IMac :: Starcraft 2 Performance On 2010?
Nov 24, 2010
How does StarCraft 2 perform on the current lineup of the iMac? I'm most interested in the 21.5" model, as I cannot afford the 27" version. Specifically, I'd like to know what resolution and settings the 4670 and 5670 models can handle...
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Dec 11, 2010
I have been struggling with my Mac for weeks and weeks and before I finally decide to reinstall everything I wanted to turn to you experts for maybe the one hint that can resolve my problem: I have a 13 inch MBPro, mid 2010, basic version. Later I installed the WD Scorpio Blue 1 TB hard drive and copied the time machine backup. Shortly after, I recognized massive lags. I have quiet a few photos (3000 or so), 20gb of music and 40gb of films on this drive but only a few programs. Adium, Steam, Starcraft, MS Office, Skype, Growl and that is it I think. I use mobileme for synching, if that helps in any way.
Some examples: Sometimes youtube videos lag for a few seconds, even with HTML5, it takes 5 seconds to open a new tab in sapharie (again, only sometimes without any obvious rule)..................
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Apr 13, 2010
It looks like it is less expensive to upgrade the memory to 8GB from Apple now. I need to decided whether to go for 4GB or upgrade to 8GB BTO. With the 8GB RAM, will there be noticeable gain in performance? I guess VMWare Fusion may run better. Not sure about other applications including the OS
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Aug 22, 2010
just got me a brand new 2010 MacPro 2 x 2.4 Quad-Core with 12GB Ram and the ATI 5870. This is the first MacPro to system boot into the 64bit Kernel by default (ie, hold 3+2 on restart to boot into 32bit Kernel). One of the first things I did was run the Photoshop performance test, which FYI on my old G5 2.7 with 4GB Ram returned a time of 114 secs, and on the new Quad-Core in 64bit kernel returned a time of 14 secs, so as you can imagine I was pretty happy with the results.
Then the problems started...... when I was installing software I got the dreaded Kernel Panic, restart your machine screen. So I did, and it happened again on restart, so I did, and it happened again on restart, so I did.... you get the idea. So I put the system disk in and restarted, then reloaded OSX10.6.4 and everything seemed to be going fine, until I installed software again (different app from the first time), and I got the Kernel panic screen, then again on restart etc, so I booted into 32bit kernel and all is good. EXCEPT! - When running the Photoshop test in 32bit Kernel it returned a time of 17secs. Now, I know I am being picky here, but I do a lot of work in PSCS5, and by a lot I mean sometimes all day on large photographic images, so 3 secs is a big deal....
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Nov 3, 2010
Just bought this recently and installed Windows 7. The following screen shot under WEI Macbook Air 2010 13'' 1.86GHz 4GB RAM 256GB. The performance is quite amazing consider its 1.86GHz CPU, I bet 2.13GHz CPU would score bit higher.
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May 12, 2010
Performance of the new MBP's as they take on the slew of new games being presented (VALVe has said they will release new games each Wednesday, so keep looking for your Css' and L4D's)
Counter Strike Source will not be here all that soon so don't get your hopes up, they are redeveloping it, to run on a new engine. No point in porting the old engine when they will just have to do it again. Link:.....
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May 31, 2010
I have a 15" 2010 MBP. I got it well spec'd, with 7200 drive, 8 GB ram, best CPU... First thing I did was bootcamp. Went smoothly - did a 400 gb partition for Windows 7. The drivers all installed fine and Windows 7 does alright.
My Windows Experience scores:
Processor: 6.9
RAM: 6.9
Graphic: 6.4
Gaming graphics: 6.4
Hard drive: 5.9
Things look good... But I am having trouble playing hidef content - VLC is choppy on a bunch of files that play smooth as silk when booted into Mac OS - and actually even play ok on my old Santa Rosa 15" MBP. Quicktime is also slow. I have always found VLC to be very solid. (actually use it on the Mac side for this test as well). I tried playing with the hardware acceleration toggle, and it does seem better with it disabled - anyone else having issues playing hidef media on the windows side of this MBP?
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Sep 2, 2010
I have looked over the postings closely but may have missed something. What is the current knowledge, now, in early September about Apple-installed SSDs and performance degradation over time? Early concern beginning with the release of MBP 2010 in April was the the lack of TRIM support in OSX. Has anyone at this point noticed or measured significant degradation of factory-installed SSDs? I am ready to purchase a MBP 2010 and I am considering a 256 GB SSD.
