when i bootup the imac, it sounds normal but when i want to do the PRAM, after the second bootup while holding command,option,R. it sounds weaker and different than the first one.
I have a 17" Powerbook G4 1.5 GHZ. I lost all sound from one moment to the next. System preferences says Audio output Headphones however no sound from Headphones either. I tried to reset my PRAM, however when I hold down "Option" "Command" "r" and "P" the computer won't restart. The hard drive seems to be stuck at this point and won't go any further. I went to the Apple store and the Genius lost patience and said we should send it out. (I'd rather not)
I have also reset the PMU
Everything else works fine.
I've looked at several other threads and post. Everyone with a sound problem seems to be able to get it resolved with a PRAM reset. However I find nothing on my the problem of not being able to reset..
I recently purchased a 13" 2.26 stock macbook. It's perfect, screen is good (no scrolling issues or purple blues) with no dead pixels, no slanted keys, and no scratches.
I updated the firmware that addresses the SATA 1.5 issue. After the update, I reset PRAM. I held down the buttons till I heard the second or third startup bong.
Here is where it gets funny.
Now, when I reboot or start up my computer, the start up noise is loud. Even with headphones plugged in and also the volume turned to its lowest setting (even with volume turned off). Eventually, to control the startup noise, I had to install the startupsound program in my system prefs as mentioned on other threads and that has seemed to control the startup sound.
I was wondering, if by resetting the PRAM if I have harmed my computer in any way. Should I be worried about deeper issues with my computer since the startup sound was not previously being affected by reducing the volume to zero with headphones plugged in?
I understand the steps needed, but how many times should I reset the PRAM and how many times should I here the startup sound (in total) before releasing the buttons?
recently i zapped my Pram becuase i was having trouble with a external screen but when I turned it on again the screen when to the grey screen with the apple logo and spinning gear but after 2 hours of wating the screen is still the same. What can i do to get back onto my mac?
Updated to OS X Mavericks last week. Ever since, it has been experiencing boot problems.
- If I restart my Macbook Pro (2011 13", lowest model), it will sit at the grey screen with apple logo and spinning grey wheel forever. I notice that my HDD is NOT running (no clicking / writing sounds)
- If I restart with a PRAM reset or holding down option to select Macintosh HD boot, the hard drive starts to run (I can hear it) and it boots successfully... it takes 5+ minutes to boot up. The grey screen with apple logo is presented on my screen for about 4 minutes, then the login screen shows up but I cannot move my mouse or select a login user for 30 seconds. After this, I can log in succesfully.
Recently my MacBook Air has failed to wake from sleep mode. The Apple illuminates on the back of the screen casing, but neither the screen nor hard drive actually wakes up. The only way I'm able to use the computer is by forcing a PRAM reset on restart (command-option-P-R). I've had to do this several times in the last two weeks.
The only things about my MacBook Air that have changed in that time period are:
- I installed OS Yosemite
- I installed and ran Sophos Anti-Virus
(The latter was installed to counteract a problem that I was having with my email address having been spoofed and sending spam. Sophos found two bits of malware in email data files and "cleaned" them up.)
Any time I boot up my i5, I don't have any audio. Putting the machine to sleep then immediately awakening it fixes the issue. Has anyone else had this happen? I've searched the forums and google but could only find threads about boot camp sound issues.
my imac g5 model: a1174 Intel based computer powers on with the light on but no chime sound and a black screen. The fan's spin really really fast and i hear the hard drive power on, i replaced the ram and replaced the bios battery but it didn't
Problem: MBP frozen on boot up screen with Apple logo and turning gear (which freezes after a while aswell)
Solutions attempted: disk repair via custom recovery- disk utility, PRAM
Device: MacBook Pro 15" (early 2010) running 10.9
Additional info-
Never had any issue with the device and this seems to have happened all of a sudden. Installed an SSD a few months ago, and just realised the ssd did not have a recovery partition. However I connected my older hardrive via USB to access recovery which seemed to work fine.
NOTE: for the past few weeks, every now and then I was unable to power the device off and whenever this occurred, there seemed to be a few bugs (ie unable to empty thrash-error 50 and enable to increase/decrease volume/screen brightness). However, holding the power button and restarting it seemed to have fixed it.
Had the same issue but this time around MBP failed to boot up.
My macbook pro won't boot past the grey screen, I've tried reseting PRam, running fsck from single user etc to no avail. All signs would point towards a hard disk failure, but the curious thing is that it sometimes mounts in disk utility when booting from the install CD, so theres a little life left in it yet! I have fairly recent backups of most of my files, but there are a couple I've been working on in the past few days that won't be backed up. So my question is this - is it possible to copy files from my mac HD onto a external drive through the terminal/disk utility while booting from the CD.
Hi everyone, I have a big problem. Today, I noticed that my Macbook Pro was running a bit strangely, with some video being slow and stuff, so I restarted it while it was in Windows Vista through BootCamp. I came back about ten minutes later to see a black screen, and the computer still on. I don't know if it restarted or not. I tried hard resetting it countless times, and messing with the battery like letting it run dry and stuff, but whenever I keep turning it on, I hear the "dong" boot sound, but the screen doesn't turn on, ever.
No I'm wondering if a PRAM zap will help fix the problem, but I really don't want to lose the hard drive and the stuff I have on it. I have a TON of school and work files on there that I simply cannot afford to lose. Will a PRAM zap kill my Windows Vista hard drive or should I even go ahead with it? I really hope that I can fix this problem myself, because the nearest Apple Store (and Geek Squad place that supports Macs) is over 40 miles away, and I really need the stuff for school on Tuesday.
