IMac :: My 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo Missing Mobile Components
Feb 22, 2010
using my early 2006 iMac with an Intel Core Duo processor. I have read several guides online on how to access the processor (taking apart the case, etc), and I am confident I am capable of undertaking the task. After reading this guide I feel like I will be able to do it myself (with the help of my electrical/mechanical engineering friend (still hasn't decided his major yet! I'm a physics student, so I should be capable as well, ha! Anyways as you can see, that guide gives very little information as to what CPUs can be used. I looked up the processor that they used in the guide (the T5600) and all of the results came up for a mobile processor. I have heard in the past that most of Apple's desktops contained "laptop grade" hardware, so it would make sense if it contained mobile components.
first, I didn�t know if this thread should be here or in Buying Tips, but anyway. My doubt is about the brand new 27� iMac�s processor, If I should buy a more GHz one, but with only two cores, or should I buy little bit less GHz one, but with four cores.
It really worth pay $200 more? It really worth the four cores? My main needs are run CS4, some Final Cut, maybe Logic Studio, and switch between different OS's (OS X, Windows, and Linux). I think even a 21.5� model would be more than enough, but I just wonder If Quad Core gonna give me more power (I hope so).
I have a 13" MacBook Air and a 27" iMac that I just did the combo update to 10.7.3. Since I have updated, I am missing the mobile documents folder. If I upload a pages document to on my iMac and then go to on my MacBook Air, it show's the file, however, it's the default pages icon, and it doesn't give me the opportunity to download it.
Because of this, I thought I'd look in the "Mobile Documents" folder and see if I can access it from there. However not that folder is missing. I have tried many different ways to get it to show up but I've been unable to.
I'm curious if Apple realized some people were using this folder as a "Dropbox" and disabled or further hid the folder so people can't sync files back and forth. More importantly, why doesn't work for me as it used to?
Anyone know of any tricks to get the Mobile Documents folder to show up in 10.7.3?
My one week old iMac 2.7GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5. first started problems by not goping to sleep even when I forced it.
I shut it down using the shut off button and unplugging it from power for more than 5 munites.
I turned it back on, it does the usual startup chime and then gray screen. I have restarted twice from the shot off button and still getting the same result.
I have a problem with my iMac 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (2 GB 667 MHz DDR 2 SDRAM), running OSX 10.6.5. OSX crashes and freezes all the time. Nothing works anymore. Sometimes it just freezes, and I can only move my cursor, but nothing reacts anymore. Sometimes the screen blacks (or sometimes blanks) out or shows the weird moving colours as shown on the photo I just took below: After restart, it often happens again and again. Then the iMac is fine for a couple of days, before it freezes again. Can anyone diagnose the problem from the info above?
So the older Mac Pro's from 2008 have 2 2.8ghz Quad Core Intel Xeon processors, without hyperthreading, for a total of 8 cores, and the top of the line iMac has a Quar Core i7 2,8ghz with hyperthreading for a total of 8 (virtual) cores.
With the ghz being the same but less "real" cores, but probably newer CPU architecture, which CPU will actually be faster?
hey my friend is having a problem with his imac when he turns it on he gets a grey screen and stops there. there is also a grinding noise near the back maybe the hd or disc drive? it grinds 10 times then stops then continues for a couple minutes and then he gets a question mark on the screen.
i just purchased an iMac 2.66GHz Intel Core 2Duo (Snow Leopard 10.6.2) and I installed Canon Digital-Photo-Professional 3.7.3 (upgraded from Canon's website).I soon had big problems with the Canon Raw sw: after the start up of the application, every command I try to operate (even a simple click in the menu bar) makes the infamous coloured wheel to appear and I have to wait 10-15 seconds, and sometime more, for the command to be operated.I found on the Canon site this "cryptic" statement about the installation of DPP 3.7.3 on Snow Leopard: "Improvements to Mac OS 10.6 Compatibility Issues have been made, to fixes the following problems that occurred with Mac OS 10.6.
***This does not guarantee the software will work correctly in all Mac OS 10.6 environments.***"So what should this mean? Does it work or not?I also tried to go back installing DPP 3.4.1 but it's the same horrible story.I'd like to hear from people who is experiencing similar problems with the same configuration I have (Snow Leo and DPP).
I know other threads exist, but they don't have responses specific to me so what's the harm in one more?
So, I am going to be selling my late 2008 15" MacBook Pro this week to get a new 27" iMac and I just need some legitimate advice from those "in the know" on processors.