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Aug 11, 2010
First I wanted to upgrade my new mac mini with a Momentus XT but now I'm thinking about getting a "real" ssd + a FW800 drive for storage to have the huge speed boost of the ssd drive. Does anybody have this combination in his mini? What I want to know: How is the performance like of the external drive connected to FW800? Is it comparable to a standard internal hard drive?
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May 13, 2010
I just upgraded my hdd to a 500gb WD scorpio blue in my 2010 MBP 13". It seems to start and stop a lot more than the apple one (if that makes sense). and every now and then the computer seems to lag for 1-2 seconds when doing things like typing, scrolling, etc. I've tried searching and found other people have had similar problems with older MBPs and they talked about some EFI firmware or something. Does this apply to my MBP too? Or does anyone have any other suggestions of what I can do?
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Sep 25, 2010
- Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66Ghz
- 320 GB 5.400 RPM
I needed to upgrade this unit in order to increase performance with VMWARE Fusion as I needed to use a few Windows 7 features and Applications... and although Mac OS is OK... I have to recognize that some features of Windows 7 are better and I need some only windows applications.
So I researched online the option of upgrading memory and HD. I read mixed opinions and experiences with non Apple Memory. But took the chance and during a recent trip to the US I purchased the Kingston upgrade kit... installed it... and so far no problems. I got a very noticeable increase in startup and working performance with Windows 7 and Fusion. Unfortunately I lost my notes regarding performance readings... sorry.
I was very intrigued with the Hybrid Seagate 500GB Momentus XT. Also read a lot of mixed experiences. I also picked up a unit during my trip to the US but waited to install it when I got back to Spain. I just installed it and made some simple timings to check the performance......................
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Mar 20, 2012
i'm going to be picking up a Mac Mini in a couple days and wanted to know if starcraft 2 would run on it. i did a lot of searching it seems that all the posts were from 2011 and 2010 and a lot of them were running SC2 in Windows on the mac mini. i want to run the Mac Mini in OSX and i heard it doesn't run quite as well as it does in Windows and blizzard aren't great with fixing bugs in the Mac version. i'll be buying the current low end mac mini, i can get more RAM on it and i believe the CPU is more than enough, but the graphics card does worry me. i don't want to play on high settings, i just want to get great performance even if it runs on the lowest detail settings.
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Nov 4, 2009
I have a new 27inch base model iMac that comes with 4GB ram and a 4670 256mb Radeon graphics card. I noticed that when I copy/paste images in photoshop cs4 and drag the images, the pasted image usually gets blocky and moves in slow motion when i drag it. My friend has a Mac with a 512mb video card and 4gb of ram and has no such issue. I'm wondering if the difference in VRAm is what is causing my sluggishness in Cs4
My question is: should I have opted for the 512 model graphics card? I have another week or so to return my iMac. Or is this a RAm issue, and should I upgrade to 8gb of ram? I guess I'm wondering how much of a difference video memory makes on system performance. Thanks!!
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Dec 29, 2010
I just (finally) ordered Starcraft II and was wondering what the latest word was on its playability under 10.6.5 on a 15" MacBook Pro 2.66 i7 with the 330M. I would like to play it on the built-in hi-res 1680 x 1050 screen or on an external 1920 x 1200 monitor. Is there a big difference between gaming on OSX 10.6.5 vs. Windows 7 x64 bootcamp? I read that 10.6.4 was horrible performance wise, but I haven't heard much regarding 10.6.5 and Starcraft II.
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Jul 27, 2010
Does the new macbook pro perform much better with Starcraft 2? Right now I'm using the old macbook (unibody still) that has the 9400M. How much of an improvement is it to get the new macbook pros with the 320M?
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Oct 21, 2010
Do you think it will run? Everything on low?
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Nov 25, 2010
nefew wants something lite for college,that can play starcraft II......
can it be played on a 11" mba?
if so, what model config do you use?...and what setting can be set in game...also does mba run hot and would fan run non stop...
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Jul 22, 2010
anyone has any idea how StarCraft 2, released in a few days, will run on a MacBook Pro with a 9600M GT. I understand this game is largely CPU intensive so I am hoping that for once it will run as well as you'd expect on a less-than-2 year old laptop.
