IMac (Intel) :: Printing Address Labels From Contacts?
Dec 1, 2014
I am not being able to print address labels from Contacts with the correct salutation, e.g.
Mr & Mrs A Smith
All I seem to be able to do is print Adam Smith or A Smith which is fine if he wasn't married to a fireball who would be mightily upset not to be included in the address label particularly at Xmas - neither do I want to print Adam & Fireball Smith ...
Does the apple address book app print contacts/address labels. What I am trying to do is print out my contacts names/addresses onto the precut address stickers for our wedding/save the date invitations (no calligrapher for us lol). There has to be an easy way to do this from this application? I am running the latest version of address book/leopard fyi.
I am trying to create mailing labels from my contacts. When I preview the labels, they are shown with the names as <Lastname> <Firstname>. Is there a way to print them so they would appear as <Firstname> <Lastname>?
how to print multiple return address labels on my new Mac. My computer is state of the art....and I am not....but very willing to learn.... I just bought Office Depots 2/3 in x 1 3/4 in return address labels that has room for 60 labels per sheet and is the same size as the Avery 8195 and 5195. or 3M 3200-Q and 3100-P..
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), HP Photosmart 7520
I have an Epson XP 610 printer on my iMac. This is a new printer but when I attempt to print an envelope from Contacts or an App I purchased some time ago which uses Contacts I get the address but also a rectangular black filled in box area towards the left of the envelope. It does not appear on the preview screen just on the printed copy. All other apps such as numbers or notes etc all print out fine. This has only appeared since I have used this new printer.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have been trying to print out a page of labels using either pages or the address book and have so far failed. I am new to Apple products; I can do it really easily in Word etc.
I'm trying to edit my contacts in Address Book and all of the edit features are grayed out. New to the MAC world...kind of lost about fixing this problem.
I am setting up Constant Contact to do email newsletters for my business. How can I export my groups from my Mac Addresses? CC suggested Address Exporter, but my iMac says can't use because PC Power apps are no longer supported
Info:iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2), Also using iPad 2 and iPhone 4S
My new workplace is a Mac office and uses Mail 4.5 for email. (I'm using a MacBook Pro w/OS 10.6.8). I'm used to being able to assign colors/labels to certain senders in Gmail or Outlook, but I don't see how to do it in Mail.
How do you print a sheet of mini labels (65 per A4 page) using 1 contact from AppleMacbook/iphone contacts? I can only print 1 label. It was quite easy with Microsoft Word but difficult with Apple contacts and not possible in pages.
The very first sign of any problem would occur when I would be scrolling down a page and it would stop, then go, then stop, then go.
I ran Verify Disk In Disk Utility and it said that the disk was OK. Then I ran Repair Permissions. It found a couple of things, repaired them and then it said Permissions repaired. I ran Repair Permissions again and it came up clean.
So I restarted and every thing seemed to be OK. I opened Safari, went to one of my favorite sites and was looking through there for a couple of minutes, then suddenly some of the text in the Tool Bar pixelated, and then some of the text in the site that I was on did the same, and then all of the text pixelated. I clicked on and dropped down the menu to Shut Down and all of the text in the menu were pixelated.
I reinstalled Yosemite with no change to the problem. Then I did an erase and reinstall from Time Machine again to no avail. At this point I am thinking that it is a hardware problem, or am I overlooking something.
Info: iMac 27-inch Quad Core i5, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Memory 16GB 1067 MHz DDR3
How do Iprint to return labels in address book using the avery 8167 labels? While my Mac recognizes the sheet and that it has 20 rows in 4 columns for a total of 80 labels, only 1 label prints. I don't know what to do.
I just purchased Swift Publisher 3 because I thought I could create address labels with it but I can not. Can I unpurchased the App and get my $19.99 back.I am looking my a way to way stickers with Avery labels. Does any one know if a Mac can do that and/or with what program?
I use my Mac for business for years, and until now, I've kept a Windows box to print out mailing labels.I finally got off my butt and got my contacts moved over into address book so I could just use one computer.However, when I went to print a test sheet of labels, I saw that there was no option to print the the Position of my contacts on the label...which I need to do for business.I'd prefer not having to put the "Position" into another field to get it to print, because I like to keep things organized.I'm not afraid of jumping into the Terminal if that's what it takes to get this feature added to my copy.I just need to be able to do it somehow.
After upgrading to Yosemite and then updating the Brother printer drivers for a MFC-7840W that pervasively worked perfectly it no longer send faxes.
Previously after selecting Print you would select SEND FAX then FACSIMILE and at this point you had the option to add from the OS X contacts list, this no longer happens. I've deleted and reinstalled from scratch the printer drivers with no change. This is the same regardless of application you are trying to it from, including Contacts itself. How was it resolved as entering a fax number manually appears to work.
What is happening to my computer. This is the 2nd time it does this: all of a sudden the screen becomes black with reverse fluo colors.
I have to force quite with the push button & restart it. I repaired the permissions & restarted it. It's working again, but I am wondering if I have an alien in it.
Specs details:
iMac, 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4Go 1067 MHz DDR3, running Os X 10.6.8
I am tearing my hair out! Apple Address book is so close to having a workable solution to mass label printing.
Does anybody know how to print address labels from a group in the address book.
I know you can create templates pages for avery labels ect but it will only allow you to print the name rather than select a "nick name"
Any new ideas? I have started to dabble in the apple scripting side of this issues so I am open to suggestions... really anything saves having to write out 3000 addresses.
I just bought a new iMac to replace my 8 year old MacPro and was advised here to install all apps with a clean install rather than migrate 8 years of content over to the new machine.How do I transfer over my Contacts, Mail folders and Safari bookmarks?