I plan on having this iMac for about 3 years to do the following tasks:
1.) Record and edit HD cable (1080i) from an Elgato EyeTV HD - will include some encoding of 2+ hour sports game recordings
2.) Some light editing of 720p iPhone 4 clips in iMovie
3.) Surf the web, iTunes, iPhoto, Mail, and all the other standard stuff
Assuming budget is an issue, would you recommend me spending the extra money for a Quad Core i5 iMac or would I be ok based on the info above just going with the base Dual Core i3 model?
Like, will there be a considerable difference in the two machines (factoring in processor and graphics card) that will really be worth the extra $300 - $400 for 3 years of use?
The ivy bridge processors are coming out soon (or may already be out). I have heard that macbook pro 13" models might be able to use the new processers due to their lower energy useage. I presume that I will be able to take my mac to an apple store and have it installed. Is this information true?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've upgraded my iMac 4,1 to a core 2 duo processor in order to install Lion although I still get a message from App Store saying that Lion cant be installed on my computer - I have all the basic system requirments - RAM - free space - latest version of Snow Leopard and processor ...
The first Core i7 and Core i5 benchmarks are available. Quite amazing to see how much faster the Core i7 is even compared to the Core i5. (via digg) I'll definitely go for the Core i7 now that I've seen these results.
This is now the 4th time this has happened, but this time I have at least what I believe to be a cause. After a power outage of about 30 seconds this past thursday all of my printers attached to my imac have disappeared. Not only this, but when attempting to even press cmd p from any program that I could possibly print from slows down the system to a crawl, and eventually crashes. When going through system preferences the printers menu takes about 10 minutes even come up, and when it does, it's empty. When attempting to add a printer back the system once again slows to a halt eventually not responding. I've tried restarting multiple times, making a new user account (which worked for about 3 months the previous incident happened.) The only thing that has fully fixed this problem in the past was to re image the computer.
I'm just burning my CD library on my Mac. I have purchased a 7th gen iPod to then put them onto. All fine and going really well, but how can I put missing album artwork on those CD's that iTunes has no artwork for?
I've tried simply obtaining a jpeg image of the album cover and attempted to copy and past, also tried get info/artwork; neither works.
Info: APPLE iMac MC508, Mac OS X (10.6.5), Dual-core Intel® Core™ i3-540 (3.06 GHz)
I currently have a 24" iMac with a 2.8 Ghz Dual Core but I'm looking at buying a Mac Pro.I have been looking at the 2.26 Ghz Dual Quad, will this be faster than the iMac? I'm not really all that hot on clock speed vs cores, could someone with the relevant knowledge inform me which is better?
I just used Chax to combine my AIM and Facebook accounts in iChat, but I just realized how many of my friends use the stupid mobile feature for AIM, so they all show up in my buddy list when they really arent available. Is there anyway I can hide those mobile accounts in iChat?
this noob understand what the differences will be in terms of pros/cons and overall performance. What about if Apple keeps everything else the same and just upgrades the processors, how would that affect things (hypothetically)?
I have a Nokia 6303 moby with bluetooth. When I try to connect to the internet with it (sitting in front of the mac with the phone), I get the message about 'subscribe to packet data first'. Followed by 'link not available'. I am with Vodaphone in the uk. I believe I have set the correct information up in the phone settings, and the iMac can see the phone and vice versa. Indeed, I can send files between the two devices, but no t'internet. Should I be paying a subscription to the phone company for the service, does anyone know? The help files at Vodaphone just loop me back to the help screens on their website which doesn't seem to answer the 'packet data' question.
I know this has probably been answered a billion times, but I need the answer for my specific needs. My daily use will be: Web browsing iTunes Watching HD Movies Bit Torrent HandBrake Dvd Burning Windows Parallels Social Networking iPhotoCan someone tell me if I really need the Core i5 2.8ghz, or should choose the Core i3 3.2ghz. Mind you, I dont wanna max out the machine with daily use...but dont want to overkill it.
i have a load of old mobile videos i took from an old nokia phone. They are in the video format of IV50 but i need them to be changed to MP4 format, does anyone have any idea how i could do this? Free preferebly!
I recently and accidentally activated the mobile features to my account here at work. Since then, links to volumes have changed and I'm not sure what else has changed on my account. I was actually trying to setup screen sharing between my personal Macbook and my Work iMac, but failed. disable that feature on my account? Also, why are the Mobile account settings grayed out?