IMac (Intel) :: Remote A1156 Not Working With Retina?
Dec 1, 2014
The remote A1156 which was working with my previous 24" iMac <2008 Mavericks>was working, but after getting a new iMac running Yosemite it does not work. I used it mainly for iTunes and adjusting the volume levels, which it did, but not anymore.
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014), Other OS, OSX 10.10.1 Yosemite
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Jun 19, 2014
We have iMacs and Macbook pros at work but we need to connect to them from home. I am not concerned with getting a VPN connection. That part is taken care of. Problem is I need a client such as a Windows Remote Desktop Connection. Where if I connect to the Mac from home it just allows me to use the session and not take up a lot of bandwidth for screen sharing. People in the office do not need to know what project i'm working on.
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Jul 1, 2014
i have two iMacs, one 2009 and another 2014 and a network printer, these are in a home office and the iMacs connect individually to my by home hub. My network/usb printer is connected to one of the iMacs. whats the best way to setup a network to connect the two iMacs and allow AirPrint from iPhone/iPads without having to run a network cable to my home hub.
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Jun 14, 2012
I have a timemachine backup that is on a USB3 Toshiba 750 GB drive. Obviously ive been using it at USB2 speeds, and it works fine on other macs, but when I plug it into my retina MBP, the HD will spin at low speed, but it never fully loads. For those that know these toshibas, the light on it stays blue instead of turning white.
I have tried mounting it via diskutility, but to no avail. It has a fair number of things I need to transfer over!
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Jun 30, 2012
It seems that there is some problems with USB 3 hard drives.I have a NewerTechnology Voyager Q.The drive mounts to the rMBP, but I recieve lots of errors when trying to access the content on it.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 4, 2012
I'm using the macbook pro 2012 retina. The HDMI out to an external monitor works stopped working recently and only works if I'm connected when rebooting. This might have happened after a software update.
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 4, 2012
I recently bought a base MBP-RD and can say that I am overall impressed with it, though I have found a couple issues already. One of them is related to the iSight camera which for some reason doesn't work. The camera appears in system profiler, but it shows as "camera not detected" when trying to launch application like iChat, Skype, FaceTime, etc. I already tried re-installing OSX Lion, and still not working.
I have also found some weird issue with graphics where it freezes a series of frames when going to Mission Control or App Expose.
I am returning this computer as there are other things I didn't like, but overall pretty impressive (no LED battery indicator, no Lock slot, no sleep light indicator...)
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Jun 2, 2014
While watching today apple keynote. At the and i realized that my retina display is totally black. Mirror display through hdmi is ok, apple logo on back side of disply is not lighting.
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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Nov 13, 2010
The inline remote control in my iPhone earphones is not working anymore on my MacBook. I can adjust the volume but can no longer change the tracks / play or pause.This is on my Mid 2010 13" which was working fine before the upgrade to 10.6.5.I don't think I'm alone with this issue as I've seen a post on this on the Apple discussion boards
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Dec 31, 2010
I recently bought and started using the universal dock on my MBP with my iPod. I'm trying to figure out how to make the remote only work on the iPod, or mac, and not both. I tried syncing it to the dock and while my MBP was off, but it still works on both at the same time.
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Jan 26, 2009
Been lurking around the forum getting some good ideas. I recently picked up a Macbook Air Rev A 1.8/SSD (couldn't resist at current refurb prices).
Anyway great machine but for one thing - I am trying to do a clean install but the remote install is not working for me via wifi or ethernet.
I have connected my old macbook to my MBA and I can see the dvd install disk. I successfully go through the whole process of restarting the MBA (holding the option button), the startup disks appear and I can connect to my home wireless network, I select the dvd install disk and click on the arrow button and my MBA restarts. However, it then does one of two things - restarts and goes to the desktop or there is a kernel panic attack.
Basically I don't get to the next stage where you select your language and go on to partition the drive.
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Jun 6, 2009
I have both Remote Login and Web Sharing enabled on my Leopard Macbook. When I try to SSH to it (from the same network) it just hangs, without ever asking for a password. Web Sharing says it can't find the host, even from on the Macbook itself.
For the record, Screen Sharing and File Sharing are working fine.
Anyone have any ideas what might be wrong?
