IMac PPC :: G5 It Won't Start Up Is Completely Dead Have Checked All The Plugs
Apr 30, 2012
I have an I Mac G5 it won't start up is completely dead I have checked all plugs ect I have had the back off and can see a tiny green light have pressed a few buttons but nothing works
iMac, iOS 5
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Apr 6, 2012
Imac completely dead and not able to wake up after putting to sleep.This is a new error on top of many others.Very annoying one has to reset and restart to overcome something that is supposed to work o.k?
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May 29, 2008
I accidentally unplugged the surge protector 2 days ago. When I replugged it in, the computer was not turning on. The green light on the tower was on, but with absolutely no signs of life.
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Feb 16, 2012
i just bought an mac book pro off ebay and everything was fine with it until the second day i had it.. no signs of life what so ever i have taken it done to a local repair store and they have said to me that the logic board is make things worse they completely rounded off the screws on the battery pack..i have made a appointment at the genius bar for tomorrow.
Mac Pro, mid 2009 13 inch
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Jun 27, 2007
I've been given an iBook g4 (Late 2004 Model according to apple) and... It's completely dead! No lights come up on the Battery when I press the button. I've tried restting the PMU..But nothing yet. I dont have the offical Apple plug, its a replacement one. Can that make much of a difference?
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Apr 2, 2012
I got a new Macbook Air and took it on a month-long trip, leaving my 2008 MB at home, discharged. It has all my old files, not backed up. I didn't think this would happen! The charging light shows green and never changes to amber. None of the indicator lights are on and there is no response at all to pushing power, even after hours of charging. I tried taking out the battery, no difference.
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May 20, 2010
I just want to make sure nothing else is wrong with my Macbook..have never replaced the battery in 3+ years...Always says not charging and once the magsafe is removed Pro shuts completely dead battery the only problem..?
Battery Information:
Model Information:
Serial Number:Sony-ASMB012-3856-4ebc
Device name:ASMB012
Pack Lot Code:0000
PCB Lot Code:0000
Firmware Version:0110
Hardware Revision:0500
Cell Revision:0303
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):0
Fully charged:Yes
Full charge capacity (mAh):0
Health Information:
Cycle count:218
Condition:Check Battery
Battery Installed:Yes
Amperage (mA):0
Voltage (mV):10209
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Jun 28, 2009
I noticed that something was running in the background when I . I checked activity monitor to see what was running and saw that a process named "Find" user name "Nobody" was running. It disappeared before I could inspect it. Does anybody know what process this is and what application may be running it? I'm now paranoid!
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Mar 15, 2010
I own a 17" g5 imac and today I was just browsing on Firefox and all of a sudden the screen became checkered with thin pink and white lines. It is most noticeable on the menu bar and anything that is grey or white in color. It is not checkered on the blue background behind my desktop photo. I have an external monitor plugged in as well and the same thing is happening to that monitor.
I have a powerPC imac G5
OSX 10.5.8
ATI Radeon 9600
Here is a screen shot:
Haven't reformatted it yet. Hope there is a better solution. Purchased it used about a year ago. No warranty.
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Dec 1, 2014
Mine was a late 2011 mac which went dead within a blink and from there on it does not start nor i see any kind of light when connected to the power and even the battery status indicator does not show any light . It was not low on battery before it went dead .
MacBook Pro, iOS 8.1.1
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May 3, 2012
When I press the start button the screen goes on and I hear the chime but after 2 to 3 seconds the screen goes completely black. the fan in working the red light under the mouse is on. led # 1,2,3 are all on. I can't find my original system disk, so I inserted an original system disk from my macbook and tried pressing "C" at start up. But what ever I do the screen goes on for 2 or 3 second and after that goes black and stays black.
