my iMac won't turn on - seems dead. It's a white one (out of warranty), and am taking it to a genius bar near here. I think it has to to with the internal power supply, could that be? Doesn't sound like a logic board problem, as it won't turn on. Also, will I have to pay for the genius bar?
a friend of mine with an ibook g4 1.4 ghz, Is having some troubles as he described it to me; an apple comes on the screen and blinks off then the screen turns white the whole screen then it turns red then blue then green every 3 seconds do you guys have any idea what this could be he is out of the apple warranty.
My iBook G4 is refusing to turn on. Yesterday it started going really slow and pressing the power button wasn't bringing up the usual options, so I held the power button to switch it off. On turning it back on it got stuck on the screen with the Apple logo and spinner for a long time so again I powered it off with the holding of the button. I then let it cool down (it was really hot) but now when I switch it on the spinner spins around 6 times then it turns itself off. It is still chiming. I'm away from home and don't have any discs - anything I can try or is it time for the Genius bar?
My ibook G4 died last night. After having some trouble with the battery (i have to replace it), the laptop finally did'nt turned on never again. Although is plugged with the power cord, the computer does'nt make any sound and it does'nt turn on, it does'nt even sound the cooling fan spining.
When I took my new Imac 24 out of the box last week, instantly i noticed about 3 or 4 dead pixels, they aren't too bad but it's only of those things you don't expect with a new computer and it can be quite distracting once you know they are there.... if i were to contact the place of purchase in regards to this do you feel i would be over-reacting to have it replaced or repaired or should i just suck it up?
I received my very first apple computer yesterday. It was the 27inch i7 with 8gig of ram. I turned it on for the first time and it looked perfect. When the loading wheel came up on the white screen I noticed a dead pixel right next to it. I looked over the rest of the screen and I could not find another one. I ended up calling and asking for a new imac. The first person on the phone said they usually only do replacements for 4 or more dead pixels. After I explained that it is right in the middle and I noticed it the first time I turned it on he forwarded me to someone else and they got me a shipping code. I not am waiting another week for a new computer. Is it normal for people to return their machines for one dead pixel? The guy on the phone made it sound like it was no big deal.
my warranty isn't good anymore and that both my HDD as well as my DVD-Drive in my first gen (Core Duo) Intel iMac have broken, I would like to have a new dvd drive to put in it as well as know what kind of HDD I can buy to put in. Also, I heard that you need a special screwdriver to open it up??? Finally, would it be a lot cheaper doing it myself, or would the better decision be to go to the apple store and have them fix it for me and pay the repair price? I don't think I would have any problems fixing it myself if I knew what components to buy if I took my time to do it.
My imac made louder then usual sound for awhile. At first i thought it might be my HD, so i replaced it. But the sound came back. After few days however, it resided. But now, it's too damn quite. So, using few software utilities, to check up on the temp of the fan, it was only registering 2 out of 3.
Its a G5 iMac ihave been using for abt three years now. first i got the vertical stripes about two months ago and today when i tried to switch it on, it won't. I turned it off last night after use and when i tried this afternoon, it was hot and it does not turn on?
Is this the end of her life? has anyone face this before?
I read a few posts about dead pixels on the iSight, so I thought I'd post this picture to see what other people think. This is a screenshot straight from Photobooth, showing the image from my iSight when the black cleaning cloth is held up to it. No, those marks are not dirt (on the outside anyway). Other that this, my iMac is fine with the exception of a single dead pixel (I thought this was a thing of the past, but oh well) and I'm not 100% about whether or not I have the yellow screen issue, so I'll ignore it for now.
I don't have an iMac, but I do have a 24" ACD that I bought brand new a few months ago (not refurb). It has a single pixel that is constantly on and it's red. It drives me absolutely CRAZY...probably because I paid $900 for this display. I can't remember ever having a problem pixel on another display...all of them cheaper. So I'm curious about the iMac owners. Is a dead/stuck pixel here and there an expected thing for iMac owners?