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May 16, 2010
I just bought a brand new MBP from the Apple Store today, 17" one. I had an iMac, and did a transfer via Firewire of all my stuff to the new MBP. I then wiped the iMac clean and reinstalled Snow Leopard and moved it to my parents house. However the Apple Remote I had with the iMac, which was paired with the iMac, will not work with the MBP at all. I tried going into System Prefs on the MBP and pairing the remote, no luck. I tried turning off the infrared receiver in the same settings pane, no luck. I tried popping out the battery of the remote and put it back in, no luck. I then tried my girlfriend's Apple Remote (which is paired with her MacBook 13"), no luck. I turned off the infrared receiver in her MacBook to make sure it wasn't interfering or whatever, still no luck. Neither Apple Remote will work with my brand new MBP. Does it have a broken infrared port u think?
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May 17, 2010
I absolutely cannot get the iPhone remote app to work with itunes for whatever reason!it's driving me crazy never had any issues on my old macbook, its defo on the same wifi, i can ping it etc, I'm faily handy with OSX and the like as i'm a software developer, so I know it's not a firewall issue and the phone is on wifi.
it just doesn't pop up to let me enter the code in iTunes under devices when I'm trying to register the Phone with the machine,for the record the phone has been synced with the itunes library in question and I have clicked the forget all remotes button in iTunes prefs, and the 'look for iphone remotes' box is checked
so I've pretty much done everything bar uninstall itunes is that really necessary, is it worth deleting the itunes prefs file??
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Jun 19, 2014
I'm attempting to log in to my MacBook remotely using ssh, and it isn't working. I've looked all over the internet for a solution, and I haven't found one, although iI think I've determined that other people are having this same problem after upgrading to Mavericks. I did recently upgrade this MacBook to Mavericks, but I never tried remotely logging in prior to upgrading, so I don't know if Mavericks is the problem in my case.
I'm using a mid-2010 13-inch MacBook, which I've recently upgraded to OS 10.9.3. I have not set up a static IP address with my ISP. My firewall is currently disabled. I've gone to System Preferences -> Sharing, checked "Remote Login," and selected "Allow Access" for "All users". I then note the IP address listed, where it says "To log in to this computer remotely, type "ssh myusername@" (obviously, I made up that user name and IP address).
If I then open up a terminal window on my local machine and type "ssh myusername@", I am indeed able to log in using my password. However, if I ssh out to a remote machine somewhere else, and then attempt to ssh back in again, it doesn't work. Specifically, I am prompted for a password, but when I type the correct password, I'm just prompted for a password again. So I type the correct password again. But then, without even so much as an "incorrect password" message, I'm booted right out for excessive failed login attempts.
I notice that each time I check the "Remote Login" check box, which I believe starts the sshd daemon, that action generates four error messages in /var/log/system.log, all of which have this form:
Jun 19 16:56:49 mymacname.local mDNSResponder[40]: mDNS_Register_internal: ERROR!! Tried to register AuthRecord [this part varies] that's already in the list
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Jun 12, 2012
How do software that aren't retina compatible yet look on the MBP Retina Display? From my own experience as a developer when using regular sized images and resolutions on the iPhone 4, they come out as blurry. I was thinking perhaps the same thing will occur if the software isn't retina compatible? I e 2x in GUI size and scaled down?
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Nov 13, 2010
I tried pairing my Apple Remote (aluminium) with my new MBA. Doesnt seem to work. Did they drop Infrared support by any chance?
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Apr 6, 2009
remote disc has worked previously between my daughters MacBook and my MacBook air, so I was not expecting any problem with my Company supplied Dell 420.
The Dell has a remote disc drive, and I suspect this could have something to do with the situation, but would like to know if I am right.
Basically my Air has no problem detecting the Dell and as soon as I "ask to use", the dell will show the pop-up, and I can confirm or accept that my air is allowed to use the disc drive of the Dell.
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May 21, 2012
My Apple Remote recently stopped working with my iMac and I cant figgure out how to get it to work again. I've changed the batteries and I get a blinking light when I hold it up to the iSight camera. It was paired with my mac, but didn't work, so I tried unpairing it and re-pairing it, however, now it wont pair again. It worked fine untill about a month ago, then just stopped working.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 28, 2009
I have an aluminum iMac that the camera is not working on it. Where would be the best place to start looking for the resolution to this?
