MacBook :: Screen Quality - Matte Black Bezel?

Mar 23, 2009

For those of you that consistently read the Macbook Pro forum, you may have already heard of the Techrestore Matte Service. For those of you that don't: Techrestore essentially removes the glass from your Macbook, puts in a HQ matte screen. Then they make a matte black bezel to go around it. The pictures look great. And it's like on youtube and MacWorld and stuff. It was even ZDNET's best in show. [URL] (sideline3's techrestored macbook pro)

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MacBook Pro :: Replace Aluminum Bezel With Black Bezel?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a 17" unibody MBP with the matte screen option. I've had it since last July and, although I'm extremely happy with it, I still wish it had the black bezel.

Does anyone know of an easy way to swap the bezel or if any company has made an alternative like a black vinyl sticker cover? I've searched high and low with no luck.

I know you can purchase the bezel/glass front mount for the mbp, but I don't need the glass and I don't know if you can separate the two?

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MacBook Pro :: Prefers The Silver Bezel To The Black Bezel?

Apr 22, 2010

Seems lots of people like the black bezel way more. I think the silver bezel actually looks nicer since it matches the color of the computer itself.

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MacBook Air :: Black Spots Around The Screen Bezel?

Mar 11, 2008

This is a minor complaint admittedly, but on a certain spot at the top of the bezel around my screen (just below and left of the camera) I have a black 'spot'. Every couple of days I wipe it away and it returns somehow! The only thing I can think is that maybe something is leaking from the trackpad (ie. from the inside of the machine but via the gap around the trackpad).

The machine is otherwise perfect, so I don't imagine there's anything seriously wrong inside...

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MacBook Air :: Skins To Make Screen Bezel Black?

Oct 30, 2010

I know there are lots of sites that sell those plastic skins people use to decorate their laptops, but has anyone see a black one to go around the new macbook air screen? I think this thing would look really sharp with a black bezel, and I don't want to risk painting it or anything myself. I've done a quick google search and not found anything, but I'm also not really familiar with the popular sites and companies people go to for this kind of thing. I know Techrestore has announced a service to replace your air's screen with a matte one and replace the bezel with a black one while they're at it...but right now I'm just looking for an inexpensive, reversible (in case I don't like it) option.

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MacBook Pro :: Black/Silver Bezel On HiDef Glossy?

Apr 17, 2010

I saw some videos that the HiDef AntiGlare has silver bezel instead of black bezel. Does anyone know if the HiDef Glossy has black or silver bezel?It seems like HiDef Glossy is only available online for now, unless anyone was able to score one?? Please share...

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MacBook Pro :: Black Glossy Bezel Or Silver Anti-Glare?

Jul 19, 2010

Which looks better to you?

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MacBook Pro :: Replace Unibody Macbook Pro Bezel With Aluminum Anti Glare Bezel?

Feb 12, 2010

I want to know if there is some where i could purchase the part for the 15 inch unibody macbook pro's with the anti-glare option (aluminum bezel and matte lcd), to replace my glass/glossy lcd from my late 2008 unibody. I looked up the tech restore option but its looks crappy, id much rather pay for the parts and see if its swappable.

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MacBook Pro :: Matte Screen Brighter Than Glossy Screen On 15"?

Jun 5, 2010

at least that's what it felt like when i was checking them both out side-by-side at the apple store. Does anyone know for a fact what the luminosity rating is for the matte and glossy screen on the 15"?

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MacBook Pro :: Matte Or Glossy W/ Matte External?

Apr 3, 2010

Yeah, I know, yet another matte vs glossy thread. But my external monitor is matte (older ACD), and I'm wondering whether it won't match as well with the glossy...

Or will it not matter anyway, since the external is an IPS panel and the MBPs use TNs?

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MacBook Pro :: Get New MBP With Matte Screen?

Aug 22, 2009

I'm looking at getting a new MBP now, with the matte finish. I'm curious, does anyone have one and is the screen still glass, just with the matte coat?

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MacBook :: White Cracking Around The Screen Bezel

May 25, 2009

I took my Macbook into the Apple store yesterday, to be repaired for a few cracks i had on it. Looking at the Repair descriptions, I have noticed there a few extra thing the genius must have noticed, and included to be repaired, these are:

Item Number: 922-8285, Description: Housing, Bottom case, Amount Due: �0.00
Item Number: 922-8383, Description: Display Bezel, Amount Due: �0.00
Item Number: B661-5075, Description: Top Case W/Keyboard Assy Wht-GBR, Amount Due: �0.00
Item Number: S1491LL/A, Description: Hardware Repair-Level 2, Amount Due: �0.00

Does that mean that I will be getting the whole case, trackpad and keyboard included repaired, or will they just give me a whole new case. I was also told that there was a few hairline cracks around the screen bezel, I could not see them but according to the genius they where there so he included that to be repaired also. How long do repairs usually take, as i have my dissertation due on Friday, and would like my computer back by then.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Hinge / Bezel Broken

Apr 8, 2010

I have a macbook pro, and the screen/bezel is broken. Every time I open and close it I have to hold it etc. I am the only one who can use it with out making it completely horrible. Maybe drilling in some kind of brace or something. This stinks and stupid Apple is saying it's my fault (under warranty), and this just came about over time.