2 weeks ago I finally decided to order an iMac, despite all of the issues I had been hearing about with the display. I figured that I was going to be one of the lucky ones and have no issues whatsover. I was ordering a brand new machine and it should be fine.After about 30 minutes of getting things up and running, and while a webpage with a good bit of white background was open, I noticed the dead pixel (pixels?). As the question mark shows, I'm not really sure if this is considered one pixel or many. So I figured I'd let the gurus like Hellhammer tell me. The first picture is zoomed out and is of the bottom left hand corner where the dead pixel(s) is. I apologize for the spots around it, that is actually inside the camera body itself I think (Nikon D40x) and I can't seem to get them cleaned off. That's another issue....sigh. The second is a very close in picture of the area. I photoshopped the lense spots out to see it better.Individual pixles are visible. This to me looks like 5 dead ones in a diagonal row.
My new iMac i5 (Mid 2010) is dead... after only 3 days using it...I was watching a movie in quicktime and suddenly all screen was messed up (lots of artifacts and coloful pixels all around).
It looks definitely a hardware problem (I would say a graphics card) anybody knows anyone else having the same problem? Tomorrow first thing in the morning I'll be going back to the store and returning it. I hope to get all my money back (2.000 Euros).
Recently, my G4 800MHz 17" iMac died. I got it checked out an an apple centre, and they said the logic board was dead, and repairs would be over $1000, so obviously it isn't worth getting it repaired. I'm going to salvage the hard drive, which is still fully operational.
I have two questions;
-If i salvage the optical drive, can I buy a case for it and use with with my MacBook?
-Can i use the iMac's display as a second monitor for my MacBook? ie is there any way to make the display VGA/DVI compatible?
I recently found in a dumpster a 17' inch iMac G4 (1Ghz, 80 HD, superdriver, 512MB). All components seem to be ok. When I power up the PC, you can hear the chime, but no image comes up. You can see there is backlight but the screen is as dark as night. I really do not care about the lamp case. I was hoping to move all the components to a spare PC case that I have in my basement. Can I use a regular ATX power supply? If I can use a regular PC case with a external LCD monitor (attach to the MB's external LCD port), that would be awesome.
I use an Intel white iMac 2.0gHz as my primary computer. So far, it has given me no trouble. However, lately I woke the computer to discover a yellow line of dead pixels all the way to the right of the screen. It was discouraging but since the line was out of the way, it wasn't a great deal. However again, later today, I woke the display to find another line running down the middle of the computer. Oh gosh! Anyone know what is going on? Is it the display or the graphics card?
I just installed windows 7 via Boot Camp, and then installed the game Left 4 Dead 2 on it and started to play the game, and everything was going well until about 20 minutes of playing it.
The game soon started/continued to slow down, or have that lag effect, however, let me note, I'm playing this offline "single player mode" just to make sure it had nothing to do with my internet. Also let me note, nothing else is running on the computer at the time, no updates, nothing.
So then I touched the top of the monitor, and it was extremely extremely hot, and of course since I'm playing a game the GPU will produce more heat, but the only thing I could think of is, the GPU is becoming too hot and effecting my game play. I know most say Apple is very smart and heat should not have an issue, but what else would cause this as everything else on my iMac works fine, and when I close out the game, everything works alright. Videos play fine etc..
I haven't heard anyone else have this problem so I wanted to ask you guys who are experts here to tell me what you think it is?
I put my i5 to sleep around midday, came home from work @ 4, and my iMac would not respond to keyboard, mouse, or power button mashing. My wife noted the power had gone out upon seeing the microwave clock. I checked the outlet (her Macbook was plugged into the other receptacle), and there's still power going to my machine.
I bought an 21.5" iMac a while back, and today I noticed it has 3 dead or stuck pixels, I know there is a difference between the two but either way I cannot get it to come back to life.. and basically I'm a bit pissed now =/.. I would go to the apple store but the problem is there is not one here locally.. However there is a Apple guy at my local Futureshop.. could he handle this type of thing? (I didn't buy it at futureshop btw).. I want a replacement if its possible, switched from a PC and payed quite a bit more for this lower end iMac.. I basically downgraded, and I can't stand that it has 3 dead/stuck pixels..
