bigger harddrive... Really i'd like to put new components into a g3 imac casing. It would be really great if I could get g5 parts in there but I know that's a long shot especially keeping cost low (idealy would be intel parts, btu as they are newer I know i won't be finding a good deal on any scrap pieces from those)............
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Jul 29, 2009
As I mentioned in a previous thread, I'm selling my iMac to buy a MacBook. The MacBook (2008 uMB) has arrived, with all the discs etc, which is brilliant.
My iMac however, came preloaded with Tiger, with a Leopard upgrade disc in the box. This Leopard disc has disappeared off the face of the planet, and so Apple are shipping one out to me, not sure when it will arrive. In the meantime, my auction ends tomorrow, so would it be possible to restore the iMac using the Leopard discs that have come with the MacBook, or is it safer to reinstall Tiger, and wait for the Leopard disc to arrive before shipping?
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Jun 27, 2009
Recently my iMac has been booting really slow and I've run out of ideas to fix it. So far I've used Onyx to tune everything up, repaired permissions, repaired disk using the disk utility (no errors came up), and I've cleared PRAM. I have XP as a partition using Boot Camp. Its starting to get really annoying.
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Dec 4, 2009
Just recently my iMac has been taking over 20 seconds to go to sleep after I press the button. I don't know if I have a virus or malware, but it is taking a lot longer then it used, which was instantly
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Feb 2, 2010
My iMac G5 appears to taking a while to start up, could there be a basic problem with my computer.?
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Jan 20, 2009
Well im concerned that my imac is slowing down and is taking to long to boot-up, because when i first got him the imac was a bit faster. So i was thinking i should ask you guys for your boot-up duration before i reinstall Mac OS X. My MBP is also slowing down, don't know if im doing anything wrong so would love to know how long others boot-up lasts.
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Mar 19, 2009
A long time ago this other process, called Safari, but with the default application icon, started using up 70% of my CPU. I know they are different processes because: I can see both processes at the same time in the processes list when Safari is open, it still takes up 70-100% even when the REAL Safari is closed. Also, no matter what it open, Now there's two! You know how the root application reports crashes? Well, apparently it's reporting millions. It's using 70%-100% of my CPU too! A bunch of other root programs are taking 20%-30%, so that totals up to over 250% of my CPU!
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Oct 27, 2009
Ive just recently bought a 27 inch imac and having problems with the sound. when i want to play something like music or a dvd it takes about 15 minutes before the built in speakers will kick in.
Has this happened to anyone else? if so have you found the solution to get around it? as apple technical support cant seem to help me with the general settings and audio MIDI set up
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Jan 8, 2011
I'm trying to clean out my photo images. I bought a new/refurbished 27" Mac 2.8 Quad desktop and I plugged my cell phone into it to recharge it and I accidentally let it suck up all the photos from my cell phone which were a LOT! I deleted a lot of them but there's a lot that won't empty from my trash bin. The message I get is "The operation can?t be completed because the item ? ####? is in use." (I inserted ### just for this post). I do know there's some photos being used in Picasa Photo albums but theres dozens I have no clue where they're being used. I don't see them in my iPhoto anywhere or Photo Booth..etc etc or my regular Picasa App. A lot of the photos that are in my Picasa Photo albums aren't photos I resized or turned clockwise.counter clockwise and such...and would like to delete those...but can't find them anywhere and this Mac is only a month old. Is there any way to find out where I can find the photos and stop them out of being "used" as the message I keep getting from my trash bin keeps saying?
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Apr 17, 2008
Sometimes when i log-out it takes a lot longer than normal it shows the blue screen and spinning gear then it seems like the computer just freezes like the graphics have messed up. Then a few minuetes later the login window will appear as normall like nothing has happened.
Do you think i should take this imac back or do you think its just some software bug?
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