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Sep 22, 2006
So recently my apple remote stopped working. It is sending a signal cause I checked with a digital camera to see the light working. I do not have the "Disable IR Receiver" checked in the Security prefs. I do have the newest software of EyeTV as well as an Elgato EyeTV 250, however that never caused an issue in the past, nor do I think it is the cause of the current problem. Also my remote is not paired to a specific computer. Does anyone know the sich? OR Where are the Apple Remote config files / any Apple Remote files located so I can replace them with my friend's files on her iMac.
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Sep 17, 2009
I have a late 2009 Mac mini that I bought in March. 2 weeks ago I tried to use an apple remote with it and it would not work. Apple change the IR board on the mini. After 10 days I picked my mini up from the apple store and I noticed 4 marks from when they opened the mini. Ripped aluminum gouge marks on the bottom of the case, the back of the case by USB port does not line up anymore. I brought it to there attention but did not make a big stink and left. I have open a few mini's before (not this one)and know how it is easy to mess up.
When I got home I tried to use my bluetooth devices and they would not work, I tried the magic mouse, track pad, KB. I called apple to trouble shoot and they said I have to bring it back in for repair after 20 minutes of trouble shooting.
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Jun 21, 2014
The SuperDrive in a oldish iMac ca 2007 (Intel Core 2 Dual Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz; Mac OS 10.6.8) refuses to allow me to burn DVD's all of a sudden; the disc just gets rejected. Used to work fine.
Anyway, I've a new external drive which I use with a MacBookAir but this doesn't seem to work on the iMac. No power to it.. zilch. Works OK on the MBA, etc.Am I right in assuming there's no way the external drive will work with older Macs?
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Dec 2, 2014
I have iMac connected to a MBP 13 by ethernet cable. Both Mac have 10.10.1
The MBP prints via USB cable to an Epson printer and the printing works well.
But the Printer sharing in the second Mac is not working as seen here:
This is the Printers and Scanners control panel
and this is the Printer sharing which is unable to find the printer inside the iMac, even though it is there as shown in the former picture:
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), MBP 13 mid 2010
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Sep 7, 2014
The camera had been working fine with FaceTime, Photo Booth and Skype under 10.9.4 and then something happened. I run FaceTime and the camera screen comes up, but it's black with no sidebar. I had this happen once before when the serial number hadn't been put back after they replaced the motherboard. It's back in now and was working fine. I did have to install Google hangouts plug in, but FaceTime was working fine after that and I've since uninstalled it after FaceTime stopped working and it still doesn't work.
I did have AirParrot and SoundFlower installed which the camera worked with, but uninstalled them as I saw something about a possible problem. I've reset SMU and PRAM, nothing. he mac sees the camera as being there so it shouldn't be a camera problem, but the apps while seeing the camera aren't getting any input [and no it's not blocked. ]
iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2.4GHz Core Duo/4Gb Ram/320 HD
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May 10, 2009
Having just tried my Apple Remote with my Infra-Red capable iPod Universal Dock, I can't seem to get it to work. I've had it previously working, when I originally got the Dock, around 6 months ago. Does anyone know what may have caused this our how to fix the problem, as I'd really like to be able to use the remote with the Dock again.
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Jun 23, 2012
I had decided to get a retina MacBook Pro earlier, but I have grown tired of never finding them in the stores. Now I am wondering if the non retina would be the best way to go.
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Jun 13, 2012
In future or coming fall wheather imac is enabled with retina display or not
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 6, 2014
I have just upgraded to OS mavericks. My Canon MP550 printer, scanner worked fine on the old Mac. However, with the new Mac the printer works but the scanner doesn't. What should I do to make it work?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Aug 22, 2014
It is running Mavericks OS with Outlook 2011 v14. The issue is we can put different email addresses in but the one we want to use will not work.
-For example: We put put in and it works. We can put in and it works. send receive no problem.
-We change it to and it says it sent but never gets delivered. She can receive just fine. EXACT same settings and same server for all the emails. Also tried and same issue
-We have deleted all of the email settings and started over / no luck
-We have compared outlook to another identical machine /no differences we can find
-We put on 2 different windows machines at our office using outlook and it works fine so I do not see how it can be server related.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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