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Jun 3, 2014
Came home from work and the computer was off. I tried to restart but no joy. Power was good and battery check show it full. After pushing the start button it would try to to start for 3-5 seconds and then stop completely.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Sep 10, 2010
I got my first Mac last Sunday (woo!) but I was using it last night and a battery warning came up. I had been using the MBP, then turned it off and went out with battery still remaining. When I came back again a few hours later I used the Mac and after about 10 mins closed the lid for some reason. When I opened it back up it wouldn't start unless I plugged in the power outlet - the thing had completely drained. Then I checked the battery and it says to 'Service Battery'. It's now holding a charge as normal as far as I can see but the warning is still there.
A couple of other things I notice too:
- When I tilt the MBP to the right sometimes a scraping noise comes from the inside - maybe from a fan?
- When I pick it up from the bottom, the bottom of the Mac dips inwards slightly and there is a click as it makes contact with something on the inside of the case.
Are these things normal? I've made a Genius Bar reservation but I think I might just swap it for a new one.
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Jan 12, 2009
(I just posted this over at [URL] but figured I might as well post it here too) My Old iBook g4 1GHz, has just started kernel panicking. it wont start at all, it kernel panics my MacBook Pro when i try to start it in Target Disk mode, and it wont boot a DiskWarrior CD, or an OS Install disk i have either. I did manage to run an Apple Service Diagnostic Test CD, and it found no errors. ive booted into Single user mode, run fsck -fy and get no errors.
I tried:
/sbin/mount - uw /
and get the following message:
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x00110824): "/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1228.7.58/bsd/vfs/vfs_journal.c:3109: tr blhdr max_blocks looks bad: 31
Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
0x0009B518 0x0009BEBC 0x00029DDB 0x00110824 0x0025EC9C 0x00268FAC 0x0025EF44 0x0025A6B0....................
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Jan 6, 2011
Im new. I bought a new iMAC 27". Im wery satisfyed with it, but one problem has emerged.Suddenly over night it wont play any online videos. On youtube the videoscreen is completely black and doesnt start. Not any of the other videoservices either.Internal videos like tutorials works fine, but not the online ones.
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Dec 22, 2006
I have an iBook 500Mhtz PPC G3, 384 RAM, 10GB HD, Dual USB. Several months ago, I opened it up and it simply would not start up. No start up sound, no noise from the fans/HD/anything, motionless. Completely dead. I've held (many times) the PMU, and tried almost anything. Is there anything else I can do to get it to AT LEAST turn on? The battery is dead, and the charger is fine, but the battery won't charge. I tested the charger on a PB G4. I'd rather sell the whole computer as a working computer. I figured I'd get more money that way. do I need to sell it for parts?
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Aug 18, 2009
I have a keyboard with two usb plugs in the back. I use one for my mouse, then run the keyboard's connection into my computer. The mouse works fine but the keys don't work at all [I'm using keyboard viewer to type now]. I plugged my 60gb external hard drive into it a few times this week, could that have something to do with it. I just plugged my keyboard in and it 'pushed buttons' on it's own. it held down the command keys, arrow keys, f12, etc.
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Mar 27, 2012
I've had my Macbook for 3 years, each year I have to buy a new mag safe power adapter. I'm not some extreme user, the connection between the coupling and the cord is incredibly poorly designed. I had a PowerPC powerbook 12" before and never had a failure. My computer (and mag safe) goes to the lab and back home and that's it. Do these plugs have a warranty? I'm on my third one and it is starting to fail the same way (where the cord meets the magnetic plug at the computer). At least time it's less than a year old, if there is a warranty.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Unibody 13" MacBook
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a new macbook pro that uses a mini DVI port.
I currently have an apple 30" monitor connected to the macbook pro using that mini dvi port. My wife just bought me a 24" apple monitor which also has a mini dvi connector (male). I need either a mini-DVI splitter to create two female mini DVI inputs at the macbook pro to connect these two monitors or an adapter that has a female mini-DVI on one end and a female DVI on the other. I previously had a 2nd non apple monitor connected using UV plus.
So simply--how do I plug in the 2nd monitor.
I have called apple support and searched google with no success. I fear at this point that this is not possible to do. Does anyone know of a solution?
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Apr 25, 2008
My Palmcorder only has audio and video RCA jack output ports. Do I need another video card to connect the rca plugs into my Mini? Are there other options?
