IMac :: New I7 2.93 Imac - Damaged Black Glass Bezel?

Aug 19, 2010

I ordered a 2.93 i7 / 8Gb Ram / SSD + 2TB from the Apple Singapore online store and received it yesterday. Shipping info showed that it originated from Shanghai China.

As soon as I opened the box and took the imac out, this is what I found: on the lower left corner of the black glass (not on the screen but on the bezel that surrounds the screen) , was a small silver bubble like crack inside the glass. At first I thought it was a stain and tried to rub it off but quickly realized that it was inside the glass.

On further inspection, I found that the entire black glass at the bottom corner was protruding slightly out while on the right side the glass was slightly protruding in.

Obviously a manufacturing defect.

I was also very surprised to see the general condition of the unit that was supposed to be brand new and pristine - it looked like there were smudges on the glass in various places, dust on the outside and tiny black spots on the aluminum. Most disturbing was that the thin plastic that is stuck on and covers the pedestal for shipping was partially unstuck - like it had been peeled of earlier and then stuck back on.

It was really weird - this was supposed to be brand new but it seemed almost like it was a refurbished machine. I was wondering if it was caused by the factory since it is BTO - do they open up a new box and add in the SSD RAM etc then pack it back up - maybe not being careful when they do it and it causes the smudges and possible other damages?

I could not deal with the damaged glass as you could plainly see it on the black bezel, so I called and Apple said they would replace it. The box was picked up the same day and I am now waiting to get the email acknowledging that a new unit is being sent.

Kudos to Apple to send a replacement without fuss but the general condition of the supposedly new unit was really suspicious.

Has anyone else seen these issues with new 27 imacs? I am also wondering if folks are seeing these issues from just the Shanghai factory or from all factories?

Hope my new unit arrives soon without any new problems. Just in case you are wondering, I did not even turn it on - as soon as I saw that defect on the glass, I had to return it.

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MacBook Pro :: Replace Aluminum Bezel With Black Bezel?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a 17" unibody MBP with the matte screen option. I've had it since last July and, although I'm extremely happy with it, I still wish it had the black bezel.

Does anyone know of an easy way to swap the bezel or if any company has made an alternative like a black vinyl sticker cover? I've searched high and low with no luck.

I know you can purchase the bezel/glass front mount for the mbp, but I don't need the glass and I don't know if you can separate the two?

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MacBook Pro :: Prefers The Silver Bezel To The Black Bezel?

Apr 22, 2010

Seems lots of people like the black bezel way more. I think the silver bezel actually looks nicer since it matches the color of the computer itself.

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IMac :: Chip In Glass Behind Screen - What If They Only Replace The Glass But Get Dust?

Aug 11, 2010

there is a small chip behind the glass of my 27" imac. It's about the size of a small crumb or the eye of a small needle. It's hard to see, but it's definitely there. Today is my last day to get the imac replaced or repaired. I have a feeling if I bring it in that they will see there's no reason to swap out the entire imac, and if there is I would have to wait awhile because it's a custom high end one so they don't have the specsI'm worried if they swap the glass that it's just some 19 year old kid that does it and he won't be careful with the screen and will get dust, finger prints, etc. on the glass making it worse.

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IMac :: IMac 17" Front Bezel?

Apr 5, 2009

My iMac slipped out of my hands and kissed the ground while I was moving it from my car into my new house. The hardware is still intact but there are a lot of scratches and a big crack in the corner which I don't find aesthetically attractive.

I made some research and found a couple of auctions on front bezels for the iMac G5 17", with or without iSight. I myself have an Intel iMac (Imac 5,1) so my concern is if the front bezel for "iMac G5 17" with iSight" will fit my Intel iMac?

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IMac :: Swapped DVD Drive ... IMac Bezel Too Fat?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm at a loss on this one.

I've swapped my iMac's optical drive twice since it originally failed three months out of warranty. My first replacement was a UJ-875. My latest replacement was a UJ-225 Blu-ray reader. Here's the thing:

When attempting to insert discs, both drives failed to "grab" it and pull it into the iMac. The bezel of the iMac is so thick that I would lose the disc inside without the optical drive actually taking hold and loading the disc. With the tip of a pen I was able to push the disc in another few millimeters and it would grab and load up without issue. Both drives functioned flawlessly once I got the disc in there.

So...What is Apple doing to customize their drives so that they "grab" earlier rather than later? Is this a mechanical adjustment that can be made on the optical drive? I'm rather surprised that I've been unable to find anything like this on the web.

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IMac :: New 24" IMac Weight - Tempered Glass Desk?

Sep 14, 2009

I just placed an order for the 24" iMac. Apple lists the weight of this machine as 25 lbs. I intend for it to be my primary desktop machine, claiming its residence atop my computer desk which is made of 8mm-thick tempered glass and aluminum framing.My only concern is that 25 lbs might be too heavy for the glass. Unfortunately I cannot find a maximum load specification for the desk anywhere. If I can find the manufacturer's number I'll certainly call them but I can't find that either. So, anyone here have a similar setup and care to comment? Coming home and finding shattered glass and 2 grand of mangled hardware wouldn't make for a happy time!