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MacBook Air :: Is The Screen Glossy Or Matte

Nov 1, 2010

I haven't made it to an Apple shop since the new MacBook Air was announced, so I haven't seen them in real life yet . Yes I know I should be more committed, but meh I have a life too !

One simple question really; is the screen glossy or matte?

I notice that there is not an option to chose whether it's glossy or matte when configuring online . My MacBook Pro is a 2007 C2D one (one of the last with the silver screen bezel) and I had them both side-by-side in the store and chose matte. I know that these days Apple call it "AntiGlare" and charge you for the privilege (and it's not just the screen that's glossy, the whole surround is black glass), but I'm definitely gonna pay the extra for it on my next MacBook Pro .

But for the MacBook Air without having an option.... I've got a bad feeling that I'm gonna order it online and then when it comes find that it's got a stupid ****ing glossy screen and all I can see when using it outside is my ugly mug in the reflection .

So yeah, on a scale of AntiGlare MacBook Pro to Glossy MacBook Pro where would you put the new MacBook Air's screen?

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MacBook Pro :: MBP: Glossy Screen Or Matte?

Jan 28, 2010

Anyone have advice on regards to what screen type to order with a new MBP 17"?

I would like as much color accuracy as possible, but when I read the apple specs they make it sound like the glossy is better at showing colors...

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MacBook Pro :: Using MATTE Screen Option?

Jun 21, 2010

anyone use this screen for movies or gaming yet? how does it look? how does it compare against the glossy for those who've owned both? i want the matte because i know that for university it'll be better especially for late nights doing work on it it'll be easier on the eyes and i can use it for longer (apparently thats what i hear are benefits of teh AG), BUT i also want to be gaming and watching movies on it and have a feeling ill be losing alot of quality for these features with the matte display

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MacBook Pro :: Tiny Screen Size And Larger Bezel

Sep 3, 2009

So I was in the Apple Store again yesterday and whilst looking around the different versions of the notebooks it suddenly struck me that, with all things considered, the 13" Macbook Pro isn't really a 'Pro'. It doesn't look or feel very Pro-like especially when you consider the lower spec, tiny screen size, and larger bezel. It really strikes home when you see all the 13", 15", and 17" laid out side-by-side on display. I really think by upgrading the 13" name to 'Macbook Pro' Apple are doing a grave injustice to all the customers who could afford and purchased the real Pros'.

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MacBook Air :: Any Way To Make Screen Appearance Matte

Apr 7, 2008

I was wondering if there was maybe a screen filter or something of that sort that you can apply on the MBA to make it have a matte appearance? I don't like the glossy screen as there is a lot of reflection from light making it hard to see at times.

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MacBook :: Silver Bezel - Anti Glare Screen - 17inch?

Jan 11, 2009

Does anybody know if Apple is going to bring the new silver bezel with matte screen to the regular Macbooks like they did with the new 17" MBP? I would buy in a second if they would!

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MacBook Pro :: Is 13" Going To Get Matte Screen/discrete Video?

Oct 3, 2009

The usual dilemma: to buy or to wait? Currently have a MacBook Alu and the LCD on this machine is simply horrible + I the glossy screen turned out to be pretty annoying (although I did like it initially).

I am thinking of getting a 15" with discrete graphics & matte screen (compared it side-by-side with a glossy @ AppleStore - the difference is HUGE)... but I could wait for a couple of months only if I knew that there was a 13" with a good screen/discrete graphics in development since I don't like the size of the 15" (weight is not an issue, it is mostly the ability to use it everywhere). I also compared the 13" MBP screen with a 15" (both glossy) and the 13" just sucks! Why can't they make the 13" a bit more expensive but give it a decent LCD? Even as an option? I have a Sony VAIO Z with a great matte 13" display, wish I could just transplant it into the the Mac

An ideal configuration for me would be a 13" with a decent matte screen and powerful graphics. But then, I'm a bit reluctant to wait as Apple may actually make matters worse by having worse graphics on new-gen MBP and perhaps no matte option whatsoever. I really don't care about the Arrandale vs Penryn, dual-core vs triple-core... whatever. The only part of the computer that I look @ all day long is the display, so it has to be a good one.

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MacBook Pro :: Finding A 13" MBP Matte Screen Option?

Jun 20, 2010

i know theres alot to read about the matte-and-glossy discussion on the web, but the bottomline is always the same:

- anti-glare screen protectors is something you should not use
- theres no option for the 13", go buy a 15" MBP if you want matte screen

I've been in a store (several times) and I'm working on an iMac 21.5" and I am sure now, i can't live with the glossy screen.

I'm programming, so I have to read all that tiny symbols on my screen without suffering from a headache and I defently will with the glossy screen.

On the other hand I need a 13" Notebook because I will use it on seminars and stuff.