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Jun 17, 2009
So question! The wireless card addon for the mac pro plugs into a mini pci-express port. Being on gigabit, I really have no use for it, and there are tons of other solutions for bluetooth. So, could I, for example, put a mini pci-express SSD drive in there or something exciting like that?
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Jun 21, 2012
computer won't start. tried unplugging and holding in start button. After about a half hour and unplugging a few times, finally got it going. Imac G5
iMac, MacOS X (10.5)
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Jul 18, 2010
I have an iMac that I have had for about 2 years. It has alot of stuff on it, and everything that I need I have put on an external hard drive. I was wanted to completely erase everything off of the imac now. I have the install discs it came with. But I never set up my time machine. I have googled to find how to do this and all I see is through time machine but I never set it up. So how do I completely restore it so it is fresh with nothing on it besides the OS?
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Mar 19, 2009
When I took my new Imac 24 out of the box last week, instantly i noticed about 3 or 4 dead pixels, they aren't too bad but it's only of those things you don't expect with a new computer and it can be quite distracting once you know they are there.... if i were to contact the place of purchase in regards to this do you feel i would be over-reacting to have it replaced or repaired or should i just suck it up?
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Aug 10, 2010
I received my very first apple computer yesterday. It was the 27inch i7 with 8gig of ram. I turned it on for the first time and it looked perfect. When the loading wheel came up on the white screen I noticed a dead pixel right next to it. I looked over the rest of the screen and I could not find another one. I ended up calling and asking for a new imac. The first person on the phone said they usually only do replacements for 4 or more dead pixels. After I explained that it is right in the middle and I noticed it the first time I turned it on he forwarded me to someone else and they got me a shipping code. I not am waiting another week for a new computer. Is it normal for people to return their machines for one dead pixel? The guy on the phone made it sound like it was no big deal.
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Aug 16, 2010
my iMac won't turn on - seems dead. It's a white one (out of warranty), and am taking it to a genius bar near here. I think it has to to with the internal power supply, could that be? Doesn't sound like a logic board problem, as it won't turn on. Also, will I have to pay for the genius bar?
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Aug 7, 2009
How can I get my iMac to completely empty my trash? My delete secure trash always starts at 9,500 or more items to delete. Then the message: "The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "501" could not be read or written. (Error code-36)" always comes on when there are still 9,474 items left. I click continue and one more item is deleted down to 9,473, then it quits deleting. The files left in the trash are like this example: Dec 31,1903, 6:00PM Zero KB Alias. There are 38 of them and the date, time, size and kind are all the same.
Mac OS X Version 10.5.7
Model Name:iMac
Model Identifier:iMac5,1
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:2.16 GHz
Number Of Processors:1
Total Number Of Cores:2
L2 Cache:4 MB
Memory:2 GB
Bus Speed:667 MHz
Boot ROM Version:IM51.0090.B09
SMC Version (system):1.9f4
Serial Number (system):xxxxxxxxxxx
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Jan 26, 2009
I've been given a half torn apart iMac G3 700mhz (which still runs), and plan on putting it's bare essential parts into a case I'm making. I've taken out the drives and logic board with down converter, but now I'm stuck behind the CRT. I know it's very dangerous, but I need to get around it to get to the board underneath it. Do I have to discharge the CRT or could I just snip the suction cable connected to it without any risk? I plan on recycling the thing, but right now I just need it out of my way.
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Sep 26, 2009
So...basically what is going on is that after a while, depends on how hard my computer wants to run and make itself hot, it will completely shut down. . .not sleep, power off.
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Jun 23, 2008
Attempting to fix neighbor's iMac. (OS 10.4.11) Won't boot completely. I'm running DiskWarrior as I type. It's been running over an hour so far, and I'm up to 123 overlapped files on step 6 (out of 12)
1) What are they, how do they happen, and how to prevent?
2) Happened once before on son's computer and only way to fix was to archive & install. Don't know if DW can fix it this time or not--won't until DW finishes.
(Have updated # of files several times since I started typing!!!)
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