IMac :: Performance Optimization To Maximize Life Of System
Jul 29, 2008
Got a maxed out 24" iMac on the way (3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB Memory, 1TB Hard Drive) which will be arriving in 2 weeks. Just wondering if there is anything I can do to optimize performance and pro-long life on my iMac ready for hardcore music recording and editing, HD Video Editing, Photoshop, Web Design and Flash? Would it be wise to run every single process included in the Onyx application as soon as set up is complete or should I wait till Applications and Music have been installed? Anything else to do to maximize performance and life of the iMac?
Planning on Purchasing one of the New Aluminum MacBook Pro's. I would like to know what are the best ways to have your battery last longer and hold the normal charge? Also on the Battery Section on [URL] it says it not good to have your computer charging all the time but then people on the forums say it's better to keep it plugged in! What is it? What should I do? Listen to Forum users or Apple). Also what is a good setting for the Screen Lightiness? Is HalfWay see able? What about 75 percent notches. Will lowering the battery brightness save battery?
I'm trying to optimize for her workflow which currently has about a 600gb aperture library and 5 picture a day edits in photoshop. All new files will be coming from a 5dmkII RAW.
Can anyone suggest which would be my best option for external backup? Would a RAID setup be good? I have two exactly the same hard drives laying around collecting dust, and would like to put them to use for an iMac. Could someone recommend a good external enclosure for these two? Which would be better - FireWire or USB2.0? I'm also interested in mirroring since I'd store important data on them, and want both drives to have a copy of each. Is there a disadvantage to that in terms of system's performance?
Running MacBook ProMacBookPro4,1Intel Core 2 Duo2.4 GHzW882458RYJZos x 10.6.8 Im running differnt language My battery is pretty much dead is that the problem?
when i try to close, minimize or maximize a window on any app. on my macbook it ends u pdoing the next thing it is close to...!:[ why?an example is when i try to minimize (click on the yellow buble) it ends up closing the app. when i try to close it it minimize it@ first i thoguth it was a bug
So I've had my MBP 13 for 3 weeks and i took a screenshot of coconut battery. I've noticed crappy battery life so does the 94% mean my battery isn't doing as good as it should be? Shouldn't it be at 100 since its new?
I download Tech Tool Pro 5 version. Tried for optimization my two disks in MacPro, at first im choice defragment one volume, then optimization in this program. Now all my custom dmg files not mounted, I view message - not recognized, bla-bla and no mountd. Help me to recovery data. Mac OS X 10.5.6 build 9G55 Tech Tool Pro 5.0.1 dmg - Apple Map Partition read/write 4.4 Gb - all images, HFS+
I have a 2.26GHz 13"MBP, and I just ordered the intel 160GB Gen2 SSD for it. I'm curious if there are any changes I should make in Snow Leopard to optimize it for the SSD. I did some searching and saw that a lot of people are disabling the Sudden Motion Sensor in the Terminal. Are there any other things I should do? Also, I plan on doing a fresh install on the SSD, not cloning my existing drive. Will the SL Upgrade DVD that Apple sent me do the job, or will I need to first install Leopard, off the DVD that came with the MBP, then install SL? When I first install the intel SSD, will it be recognized, or do I need to format it a special way to get it to show up? I'm just trying to get everything squared away before the SSD arrives, so that I can do it right the first time. Also, I don't know if this matters or not, but I DO have the 1.7 Firmware Update installed.
Compiled List Of Suggestions: 1. Disable Sudden Motion Sensor [URL] 2. Uncheck "Put the Hard Disk to sleep when possible", under Energy Saver in System Preferences. 3. "noatime" *Check OCZ Forum for How-To. (I haven't decided if I am going to do this one.)
I have an external USB drive attached to my iMac. I've noticed that whenever there's heavy read/write activity on the drive (such as un-raring a large file or transcoding a video that's stored there), my whole system feels sluggish.
i've noticed generally the computers in the apple store, even though have lots of applications loaded, are still quite responsive. does anybody know how did they optimize it?
or can you share how did you optimized your system to make it more responsive?
there are two ways: hardware improvement, and software optimization.
obviously buying "better" hardware can help, but for those of us who can't afford to upgrade components of the computer, we can only resort to software optimization.
I've come into possession of a 1.83 Core Duo MacBook and I am curious if you're able to clock the processors on these in anyway? I appreciate the implications of doing this on a laptop / notebook type device, but I want to know in theory if it is possible. I understand the maximum ram on a MA254LL/A is 2GB... is this correct? Will it not ready any more? In terms of the CD drive, is it possible to upgrade it to a superdrive? Is this easy or simply not possible? I've seen a few on ebay, and would be curious to know if they'd work. How far can you get with a MA254LL/A, whats the maximum HDD you could pop in?
