IMac :: Humming Noise From Speakers When Connected To 27"
Jan 27, 2010
so i love my new 27"; it's simply fantastic.... so far. i encountered a problem when i plugged in a 1/8 to RCA to go to my surround sound system. There is a loud humming sound coming from the speakers when i connect it. i tried to wiggle it and push it further to no avail. the sound was still there. i tried using another cable and the sound was still there. then i tried plugging in my headphones, and they WORK FINE! what the hell is going on and how do i fix this problem?
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Aug 19, 2008
I'm new to this forum and I just bought a new iMac 20" 2.66GHz, I turned on my computer and noticed a weird sound (buzzing or humming noise) not loud but loud enough to here I notice when I messed with the Brightness it went away is there something wrong with that or is that a known issue?
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Sep 19, 2010
After returning 4 21.5" imacs with yellow screens and hard drive noise, I decided to try a 27" and finally a beautiful screen with no problems, no hard drive noise. I was very happy...untill I started hearing a humming noise that sounds like it is coming from the power supply. The noise stops when I put it in sleep mode. I tried a bunch of things to determine if it was the fans or hard drive and that was not it. I am pretty sure it is the PSU humming all the time. This is the first imac with a perfect screen and now it is humming. I am so frustrated.
What should I do? Have the power supply replaced or return it for another one and take the chance of getting one with a yellow screen? I am still within my 14 days of original purchase date.
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Mar 20, 2010
My Mac Pro 8 Core 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon with Leopard 10.5.8 started making a humming noise about a month ago. The humming noise is very consistent in pitch and is always humming whenever the computer is on, except for when sleeping.
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Apr 4, 2012
Yesterday I started up my MacBook Pro that I've only had for about 9 months. I immediately noticed that there was a barely audible buzzing / humming sound coming the inside of the laptop, most likely in the fans. I don't know how long this has been going on, and I really don't know the cause of it. So is this something I should be worried about (the sound is barely audible)? Or is this something that happens after prolonged use of the laptop?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Sep 26, 2009
I just got my iMac yesterday, and its been awesome, but I have one question. The classic "bong" sound at startup, I know that is the result of a successful POST, but mine didn't do one after the 1st startup. I had speakers plugged in to it when I started up the 2nd time, and no sound. I unplugged the speakers, and I got the sound. Is that normal or do I need to contact Apple? I jut want to make sure nothings wrong with my iMac. I checked the POST results in System Profiler and it said Passed.
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Apr 14, 2009 the power unit at the back of the machine - where the power cord goes in.
I happened to be switching out displays at the back of my MP today. Could hear the fan at the lower back portion of the machine (as normal). but this time could also hear a very slight electrical hum just by the power unit -- is this normal (the hum) does yours have this hum?
I never heard it before. guess my head was never that close to it when the MP was on the floor. but since i moved it to the top of the desk my head is closer to it when I switch out the DVI ports
Trying not to be obsessive. I'll run before the white coats turn up by the front door
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May 6, 2012
I purchased a 21" iMac a couple of months ago. Today it started making constant buzzing/humming noise. It's not really loud, but it is noticeable and annoying after a while. It stops if I put the computer in sleep mode or turn it off, but it starts back up the moment I turn it back on again. It sounds like it is coming from the bottom of the screen near the speakers. I have tried adjusting the brightness and volume, but to no avail. I also tried lifting the computer off the desk to see if it was just vibration, but that did not make a difference either.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 11, 2012
I have a 2006 White Intel Imac and I recently replaced the Superdrive with a non apple Panasonic Superdrive Model: UJ-85J-B from a used Acer Laptop. The replacement drive has no sensor circuit board. After putting it back together there was a loud humming noise and I assumed it was the new drive but when I took it out and started the Imac without it the noise remained? Now I am thinking it is the fan just below where the Superdrive sits? I blew out as much dust as I could from this fan and around the bottom of the case and that made the noise just a little less annoying. It sounds like it is about to take off like an jet airplane?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 24, 2014
There is a loud and really annoying humming & static noise when I connect my charger to my MBP. The humming only comes out of the headphones jack, and not the MBP speakers. This really cripples me in my work as I am a music producer.
Mp3 of the noise: [URL] ....
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Jun 7, 2012
My 20.5 inch 2.7GHz iMac is about a year old and has recently started making a low humming/buzzing noise from the top right corner, near the SuperDrive bay. The top of hte iMac feels quite warm when it makes the noise and usually stops if I hold my hand on top of the computer. Is this something I should be contacting AppleCare about?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.7GHz, Core i5, 4GB RAM
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Apr 14, 2004
I hope I'm not double posting. Have any of the other new iMac owners experienced weird frequencies coming from external speakers that are connected to their iMacs?
