MacBook Pro :: Humming / Static Noise When Charger Is Attached

Jun 24, 2014

There is a loud and really annoying humming & static noise when I connect my charger to my MBP. The humming only comes out of the headphones jack, and not the MBP speakers. This really cripples me in my work as I am a music producer.

Mp3 of the noise: [URL] ....

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IMac :: A Weird Humming Noise/buzzing Noise?

Aug 19, 2008

I'm new to this forum and I just bought a new iMac 20" 2.66GHz, I turned on my computer and noticed a weird sound (buzzing or humming noise) not loud but loud enough to here I notice when I messed with the Brightness it went away is there something wrong with that or is that a known issue?

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MacBook Pro :: Making Humming/buzzing Noise?

Apr 4, 2012

Yesterday I started up my MacBook Pro that I've only had for about 9 months. I immediately noticed that there was a barely audible buzzing / humming sound coming the inside of the laptop, most likely in the fans. I don't know how long this has been going on, and I really don't know the cause of it. So is this something I should be worried about (the sound is barely audible)? Or is this something that happens after prolonged use of the laptop? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook Air :: Dim Green Light When Charger Attached

Sep 7, 2014

I have macbook air 13inch 2011 model. 2 days back It wasn't charging and dim green light was showing. I visited service center which is far from where i live.They said battery was short, they removed battery and placed it back and my mac started working. I came back home, next day again same issue. Do you think its charger fault now i don't have correct screw driver to open my mac and unplug and plug battery again. And i cant visit service centre again. Should I get new charger ? Why i faced same problem after visiting service centre they said it wont happen again.

MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

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OS X :: Mac Pro 8 Core Making Humming Noise?

Mar 20, 2010

My Mac Pro 8 Core 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon with Leopard 10.5.8 started making a humming noise about a month ago. The humming noise is very consistent in pitch and is always humming whenever the computer is on, except for when sleeping.

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MacBook :: Static / Noise On When Idle

Dec 22, 2008

This has been driving me nuts for a few months now. My macbook keeps emitting a sound very much like static. Only today, I realized that this sound goes away when the processor is working. So if I scroll down in Safari, open a New Folder, etc, the sound briefly pauses before resuming again. Almost sounds like a refrigerator. It bugs me a lot lot. Anybody else having this issue? Or has Apple been able to fix this for anyone?

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MacBook Pro :: Static Noise When Connecting To TV?

Jul 29, 2009

I connected my MacBook Pro to my TV (non-HD) using a 3.5 to L/R composite for audio (from headset hole) and an Apple DVI to S-Video/composite for video. I'm using the S-video part of the adapter. I get good sound out of both channels, but when I connect the S-video cable, I immediately get static feedback from the stereo speakers (the L/R composites are connected directly into my stereo receiver and the S-video goes into my TV).

The video quality is fine when it's connected...

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IMac :: Fixing 27" Humming Noise?

Sep 19, 2010

After returning 4 21.5" imacs with yellow screens and hard drive noise, I decided to try a 27" and finally a beautiful screen with no problems, no hard drive noise. I was very happy...untill I started hearing a humming noise that sounds like it is coming from the power supply. The noise stops when I put it in sleep mode. I tried a bunch of things to determine if it was the fans or hard drive and that was not it. I am pretty sure it is the PSU humming all the time. This is the first imac with a perfect screen and now it is humming. I am so frustrated.

What should I do? Have the power supply replaced or return it for another one and take the chance of getting one with a yellow screen? I am still within my 14 days of original purchase date.

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MacBook Air :: Just Started Making Static Noise?

Feb 14, 2012

It is also getting warm. The static is continuous and I have turned it off and back on. It starts up again. This just started tonight.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Pro :: Does Your 2008 MP Give A Slight Electrical Humming Noise?

Apr 14, 2009 the power unit at the back of the machine - where the power cord goes in.

I happened to be switching out displays at the back of my MP today. Could hear the fan at the lower back portion of the machine (as normal). but this time could also hear a very slight electrical hum just by the power unit -- is this normal (the hum) does yours have this hum?