My system (sig) has been relatively sluggish for a few months now. Right now I've only got Firefox, Snak, iTunes and Adium open and it's just prodding. It has a decent amount of ram that should be able to handle relatively easy computing like this.
So, my question is, what can I do? Should I just re-install? I wouldn't really mind doing that. I have all day off, and fresh installs are fun but I have a good amount of stuff on here. I have an external where all of my important stuff is, so a fresh install wouldn't be a bad idea in that way.
This machine is pretty old but I'd like it to be snappy like it once was.
Are there little things I can switch off or something?
does anyone know of a decent software I can download for free that improves the performance on my mb pro? I googled it but its hard to get the honest opinion that you get on this site.
Just upgraded to a 27" quad-core iMac yesterday and I noticed the startup time is much slower than it should be once I migrated all of my files from my old 24" iMac over. I usually keep my system up for months at a time, so startup time isn't an issue, but the question is: Does a slow startup time indicate that once I'm up and running, the system could be much quicker, too, or is that slow issue solely restricted to just the startup time?
I have a 2009 2.53GHz MacBook Pro which I bought a couple months ago. It's been working great, but lately, I've been noticing a lot of strange issues with video playback/general graphics and UI. These includes:- Laggy video performance, frame skipping, generally 2x slow video -- on both iTunes and web video. It's not as smooth as it used to be, though admittedly not totally unbarable - VLC shows a black screen, doesn't show the video - Randomly pixelated icons in the dock (it's almost like the Mac picks a new one everyday to pixelate), dock animation not 100% smooth, although fairly good (not sure if it used to be this way)
I got a program called "gfxCardStatus" that allows me to see which graphics card is being used and allows me to manually switch between them. I don't do anything graphically intensive in OS X (I only play games in bootcamp) but the nvidia card is being used most of the time and it makes my mbp hot and kills the time i can use the battery. I switched my MBP to only use the intel card in os x and have seen no performance or visual difference, but I was wondering if this is a bad idea?
I recently installed the new OS X on my MacBook 13" (the 2Ghz Dual Core white one) hoping it would increase the performance of the system, and specifically iTunes. [URL]. My iTunes library, like many out there, is large, but not overly large and definitely not to the point where it should be a problem. It's now at (I would guess) about 30 or so gigs, filled with mostly large MP3 files (70-200Mb).
- It's got to the point where I wait 3-4 seconds to go to the 'next' song when I press the 'right' arrow. This is (obviously) unacceptably slow. I thought about upgrading the RAM of the machine since it only has 1Gb I think. Now can anyone guarantee that doubling the RAM will properly increase performance again up to the point where I don't want to throw the machine out of the window? Yes, of course it will increase performance, that's obvious. But will it be enough, if not, I'll wait until it's completely unworkable and buy one of those new babyproof MacBooks (Edit: Or 4Gb?)
- The library is on an external 1Tb USB2 drive, but I could easily move it to the MacBook's HD but that's slower than the USB2 drive. Would this help any bit?
- Would removing all CD covers and images I have in there significantly increase performance?
I have a Acer laptop before and I believe it was infect once. The viruses went away after about a month. Now I have all the files from that PC on a Seagate 1TB external hard drive. I have connected to my MBP a few time but now I am worried that those files might still be infected and that it will damaged my MBP.
1. How to find out if those files are infected and,
2. Will those files infect my MBP's performance, security, software and system.
I have an iMac that's about a year old. I also have a new PC that's slightly faster. I'm trying to figure out which one to use and which to sell. I had an eMac whose hard drive died after 5 years. The screen was pretty blurry and maybe a little dim by then as well. So, I'm wondering how long this one will last. If the previous white ones were built in a similar manner, how have they held up?
I have a new 27inch base model iMac that comes with 4GB ram and a 4670 256mb Radeon graphics card. I noticed that when I copy/paste images in photoshop cs4 and drag the images, the pasted image usually gets blocky and moves in slow motion when i drag it. My friend has a Mac with a 512mb video card and 4gb of ram and has no such issue. I'm wondering if the difference in VRAm is what is causing my sluggishness in Cs4
My question is: should I have opted for the 512 model graphics card? I have another week or so to return my iMac. Or is this a RAm issue, and should I upgrade to 8gb of ram? I guess I'm wondering how much of a difference video memory makes on system performance. Thanks!!