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IMac :: Get Huge Crack On Glass For 27" Imac?

Dec 9, 2009

where can I order glass for my 27 inch Imac ? I ve got a huge crack on it , due to my own stupidity , and now im trying to get a new one , but apple service centers in Moscow are telling me to wait 2-3 months . I find it ridiculous and therefore asking for help , where can I order glass for imac ? its only 1 week old .

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IMac :: IMac 27" Condensation - Glass Options?

Dec 25, 2009

I just received my new iMac and when I booted it today I had a 4 x 4 inch square condensation patch on the screen just below the webcam. It took 20 minutes to disappear. As the sun was shining through the window I also noticed marks on the screen.First of all I thought they were on the glass and so I wiped the screen with the cleaning cloth, but these are marks are under the glass. Worse of all I also have 4 stuck pixels which are down the centre of the screen. Surely this should be replaced.

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IMac :: IMac Screen MELTING Underneath Glass?

Feb 4, 2010

This may seem odd, but I think my iMac is melting. I started to clean my iMac with a simple cleaning cloth then i realized spots on the screen. The aren't really visible when the screen is on, but you can still kind of see them. Not only that, the quality of the images on my screen seems to be deteriorating. It is only visible under light. I have attached some photos, but i wanted to know if anyones iMac has done this before(regardless of size, but post it in case), and if apple will fix it?

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IMac :: Using 27" IMac Without Glass Front Cover?

Feb 22, 2010

I have recently upgraded from a 24" iMac to a 27". The screen is great, but after a few hours of work (this is my work machine), my eyes really begin to bother me.Has anyone out there tried using their iMac without the front glass sheet over the LCD? What does the LCD look like?I don't have any children around, so I'm not worried about the screen being scratched or damaged -- but if course I would eventually need to clean it just to remove the dust build up.

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MacBook Air :: Black Spots Around The Screen Bezel?

Mar 11, 2008

This is a minor complaint admittedly, but on a certain spot at the top of the bezel around my screen (just below and left of the camera) I have a black 'spot'. Every couple of days I wipe it away and it returns somehow! The only thing I can think is that maybe something is leaking from the trackpad (ie. from the inside of the machine but via the gap around the trackpad).

The machine is otherwise perfect, so I don't imagine there's anything seriously wrong inside...

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IMac :: DVD Drive Maybe Damaged - How To Check

Feb 12, 2009

I have a 20" Alu imac, bought September 2008.

A week ago I've been watching a movie with my girlfriend, and the CD suddenly got stuck. Now at first I tried to get it out by poking around in there with a credit card (yes, idiot I know) and I'm afraid my drive might be slightly damaged. Is there any way the iMac can scan if the drive if functioning 100% as intended?

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MacBook Air :: Skins To Make Screen Bezel Black?

Oct 30, 2010

I know there are lots of sites that sell those plastic skins people use to decorate their laptops, but has anyone see a black one to go around the new macbook air screen? I think this thing would look really sharp with a black bezel, and I don't want to risk painting it or anything myself. I've done a quick google search and not found anything, but I'm also not really familiar with the popular sites and companies people go to for this kind of thing. I know Techrestore has announced a service to replace your air's screen with a matte one and replace the bezel with a black one while they're at it...but right now I'm just looking for an inexpensive, reversible (in case I don't like it) option.

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MacBook :: Screen Quality - Matte Black Bezel?

Mar 23, 2009

For those of you that consistently read the Macbook Pro forum, you may have already heard of the Techrestore Matte Service. For those of you that don't: Techrestore essentially removes the glass from your Macbook, puts in a HQ matte screen. Then they make a matte black bezel to go around it. The pictures look great. And it's like on youtube and MacWorld and stuff. It was even ZDNET's best in show. [URL] (sideline3's techrestored macbook pro)

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MacBook Pro :: Black/Silver Bezel On HiDef Glossy?

Apr 17, 2010

I saw some videos that the HiDef AntiGlare has silver bezel instead of black bezel. Does anyone know if the HiDef Glossy has black or silver bezel?It seems like HiDef Glossy is only available online for now, unless anyone was able to score one?? Please share...

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IMac :: Condensation Behind The 27" Glass?

Jan 9, 2011

this is not super great.My iMac is maybe 14 months old, left it turned on (sleep mode) for a day and forgot it was turned on, it's that quiet and that's a good thing.The bad thing, I now have condensation behind the glass on the iMac panel.It's mostly in the right and left upper areas of the panel. How did this happen?!I have Applecare, what am I likely to expect from Apple? Is this a design problem?

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IMac :: Using System Without Glass Display?