I never heard it before. guess my head was never that close to it when the MP was on the floor. but since i moved it to the top of the desk my head is closer to it when I switch out the DVI ports

Trying not to be obsessive. I'll run before the white coats turn up by the front door

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IMac :: Humming Noise From Speakers When Connected To 27"

Jan 27, 2010

so i love my new 27"; it's simply fantastic.... so far. i encountered a problem when i plugged in a 1/8 to RCA to go to my surround sound system. There is a loud humming sound coming from the speakers when i connect it. i tried to wiggle it and push it further to no avail. the sound was still there. i tried using another cable and the sound was still there. then i tried plugging in my headphones, and they WORK FINE! what the hell is going on and how do i fix this problem?

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Intel Mac :: Making Constant Buzzing/humming Noise?

May 6, 2012

I purchased a 21" iMac a couple of months ago. Today it started making constant buzzing/humming noise. It's not really loud, but it is noticeable and annoying after a while. It stops if I put the computer in sleep mode or turn it off, but it starts back up  the moment I turn it back on again. It sounds like it is coming from the bottom of the screen near the speakers. I have tried adjusting the brightness and volume, but to no avail. I also tried lifting the computer off the desk to see if it was just vibration, but that did not make a difference either.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: White 2006 Loud Humming Noise?

May 11, 2012

I have a 2006 White Intel Imac and I recently replaced the Superdrive with a non apple Panasonic Superdrive Model: UJ-85J-B from a used Acer Laptop.  The replacement drive has no sensor circuit board.  After putting it back together there was a loud humming noise and I assumed it was the new drive but when I took it out and started the Imac without it the noise remained?  Now I am thinking it is the fan just below where the Superdrive sits?  I blew out as much dust as I could from this fan and around the bottom of the case and that made the noise just a little less annoying.  It sounds like it is about to take off like an jet airplane? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Random Static Noise Coming From Speakers

Oct 8, 2010

I have a Macbook Pro MC666ll/a. It is a core i7 15" with the AG screen. The issue I am experiencing is a random static noise coming from my speakers every now and then. If i have external speakers plugged in then the sound comes from the external speakers. Is this normal?

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Intel Mac :: 2011 20.5 Inch Making Humming/buzzing Noise?

Jun 7, 2012

My 20.5 inch 2.7GHz iMac is about a year old and has recently started making a low humming/buzzing noise from the top right corner, near the SuperDrive bay. The top of hte iMac feels quite warm when it makes the noise and usually stops if I hold my hand on top of the computer. Is this something I should be contacting AppleCare about?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.7GHz, Core i5, 4GB RAM

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MacBook Pro :: 13" Makes Static Whining Noise Mid 2009

Oct 20, 2009

My brand new MBP 13" (Mid 2009) makes a high pitched whiny sound that appears to come from the upper left corner ( where the MagSafe connector is). It is not caused by the display because even when I turn it off (the display) the sound is still there. It goes away when I turn off the computer, tougth. Also it's not caused by the MagSafe because when I disconnect it the noise doesn't stop. I have used gogle and the forum search and found people with the same problem. Those people could fix it by starting photobooth. Same works for me. So I guess it's the processor. What I want to know is: is this normal? Because most of the other people who I found who have this problem had a 2006 MBP not a 2009 like me.

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PowerPC :: Annoying Static Noise Coming From Powerbook

Dec 10, 2006

My Powerbook has been making a static-y sound from the back of it at random times. It sometimes won't do it all day, and then it will randomly start, and won't go away for a while. It's actually doing it right now! I've tried putting it to sleep for a few minutes, but it started back up again when i woke it up. There, it just stopped again! It can last from a few minutes to an hour, completely randomly! This problem started when I had Apple replace the logic board on the Powerbook a few months back, and numerous repairs later, nothing has changed, so I'm hoping someone here has an easy fix!