I just bought a second refurb imac 27 and today when i received it and i started transfering the information from time machine i saw 3 little black dots on the middle of the screen, now i thought dust behind the screen? but i also consider maybe dead pixels? a scratch?Here are the pictures i took from the imac.How do i know for sure if these are dead or stuck pixels? i called apple care but it will take one week or more if i send it to check, so i wonder if there is something i can do to verify if these 3 dots are really dead pixels? or if it is dust behind the screen?
My old pc died, I can not use a flash drive to transfer any data from my old computer to my new imac. I have my iphone and my nano but I can not transfer anything because they are associated with the old pc. How can I get my library on to my new computer?
Is there any easy way to tell whether I have a dead pixel or something under my screen? I have a small dot that shows up no matter what color I test the screen with (but is obviously harder to see with darker colors).
I have a Windows 7 custom-built PC and I also have an old, first generation Intel iMac from 2006. The iMac was running only Windows XP. The reason for that was that the screen of the iMac got cracked. I connected another monitor using mini-DVI connector and installed XP on the thing while I still could see certain things behind the broken screen. The reason I chose Windows was because in the Windows Intel Graphics Configurator program I had the ability to disable the main iMac screen and use the attached display as the main one. I did not have such option in OS X. I could select the attached display as the main one but could not shut down the iMac screen.
Anyway, it has been a year since then. Today my Windows OS on the iMac became corrupted. But, of course.. I cannot see what the error message says during boot because the iMac screen is broken completely now. The attached display only turns on when fully booted into Windows. So, I cannot reinstall Windows.. I cannot do anything. There were some important files on the iMac which I want to recover. I have SATA to USB controller which I used before on my computers but, from what I understand, these iMacs have laptop hard drives with different connectors. Can someone please guide me to a specific controller which I could use to connect the iMac HD to my Windows PC and transfer the files? I would be very, very thankful. My iMac is a late 2006 17'' model with 150GB hard drive.
I have a charcoal iMac DV SE 500 which won't complete a proper start. The machine chimes and begins to start, and then clicks off again before anything can show on the screen. It won't start in Target Disk mode, and zapping the PRAM (starting with alt/apple/P/R, right?) has no effect. Does this sound like a dead PRAM battery, a dead 'Power/Analog' board, or a dead hard drive? Can anyone give me an idea of how much it would cost to fix, and recommend good, reliable, cheap UK repairers It's not worth much, but I have a friend who'd love it if it can be restored to life, and I'd like to get some of the files off it if it's not the drive.
My new 24" 2.93 1tb iMac arrived today after ordering it March 3rd. Everything is great about it except for a cluster (like 8-10) of dead pixels in the upper right of the screen. This bugs me, so I want to the it replaced. My question is how does Apple go about replacing computers? Do I get a new one first then send back the old, so I am not with out a computer for a week?Also do I send everything back with all the accessories or just the physical computer?
I've just been up to my local electronics store to buy the new base 21.5" iMac. I noticed the display model had a dead pixel in the centre of the screen so I asked once I had paid for it if I could open it and check the iMac before leaving, the store said that was fine.I opened it up and it had 3 dead pixels! So they swapped it over for another and that had another 2! (It's either dead pixels, or dirt behind the glass, either is unaccepted in my eyes). So I just got a refund as they said they wouldn't open anymore.
So as you can see, my new iMac has 1 dead pixel. How many does Apple require before you get it serviced? I don't have an Apple Store here, so I would have to pack it up, and it is somewhere where I would hardly notice it under most circumstances. I know it is only 1, literally 1 pixel that doesn't complete show white correctly, but all other colors.
I went and bought a new IMac today from my local apple shop. I get it home and it has a really annoying dead pixel on the left hand side of the screen.
I have a iMac 21" bought it back in November. When I have my desktop wallpaper showing there is one pixel that will only show white, no matter what background pic I put up. It's dead center in the screen so I was immediately irritated, then I noticed when I open Safari (or anything else like finder, apps, docs...whatever) the white dot goes away. I tried messing around with it and putting up black background and a white back ground and I don't understand how this is happening. No matter the color of the wallpaper I can still see it, even a white background. Links to screen shots [URL]