I'm using a 20" white intel iMac and cannot manage to remove a linux boot disc from the optical drive.At first, the only way that i managed to boot to the linux disc in the first place was from the Startup Disk menu in OSX. I could not even get to the Startup Manager ('opt' at boot) or boot straight to the disc ('C').Now i'm in a position where no matter what i do, the system boots to the linux disc. I cannot even force the startup into OSX to try to eject the disc from there. I've tried holding all of these keys/combinations at startup
I lost the startup tone a couple days ago. I repaired permissions, did an SMC and PRAM reset and it makes the tone while doing the PRAM reset but the next time you turn it on it doesn't make a sound.
So I contacted Apple this morning regarding the LCD Backlight Bleed on my iMac (24", early 2008, 2.8 ghz) They made me reset the PRAM, which I figured wouldn't work, and the issue is still there.
They say it'll have to go in for servicing, and I live nowhere near an Apple Store, so they gave me the location of the nearest London Drugs. Am I going to get the same quality of service as I would from an Apple Store? And what is the exact process that they use, do they just replace it with a new LCD?Also, he said that it will be covered under Applecare unless it is ruled as accidental damage, he said that much of the time, the issue is caused by pressure on the back of the case, and that if that was the case, it wouldn't be covered.I can't really see how this would cause it, and I haven't ever put any pressure or anything on the back, but i did buy the iMac used, what are the chances of this being ruled accidental damage?I have the bleed in all four corners of the screen, if that makes any difference.
I can feed sounds into my iMac with line input but no sound comes out vis internal speakers. I can record the input sound using Amadeus and play through gives me sound output. When not using Amadeus although input is set to line in and output to internal speakers no sound comes out. There appears to be some internal disconnection between input and output.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), printer, scanner, ATVs, external hard drives, USB DAC
Every once in a while my sound just either stops working, or won't come on when I begin to play something. I try moving the volume up & down, turning things on & off, plugging and unplugging headphones, etc, and there seems to be no consistent method to get it back to functioning... What could be going on to cause this?
There is a new humming sound coming from my parents iMac, I think it's the processor cooler but I'm not sure. It could be the hard drive as well, I just know it kicks up sometimes when there is a lot of activity. The problem is they don't do a lot on the computer so it scares them.
They are convinced that it is going to die because it's soo old, I think under two years, but this is the second computer they owned. The first was the first 20" G5 iMac that, instead of turning it off the correct way, they just unplugged from the wall outlet. Needless to say it died, but they think it was because their son in law used it too much. I try to tell them that it's because how they turned it off, but they didn't like their son in law, who is now an ex-son in law, so they blame it on him. Yes, I know, my parents are the last people to own a computer.
They also don't want to spend any money on their computer, so worse case scenioro, taking it to the Genius Bar without this computer being under warranty and having them replace the processor fan and/or the hard drive, what would it cost? I think it might just require a new fan for the processor cooler, but what if they need to replace a lot more?
I bought my iMac last month (Late-2013 model) and notice some low/small "tick-ing" sound came out from the bottom section of my iMac i guess. I often hear that when there's no other sounds in my room. It happened whenever i scrolling down web page on Safari or when doing some graphical process on Photoshop, scrolling Dashboard and other graphical-related task.
I have my stereo plugged into the headphone jack but would like the sound to also come from the internal speakers when the stereo is off without unplugging the jack in back.I tried going to the sound control panel but it only lists the headphone jack. Is there a way to do this?
my computer has recently crash due to a game call leaque of legends. During the game, the game has crash, some awful sound occurred and I just force shut down. My Mac, after that my Mac occurred the no entry sign which stands for 1 hour or so.
Speakers work but cannot get any sound output. Running windows 7 on Intel iMac. Speakers sound on booting and graphics in Control panel and on toolbar indicate sound is being recieved but nothing comes out of speakers or headphones.
I was working with logic pro 8 on a project when the APP crashed. Then, the whole computer became real slow. I couldn't open anything without getting the spiraling rainbow circle for at least 3+min and even then the app wouldn't launch. So I shut down normally, which took a while.
After I left it off for about a min or so, I tried to boot again just to get stuck on the gray screen with the apple logo. I did some research on my phone (since I currently don't have internet because I'm moving this week) and found out how to reset the pram. I tried it, and this time it got all the way to the blue screen where it got stuck. I tried resetting the pram a second time to finally get to the log in screen but everything was going very very slow. Unusable type of slow. Opening a new finder window took at least 2 mins and everytime I ran my mouse across the idock, it would freeze.
Ordered new RAM for my Mid-2007 iMac 24" 2.8 from Newegg.Crucial (2x2GB Crucial 200 Pin SODIMM 256MX64 DDR2PC2- 5300 Dual DIE CT2KIT 25664A C667)
I installed them both in their own slots, made sure that they clicked in.when I connect all the cables in and turn it on I get no boot sound.I decided to take one of the new ram out and installed an old one it boots up. It reads that it has 3gbs of ram.
can I boot from my HP iPod via firewire on a 2007 imac or an i7 MBP? in other words, do early iPods play nice w/ intel macs via firewire? the reason I ask is because I'm tempted by OWC's 40GB SSD sale and want to try SSD's without the risk that comes w/ surgery (save for the old iPod).