For example: I have a set of studio monitors that are hooked up to my iMac using a firewire audio interface. Whenever I'm copying data I get an extremely high-pitched frequency coming from my speakers that sounds like my hard drive spinning. Also, whenever I'm scrolling or moving the magic mouse I get a loud buzzing coming from the speakers (especially when scrolling). None of this stuff happened with my previous 20" iMac C2D. I have experienced this issue with all three of the 27" iMacs that I have gone through thus far (due to the yellow tint issue). Does this sound like something I'm just going to have to live with. All of these high pitched frequencies are driving me batty!
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Sep 10, 2010
Last week I recieved my 27" iMac i7 2,93GHz with the 2TB Hitachi Drive.
I ordered this drive because it was said in this forum that this one should be silent.
Now, during access it is not really silent, but thats no problem
What bothers me more is, that there is a permament silent hum. An I can fell this vibration even on the stand (hopefully this is the correct term, I am from Austria, so english is not my native language).
And this vibration is also forwarded onto the table, but it is not really feelable on the table.
So my question is: Some say that their iMac is "dead silent". Mine isn�t, I also can here the fans silently, but that doesn�t bother me either. But this humming is somewhat distracting or annoying.
Maybe I am just to "picky", but do you really have iMacs which are almost inaudible?
Because I do not have any other problems I am not sure whether I should ask for a replacement.
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Aug 16, 2010
My new iMac 27" (i3, 3.2GHz) is not so quiet as my previous iMacs -
I can hear a low humming noise! Not very loud, but I don't like it.
It grabs my attention...
It sounds like a fan motor or a transformer.
I can also feel a corresponding vibration.
Is this normal now? Does anyone else have this problem too?
Would you recommend to return/exchange this iMac?
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Nov 13, 2009
I bought iMac 27" from local apple store two days ago. Everything is fine execpt that there is some weird sound coming from the computer when the screen turns darker to save energy. Once I move my mouse to activate the screen, the sound goes away. I am saying the sound is so load, but it is still noticable and a little annoying in a quite room.
Update: I search "screem+humming+dim" and turn out actually a lot of iMac owners have this problem. Is it a technical issue Apple fails to resolve in general?
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Apr 16, 2009
I noticed in the past week that when I scroll through a webpage I can hear a clicking sound (similar to the one from the MM) coming out of my speakers? This also seems to happen when I scroll through my iTunes library but in this case it's a humming sound, when the scrolling stops so does the noise. I've tried muting the speakers but the sound is still there, has anyone else experience this before?
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Dec 9, 2014
Just set up a new Mac Pro (8-core) and plugged in my old M-Audio powered speakers (about 10yrs old but still going strong!). I use a mini-jack splitter cable that outputs stereo RCA to the speakers, plugged into the speaker port on the nMP. There is a constant, low hum coming out of one of the speakers; it sounds a little like CPU noise and it is NOT affected by volume settings from the Mac or the speaker knob. It's the right-side speaker which is unpowered, connected to the left unit via speaker wire (the left unit has the power switch and audio inputs and is not affected.)
I've tried moving the speaker wire up and away from power cables (two Dell monitors directly next to the speakers) but that doesn't work; it doesn't sound quite like a DC hum anyway though. The speakers aren't heavily shielded (they usually pick up interference from an iPhone placed too close) so maybe it's always going to be an issue. I used to have them plugged into a 2006 Mac Pro via an analog mixer which I've removed from the chain.
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May 24, 2010
the external speakers (and the earphones) I use for my i-mac suddenly stopped playing sound from my imac. They do work though when I plug them to the i-pod. My imac speakers work perfectly. Any ideas what's happening?
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Mar 31, 2009
There is a new humming sound coming from my parents iMac, I think it's the processor cooler but I'm not sure. It could be the hard drive as well, I just know it kicks up sometimes when there is a lot of activity. The problem is they don't do a lot on the computer so it scares them.
They are convinced that it is going to die because it's soo old, I think under two years, but this is the second computer they owned. The first was the first 20" G5 iMac that, instead of turning it off the correct way, they just unplugged from the wall outlet. Needless to say it died, but they think it was because their son in law used it too much. I try to tell them that it's because how they turned it off, but they didn't like their son in law, who is now an ex-son in law, so they blame it on him. Yes, I know, my parents are the last people to own a computer.
They also don't want to spend any money on their computer, so worse case scenioro, taking it to the Genius Bar without this computer being under warranty and having them replace the processor fan and/or the hard drive, what would it cost? I think it might just require a new fan for the processor cooler, but what if they need to replace a lot more?
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Oct 22, 2007
I'm connecting my mbp to my new lcd sony bravia via dvi to hdmi lead and then connecting the sound via headphone jack to tv's 2 x phono, however i'm getting lots of audio noise bleeding through tv speakers underneath the main audio feed, i'm certain that its not a dodgy lead as iv'e tried 3 of them, however if i unplug the dvi lead the noise goes away, is it possible that the hdmi input is conflicting with the phono connection somehow.