Aug 27, 2007

I thought I won't buy a new imac, because of the glossy glassdisplay. And, yes, I took a look at the imac at a gravis-store. I have seen it in real life and I don't like it.BUT: As I have read, it is easy to remove the glass, so my question is: Has anybody already done this and is working now with a glassless imac? What are your impressions? Do you see any drawbacks (apart from fact, that it will look a little bit nerdy

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IMac :: Tiny Bug Behind Glass Screen?

May 14, 2009

I was watching a movie today, and noticed a dot on the screen. I scrubbed it hardcore, and it didn't go away. I freaked out because it might be a stuck pixel. After close observation, there are tiny extensions (probably its feet) around the 1-2 pixel size bug. I've taken a screen capture, but the bug is not displayed on it. Is it actually a bug? Should I take the glass off and exterminate the thing?

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IMac :: Who Has Taken The Glass Off The New 27 Inch System?

Oct 29, 2009

I am thinking of buying the base 27 inch iMac and upgrading the hard drive myself. I read few threads here of people doing it but I am concerned about breaking the glass while lifting it off. I am somewhat handy having replaced the hard drive several times on my white iMac which is no picnic. Any thoughts on this from people who have taken off the glass on the new mac or even the older 24 inch display glass?

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IMac :: 21.5" Gap In Glass - Screen?

Nov 21, 2009

I purchased an iMac 21.5" recently and unfortunately it came with a dead pixel(black) and I can see some hot pixels, also. Can these hot pixels be dust though?

In top-middle part of the screen(where iSight is located) the glass that protects the screen actually has a gap. I mean, in the right and left parts the glass seem to be more stuck than in the middle part.

Actually I can even put my nail inside the glass and I suppose, it can be removed if a lot of pressure is applied. Are all iMacs supposed to be like that?
Maybe dust gets through there so that's why I see these "hot" pixels.

Do not tell me to remove the frame and clean it up, it's one day old. I just want to know if it is supposed to have that small gap on the top center part.

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MacBook Pro :: Black Glossy Bezel Or Silver Anti-Glare?

Jul 19, 2010

Which looks better to you?

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IMac :: Getting It Out/Small White Specs Under Glass On 27?

Oct 21, 2010

There are a few very small specs assumably under the glass of my iMac. Its white when the screen is of but it changes colors according to what is showing on the screen. What is it? And how can i get it out?

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IMac :: 27" Too Heavy For A Glass-top Desk?

Nov 13, 2009

Maybe this is going to sound silly but do I have to worry about this thing being too heavy for my glass-top Office Max desk? It's 30.5 lbs, twice as heavy as the Dell widescreen monitor I currently use. This is my first all-in-one so it's all new to me!

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IMac :: There's An Ant Stuck B/w The Glass And Screen On My 27"?

Jun 17, 2010

I wish I could take a picture of it, but every picture that I've taken so far has developed into a blurry hue. At, first, I thought the screen was just dirty, until upon closer examination did I discover that this little ******* is an ant. It's stuck between the glass and actual monitor directly below the Safari icon in the dock that I have left at the bottom of the screen. I have a feeling that it crawled in through the speakers on the bottom of the monitor, next to where the ram modules sit. I hope it's not planning to nest and start an entire colony on my i7 8GB iMac! That would suck.

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IMac :: Glass Panel Bent At Bottom?

Jul 5, 2010

I took my iMac panel off to clean and when I put it back I noticed as you run your finger from the bottom of the panel left to right or right to left, the glass begins to get thicker and eventually overlap just barely the metal in the middle. I can't remember if it was like this or not before, so I am wondering is this bent? And if so what should I do?

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Hardware :: Possible To Use Current 24" IMac Without Glass?

Feb 25, 2009

What's your thoughts of using the current iMac without the glass panel in place? This would be to avoid the glare and such of the screen and hopefully to make it more accurate for colour-specific work.

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IMac :: I7 Imac Glowing Edges, Black Background?

Jun 22, 2010

2 week old i7 mac

When i watch movies with the lights in my room off, and the frame in the film is completely black, I can see areas around the inside edge of the screen that are lighter in color than the center of the screen almost like light from behind the screen is shining through a little.

Is this normal or was this screen not manufactured properly?

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IMac :: Slight Spots On Back Of Glass On Screen?

Feb 13, 2010

i went to clean some smudges on my screen today and noticed that there are some spots on the other side of the screen's glass... this there for anyone else? It's pretty freaking annoying. This machine should be perfect.

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IMac :: Matt Screen Film Or Glass Removal

Jun 18, 2010

I've read quite a lot about the glossy screens on iMacs and advice offered has been to use a 3m matt film product or remove the glass from the front. Is anyone actually using either of those 2 methods successfully with their iMac? The 3m matt film sounds like it might be awkward to fit without airbubbles etc and might affect sharpness/colour etc Removing the glass from the front could make the screen vulnerable when using things like calibrator devices that need to sit on the screen to work, I don't care what it looks like BTW

Power and features wise the i7 iMac is all the computer I need but need a matt screen is no good for me. I will splurge on a macpro and monitor but its just more than I need and so would prefer the saving

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