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PowerPC :: Makes High Buzz Static Noise And Crashes?

Jul 8, 2008

My mac has worked great for the last 2 years since ive owned it and it just started to act a lil differently about 2 weeks ago. I started to notice that it started to act a lil slower than normal when i was surfing the internet. Then a couple of days ago the computer started making like a buzzing noise , kinda sounds like interference . Like when a cell phone gets close to a stereo system. Sometimes the noise will go away and then when i start opening diff app. that use computer cpu the noise happens again. It was just making the noise and i was dealing with it until the computer started to crash. It would look like the screen was on fire and everything would just freeze. Do you guys think it is the hardrive ?????? and if it was what would be my best option for fixing this. Can i save the stuff that is on my current drive ?? I have a bunch of stuff that is very important on this hardrive.

whats the best place to buy a hardrive if i need one ? and can i buy a hardrive that can hold more than the stock 74.53 toshiba MK8025GAS ?

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MacBook Air :: Have Static/noise Coming From The Speaker On It When No Audio Is Coming Out?

May 14, 2012

I'll be using the Air and all of a sudden there will be static or electrical buzzing coming out of the right speaker on my 13" MacBook Air. It's about 16 months old.

MacBook Air (13-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac :: Extremely Loud Static Noise / System Crashes To Black Screen

Oct 13, 2009

Very occasionally the screen on my iMac (early 08 24") goes blank and it makes an incredibly loud static sound that's independent of the volume control setting. The power then needs disconnecting to restart the machine. Haven't been able to tie it to any specific program. Apple Care asked I leave it on logged in on a new user account (at the time I originally thought it only happened in sleep mode, but have since discovered this is not the case).

It's happened maybe 3 or 4 times in the same number of months. I've only found one similar case on the net, with someone suggesting it was Safari 4 beta, which I've found not to be the case with mine. It's on extended warranty. I think there's something seriously wrong with it (it's already had the hard drive and power supply replaced).

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MacBook Air :: Keep The Charger In After A Completely Charged Or Pull Out The Charger?

Sep 28, 2008

Is it better to keep the charger in after a completely charged or pull out the charger. Basically I'm wondering if the power is pulled from the UPS after the battery is completely charged or is it still constantly charging the battery.

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ITunes :: Sidebar Shows Two Devices Are Attached When No Devices Are Attached?

Feb 28, 2012

My iTunes sidebar shows that I have two devices are attached when in reality no devices are attached.  I delete them and every time I open iTunes, they show up again in my sidebar. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Low Pitched Electrical Whistling Noise / Crackling Noise Emitting From Magsafe

Dec 20, 2010

I just got my 2.0ghz Alu Macbook a few days ago and everything works perfectly well, the thing is that after day one the magsafe started to emit a low pitched electrical whistling noise. It tends to be there a few minutes after booting into the OS and then it turns down to almost unhearable, but I experienced it returning after a few hours of use and then disappearing again. If I move close to the escape key I can hear a crackling noise emitting from the magsafe.I'm not trying to be overly nitpicky or anything but I read somewhere that if it's doing that it would be a faulty Mag-Safe board or something.

Does any one you guys know anything about this? I have the 14 days to return it as I bought it online from the Apple Store so if it's a faulty part that might die/break/ cause problems later I might have to.

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MacBook Pro :: 17-inch MBP Makes Noise And Vibrations / Loud Mechanical Noise Coming

Oct 1, 2009

Sometimes I lift and carefully move my 17-inch MBP a short distance to another flat surface without putting it to sleep mode, it starts making really loud mechanical noise when I put it down, so loud that people in the same room can hear the noise and I can feel vibrations too! What causes this? Where does this noise come from? Is my MBP defective?

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MacBook Pro :: System Making Mechanical Noise / Noise Before Start Up Sound

Dec 26, 2010

My first generation unibody Macbook hasn't had any problems to this date but now it's constantly making that mechanical loading-like noise which is usually heard when the Macbook is switched on (the noise before the start up sound) or when the lid is opened to wake up the computer. Is there a fix to this?