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Jan 11, 2010
I recently got a brand new 17' unibody MacBook Pro. Although it was brand new, there have been a flare ups. The last time I had the problem, (note: it is always while watching a YouTube video) this is what I captured before quickly closing the window.
That was New Years day. The first time I experienced this problem, I got nothing on the YouTube player and while skipping throughout the video to get it to stream, a noise that can't even be explained screamed out of the computers speakers. Today, I just had the same problem. I have no clue what it is except that I do know it comes from the speakers. Could anyone elaborate on if something similar has happened to you?
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Jan 22, 2010
Yesterday my speakers stopped working. It's not software based, the audio drivers are working properly. Whenever a sound that is over a certain volume is played, you can hear a pop come from the speakers. For instance, if I play a song that has fluctuating volume, every time the volume goes up, there's a pop, and every time it goes back down, there's a pop. The volume the computer is set to doesn't effect this. Even if it's muted, there's still a pop that's the same volume as if the volume is turned up all the way. Any ideas what could be causing this?
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Sep 26, 2007
Just got my 15 LED SR Macbook Pro. When I plug my bose speakers in at my desk and listen to itunes, I am getting a static pop sound. Should I take it back or is it fixable? By the way, LG panel and no yellow 1/3 of screen. Initially thought it was yellow, but I calibrated it, and now it only looks yellow if viewed from the side. Head on, white. One thing I have noticed, when I watch movies on it in the dark with the brightness turned down (cause this thing is a torch), I am getting quick flashes when a screen has high contrast light and dark. I am very sensative to LCD flat panel TVs that use a colorwheel. Like a JVC dilila, I see rainbows! Is that normal for an led flat panel to see "quick white flashes of light"?
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Oct 13, 2009
Okay, So i have my Unibody Macbook Pro (late 2009) hooked up to external speakers (RCA Home Theater system with a standard audio cable). Everything works fine and there is no buzz or sound except for the music of course until I plug my printer in. I know the obvious solution is to unplug the printer when listening to music but the printer is shared and other people print off of it etc. and I was wondering if anyone knew why this happens.
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Nov 5, 2007
I am trying to hook up the digital audio output on my cable box to the digital in on my dual 2.0 G5 running 10.4.9, 1 gig RAM. I have HDMI and component video out to monitor, but I use JBL creature speakers and sub for audio.
I have the propper cables and routing, sounds prefs set to digital in, and line out, to go to JBL creatures and first I get no sound at all. If I start AudioHijack and use same input and output settings all I can get is a hissing/clicking sort of sound. Same with using Soundsource and LineIn.
Audio MIDI Setup only shows or giveds me Built-in Audio for selections under system settings and properties for. Ausio Input and output show Master stream grayed out and I selected digital in and Line out for my sources and no change. Both ar set to 441000.0 Hz 2ch-24bit as well.
Dual 2.0 G5
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Oct 8, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro MC666ll/a. It is a core i7 15" with the AG screen. The issue I am experiencing is a random static noise coming from my speakers every now and then. If i have external speakers plugged in then the sound comes from the external speakers. Is this normal?
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Jan 9, 2010
Occasionally I'll be listening to music or just changing the volume and a sharp popping sound will occur from the internal speakers and then they shut off. No sound can play it all. To fix the problem I just have to reboot and then the speakers work fine. Does anybody know why this happens?
This happens on my iMac sometimes and it just happened on my new MacBook Pro and I'm wondering if it's damaging the speakers in any way.
Edit: I don't remember what I was doing on my iMac to cause this, but I do know what caused it on my MacBook Pro. I was recording my canary singing (don't ask why) using Quicktime Pro, and then listened to it (it worked fine). I imported it into GarageBand to crop it and when I previewed it there to figure out where to crop the file, my speakers popped and GarageBand gave me a warning about the current track not being optimized or something. Note that never happened on my iMac.
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Sep 1, 2010
My new 25" HP 2510i monitor arrived today, all is good except from the speaker system, I can either have the iMac's built in speakers used or the built in monitor speakers used. Is it possible to combine them both and use both?
The monitor's audio interface connects to my iMac via the headphone jack on the back of the system.
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Jul 1, 2007
I have the Mac Pro and I have an external hard drive that I connect via the front FireWire panel on the Mac Pro. When the drive is off and the FireWire cable is connected to the computer, I get a "buzz" in the speakers. When I turn on the drive or disconnect the cable, the buzzing is gone? Any ideas?
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Jun 14, 2009
I'm a recent PC to iMac convert and have hooked up my iMac to my TV receiver (DVI to HDMI connector and a Toslink cable to the audio). The issue is as soon as I plug in the audio connector the iMac speakers stop working. I'd like to leave the connector plugged in and still be able to use the iMac speakers. Of course when I play a movie on the TV I'd just mute the iMac speakers.
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