Right now I have a Sony Notebook which is nice, but not a Mac and after 6 months working on an iMac I don't want to miss all the nice features and gimmicks Windows 7 doesn't have, even if it got improved a lot, it is no OS X ;-)

Do you guys think, that there is a chance that Apple will present a matte screen option for the MacBook Pro 13" or the MacBook?

I was not able to find out why exactly Apple is not selling the MBP 13" with a matte screen, since there are a lot of potential customers that won't buy a glossy MBP.
Is there a technical reason or something?

f you could tell me that reason I could stop hoping and waiting and just go for another winbased Notebook I don't really want but need.

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MacBook Pro :: WD Scorpio Black 320Gb 7200 Rpm Hard Drive - Quality?

Dec 12, 2010

I'm looking at a MBP on CL and the seller has swapped out the HD and put in this WD Scorpio 320gb 7200 rpm HD. I'm wondering if any of you have this hard drive and can confirm it's quality or claim that it is of poor quality?

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MacBook Pro :: Change Screen From Glossy To Matte Via Tech-restore?

Jul 13, 2009

I want to change the screen on my 13" MBP. Has anyone changed their screen from glossy to matte via Techrestore? If yes, what has been your experience? Also, is there any other company that offers the same service?

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MacBook Pro :: 13" MBP Without Matte Screen Option / Official Statement?

May 2, 2010

i wonder if there has ever been an official statement why the smallest MBP isn't available with a matte screen option?

thx for looking!

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MacBook Pro :: Gloss Versus Matte Screen - Same Display Performance?

Jul 22, 2010

Does the matte screen provide the same brightness, contrast and colour performance as the Gloss screen?

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MacBook Pro :: Which Screen Is Best For Photographers - Glossy Or Anti-glare Matte

May 27, 2012

Which screen is best for Photographers - Glossy or Anti-glare Matte

Mac Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Hinge Started To Develop Creaking Sound / Slight Bulge Between Bezel And Screen

Dec 12, 2009

Mine is bulging out at the bottom of the screen, right by that area that gets burning hot when you are plugged in or are on the 9600m gt--right where is says "Macbook Pro".

I noticed that the hinge started to develop a creaking sound when I opened and closed the lid. So I investigated to see if there were any cracks in the hinge. What I found was that if you look at the space between the bezel and the screen, there is a slight (very slight) bulge right by the wording "Macbook pro". If you press down on it, it moves--unlike the rest of the bezel.

Anyone else notice this? I am pretty sure it is caused by the heat in that area. That is a really poor design.

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MacBook Pro :: "Matte" Screen: Just The Glossy Screen W/ Out The Glass?

Feb 21, 2010

I was looking at the MBPs in an Apple store and I noticed that the "matte" screen seemed to be the same display as the "glossy", just with the glass removed and a silver bezel installed.

To me it seems that Apple is charging customers an extra $50 to simply remove the glass. Anyone know if this is true?

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IMac :: New I7 2.93 Imac - Damaged Black Glass Bezel?

Aug 19, 2010

I ordered a 2.93 i7 / 8Gb Ram / SSD + 2TB from the Apple Singapore online store and received it yesterday. Shipping info showed that it originated from Shanghai China.

As soon as I opened the box and took the imac out, this is what I found: on the lower left corner of the black glass (not on the screen but on the bezel that surrounds the screen) , was a small silver bubble like crack inside the glass. At first I thought it was a stain and tried to rub it off but quickly realized that it was inside the glass.

On further inspection, I found that the entire black glass at the bottom corner was protruding slightly out while on the right side the glass was slightly protruding in.

Obviously a manufacturing defect.

I was also very surprised to see the general condition of the unit that was supposed to be brand new and pristine - it looked like there were smudges on the glass in various places, dust on the outside and tiny black spots on the aluminum. Most disturbing was that the thin plastic that is stuck on and covers the pedestal for shipping was partially unstuck - like it had been peeled of earlier and then stuck back on.

It was really weird - this was supposed to be brand new but it seemed almost like it was a refurbished machine. I was wondering if it was caused by the factory since it is BTO - do they open up a new box and add in the SSD RAM etc then pack it back up - maybe not being careful when they do it and it causes the smudges and possible other damages?

I could not deal with the damaged glass as you could plainly see it on the black bezel, so I called and Apple said they would replace it. The box was picked up the same day and I am now waiting to get the email acknowledging that a new unit is being sent.

Kudos to Apple to send a replacement without fuss but the general condition of the supposedly new unit was really suspicious.

Has anyone else seen these issues with new 27 imacs? I am also wondering if folks are seeing these issues from just the Shanghai factory or from all factories?

Hope my new unit arrives soon without any new problems. Just in case you are wondering, I did not even turn it on - as soon as I saw that defect on the glass, I had to return it.

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Mac Pro :: Get A Matte Gray Screen On Restart, OS 10.7.3

Mar 15, 2012

After installing updates, I restarted my Mac and it ends up with a matte gray (cloth-like appearance) with a gray Apple logo, but does not get to the desktop. I can open/close the DVD tray, and have cursor control, but nothing else seems to work. Short of reinstallation of Snow Leopard, what are my alternatives. I did the Lion update online but do not have a system disk, hence reversion to Snow Leopard is my only option. 

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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