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MacBook Pro :: Hinge Makes Cracking Noise / Loud Popping Noise When Adjust Screen Position

Jun 6, 2009

On my 13" MacBook Pro, the hinge makes a cracking noise on the right side of the computer (near the power button) when the screen is positioned all the way back.The entire hinge also makes a loud popping noise when I adjust the screen position. The screen seems very tight, and it takes a little bit of effort to move the screen, and when the screen is moved it makes the loud popping noise.

This is probably going to make some of you guys cringe, but sometimes putting pressure down on the top of the case close to where the black hinge meets to unibody enclosure seems to stop the popping noises. Putting downwards pressure on the hinge, or flipping the computer over and putting pressure on it that way, also seems to alter how much popping noise there is.

If I mess around a bit with applying pressure on different parts of the computer around the hinge, I can usually eliminate the noise. But, the cracking noise when I put the screen all the way back is still there.Any ideas what to do? It's not interfering with the operation of the computer, it's just incredibly annoying and this is only a four month old machine which shouldn't be creaking and cracking already.

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MacBook :: PISMO G3 Squealing Noise - Noise Coming From Under The Keyboard

Jul 14, 2008

Has anyone else had problems with an old G3 Pismo making an annoying squealing noise when plugged into a charger? There's a lot of noises mentioned in mac/apple forums but none of them relate to this one. Here's what it is not:

It's not coming from the screen or the fan or the speakers (it's under the keyboard). It's not low or slightly annoying (it is a loud squeal). It happens only when the power adaptor is plugged into the laptop.(it used to cease after I unplugged the power adaptor and plugged it back in three times; now that solution doesn't stop the noise anymore). It charges ok, and runs ok, scream or no-scream. It's quiet right now, but if I move the adaptor to another plug it will start again.

I was going to live with this, but today after an hour of operating quietly it just started again, and I hate to leave the house with this going.(it will scream whether the laptop is on or off. I have a really old battery and cannot replace it (I am currently staying in Mexico for the summer). Battery life is 45 min. I haven't tried pulling the battery out. That would be too easy.

This all started when I bought a replacement power adaptor (generic),after the original one melted down, but I could stop the screaming by unplugging/plugging it in again once or twice. Then I bought an expensive iGo adaptor, and it does the same thing.

I Did the PRAM and PMU reset.I can hear it over music or the tv. It grew lower in pitch today after squealing for a half hour. I'd normally not let it go on that long, but i was
in the other room.Is my PISMO dying?

(400 mhz pismo G3 500 sdram, osx-10.39, no os-9 or Classic, new 80g HD)

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MacBook Pro :: Fan Noise Or Hard Drive Noise?

Oct 25, 2008

I just got my macbook pro yesterday and ran it all yesterday not hearing anything. Today when I woke it from sleep I could clearly hear the fan or hard drive going. I was in a quiet room and it's quite annoying.

istat says its at 2000 rpm so thats when I started thinking it may be the hard disk. It does pulse every now and then but thats even while it's just sitting idle.

I guess I could live with it but its just annoying. Anyone else having this?

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Mac Pro :: 2010 Stop Humming?

Nov 8, 2010

sometimes but not always my mac pro starts to hum.

its on hardwood floors, and if i just gently move it a nudge, it stops humming.

is it the floor or an issue.

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Mac Pro :: Samsung F1 Oscillating Humming?

Mar 15, 2008

I replaced my main drive, the 320GB with a 750GB Samsung F1. It seems to work fine. However it seems to have set up some sort of sympathetic vibration in the Mac Pro, which sounds like Hummm Hummm Hummm. Where as all the other things that cause noise in the case are a consistant and steady tone, this one is not. It's driving me nuts. Is this normal to be making this noise? I've tried it in different bays and it makes no difference.

UPDATE I've taken all the drives out except the F1, as I installed another DVD drive and three HD's and the noise has gone, so I'm now going to load each drive and review.

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