I have seen some footage of the beta running on a MBP 9600M GT, and very nicely at that, so that leaves 2 questions (they may be very difficult to answer):
1) Are we expecting the game to run a lot slower on OS X than XP as games usually do (including WoW)
2) Are we expecting performance to be significantly better in the final over the beta
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Oct 20, 2010
Games are more GPU hungry, so can we expect to play Starcraft 2 nicely on the new MBA 13' ?
I saw some videos on youtube showing a MBP 13' playing SC2 nicely. But keep in mind the screen is 1440x900 and the processor is 1.86Ghz, so how worse would that be?
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Mar 19, 2010
I have Macbook with GMA 950. I have Starcraft 2 beta (don't ask me to give you the beta ID and Password), and I have been playing around with it on Windows Bootcamp. It fairly works well in lowest settings besides some lagging with 6 fps when there is a big battle. I am planning to get new Macbook Pro today, and do you think Medium settings will work on the nVidia 9400?
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Apr 15, 2010
Yes, and as you can see in my signature, I have the previous model which I have bought less than 25 days ago. I will go to Apple store this friday (Japan, and these people should be nice) and try to convince them that they shouldn't have given me the inferior ones.
Back to the point, will Starcraft 2 work well with nVidia 320m? Apple's website says there will be a 80% boost, but what about Starcraft 2?
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Apr 29, 2010
however, installation doesn't work because i dont have the actual "disk" in my mbp when i try to install (i'm simply running the application install off the mounted image). is there any way i can take the cdr and turn it into a mountable volume that shows up as a CD and not just any old volume?
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Jun 23, 2012
i have a question the new macbook pro can handle starcraft 2 in high settings? with the new video card 1gb?
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Dec 19, 2006
I have found a ibook g4 I am considering buying. It is a 1.07 mhz 768mb 80gb superdrive. I am getting it for a good deal and it has all the software I will need for school Microsoft office photoshop. I was just wondering what are the capabilities of this machine. Could I play warcraft 3 and starcraft on this and do normal everyday tasks with ease. Or are the stats not good enough to do much of anything
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Aug 2, 2010
Luckily, I have a lowest end MBP 13" with upgraded HDD, which most of us have. If you have a better MBP (15" and 17"), you won't have to worry about it.I'll post some pictures with built in FPS.
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May 27, 2009
Is it just me or has the general performance of a early 2009 iMac running 10.5.7 just decreased dramatically when you installed the update.
I have found that the boot up time has got alot slower.
I have also found that when you boot up iMovie 09, it takes alot longer to be ready than it did 2 weeks ago (before the update)
My system is as follows;
iMac 24"
2.93 GHz Processor
4GB Memory
640GB Hard Drive
NVidia GeForce GT120 256mb memory
Wireless Mouse (Irrelevant)
Keyboard (Irrelevant)
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Nov 2, 2009
I've got an iMac that's a couple of years old, and time (along with software) has taken its toll on the speed of my iMac. I've run Onyx, I've downloaded a utility that lets me set time machine to run once a day instead of every hour, but I'm still not happy with some of the slowdowns I get. So, my question is what will give me the best performance bump?:
1 - Clean install of 10.5
2 - Add more RAM (currently I only have the 1GB it came with)
3 - Upgrade to 10.6
4 - Something else I'm not considering
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Jul 27, 2010
finding performance?
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Aug 12, 2010
I've ordered a 27" i5 (quad core) iMac with 256 SSD + 1 TB drive. I know that the SSD drive used by Apple are not so fast as the fastest SSD available in the market but anyone know what are his performance?
I' m pretty sure in that in daily use the computer is much faster and responsive whit this SSD drive but anyone can tell me how much this benefit are visible?
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Jun 4, 2010
these are the games i plan on playing when i purchase my new macbook i5 15inch. i know the processor difference between the i5 and i7 is barely noticeable especially for someone like me who doesnt do all that high-end rendering stuff. the only thing thats freaking me out is the difference in quality between these games with the nvidia 330m 256 mb vs 512 mb. some have said it'll make no difference as most games these days just use the speed of the card and not the space, and that the 330m is not even fast enough to take advantage of the 512mb....what would the quality difference be between the two for these games? i plan on getting the high-res screen, does that change anything?
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